40,000 Years of Cultivation

Chapter 2496: The stone-hearted old hunter

"It seems... that's right."

Li Yao thought about it for a long time. Although Long Yangjun's words contained mostly illusory speculations, they were logically justified.

Long Yangjun was talking, as if entering a certain trance state, reaching out to touch the dark tide created by the light curtain, her voice suddenly became old and deep, she murmured: "I belong to the Pangu civilization. The leader drew a sketch. In my opinion, the Pangu civilization leader who made this decision is like an old hunter deep in the dark forest, rich in experience, deep in the city, determined and even hard-hearted.

"No, it's not just the old hunter, he is also the village head of the small tribe named'Pangu'.

"As an old hunter of the village chief, he has gone through untold hardships, with incomparable wisdom, courage, blood and even conspiracy, struggling to survive in the dark forest, and even like you, full of a heart eager for light, ended ten The brutal hunting among the three hunters formed a tribe together and brought peace and light to this small dark forest.

"Then, they didn't know how much effort they put in, how much blood and sweat they shed, cutting down weeds, cutting down big trees, preparing supplies, mapping maps, and finally, one day they rushed out of the forest that had trapped them for millions of years!

"However, leaving this long-cursed dark forest, the first picture they saw was the skeleton. It was the skeleton of a behemoth that was larger and a hundred times more ferocious than the Beastmaster they had ever encountered before—even so. The giant beasts are all their little tribe can’t resist, let alone the disaster that killed this giant beast?

"Then, they may have encountered the traces of the raging flood-such as the swallowed behemoth, the washed-up mountains, the tens of thousands of meters of gully rivers, and the dying survivors learned about Hong The tide is terrible.

"The old hunter has dealt with countless enemies and resolved various disasters in his life, but he has never encountered catastrophes, catastrophes and horrors such as the'Flood Tide'. He was frightened. Of course he will be frightened, and he must also be responsible for his tribe, responsible for all hunters, old and weak women and children.

"So, the old hunter retreated silently, completely gave up his plan to rush out of the dark forest, and was haunted by great fear for the rest of his life.

"He listened to the movement outside the dark forest in a panic all day long, listened to the approaching sound of the flood tide, thinking about how to avoid the flood tide's scanning and sniffing.

"I also plan carefully the food and various resources in the tribe to see if my children can survive the next million years before going out.

"Of course, children’s nature is exploration, that is, laughter and singing and dancing, but these things are absolutely forbidden-exploration may cause disaster, and laughter and singing and dancing will consume a lot of resources and may be flooded. Tide heard.

"Furthermore, when there is laughter, there is pain, when there is singing and dancing, there is crying and screaming. The children will taste joy today, and tomorrow will be like the old hunter, entangled by the horror of the flood for a lifetime, and plunged into eternal pain!

"So, for the sake of the children and the tribe, simply ban it, seal it all, and obliterate it!

"Of course the children don’t like such a cruel or even inhumane “village chief grandpa”. Those young and energetic, fearless and fearless, have not participated in the expedition team, have never seen the young hunters outside the forest, and do not like him either. He exaggerated the fact that Hong Chao is not that scary at all, or even there is no flood at all. There are great contradictions between them, and the contradictions may even develop into wars. In the most extreme cases, the old hunter has to do it himself. To kill the children who laughed and sing, and pierce the young hunter's chest with the poisoned dagger.

"Li Yao, for you and me who have clearly seen the end of this little tribe after a few million years and know the general trend of history, of course, you can ridicule the old hunter's timidity and criticize the old hunter's. Cruel, lashing his way of exterminating humanity-after all, he used so many extreme methods, and ultimately failed to preserve Pangu civilization! He failed, this is the biggest sin.

"But no matter how powerful and advanced the Pangu civilization is, it does not have the power of an unknown prophet. At that time, before all the consequences were revealed, they were haunted by great fear. The entire society and the entire civilization may collapse. At the very moment, can you say that this old hunter's decision is not justified by him? Can you say that by changing you to this old hunter's position, you can think of a better way?"

"I... can't think of it."

Li Yao honestly said, "In the past, I liked to laugh at and criticize those people-Xiao Xuance, Lu Zui, Tianma Mo Xuan, oh, maybe you have to add this old hunter of Pangu civilization, but to be honest, It is always easy to point out their mistakes, especially from the perspective of future generations. Isn't that just an afterthought!

"However, when I myself really face the ignorant future, the imminent threat, and the incomplete or even completely wrong information, but I have to make a dilemma, I only know that it is difficult. It's really hard!"

Long Yangjun looked at Li Yao in surprise, and smiled: "It seems that you who are determined to embark on the path of the Great Devil, have a really different mental realm, and have improved a lot. You can even experience the hardships of the great devil in the past. That's it!"

Li Yao smiled awkwardly, and suddenly thought of a detail Long Yangjun just said: "By the way, you just said that the young hunters disagree with the old hunter's judgment, thinking that the flood tide outside the dark forest may not be so. Horrible, they still want to take the risk and rush out to take a look-is this meant to be meaningful? Who is the'young hunter' referring to, ah, I see, Nuwa!"

