40,000 Years of Cultivation

Chapter 2495: Chaos before the end

Li Yao shuddered at what Long Yangjun said.

The virtual black tide in front of him seemed to have become a universe without stars.

The seemingly dark void is the best protective color, because the power that patrols outside the darkness is a hundred times darker than the darkness, an unstoppable power...

"Even if you guessed it right--"

Li Yao's voice was like the cold wind blowing out of the ice cave, with a biting chill, "Seal yourself, there is no need to completely deprive your emotions-play so absolutely, right?"


Long Yangjun sighed and said, "In the past, we thought that Pangu civilization was due to the extreme lack of resources, and we had to plan carefully to obliterate the emotions and desires. After all, the various violent activities and even the most extreme wars brought about by emotions would greatly accelerate the resources. Depletion, leading to the premature exhaustion and collapse of the closed world.

"But this is just one of the reasons, not important reasons.

"Second, and more importantly, emotions bring desires, and for a highly developed intelligent life body, its strongest desire is certainly not primitive survival and reproduction, but curiosity, desire for exploration, and desire. The outside world keeps advancing, sprinting, and constantly breaking through all boundaries, all the way to the edge of the universe, and then the ambition of the universe!

"Even if the leader of the Pangu civilization at that time could disband the expeditionary fleet, and even destroy the crystal brain, the spiritual net, and a series of technologies on how to use the phantom energy, it will be difficult to guarantee that these technologies will not be guaranteed for tens of thousands of years and hundreds of thousands of years. It will be developed sneakily, and there will be ambitious and unscrupulous young people who will drive a new generation of starships that are assisted by artificial intelligence and driven by phantom energy to rush out of the three thousand worlds!

"After all, the universe is too big. Even the three thousand worlds of the'little' are actually vast expanses of stars, and it is absolutely impossible to fortify them everywhere. As long as they have the heart, someone can escape out.

"It's the same sentence, always remember this sentence-even a ship, a person, or even a cell in this world can't escape. If you escape, it's scanned by the flood, then it's over!

"Then, in order to prevent the problem before it happens, and to solve this problem from the source, it is not enough to destroy the technology and dismantle the starship. It is also necessary to completely eradicate the desire, curiosity, exploration desire, curiosity and even imagination. When looking up at the vast sea of ​​stars, there is no fluctuation in the depths of my heart-such an individual is the safest existence for Pangu civilization as a whole.

"If you want to kill desire, you must first suppress emotions.'Emotion' and'desire' are two sides of the same coin, and it is safe enough to eliminate them at the same time!"

Li Yao opened his mouth and thought for a long time, but had to admit that Long Yangjun's statement was reasonable.

Isn’t it curiosity and imagination that distinguish human beings, the spirit of all things, from other obscure beasts?

As long as humans still have curiosity, as long as humans have imagination, when people look up at the starry sky, they will always want to know what is behind the star screen. In the end, countless people will give their wisdom, courage, blood and sweat, and all their lives. --rush out!

Come to think of it, the original Pangu civilization is the same, right? When looking up at the starry sky, there are stormy waves and volcanic eruptions deep in your heart, right?

"Third, it is also the most important reason for'have to be deprived of emotions'——"

Long Yangjun continued to say deeply, "Far away from fear and maintain order, so that Pangu civilization can maintain a minimum orderly operation and preserve the seeds of civilization."

Li Yao was startled slightly: "What do you mean, as long as you withdraw the expeditionary fleet and retreat into the black wall, won't you stay away from fear? What kind of order should be maintained?

"You are thinking too simple. Perhaps Pangu civilization has never seen Hong Chao. It just collected a few words about Hong Chao from the remains of other civilizations. Their fear comes from deep in their hearts. How can they stay away?"

Long Yangjun’s expression is both sad and indifferent. In other words, in order not to expose the deep sorrow in his heart, try to pretend to be out of irrelevant indifference, “I don’t know if you have heard such a sentence-when the end comes, The world is not destroyed by the end, but by the chaos before the end.

"Human nature, never overestimate human nature too much. Standing on the scale of the big universe, both humans and Pangu civilization are nothing but a small dust. In the face of great terror, cataclysm, and great end, the vast majority of humans and Pangu civilization Civilized individuals can't bear it.

"Li Yao, if everything I said just now is true, how do you feel, do you feel shocked, terrifying, or even desperate?"


