40,000 Years of Cultivation

Chapter 2510: A mess of lines

"Ding-ding! Ding-ding-ding-ding-ding!"

Two bullets engraved with mysterious and complicated patterns, like a sword pill, dragged two streamers, one red and one white, chasing and colliding with each other, sometimes gathering and sometimes separating, drawing intricate and complicated maze-like patterns in the void.

When one of the white bullets was about to "be out of force" and was about to be "shot down" by the red bullet, two more white bullets flew over on both sides of the war, joined the battle group, and combined the red and white polylines, curves, straight lines and arcs. The thread makes it more complicated.

Looking closer, it turned out that it was not four bullets, but a hundred bullets each in red and white. It looked like a three-dimensional chessboard, and it was like a thrilling and majestic Star Sea Fleet battle.

Every bullet is a chess piece, a starship, and the collision of bullets is like chess pieces swallowing each other and starships destroying each other.

The psychic energy lingering around the red bullets is obviously more abundant, allowing them to have faster speed and stronger power. In a one-to-one contest, they often kill the white bullets in embarrassment.

However, the formation of white bullets implied the profound principles of fleet commanding. Once gathered and formed, with numerous changes, and various formations blooming, the red bullets can be dragged into the abdomen and back to the enemy, the dilemma of being divided head to tail.

The two sides rely on their respective advantages to come and go, and the speed is getting faster and faster. In the end, only two vague fogs can be seen. The fogs collide and penetrate each other, crossing each other's "line of defense" almost at the same time, facing each other behind the scenes The commander shot away.

The two commanders acted at the same time, and the art of separating objects in the air was used to its limit. First, it cut the opponent's psychic control force field, and then used their own force field to capture all the bullets, condensing them in the palms, forming four searing heat And the bursting metal ball, "swishwwww" tossed to the center, immediately made two deafening roars, and the shock wave almost completely destroyed the entire training ground.

The shock wave and smoke gradually dissipated, and the two commanders, Li Yao and Bai Boss, laughed at the same time.

"When I first saw you more than a hundred years ago, I only thought that you were a cunning, insignificant, but fierce little thief, but I didn't expect you to achieve what you are today!"

Boss Bai patted the metal scraps in his palm, looked at the shrapnel hitting the riddled ground, and said with emotion.

"I never expected that there would be another day to see Boss Bai again, and you would have such a... adventure."

Li Yao said sincerely.

This emotion was not only for Boss Bai, but also for another remnant soul that was integrated into Boss Bai's body-Yan Xinjian.

In the depths of the spider's nest star, Li Yao once smashed into a whole new realm with the aid of the training log left by Yan Xinjian. It took five years to break through and complete the first vital leap in his life.

Therefore, Yan Xinjian is considered his half master.

He and Boss Bai have such a relationship, and the relationship is naturally extraordinary.

This has been one and a half months after they occupied the blue sky market. The construction of the arsonist joint fleet has been initially completed, and various combat tasks have been released one after another, including external tactical fraud and intelligence collection work in an orderly manner.

The war outside the Blue Sky Star Territory has begun, and the war on the periphery of the empire is gradually burning. The four major families have repeatedly urged the "loyalty salvation army" who rested in the blue sky market to fight. "It's amazing!

Tomorrow Li Yao will leave for the "Seven Seas Big Market", the nest of the Ten Thousand Realms Business League, so today will he have time to have a final discussion with Boss Bai in the training ground.

"Li Yao, I don't have a good memory now."

Boss Bai looked at Li Yao and said, "Remind me, about the incident that you saved Bai Xinxing, have I said'thank you' to you?"

"Forget it, thank you twice for this kind of thing, thank you, Li Yao, and... it's nice to see you again, really."

When it comes to his son, the star thief, who longs to be able to cross the world and dominate the multiverse, becomes gentle from his eyes to his voice, and looks at Li Yao with unexpected sincerity.

"I am also very happy to be able to fight side by side with Boss Bai again!"

Li Yao was moved and couldn't help saying, "Otherwise, go to the Seven Seas Market with me tomorrow. Anyway, the boxing champion, Xiao Ming, and Wen Wen can simulate basic fleet tactics. It shouldn't be a problem if they don't fight the ever-changing tough battles. , Boss Bai will go with me, and I hope to persuade Jin Yuyan!"

Boss Bai was also very moved: "No!"

Li Yao: "..."

Boss Bai patted Li Yao on the shoulder, and said earnestly, "Li Yao, your technique of sneaking in by yourself and your three-inch tongue are well-known in Xinghai. If you go alone, you will win the game, not to mention you cheated. , I persuaded Li Jialing to go with you? If I follow you again, don't I distrust you, even look down on you and insult your performance?"

Li Yao suspicious: "Really?"

"Yes, well, not to mention so much, we still have guests waiting outside the training ground!"

Boss Bai didn't say much, waved his hand, removed the defensive protective cover and sound insulation shielding system next to the training ground, his eyes sharpened instantly, staring at the "guests" waiting outside respectfully, and coldly said, "Yongchunhou, you really are a Believers, I'm really back to life, it's hard work!"

