40,000 Years of Cultivation

Chapter 2498: Abnormal people hold a meeting

In the early morning of the next day, the artificial sun was shining, the psychic birds were singing and the flowers were scented. When the strong men such as Bai boss, boxing champion, and Long Yangjun gathered together again to discuss, they found that Li Yao had already arrived, and the meeting room was refurbished by him, and the atmosphere was completely different. .

The table was full of flowers and fruits. Xiao Ming and Wenwen stood at the door, draped diagonally, and shouted "Welcome, welcome" to them stiffly. There was a bright red banner floating above the meeting room, which said " Pangu Universe High-end Abnormal People Forum".

Boss Bai, Boxing King, and Long Yangjun stared at each other and were speechless. After a long time, Boss Bai spoke on behalf of them: "Li Yao, what the **** do you mean?"

"This is a theme I have conceived for this conference!"

Li Yao greeted him with a smile and explained, "The so-called'Pangu Universe' is our small, three thousand worlds shrouded by an endless black wall. The term'three thousand worlds' is too narrow. And it's easy to be ambiguous. Our cultivation civilization has three thousand worlds. Maybe the magic civilization is composed of many worlds. The'Pangu universe' is much more accurate. I suggest that everyone use this term to call our homeland from now on. "

"No, Pangu universe doesn't matter, but what is an ‘abnormal person’?"

Boss Bai stared, "You are not normal!"

"Compared to... ordinary Pangu universe residents, I am indeed a little abnormal."

Li Yao was calm and composed, or said, "Not only I am not normal, but you are all a little abnormal-this is why we got together, and it is also the focus of today's meeting!"

"Come and come, please sit down, everyone, let's not talk nonsense, let's go for a stroke now-last night, I walked into the night and went to talk to you separately. I believe everyone also understands the frank meeting. importance.

"First of all, no matter how...abnormal high-end people, facing the vast universe, the power of individuals is always small, even if we bury the secrets in our hearts, we should be a hundred times stronger on our own. I am afraid that it is not enough to contend against the dark and cold universe, nor can we realize our dreams.

"My'Vulture Li Yao' needs everyone and everyone's help. I believe that each of you will sometimes need my help.

"What's more, everyone is smart, no matter the human brain or the crystal brain, the computing power is smashing, even if a certain man does not say it, can others not guess it? Well, didn't Bai Boss guess the punch? The identity of the king, the boxing king guessed that we are from a country of cultivators outside the empire? Fortunately, you two are wise enough to have no real conflict, but there is a trace of doubt and precaution buried deep in your heart, which is always inevitable. Right? As time goes by and the situation changes, this doubt and defense will not expand and become a real rift, leading to a real merger?

"Boss Bai, Long Yangjun, you escaped from the Federation one after another. Your identities have long been exposed. There is no reason why everyone in the Federation knows everything, but you still have to conceal this... Normal person, right?

"The same is true for me. I have grown from an unknown magic weapon tomb trash bug to today, a superhero who is tyrannical, dominates the stars, is invincible, and is admired by hundreds of millions of superheroes. How can you not doubt it? ?right!"


Boss Bai said coldly, "I act, Boss Bai, why don't you hide it from anyone, don't look at me so scared, sneaky!"


The boxing champion also said calmly, “I have repeatedly deduced your proposal hundreds of times yesterday. Indeed, exposing my secrets will bring certain risks, but considering the benefits of closer cooperation, this risk is calculated as a whole. It's still worth the risk."

"That's great, then let us introduce ourselves again!"

Li Yao grabbed an apple, took a bite "click", the juice splashed all over the bite, looked at the incomplete opening in the apple, finally made up his mind, and said, "I, vulture Li Yao, as everyone knows, comes from Xing Yao. The Floating City of the Federation-Boxing King. This used to be a few of our common secrets, but now it has become your secret. I hope you can understand our trust in you.

"Everyone knows most of my experience, but the secret I never told the third person except my wife is-I have been having a weird dream since I was very young, The dream of the earth, a dream where'magic' and'ABCD' will appear, this dream may be the source of my strength!"

Li Yao briefly described the dream about the earth, and finally said: "I am not sure what is going on. It was a certain'earth person' who crossed to the Starry Federation and took away the dying body of a Federation baby. Well, it was just some kind of...information wave from the earth that traveled through time and space and was received by a federal baby.

"This point, please help me out."

Everyone listened quietly, until this moment, there was still no sound in the atmosphere, and they fell into deep thought.