Li Yao scratched his head and said, "It's a bit shocked, a bit horrible, and it's not wrong to lose all thoughts and complete despair. Hahahaha, how can I say that I have experienced a lot of battles. I have never seen any big scenes. Chao, what's so scary? If Hong Chao is so powerful, jump in front of me and hit me now, come, come, Hong Chao, you **** jump out and hit me, hit me, hit me, idiot Look, nothing happened. This shows two points. Either Hong Chao is not omniscient and omnipotent, it also has weaknesses, at least it can't detect our conversations, and it can't move over instantly.

"Either, even Hong Chao was afraid of my "Vulture Li Yao" three points, so that I was so **** that I didn't dare to show up to find his way!"

Li Yao cursed at the starry sky with his hands on his hips for a long time, and then he was serious about Long Yangjun.

Long Yangjun: "..."

Li Yao: "Hey, hey, what do you mean? What do you mean when you turn around and leave? Everyone is very happy and engaged. It's about the point. Where are you going without saying a word?"

Long Yangjun: "I want to talk to Xiaoming and Wenwen. I think discussing with these two little dolls is more reliable than chatting with you."

"Don't don't don't, anyhow finish what you just said!"

Li Yao left Long Yangjun behind, and even swears, "I won't do it if I don't speak, just listen to you!"

Long Yangjun half closed his eyes, took a few deep breaths, and then reluctantly said: "Forget it, asking you is unnecessary, I will continue according to my own thoughts——

"Leave aside freaks like you, and a peerless powerhouse like Boss Bai with an incomparably determined Dao heart. For most ordinary people, even those who have a powerful force but are not strong enough in Dao heart, Hong Chao exists. Not skimp on a doomsday catastrophe.

"Outside the world in which we live, there is still a force that we cannot resist or even imagine. This force did not destroy us, just because of our good luck-but such good luck can never last forever. Go down! One day, Hong Chao will find us, find us, and swallow us lazily!

"Thousands of civilizations have been destroyed by the flood, and no matter how we develop our own civilization, we can't prevent the coming of destruction-this is called'doomed to be doomed'!

"Do you understand, Li Yao, this kind of cognition will cause extreme fear in everyone's heart, will completely ruin the hope of a civilization to continue to develop, and will make the flames of despair sweep every planet in the three thousand worlds. Before the flood tide came, it crushed the entire Pangu civilization!

"Since destruction is inevitable, what's the point of the hard work now to build civilization?

"Since breaking out of the three thousand worlds has become an absolutely taboo thing, where should the future road of Pangu civilization lead?

"There is a terrifying beast outside at any time ready to eat us. How should the pangu civilized individuals face their daily lives in fear?

"No one can answer these questions, but everyone will slowly wake up to the unacceptable answer. In the end, all individuals will lose the meaning of life, and they will be addicted to all kinds of primitive sensory stimulation and sensuality. , In the form of self-rejection; in particular, there will be all kinds of psychopathic lunatics and madmen, simply breaking the jar, ending your civilization in the most extreme way, you can imagine it as some kind of...civilized suicide!

"And the government? Hehe, the government at this time should have lost all authority, glory and ruling ability? Since even the government can't cope with the floods, what is the use of such a government?

"Pangu civilization will degenerate at an alarming rate, and will quickly enter anarchy. Everyone will collide back and forth between the two extremes of complete despair and complete madness. It is like all suffering from the most severe bipolar disorder, perhaps short-term. In just a hundred years, the Pangu Alliance created by thirteen carbon-based intelligent races will be ruined for that incomparably splendid civilization!

"Just ask, as the leader of Pangu civilization, after foreseeing such a bleak future, in addition to depriving the people of emotions and desires, all people are free from fear, continue to live and work in a'normal' way, and maintain a civilized life. What else can be done besides minimum operation?"

Li Yaoming thought about it for a long time before entangled: "It seems that this is the case. Actually, people are alive. Material is not the most important thing. The key is whether you can see hope. As long as there is hope, it doesn't matter how difficult life is now, but The road to the future is completely blocked by floods. If there is no hope of development, the entire civilization will be lost. There will be a great probability that the government will fall, order will be chaotic, and civilization will collapse.

"Speaking of which, to obliterate emotions and desires, and lock down all technological development, it won't be a problem in the long run. In the end, isn't it still a dead end?"

"This may be a stopgap measure."

Long Yangjun said, "Perhaps, the Pangu civilization leader who made this decision at the beginning thought that Hong Chao would not patrol this area forever? After tens of thousands of years, hundreds of thousands of years, or even millions of years, Hong Chao will always leave. , Go to other places to forage, then think of ways to unlock the space of emotion, desire and technological advancement, so that the seeds of civilization that have been running for at least a million years will re-flower and bear fruit, and even climb over the black wall and rush into the universe-this Isn't it just'escape from the dead'?"

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