Outside, watching Li Yao and Boss Bai discuss each other, it was Hou Yongchun, Li Wuji who was originally loyal to the four major families.

Li Yao did not hide his existence in front of Li Wuji.

Because in the battle to suppress the Feihong Fleet, he cut down the bow of the Feihong Fleet's flagship in the eyes of the public. This is simply impossible to hide.

As long as they are not prepared to kill Li Wuji, this matter will definitely be known. It is better to show their existence openly and further deter Li Wuji!

Facts have proved that Li Yao's deterrence is quite effective.

Because this is not the first time Li Wuji heard the name "Vulture Li Yao".

As early as in the process of the reformists rising up like windswept clouds, devastating and breaking into the imperial capital, the golden sign of "Vulture Li Yao" was hung up high. Everyone in the four major families knew that this was driving the giant golden eagle. "Vulture Li Yao" is the number one champion of the revolutionaries.

Of course, the well-informed Li Wuji knows better that this ruthless and reputable man, the top tough of the reformist, and a super power who miraculously emerged from nowhere, has become the most wanted criminal of the reformist.

The reason why the reformers wanted Li Yao is also ridiculous-it is said that he has defected to the side of the four major electoral families.

This made Li Wuji quite bewildered. He really didn't know the positions of Li Yao and Boss Bai, as well as the current situation.

Although the four major families cooperated, they were still different interest groups. Perhaps another family instigated this "vulture Li Yao", but did not notify the Li family, and it was unknown if they were playing their own small calculations.

In short, to the desperate Yongchun Hou Li Wuji, the appearance of Li Yao, a "revolutionary traitor", is not a bad thing. At least it shows that Boss Bai has not lied. They are indeed not on the side of the reformers, and they are still very close to each other. Large space for cooperation.

People are most afraid of not being able to figure it out. Once they figure it out, they can do anything.

When Li Wuji was thinking on the septic tank, he had already thought about everything transparently. He threw away all his soldiers and horses. He also encountered such a cruel person as "Vulture Li Yao". He couldn't beat him, and he didn't want to die. Death, besides cooperation, what other options do you have?

After all, everyone belongs to the same country. This is the civil war of the empire. Whoever wins and loses is not the meat is rotten in the pot, as long as he can ensure that he gets a bowl of meat, he has his head to eat, and other things. It doesn't seem to matter.

In short, after discussing in detail with Boss Bai and Li Yao for a night, and after agreeing on various conditions, Hou Yongchun Li Wuji took the "personal soldiers" selected by Boss Bai for him back to the territory of the four major clans, and actively contributed to the "loyalty and salvation of the country." The army ran away and helped them to collect the latest intelligence. Even today, a month later, they returned to the Blue Sky Market and returned to their lives.

Li Wuji worked very hard for the "Loyalty and Righteous Salvation Army", and didn't have any double intentions-with his current weak strength, he was not qualified to play any tricks.

As soon as I returned to the blue sky market, I saw the high-level contest between Li Yao and Bai Boss. It was a disarming, but it was also a reassurance. For the immortal cultivators of the standard of Yongchun Hou Li Wuji, they are the ones who surrender to the strong. The stronger Li Yao and Boss Bai, the higher his loyalty.

"Serving Li Daoyou and Commander Bai, it's not hard work."

Li Wuji humbly bowed to the two of them with a smile on his face, "Xiao Hou is fortunate enough to finally complete the tasks entrusted by the two, the march map of the four major family coalition forces, and the distribution of troops and the division of troops. The key information such as the time and so on, all have been obtained!"

According to Li Wuji, the war in the outer world of the empire has long been ignited, but this is not a straightforward fleet group battle, but a protracted, muddy war of attrition and looting.

For the four major families, the imperial capital was just lost a few days ago, and even Emperor Shenwu died. Before the new emperor became the throne, there was a problem of no leader and unstable military spirit. They were even more afraid of being attacked by the reformists of the imperial capital. They were not willing to rashly. Launch an elite fleet to jump to the outer world of the empire to fight against rebellion.

The reformists who occupy the imperial capital seem to be in a very good situation, but they suffer from the fact that they have too few troops. They can only win but cannot lose, and even the consumption is unacceptable, so they are not willing to attack easily.

On the other hand, the empire still has a large number of elites distributed in the "new recovery area" that has just been recaptured from the Holy League, which is the so-called "expeditionary force system."

The Expeditionary Army can be said to be the most capable force in the entire empire. Both the reformers and the four major families spare no effort to win over them, but the attitude of the Expeditionary Army is rather ambiguous. The area is not moving, sitting on the mountain and watching the tigers fight, waiting for the victory or defeat to become clear, then it means to make a final decision.

The Expeditionary Force is a large and complex group. Each sub-fleet comes from all corners of the country. There was no leader at first, but now many young officers of the Expeditionary Force respect Lei Chenghu, the supreme commander of the Thunder Fleet.

In theory, Lei Chenghu was a leader of the reformists. He obeyed Li Linghai's order and nailed it into the heart of the Li family like a nail. After only half a year, there was no movement, as if he had disappeared.

This matter is extremely interesting.

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