It's not that there is something strange about the seizure or information transmission-this is the world of cultivation after all, and weird things such as seizure, resurrection, empowerment, and memory overlap are emerging in an endless stream, including the rebirth of Boss Bai.

In just a hundred years, Li Yaoneng has become one of the best masters in the border regions of the Pangu Universe, and he is naturally fortunate.

But the "center of the convergence of multiple civilizations", the so-called "earth", and Li Yao's "Vulture Project" where Li Yao wants to destroy the earth are too mysterious and too imaginative.

Especially, combining the earth and Hongchao, even the computational power of the boxing champion or Xiao Ming and Wenwen can't support such a complicated deduction.

"Let’s not complicate simple issues, just treat it as this... The earth is in a certain dimension outside of the Pangu universe. There is a powerful life form of that dimension called'Earth Li Yao' before dying. It is similar to the way of "devil disintegration", all the information that constitutes his life is parsed, stripped, compressed and packaged, sent to our Pangu universe, and received by your immature brain."

Boss Bai muttered, "And since this high-dimensional space called the Earth is the center of the integration of multiple civilizations, it is very likely to be a refuge, a refuge where multiple civilizations can avoid floods, where there are both cultivation and With magic, it's reasonable."

"Do not."

The king of fighters said, "If the earth is really a refuge from floods, why does it have to be a ‘high-dimensional space’ and why can’t it be a ‘low-dimensional space’?

"Imagine a two-dimensional life without thickness. As long as it is perpendicular to our line of sight, we can't see it at all, and it hides perfectly.

"In other words, when a high-dimensional life observes a low-dimensional life, there is a blind spot for observation. Then, assume that survivors of many civilizations have to avoid being swallowed by the flood and find ways to reduce their dimensionality and hide themselves to the flood. Is it safer to observe blind spots?

"That is to say, if the three-dimensional universe where we live is used as the standard, the earth is very likely to be a lower-dimensional-two-dimensional world, the evidence? The evidence is that the people on earth cannot cultivate or use magic, maybe they are reducing their dimensionality. At the same time, their abilities are all limited, and they can only use fantasy to recall the taste of these abilities."

"That's not right."

Long Yangjun listened intently, and couldn't help but join the discussion, "If the earth is just a'two-dimensional refuge', it can't explain Li Yao's vulture plan. Why does he want to destroy the earth?

"It was mentioned in the dream that countless civilizations have been'imprisoned' on the earth, falling into a certain kind of endless cycle, meaningless reincarnation from generation to generation-what does this mean?"

"Stop, everyone stop first."

Li Yao hurriedly pulled the topic back, "Until there is no more information and evidence, these illusory topics are useless to discuss, let's continue with the topic just now, I have finished talking, who will come next?"

"Come on, I have nothing to hide. If anyone thinks that I am upset, then I will do it!"

Boss Bai said with a sullen face, "My name is Bai Xingjian. It is made up of the remnants of two people. One is called Bai Xinghe and the other is Yan Xinjian. No, maybe a mouse is added, plus five. A hundred is still the soul of a thousand mice, here is my story..."

Boss Bai told his life.

First, Yan Xinjian was despicable and shameless, how painful he struggled, how he commanded the star pirate army to defeat the cultivator's fleet, and finally how bad he was when he attacked the gods. He ended his life full of evil under the curse of his wife, and turned into five. Hundreds of mice have suffered half-life and half-death.

Then Bai Xinghe watched Xiao Xuance, "the leader of the cultivation world" kill his parents, how he fell into the Spider's Nest, how he was forced to explore the dark and dangerous underground battle fort by star thief, and how he rose step by step with anger and hatred. , And finally for the sake of his son in vain, turned his head and died with the powerful enemy.

In the end, how did the two extremely sinful remnants meet in the underground darkness, and after several years of fermentation and condensing, they finally rushed out of the ground and found the corpse of a newly dead child "white mouse", borrowed the corpse to return to life, and launched a new generation The journey of Boss Bai!

"Naturally, I am not a good person. No matter by the standards of the Federation or the Empire, I am an extremely vicious thug, so even if someone wants to avenge me, or cut my head to receive a reward, it is justified. "

Boss Bai finished speaking calmly, squinted his eyes and glanced around, and said lightly, "However, if you want to kill me, you must have the consciousness of being killed by me. I will not die until my dream is realized. No one , There is no power, no **** or devil can stop me from advancing towards a higher dimensional universe!"

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