40,000 Years of Cultivation

Chapter 2494: Lock yourself up! (Fourth!)

Li Yao faintly guessed what the "reason" Long Yangjun was talking about, and his breathing gradually became quicker.

Long Yangjun smiled slightly and said: "Think about it, under what extreme circumstances do you think talents would willingly give up his emotions and will?

"Oh, don’t think about it at all. Just look at what we’ve just experienced. The deep underground capital of the imperial capital, the big iron factory, and the Wuyoujiao incident will know-extreme lack of resources, extreme pain and oppression, extreme despair, Under the interaction of these conditions, people can take the initiative to give up everything, including emotions, without deception or coercion!

"So, is it possible to have extreme fear?"

Li Yao was silent for a moment, knowingly asked: "What is the ‘extreme fear’ of something?"

"You already guessed it."

Long Yangjun said indifferently, "Hong Chao, the'extreme fear' of the'Flood Chao' that can destroy everything, obliterate everything, and eliminate everything.

"For a long time, we have speculated that the Pangu Civilization Alliance did not have the ability to cross the black wall. It was blocked by technical means within three thousand worlds, which led to a series of tragedies such as lack of resources, emotional obliteration, the temptation of gods, and Nuwa rebellion. Staged.

"But if you change your thinking, suppose that when the Pangu Civilization Alliance reaches its peak, it has the ability to cross the black wall and explore the outer domain?

"Think about it. Put you in the role of a leader in the heyday of the Pangu Civilization Alliance. Your civilization is composed of thirteen highly developed carbon-based beings with courage, wisdom, technology, and morality. You can already absorb stellar energy as you like. And to create a new life form, you are naturally ambitious, aggressive, and want to conquer the entire universe, both known and unknown.

"Nothing can seal your ambitions, a mere black wall, how can you give up your emotions and lofty ideals? It's a joke!

"Using the most advanced and developed technology of the entire civilization, you have built a large and incredible expeditionary fleet, overcome all kinds of dangers, and solved countless intricate and unknown problems. Finally, you have finally crossed the imprisonment of civilization. The moat, the "black wall" made up of barren voids, has come to a universe that is ten thousand times more vast than three thousand worlds!

"It seems to be a bright, happy ending, isn't it?

"It's a pity that outside the black wall, the picture of the universe is completely beyond your imagination - this is not a place full of abundant spar and psychic energy, or even a'dark forest' that is at least full of vitality despite the danger, and It's a piece of scorched earth, a barrenness, a piece of residue that has just been ravaged and chewed by the'Tide Tide', all life, all civilizations, no matter good or evil, advanced or primitive, physical or corrugated, All were destroyed by the'Flood Tide'.

"Do you have enough imagination to think of such a picture? After all the dangers and sacrifices, I finally crossed the black wall with the hope of the entire civilization, but outside the wall is such a catastrophe and such destruction , Such a cataclysm raging by floods!

"What's even more frightening is that the'Flood Tide' that destroys everything has probably not gone far. Since you can climb outside the wall and discover the existence of the'Flood Tide', there is a high probability that the Flood Tide will naturally find and destroy you— -The three thousand worlds where Pangu civilization is located!

"In this way, Three Thousand Worlds and my hometown-the dark nebula where the Ancient Sacred Realm is located are really somewhat similar. They are all covered by a wall that seems impermeable and extremely thick, and any information and matter are extremely difficult to penetrate. The barrier was shrouded.

"This barrier is not only a bondage, a seal, and a curse, which isolates the civilization inside from the world, unable to communicate with the outside, so that it is isolated in the universe; but from another perspective, it is not a kind of protection. ?

"If it were not for the dark nebula, the ancient sacred world would have been involved in the **** battle of the ancient repair era 40,000 years ago, or was discovered by the monster race, or involved in the battle of the collapse of the Xinghai Empire, or was it conquered by the real human empire?

"For the same reason, beyond the three thousand worlds, there is such a desolate and empty "black wall" protection, then from the outside, it is very possible to think that this is a large piece of deadly place with nothing, it is lifeless. The ocean and the extremely arid desert-as everyone knows, there are islands in the middle of the ocean, and oasis in the middle of the desert!

"Perhaps,'Hongchao' is because of the existence of the black wall, and is not interested in expending energy to explore whether there are prey behind the black wall, so I temporarily let us go. Anyway, the rich food such as'magic civilization' has been enough for it to eat for a while. That's it!

"But if the'Hundred Tide' discovers that a fleet has sprang out of the seemingly desolate and empty black wall, then it can immediately infer that there must be a highly developed civilization in the depths of the desolation and the void. , Do you think it will let us go lazily?"

Li Yao was asked by Long Yangjun in a cold sweat, speechless.

"Oh, my guess is not rigorous. Perhaps the expeditionary fleet of Pangu civilization did not directly discover'Hongchao'. If they discovered Hongchao, Hongchao would most likely find them too, then we would be dead!"

