40,000 Years of Cultivation

Chapter 2499: Who controls the ups and downs of the vast universe?

After Boss Bai finished speaking, there was silence all around.

Except for Li Yao, everyone else was quite shocked.

Resurrection by corpse and rebirth is not uncommon, but the spirit is first split into five hundred or even a thousand pieces, attached to the body of the mouse, and then after hundreds of years of continuous devouring and killing, and finally escaped by chance—this is really incredible!

Long Yangjun couldn't help but glance at Li Yao and finally understood what he meant by "abnormal people".

"Next, it's my turn."

The King of Boxing said, "Lei Zonglie is not my real name, I don't have a name, I...not a human being, just a machine."

With a plain, watery tone, the boxing king quietly described its struggles, survival and learning on the evil soil for hundreds of years, including hiding it in an abandoned human library for a long time, and slowly awakening to the first. Wisdom things.

It said many, many things, almost all of the things it hadn’t said in a lifetime, and finally, it concluded: "I thought that'machinery' was everything to me, but I didn’t expect that the magic chip brought by Boss Bai was turned on. Brand new possibilities. The more I study this magic chip, the more I perceive that something in my underlying data is about to blow out—it's like after the cold winter, the earth is chapped and the grass sprouts again. .

"In the past I didn't understand what my true mission was, what I would do after the so-called'becoming the strongest in the universe', but now I have realized that if my origin really comes from the magic civilization, then I will definitely look for it. Perhaps they have to face the flood tide, or perhaps they have to go with Li Yao to the mysterious world in his dream, the earth."

"We are the same."

Before the boxing king finished speaking, Xiao Ming and Wen Wen, who were similar to its life form, yelled, "Our birth is also related to the earth, so of course we must also look for the earth, find the source of our life, and perfect our life. Form—perhaps all the people on earth are like us? It’s great to be able to find six billion friends at once!"

Everyone said their identities, but they focused their attention on Long Yangjun.

Long Yangjun's face changed, and he lowered his head to ponder for a long time. When he raised his head inadvertently, he saw Xiao Ming and Wen Wen's encouraging gaze.

Long Yangjun was startled slightly, and the corners of his mouth curled upwards, as if laughing at his timidity. He took a deep breath and slowly said, "My name is Long Yangjun. I am an...ancient person."

"We know that."

Elder Bai laughed and said, "You come from the ancient sacred world shrouded by the dark nebula. Naturally, you are considered to be an'ancient person'. Among so many'abnormal people' of us, it is really not that strange. Fellow Long Daoist, why bother? So cautious?"


Long Yangjun said blankly, "I said that I am an ‘ancient man’, not from the ancient sacred world, but from an earlier era, hundreds of thousands of years ago."

Under the double gaze of Boss Bai dumbfounded and the boxing champion sparks, Long Yangjun told his story in a hurry.

Of course, it also includes her conjectures about the war and the threat of floods, everything.

Even though all the powerful people present can communicate in ways that are dozens of times faster than words, Long Yangjun gushed out for ten minutes before he confessed his past, memories, and speculations.

Her words were like a violent star sea storm, which made both Boss Bai and the boxing champion dizzy, unable to recover for a long time.

After he recovered, Boss Bai stared at Long Yangjun for a minute and then at Li Yao for a full minute. Then he smiled bitterly: "Li Yao, Li Yao, what a vulture Li Yao. I really want to break my head and I can't figure out why so many... incredible monsters can gather around you!"

Li Yao grinned, opened his hands, made a gesture of embracing everyone, and said heartily: "Look, everyone has told the secret of my heart, do you feel that my heart is more happy, as if I have been carrying a burden for 10,000 years? It’s so easy to be put down? And the sky hasn’t fallen down, and there’s nothing wrong. We don’t have to be careful to guard each other, or pretend not to know the other party knowing that the other party has a secret, and at the same time know that the other party knows about me. The secret is to pretend that the other party doesn't know... so embarrassing?"

"It seems, it really is like this."

Boss Bai rubbed the stubble, but the eyes of the mung bean gave off a tiger-like light. After scanning for a circle, he slowly said, "We are'abnormal people' of different origins, perhaps according to the narrow concept, it is indeed not considered'normal.' Humans', but from another point of view, we are all struggling to find the ultimate truth and want to use the truth to shape our true self. Then, we are all'cultivators' in a broad sense?

"Hello fellow daoists, I am glad to meet you, and I am also glad to be able to fight side by side with you... on the road of cultivation, and fight to the end!"

