40,000 Years of Cultivation

Chapter 2489: Victory Meeting

After all, Boss Bai's hopes fell through.

The cultivators of the Flying Rainbow Fleet were completely shattered by Li Yao's stab. They all froze in place, their legs were so soft that they couldn't stand up, and they didn't dare to run away. They dared to attack. "Arsonists" like gods and demons?

Coupled with the erosion of the all-pervasive battle net of Xiaoming, Wenwen, and the boxing champion, they have completely shredded their full set of command and coordinated combat systems, making every starship an island in the boundless sea of ​​stars, completely isolated - and floating. There is not much difference in the iron coffin in a vacuum.

The appearance of the two giant soldiers, Boss Bai and Long Yangjun, "Thief" and "Tianjing", are the last two straws that break the camel's backbone.

If there is only one giant soldier, perhaps with intensive firepower, there is still a way to repel it, but facing three giant soldiers, it is completely impossible to resist the loss of the command center, the scattered sand, and the chaotic flying rainbow fleet.

You can’t fight, you can’t escape, all the remaining starships of the Feihong Fleet burst into pale light, gradually condensing into a circle, like a dead fish spitting out bubbles-this is the passage of the empire, representing Xuanguang semaphore of surrender.

In the end, it was far from taking the hour that Boss Bai said, but in just half an hour, this short encounter was over-it can be said that it was ended by Li Yao!

The losses of the Great White Star Pirates Group and the Cultivator Fleet were far smaller than estimated, but they ushered in unexpected gains. In addition to the large number of starships in the Feihong Fleet, more importantly, there is an exciting news-Li Yao is here. !

Everything that Li Yao did in Nietu Paradise, especially the shocking performance of destroying "Sky City, Manzhushahua", has spread throughout the entire empire through the pervasive spiritual web.

Although many people do not know his name, even on the most remote resource planet, in the darkest mines, there are people who are teleporting the name of this "super cultivator", and some even regard him as a legendary resistance to the empire. The cultivators of thousands of years come to worship.

The core members of the Cultivator Fleet were all rescued by Li Yao himself from the Wuying Realm. They naturally knew part of the truth and were full of gratitude and admiration for Li Yao.

Needless to say, the backbone of the Great White Star Pirates Group, they are all members of the Federation, how can they not know the truth of "Three Realms Supreme, the Father of the Federation"? Besides, in the battle against the Black Wind Fleet, Li Yao led more than a dozen giant soldiers. The picture falling from the sky is still vivid!

"Li Yao! Li Yao! Li Yao!"

This name and the shock of the ghosts and spirits just now caused the morale of the Great White Star Pirates and the Cultivator Fleet to soar tenfold. It is no exaggeration to say that as long as they are led by Li Yao, even if they are to attack the most elite of the empire The immortal cultivator fleet, they all dare to give it a go!

The celebration of the double victory reached its extreme when the tattered transport ships carried by Alloy Virus, Champion, Stainless Steel Mouse and Li Yao arrived at the Star Harbor of the Blue Sky Market. The entire port was detonated by Li Yao's arrival.

Of course, Li Yao's almost exactly the same appearance as Boss Bai caused a little consternation.

However, this stunned atmosphere was quickly broken by countless children holding flowers and balloons running past Li Yao, and pounced on Boss Bai.

"Grandpa Bai, thank you for saving us, for saving our parents!"

"Grandpa Bai, you are a hero, and you and Brother Li Yao are both the most powerful and powerful superheroes!"

"Grandpa Bai! Grandpa Bai! Grandpa Bai!"

The children scrambled to climb onto the stunned, distorted, and creepy Boss White. There were even a few very cute little guys pouting and trying to stamp Boss White's face with their saliva.

"What a touching scene—"

Li Yao looked at this scene and laughed heartily, and then let out a long sigh of relief, "This round, I finally made a bet again!"

While the children flocked to Boss Bai, Li Yao naturally also has his own supporters-Han Te and Liuli, two little guys who have gradually grown up.

"Old Yao!"

"Old Yao!"

Han Te and Liu Li wanted to pounce on Li Yao from the left and the right, but Han Te was the first to go and hugged Li Yao.

"You finally came back, old Yao!"

Hante was both excited and excited, hot tears burst out, "I heard that you have mixed into the immortal cultivator in the imperial capital, and have experienced a lot of thrilling things. Liuli and I are really worried about you, for fear that something will happen to you.

"But think about it now, haha, it's impossible at all, how could something happen to Yao Lao so powerful?

"However, how did Yao Lao cut your sword? It's too dazzling, too exaggerated, too powerful, right? Can you tell me, oh, I suddenly felt that the practice of the knife is also good and promising, and one side is the practice of the knife. , On the other hand, what should I choose? After all, a talented wizard like me, in fact, can double repair with swords and guns, right?"

Li Yao listened to Han Te with a smile, and it was great to know that these little guys who had escaped from the evil land paradise came to Boss Bai without incident.

