40,000 Years of Cultivation

Chapter 2509: Just so eccentric

The pupils of Li Jialing and Hante contracted at the same time, and they were shot on their backs before they could dodge. Finally, they hurriedly avoided the attack of the bullet storm, but a silver streamer that was ten times faster than a bullet fell from the sky, killing both young people. Hit the ground.


Li Jialing and Hante exclaimed at the same time.

The silver streamer gathered into a tall and mighty, elegantly shaped, silvery fighting puppet, slowly landing between the two teenagers, arms open, palms were condensed with two groups of silver electric lights, preventing the two teenagers from fighting. .


Among the silver puppets, the boxing king's extremely calm and inhuman voice came. He slid his crystal eyes along the track on the steel head to Li Jialing, "Sorry, no matter how annoying Han Te is, but I and Li Yao There has been an agreement. I want to protect his safety and not let anyone threaten his life."

"Who is wasting time and threatening the lives of such bad people?"

Li Jialing wiped the blood from the corner of his mouth and swept the boxing king's eyes. "It's because he has been haunting me so I don't bother to care about him. Since the boxing master is here, he will leave it to you, but I also advise you to discipline him, otherwise, even if I don't want his life, sooner or later he will play with his life."

After Li Jialing finished speaking, he turned and left without looking back.

"Hey, hey, golden retriever—"

Hante was very angry and was about to chase him, but he was shot by the boxing champion Lightning, grabbed the back of his neck, brought him back, and slammed him to the ground.

"Enough for you."

The King of Boxing said, "You are not Li Jialing's opponent at all, catching up will only make you continue to be in unnecessary life threats. I will not let anyone do this-including yourself."

"Then you help me beat him up!"

Hante got up with a wheel, really like a cockroach that can't be killed anymore, spitting at the back of Li Jialing's fading away, "Master Boxer, everyone is born in a bad place, you are definitely on my side. Right?"

"Yes, I am on your side."

The King of Boxing said, "But it is only limited to protecting your life. It does not include helping you take the initiative to cause trouble, and I think Li Jialing makes a lot of sense. You are indeed too arrogant, too arrogant, or changed by the turbulent current. Dazzled, both thinking and psychology are in an extremely unstable state.

"This state of doing nothing and domineering will greatly increase your probability of encountering danger, and it will also greatly increase the difficulty for me to protect you. Therefore, I suggest that you should also change your personality and lifestyle a little bit."

"I'm doing nothing wrong, domineering?"

Hante's eyes widened and looked at the boxing champion with an unbelievable look, "Master Boxer, even you think it is my fault. I am too arrogant. Am I annoying?"

The boxing champion thought for a moment, and said: "I don't like to make moral judgments on human beings. What you do has nothing to do with me, but from the perspective of protecting your life, your recent performance is indeed quite arrogant and annoying. Annoying, I know that many people are secretly preparing to beat you up together. If you don’t change, it’s really like what Li Jialing said, it’s not weird to play your own life."

"Even the boxing master is on the side of that golden-haired boy, that rich and well-dressed young man?"

Hante stepped back three steps, couldn't believe his ears, his face was extremely swollen, and his face was so swollen that he showed a smile, not a smile, a cry but a cry. After rubbing his teeth for a long time, he finally broke out, "Yes. , I am arrogant, I am arrogant, I am domineering, so what!

"From the time I was born in Nietu till now, I have always been a little cockroach. No matter how hard my life is, I was trampled to death by the strong?

"I have lived in this panic, life and death environment since I was a child, and I have to struggle for the next second of survival every second. No one has ever given me an arrogant opportunity, an arrogant opportunity!

"Only here, only during the short time between the Big White Star Pirates Group and the Blue Sky Market, I can finally be a little arrogant-I am not like you, Master Boxer, you are a big man, you, Yao Lao and Boss Bai, you are all majestic and powerful people. You can be arrogant at any time if you want to be arrogant. If you don't be arrogant today, you can do it tomorrow.

"But I'm just a little person, a most humble little person. I'm not arrogant today. Maybe tomorrow I'm going to die, and I'm going to be beaten to death in the vacuum of the universe, and I won't even leave a little bit of bones!

"Why don't I go happily and arrogantly? Who knows where my tomorrow is, who knows!"

Han Te was crazy, dancing and crying, howling and crying. In the end, he couldn't howl, but his excited tears still flowed freely on his swollen face.

"I'm so scared, I'm so scared that I didn't do anything yet, and just died in obscurity, like so many people in Nine Earth and Star Sea! I'm not afraid of death, I just want more people to remember me, Remember my Hante’s name..."

The young man buried his head deeply between his arms and legs, his shoulders shook for a while, and finally made a dull voice, "Master Boxer, in the past six months, has my performance been really bad?"

Boxing champion: "Yes."

Hante: "Am I really disappointing a lot of people?"

Boxing champion: "Yes."

Hante: "Am I really inferior to Li Jialing, not even a finger of this golden-haired narcissist?"

Boxing champion: "In all respects, yes."

Hante: "Hey hey, Master Boxer, don't need to be so direct, can't you say something nice to comfort my injured heart?"

Boxing champion: "Although your recent performance is very bad, it is not as good as Li Jialing, but fortunately, there is still a rescue. Speaking of which, I may have made a mistake and should not easily entrust you to Boss Bai-he is An excellent fleet commander and super first-class star thief, but not a qualified life mentor. Next, I will communicate with Boss Bai in depth to change the way of training you."

