40,000 Years of Cultivation

Chapter 2508: The battle between two teenagers!

At the end of the boxing king's line of sight, where Liuli could not see, in midair, two young men surrounded by flames were confronting each other with swords.

——Or Han Te and Li Jialing.

Li Jialing’s expression was hidden in the golden hair, but the golden hair flowing with the wind couldn’t hide his indifference and sarcasm. He said lightly: “Hant, if you continue to pester me like this, it’s really suspicious, you Have you changed your sex, even men are interested?"

"Stop talking nonsense!"

Hante flushed, pointed at Li Jialing's nose, and cried out strangely, "Golden Retriever boy, honestly, have you been with Liuli often lately and pestering her all the time?"

Without raising his eyelids, Li Jialing said coldly: "Does this have anything to do with you?"

"Don't be evasive, answer my questions head-on!"

Hante was furious, "Liu Li grew up with me since I was a child. I never treated her as a younger sister, but a sister. I will never allow anyone to hurt her! You are a rich and beautiful young master, It's not a good thing at first glance, it must be deceiving her, playing with her, hurting her! I will never allow this to happen, so if you hear it, stay away from Liuli in the future!"

"I... didn't you hear me wrong?"

Li Jialing finally raised his eyelids slightly, and the golden eyes released a light of incomparable mockery, "You, a lover, have the face to accuse me of deceiving and playing with women? Take care of your own little ones. Sister'Go, what right do you have to take care of me and Liuli's affairs?"

"I promised Liuli's father that no matter what happens, he will take good care of her!"

Hante's face is red, and his righteousness is stern, "You are not a world person at all, you can't bring her happiness, so don't provoke her!"

"First of all, I didn't have anything to do with her, it's just that everyone is practicing together with Brother Yao."

Li Jialing squinted his eyes, the roots of the golden hair on his back were erected, and two evil intentions suddenly appeared in the depths of his eyes, and he sneered, "Secondly, a scum like you is not qualified to say anything,'Protect her, bring her "Happiness" and other nonsense——Isn't you the one who really hurt her and made her heartbroken in the past month?

"Still under the guise of her father, as an excuse to protect her, and even interfere with her right to make ordinary friends? Huh, you are basically satisfying your boring monopoly, basically because the girl who has been following your **** is being People **** them away, so they get angry.

"You are really a lousy person, Han Te, obviously you have so many'lady's,' who spend all day twirling flowers and weeds, never caring about Liuli's feelings, nor taking care of her daily life, let alone her. There was a slight fluctuation in her heart. As a result, she just found an ordinary friend like me, and occasionally talked to me, you couldn't stand it, and you jumped out in a hurry?"

Hante was speechless by Li Jialing. He was stunned and stunned. He raised his voice and yelled, "Don't talk nonsense, are you going to leave Liuli?"

"What if you don't leave, who are you, are you qualified to take care of me and Liuli's affairs?"

The evil in Li Jialing's eyes grew stronger and stronger, "Don't say that I and her are just ordinary friends, there is no question of'cannot leave' at all, even if I'm really with her, what does it have to do with you?"


Hante glared and danced with his hands and feet, "Your wolf ambition has finally been exposed, and the disguise of'ordinary friend' has finally been completely torn, and finally admitted that you still have a bad idea about Liuli, no, I will never let it go. A rich man like you tarnished Liuli!"

Li Jialing tilted his head and thought for a while: "...Is it ‘defiled’ just like you defiled those little sisters?"

"These are two different things!"

Hante blushed so much blood from his nostrils, "Liu Li is different from them!"

"I am also different from you. I use my upper body to think about problems, unlike some self-propelled guns that drill when I see a hole. Oh, that's wrong, it's a self-propelled rapid-fire gun."

Li Jialing said every word, "So, don't worry, even if I'm really with Liuli, I will definitely make her the happiest, happiest, and happiest woman in the world."


When Hante thought of the scene where Liuli was with other men, he seemed to be struck by lightning, and there was a mysterious seal unlocking in his mind. Liuli suddenly broke free from the shackles of his "pro-sister".

His face was instantly pale, and he really couldn't accept such a scene. He gritted his teeth and sternly, "You can't be together, absolutely not, you won't bring happiness to Liuli, Li Jialing, I can see through you, I can see through the bones. The real you, you are a ruthless person who doesn't care about your children's personal relationships at all. What you pursue is... another higher, deeper, and larger thing. For this kind of thing you can abandon everything, including all women! "

"It's the same sentence, you can't control it."