"Russ can be taught!"

Long Yangjun was really surprised, half-truth praised Li Yao, nodded and said, "Yes, if the important factor of'Hongchao' is added to the prehistoric battle between Pangu and Nuwa, it will be more interesting. It is also more reasonable.

"The Pangu and Nuwa tribes did not fight for the simple and rude reasons of'whether they want to preserve their emotions and desires', but went a step further, to'whether they want to activate their emotions and desires, and explore the vastness beyond the three thousand worlds. Xinghai', fighting for such a reason!

"Of course the Pangu people insist that we should hide behind the black wall, deep in the dark forest, at least as a tortoise with a shrunken head for a million years.

"The Nuwa tribe is the'young hunter'. They have joined the alliance for the shortest time. They probably don't know the terrible flood tide. They are also very dissatisfied with the authority of the Pangu tribe. They will never be convinced of the authority of the Pangu tribe. Obliterated ambition.

"Such two extreme opposing forces will of course cause war. Don’t forget, for Pangu civilization, any starship that wants to break out of the three thousand worlds is a threat to the entire civilization. In addition to obliterating it, it also Is there a second option?"

Li Yao listened intently: "This... is too exaggerated. Is there any evidence?"

"Can you count it?"

Long Yangjun said, "Nether energy is emotional energy, a higher form of psychic energy, and even the pre-technology for rushing out of the three thousand worlds. Only the starship driven by the nether energy can rush out with the greatest probability.

"In order to seal itself, Pangu civilization destroyed all the techniques for studying phantom energy, but the Nuwa clan secretly studied it. Isn't it obvious that their ambitions are?

"Also, the extraterritorial celestial demon-the Nuwa tribe was eroded by the extraterritorial celestial demon to fight with the Pangu tribe. The so-called'extraterritorial' is naturally beyond the three thousand worlds, and even the world beyond the black wall. I think, the so-called ' The extraterritorial celestial demons are very likely to be civilizations destroyed by the flood, fragments preserved in the form of certain energy or information, and penetrated into the black wall, and have a certain impact on the carbon-based intelligent life in our world. .

"To put it simply, the civilization destroyed by the flood, scattered with fragments of billions of remnants and ghosts, you can also say that these destroyed civilizations, the last obsession!

"These lone ghosts, fragments of ghosts, and the last obsession, penetrated into the black wall, and after hundreds of millions of years of change, they became'extraterrestrial demons'-then it's no wonder that the Nuwa tribe was eroded by extraterritorial demons. , Not only awakened a wealth of emotions, but even unlocked the use of nether energy at once, mastered superb technology, and was able to compete with the other twelve tribes led by the Pangu tribe alone!"

"Hey Hey hey!"

Li Yao exclaimed, "You said last time that the'external demon' is the'desire demon', which is naturally produced by the human brain, and now it is said that the extraterritorial demon is the remnant soul of countless civilizations destroyed by the flood tide outside the black wall. Why are you finished talking about the black and white, are you sure?"

"A combination of internal and external factors!"

Long Yangjun curled his lips and said, "The emergence and development of things must rely on the combination, contradiction and mutual promotion of internal and external factors. In the Pangu Civilization Alliance, some of the Nuwa people in the Pangu Civilization Alliance will be obliterated in any case. No emotions, there are still countless eager emotions, desires, or devils in my heart, and then attract the obsessions of those civilizations destroyed by the flood. Once the two sides are combined,'pop', the new Nuwa clan born!

"These obsessions with destroyed civilizations may contain extremely strong hatred and resentment towards Hong Chao. I hope that a new young civilization can destroy Hong Chao on their behalf.

"It's also possible, uh, to lure the Nuwa clan out to find their own way of death with some kind of malice of'My civilization has been destroyed anyway, it's not as good as everyone die together.'

"Even, these obsessions have been stripped of the elements of wisdom and rationality, but at the moment of being destroyed by the flood, absolute fear, absolute chaos, absolute mania-just like what we said in the past, the original meaning of'chaos'.

"In short, the brand-new Nuwa clan can no longer bear the repressed and boring life in the black wall. The universe is so big that they must rush out to see it. This has a fundamental contradiction with the Pangu clan. They can only fight to death! "

Li Yao was stunned when he heard it: "You... are telling a story. Did you imagine or infer such intricate and bizarre things?"

"Some are, some are not."

Looking at the black tide, Long Yangjun’s eyes became almost transparent, as if millions of years of history were condensed in it, and his voice became more and more ethereal, "Some are my deductions, but some are derived from my cells, genes, and even my soul. Memories of the place——I wonder if you have such an experience. Originally, you were hazy about your past and didn’t remember anything clearly, but as you chatted, you saw or heard something familiar, fragments of countless memories. The son gushes out, suddenly remembering many, many things?"

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