Han Te was overjoyed and raised his pig's head again, with hope in his eyes: "Well, as long as I am reborn and re-behave from this moment, I have the hope that within ten years, I will be successful and beat that golden retriever narcissist. Right?"

Boxing champion: "Uh... I hope there is, but you really have to be strict with yourself and carry out the craziest practice. In addition, regarding your private life, it is best to exercise restraint."


Han Te was puzzled, "What does this mean?"

"I am definitely not trying to interfere in your private life-you know who I am, and I don't care about these things at all."

The boxing champion said lightly, "I just remind you that a little restraint is good for everyone, and Liuli won't be so sad."


Hante pierced his ears and eyes hard, "I, I seem to be a little bit tinnitus by that golden retriever narcissist. I didn't hear clearly. What did Master Boxing say in the end...what happened to Liuli?"

"It's nothing."

The boxing champion was silent for a moment, "You got it wrong, in short, restrain your private life, don't make the whole city known, understand?"


Hante rubbed his nose and said casually, "I will try my best!"

"...Try your best?"

The boxing king's crystal eyes flickered and he was lost in thought. After a while, he walked towards Han Te with a blank face.

"Crack, click, click", the two mechanical arms disassembled, revealing all kinds of shimmering surgical instruments.

Hante shuddered, perceiving a strong crisis from the opponent's cold eyes, and yelled in fright: "Master Boxing, what's the matter, you, you don't want to hit me? You can't hit me, you To protect me, you can't hurt me!"

"Yes, of course I will not hurt you, but I will protect you wholeheartedly and do everything I can to protect you."

The boxing champion changed a very gentle tone and said, "I want to protect you from any threats-including viruses."


Hante was stunned, "What, what virus?"

"Various viruses, especially fungi, bacteria and viruses that are brought about by too chaotic private lives."

The boxing champion’s right arm disintegrated and threw it away like a long whip, slamming Hante’s trousers hard, "In view of your performance in the past period of time, I believe that your lower body is under great threat from various germs. Your safety, I want to help you perform a complete disinfection."

"Lower body, full disinfection?"

Hante's face was pale, and when he saw the sterilization equipment with the boxing champion's left hand slowly stretched out, he became more and more afraid, and screamed, "What does that thick and long steel needle do? It's too exaggerated!"

"It is used to disinfect the inner wall."

The boxing champion fixed Han Te on the ground firmly in the shape of "Tai" and explained, "If you want to disinfect a water pipe, the outer shell is only the second, and the inner wall is the focus, right?"


Hante was about to answer, but he was so painful that he couldn't speak. He just screamed with tears and tears, "Ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah!"

He screamed for three full minutes and turned into a cooked shrimp before the champion stopped.

"Well, your little water pipe is spotless, bright as new, and will not be threatened by any viruses or bacteria for the time being."

The king of fighters said, "However, if you continue to go out and stir up flowers and grass, there is still a high probability of being invaded again by viruses and bacteria. So next, I will judge whether you want to receive new preventive treatment based on your lifestyle. Fully disinfected inside and out."

"I'm wrong."

Hante was so angry that he held his stomach and kept cramping, "I really knew it was wrong, brother!"


The boxing champion nodded, and suddenly changed the topic of unconstrained volition, "By the way, do you know what Miss Liuli likes to eat the most?"


The strange question made Hante forget for a while the pain in his lower body like a comet hitting a meteorite, "What's the situation?"

"I didn't ask her about her usual taste, but what kind of food would surprise her as soon as she ate it, like..."

The boxing champion searched the database, "As the book says, the sun can rise from the heart, and the sun blooms like an umbrella, and there are flowers blooming on the umbrella surface?"

Hante's hairs are about to shake off: "Well, what kind of description is this, Master Boxer, do you... have the Microcrystalline Brain Virus?"

"No, I just hope to give Miss Liuli a surprise, so that she can keep her in the most perfect working condition and polish my body well."

The boxing king stared at Hante, "Is there — it's better to hide it in the depths of her memory, the smell that she has forgotten."

The inhuman look in his eyes made Han Te shiver coldly, holding his belly tighter, and stammering: "...Yes, Liuli likes to eat her mother's poached egg noodles with heart-wounds, but she wants to Put two poached eggs, one on top and the other deeply buried at the bottom.

"Eggs are the most precious ingredient in Nietu. Because it is inconvenient for airdrops and is easy to break, her mother will only make Liuli for her birthday. The poached egg buried underneath is a'surprise'. Liuli ate happily every time.

"However, since her mother passed away, no one has done it for her anymore. Even if it does, at most put one poached egg on top. How can there be such a luxury that the second one is buried underneath?"


The boxing champion was thoughtful, got up and left, "I'm leaving, you are not injured lightly, please go to the medical room and get some medicine."

"Where can I go?"

Hante wanted to cry without tears, and said in a trembling voice, "Master Boxer, brother, can't you go behind me?"


The boxing champion coldly refused, "I want to rush back to burn Miss Liuli's heart-poached egg noodles to heal her trauma-she was hurt very badly. As for your little injury, you can't die. I scanned it. If there is any fatal threat, you can move to the medical room slowly step by step."

"Burning noodles... small wounds... can't die..."

Hante looked down with difficulty, looking at his bruised, bruised and swollen body, with grief and anger, "Master Boxer, Yao Lao entrusted me and Liuli to you, and asked you to protect us. The gap is too big! You are not so partial, are you?"

The boxing champion had already walked out for two steps. Hearing this, he turned back, squatted in front of Hante, and nodded upright.


The boxing champion said seriously, "I'm so partial."

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