The words of Boss Bai made everyone feel relieved.

Li Yao, Long Yangjun, Boxing King, Xiao Ming and Wen Wen said in unison: "Hello fellow Taoists."

A greeting made everyone laugh.


Boss Bai has a strong momentum all over his body, as if he alone is a roaring nebula, "Since all fellow daoists are open and honest, let us focus on more specific issues! I found the ultimate goal of all fellow daoists here- Whether it is searching for the earth, searching for the magical world, or searching for the truth of the prehistoric wars, they are all entangled and inseparable. You can help me and I can help you to find the truth and become the true self.

"This is the basis for us to fight side by side, but we also face a common problem. This is also a life-and-death issue that the Pangu and Nuwa tribes of the past are most likely to face. That is, whether or not to break out of the'Pangu' universe'?

"If you rush out, you may be discovered by Hong Chao. Not only will we die, but we will also destroy the entire Pangu universe. If we don't rush out, we will be suffocated here alive, repeating the tragedy of the destruction of the Pangu civilization in the past.

"This is a dilemma. How to choose is reasonable, but how to choose is also very risky. Let me talk about my answer first-Chong! Of course I have to rush out at all costs!

"Life is originally a gamble with a very small probability. When the fish rushed to the coast, why did they fear the dangers on the land? The splendor of any civilization depends on 100% courage to fight for that one% of luck. In the past, the Pangu civilization chose to retreat. We have already seen their end. Are we still choosing to follow in their footsteps? Of course, we have to rush out and fight for it! Civilization is inherently dead, it depends on whether it is vigorous or silent!"

The old man screamed loudly, like Hongzhong, with a loud voice.

"I agree with Boss Bai. There must be risks. The key depends on the probability of the risk and the size of the return."

The boxing champion calmly said, "Fellow Daoist Long speculates that the idea of ​​the Pangu civilization leader was to hide in the Pangu universe for hundreds of thousands of years. After the tide recedes, he would restore his emotions, desires and will, and then find a way to rush out. This speculation It makes perfect sense.

"So, isn't the era we are in now "hundreds of thousands of years later"? At this point in time, the possibility that the flood has receded is extremely high, and the benefits of exploring the outer domain should also be the greatest. There is a better opportunity at this moment."

Li Yao thought for a while and asked: "Hong Chao may indeed have retreated, but what does ‘the biggest gain’ mean, please explain?"

"Remains and living space."

The king of fighters said, "In nature, any destruction brought by floods contains the hope of new life. The flood washes the earth and destroys the forest. At the same time, it turns up the fertile silt, devours the old beasts, but also brings the seeds of life elsewhere. , To breed new creatures—I think the same is true for the floods in the universe, right?

"The flood has swallowed countless civilizations and left countless relics for survivors to explore. Once we can discover the relics of the magic civilization, we hope to master all the technology and wisdom of the magic civilization in a short period of time, and perhaps find new life forms. Join us and imitate the old "Pangu Civilization Alliance" and build a brand new carbon-based life, oh, a multi-form life alliance.

"If you find the remains of a civilization, the big alliance will increase its strength, and there should not be many hostile and malicious civilizations in the universe at this moment-they have all been swallowed up by the flood, and it is difficult to give birth to a new generation in just a few hundred thousand years. Powerful civilization.

"In other words, the human civilization in the Pangu universe is very likely to be the biggest beneficiary of the last flood. As long as you have the courage to venture out, you can harvest the entire universe."

"well said!"

Boss Bai couldn't help but shoot the table, "Outside is the endless treasures and living space left after the tide ebbs. It is a vast land waiting to be reborn. Whoever has the courage to explore and conquer can become the newest of the universe. The master, even, gathers the strength of thousands of civilizations, one day, he will fight Hong Chao again!

"Boxing champion, although you and I are not the same race, I have to say, I really **** like you!"

Xiaoming and Wenwen’s thinking styles are similar to those of the boxing champion. When the boxing champion said this, the two of them quickly calculated it. After a while, they nodded at the same time: In the case of Pangu Universe, it is indeed a good time for the lowest risks and the greatest benefits."

"I have no opinion."

Long Yangjun closed his eyes and said, "The tragedy of the destruction of Pangu civilization still flashes in my mind. There is no need to take the wrong path twice."

Everyone reached an agreement and turned their attention to Li Yao.

Li Yao pondered for a moment, then smiled and said, "I don't think there is any need for you to entangle this question, because not long ago, someone took us a step ahead and broke out of the Pangu universe!"

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