But what's the matter with Liuli, why is she hiding aside, seeming to be depressed?

"Liu Li--"

Li Yaochao waved to the little girl and said strangely, "What's the matter with you, aren't you happy to see Elder Yao? Why can't you come?"

"No, of course I am very happy to meet Yao, but I don't want to see Han Te, a nasty ghost!"

Liuli pursed her lips, her eyes were red, and she complained to Li Yao very aggrievedly, "Old Yao, Han Te bullied me!"


Li Yao blinked quickly, looked at Liuli and then Hante, his face sank, "Hante, you and Liuli left home and wandering outside. Naturally, you should support each other. How can you bully her?"

"Old Yao, I was wronged!"

Hante raised his hands high and shouted injustices, "I have not bullied Liuli. I haven't seen her for a long time. I finally met her today. After a little chat, she stomped her feet and ran away in anger. Time to bully her?"


Liuli put her hands on her hips and glared at Hante, "You don't have time to bully me, you just have time to bully those little sisters, don't you?"

"You are totally unreasonable!"

Hante also turned his head to Li Yao, "Old Yao, you give us a comment..."

Li Yao scratched his head and understood, but he was helpless: "Hant, you can come to me to discuss any super conspiracy, crisis of extinction, saving the universe, etc., but this one is bullied between young men and women. Hahahaha, Yao Lao has nothing to do. Although Yao Lao is a married man, my wife took the initiative to pursue me, so I still lack the experience in this area..."


On the other side of the port, the boxing king also manipulated thirty or fifty psionic puppets, looking for them in the crowd.

Although the appearance of Xiaoming and Wenwen is no different from those of the children rescued by Li Yao, the unique brainwave rhythm made the boxing champion find them out of the crowd at once.

A cold steel puppet, imprisoned by the excitement of discovering the same kind, appeared in front of the two little guys and released a friendly spirit wave towards them.

"Hello, I am the champion of boxing. In the Xinghai Battlefield just now, we have already contacted."

"Hello, Master Boxer, I am Xiaoming, I am Wenwen, we are Li Yao's children, and we are-sons of mankind."

After a few moments of communication, the two little guys, one on the left and the other on the right, climbed onto the broad shoulders of the steel puppets and walked towards the depths of the harbor.

These unique existences seem to have a lot of information to communicate and a lot of data to communicate.


Not far away, Long Yangjun carried his hands on his back, roaming the harbor like a stroll in a leisurely courtyard, watching the towering warships.

The bows of most battleships are still smeared with the battle emblems of the Li Wuji Fleet, the Flying Rainbow Fleet, or the Twenty-Eight Star Pirates Group, but they all look like beasts that have been domesticated to be submissive, following the Federation Star Pirates and the Imperial Comprehensions. The order.

So many starships gathered together, repaired and upgraded in the blue sky market for a month, under the command of Boss Bai, with "tip soldiers" such as Li Yao and Long Yangjun, plus Xiao Ming and Wenwen's fully strengthened Battle.net command chain and Magnetism confrontation ability-Long Yangjun believes that such a luxurious combined fleet definitely possesses the ability to shake any elite of the empire.

Although it is not enough to unilaterally confront the reformists or the four big families, it has at least become a crucial bargaining chip in the game between the two sides.

I thought that not long ago, when they were in the deep underground of the imperial capital, in the raging flames of the big iron factory, they rushed to the army of immortal cultivators without hesitation, but they did not expect that the situation would be so fast and such a earth-shaking change would take place.

"Li Yao..."

Long Yangjun gathered his long hair and smiled slightly, "Being with a funny guy like you, you really don't have to worry about nothing exciting happening!

"Black Star Great Emperor Wu Yingqi, is this the last enemy of this game, what else is there next?"


The celebration at the port lasted more than three hours before the cultivators, federal star pirates, and the people who had just been rescued gradually evacuated and were properly placed in suitable places.

The holographic images of the Star Sea Wars, especially the gorgeous scene of Li Yao beheading the flagship of the Flying Rainbow Fleet with a single knife, were also played repeatedly in front of the prisoners, destroying the last trace of resistance of the prisoners.

There were still some prisoners who were ready to move, when they learned that the Great White Star Pirates Group had eaten the Flying Rainbow Fleet with one bite of exhausted soldiers, they couldn't help being shocked, and they were deeply impressed by the commanding art of Boss Bai and Li Yao's ultimate combat power. .

In the world of cultivating immortals, the strong are respected. Now, Li Yao and Boss Bai are the strong ones they have never seen before. Apart from the desperate surrender and following, there is no second choice.

The fleet stationed anchors, gathered the remnants, placed "strong men" and imprisoned prisoners of war, and so on. It took more than a long time to find the clues. Boss Bai, boxing champion, Long Yangjun, and Li Yao finally took a breath and sat down to talk. The ins and outs of the talk about the causes and consequences.

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