Li Jialing smiled slightly, and the coldness inherited from Li Linghai in the depths of the bone marrow gradually bloomed, really like a big cat, looking at the mouse with playful eyes, and said, "You know, I only wanted to be Liuli Ordinary friend, but now I have changed my mind-think about Liuli such a lovely girl, her life experience is really very miserable, not to mention being born in such a terrible place as Nietu, there is also such a crazy and stupid scum like you As the elder brother of childhood sweethearts, tut tut tut, are you going to lock her up for the rest of your life and prevent her from contacting any men of the same age?

"This kind of life is too sad. It seems that this lonely and tortured little girl needs a handsome, gentle, kind and understanding blond prince to save her and take her out of the sea of ​​suffering!"

Hante was stunned for a long time, and said, "What...The blond prince, aren't you talking about yourself?"


Li Jialing shook his head full of handsome and flowing blonde hair, "I will become Liuli's savior, what's the problem?"

"Of course there is a problem!"

Hante cried out strangely, "You narcissist, you're still a'savior', I bah, it turns out that you are more swollen than me, and you are psychopathic!"

"Hmph, whatever you say, I'm saved for Liuli anyway. It's not me that she should leave, but you. She should be far away from you, a bad guy, the happier the farther you go!"

Li Jialing twitched, "In short, I won't let Liuli go back to the dark life under your control. She didn't have a choice before, but now with me, I am her savior and I am her. The light of hope, I am her star and capital! There is nothing wrong with you here, Hante, go aside, and go find your'lady sister' to play!"


The arc on Hante’s steel arm is shining more and more, and the speed is getting faster and faster. The young man growled, "You forced me. Since you can’t make sense, let’s use the most direct way. , Let’s decide where Liuli belongs!"

"Are you..."

Li Jialing's eyes were deep, "Looking for a dead end!"


Hante roared wildly, turned into a streamer, and rushed towards Li Jialing.

Of course, after a tenth of a second, he flew out at three times the same speed, turning his nose and face swollen, like a pig's head.

"Even if we put aside our past differences in strength..."

With his right hand behind him, Li Jialing blasted Han Te out with just one left arm. He said, "Just one month after I came to the Blue Sky Market, when I practiced hard every day, you and Miss Sister We had a great time, Hante, how do you fight me?"

Hante was stabbed by Li Jialing. He almost shot a bleeding arrow in the center of his eyeballs. With a strange cry, he rushed up for the second time. Of course, he was blasted back for the second time without any suspense.

The third time, the fourth time, the fifth time... the tenth time, it is still the same.

After ten rounds, Hante was completely exhausted, like a plump sea, completely lost in human form.

Only the eyes that were squeezed together, the light that bloomed, remained as stubborn as before!

"I've played enough."

Li Jialing yawned and said, "It's the same for another hundred rounds. Why do you take such humiliation? You and I know that you are definitely not my opponent."

"That's right, the current me... is indeed not your opponent!"

Hante’s black and purple face was stained with heavy blood. He was so ashamed that he couldn’t wait to tear a crack in the air and get in, but suffocated his breath, stabbed in front of Li Jialing abruptly and pointed at the little lion. Said, "However, please listen to me, don't bully the young man! Give me ten years if you have the ability. I will definitely practice to be as strong as you can't imagine, and then come back and blow your head! Dare you not? Dare, we have set a'ten year agreement', after ten years, we will come to fight again!

Li Jialing was stunned, as if he was deeply shocked by the sudden explosion of Hante, and then...


Li Jialing spread his five fingers, his psychic energy surged, and the magical powers in the air locked his throat moved to the limit. He pinched Hante's neck and sucked him in front of him.

"Sorry, I have misunderstood you all the time, Hante."

Li Jialing said seriously, "It turns out that I always thought you were swollen, arrogant, and domineering. I didn't know until this moment that you weren't, you were just a simple idiot—just ask, I now have such a big advantage. , Why do you want to make a "ten-year agreement" with you, give you ten years to concentrate on practicing, and then come back and blow my head? I have something wrong!"

"Uh, uh—"

Hante struggled desperately and was extremely aggrieved, "Why are you doing this, do you still talk about justice?"

"I am Li Yao's younger brother."

Li Jialing asked back, "Do you think I can talk about justice?"

"... Then kill me!"

Hante was angry, anxious, and too ashamed, but the stubbornness in his bones could not be erased. "Anyway, we are born as a toy killed by you rich boys. If you have the ability, you will kill me, but I will never surrender, never surrender!"

"I have endured you for a long time, Hante."

Li Jialing's eyes narrowed, like two golden knives, "Do you really think I dare not kill you?"

"Then come!"

Hante’s forehead blue veins were exposed, "Skills can be killed, not insulted, cultivation is not afraid of death, and if you are afraid of death, we are not afraid of death. We are not afraid of death. So we are not afraid of death. Come!"


Li Jialing was really in a dilemma by this rogue.

At this moment, a piercing sound of breaking wind rang out from behind the two of them. It was the sound of a storm of bullets!

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