Long Yang Jundao, "What they found was the residues, remains or tombs of civilizations after being swallowed and ravaged by the floods, such as the exile fleet of magic civilizations, and through the residues, remains and tombs of these alien civilizations, Know everything, know the existence of Hong Chao.

"But the conclusion is the same, that is, the leader of the Pangu Civilization Alliance, and even everyone knows that there is something called'Hong Chao'.

"Is Hong Chao a force capable of destroying the entire three-dimensional universe, or a fierce beast from a four-dimensional or even higher dimensional space, or even a certain law of self-will? This is not important. The important thing is that it hides in People behind the black wall cannot be discovered by Hong Chao absolutely, absolutely, and absolutely. Once they are discovered, everything is done.

"No matter how you muster your courage, mobilize wisdom, and condense your will, the Pangu Civilization Alliance at that time never had a one-hundred-thousandth chance of being able to contend with the flood tide. Once discovered, destruction is the only ending.

"This is not pessimism, but a fact, an objective and irrefutable fact, do you agree?"


Li Yao said with great difficulty.

"Very good, then as the leader of Pangu civilization, how would you make a decision based on this fact?"

Long Yangjun kept chasing him, "Especially for the expeditionary fleet that has crossed the black wall and explored the Outland."

"I'm afraid I can only call them back."

Li Yao sighed and smiled bitterly, "The longer they stay'outside the wall', the more likely they are to be discovered by the'Hong Chao'. The consequence of being discovered is the destruction of the entire civilization. At most some survivors seem to be magical. Like the civilized fleet in exile, they fled their homes and fled, living a life of dying struggling, lingering or dying.

"Recall is the only decision."

"It is the only decision, but not all decisions."

Long Yangjun said, "If you think about it carefully, it is extremely unnecessary and unwise to let them continue to exist after recalling this fleet. This fleet was born to cross the black wall, but now it crosses the black wall. It has become a dangerous act that threatens the existence of the entire civilization. Even if only one starship escapes across the black wall, it is possible that the flood tide will discover our existence, which will lead to the destruction of the entire civilization.

"But as long as there is a starship capable of sailing to the outer world, who can guarantee that no ambitious, bold, and reckless guy will steal the starship and do stupid things?

"Therefore, in order to survive the Pangu civilization, it must block or even destroy its own long-distance voyage capabilities. Pangu civilization does not need the technology to cross the black wall, even if it is not forever, at least until the flood tide is confirmed to have completely receded, it will never be needed!"

Li Yao couldn't help clenching his fists.

Human civilization has developed for 100,000 years, and what we are striving for is the technology of crossing the black wall and sailing to the outer domain. Did the Pangu civilization really master this technology, but... had to destroy the technology and annihilate it?

This is really a pity, too sad, too sigh!

But if the "Hong Chao" really patrols outside the black wall, or even stares at it, looking for the next prey, the self-sealing approach of Pangu civilization seems to be again, reasonable, and inevitable.

"Aware of this, another problem that once plagued me was also solved."

Long Yangjun said deeply, "This question is that I once discussed with you that Pangu civilization destroyed its crystal brain technology on a large scale, and forcibly suppressed the level of crystal brain and spirit net to a level not much higher than that of human civilization.

"In the beginning, we all thought that Pangu civilization was afraid of the birth of ‘artificial intelligence’ and that it was to prevent the birth of ‘artificial intelligence’ or ‘virtual life’ and that we spared no effort to suppress our own crystal brain and psychic level.

"It now appears that it is very likely to be wrong again. Even human civilization has countless people of insight. They are not afraid of the arrival of the artificial intelligence era, and they are even willing to live peacefully with information life and use information life to improve their civilization. —— Isn’t there such a man of insight and visionary leader in Pangu civilization?

"No, maybe what Pangu civilization fears is not artificial intelligence, but the rapid development of artificial intelligence, which will inevitably lead to a big explosion of Xinghai Voyage Technology. Once something similar to'GHOST' is produced, countless starships can cross the black wall. It is simply not something that the Pangu civilized authorities can stop.

"That said, as long as a starship equipped with artificial intelligence escapes the black wall and is sensed by the flood tide, the entire civilization will be destroyed.

"Therefore, in order to prevent a sampan from going into the sea, simply lock up or even suppress the level of research and development of crystal brains and spiritual nets, and never let the artificial intelligence that assists starship navigation be born, and plug all loopholes from the root cause. Hong Chao will find them.

"Hearing this, you should fully understand, Li Yao, perhaps it is not the endless black wall that obstructs the development of Pangu civilization, but the fear. It is their extreme fear of the external domain and the flood tide, which makes them self-seal and self-designate. Limit, self-destruct, lock themselves up!"


The fourth one is sent, Ho Ho Ho Ho, Lao Niu is going to have a convulsion!

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