40,000 Years of Cultivation

Chapter 2512: Black lion

If Li Wuji really believed in Li Yao's "honesty", it would be purely to spend too long in the septic tank, and it would burn his mind.

But for him, who lost his fleet and became a polished commander, there is no second choice.

Moreover, he secretly observed the results of his visit to the Blue Sky Market this time. It is indeed not a bloated and huge conventional fleet that Bai Boss built, but a small but precise quick-reaction fleet-as a result, a large number of starships will be eliminated. It must be formed into a second-line fleet separately, under the command of someone!

That being the case, why can't this "someone" be him, is Hou Yongchun ill?

It is not too late for a gentleman to take revenge for ten years. Regardless of whether he wants to avenge Boss Bai’s insult, at least for now, there is no need to turn his face. Instead, he must spare no effort to cooperate, get the fleet first, and slowly regain his strength.

Having made up this idea, Li Wuji respected Li Yao and Boss Bai, and discussed the next stage of the battle plan with all his might, and then deeply saluted the two of them, and then retreated in small steps.

"Unexpectedly, there is still such a...transition?"

Seeing Li Wuji's fading figure away, Li Yao said with emotion, "How do I feel that there are not many true heroes in the center of the magnificent Star Sea. The Nascent Soul and the God of Transformation here are far inferior to the same level of our Xinghai Beach. Cultivator?"

"It's normal. The growth environment and cultivation methods of the two sides are completely different. Even if the realm is the same, they cannot be generalized."

Boss Bai said indifferently, "Our cultivators in Xinghai Beach are all in the worst environment, relying on the most meagre resources, groping and struggling alone, although the chances of us becoming Nascent Souls and Transforming Gods are very slim, and The risk factor of impacting the new realm is far greater than that of the center of the star sea. However, once the impact is successful, our gains are also very great. No matter the body, soul, or will, they have all been tempered to the extreme!

"What about the cultivators in the center of Xinghai? Huh, they often have the most superior family environment, the most complete training facilities, and astronomical training resources. What they want, as long as they reach out, they are not like us at all. You have to fight to death for even the smallest amount of resources!

"I heard that the true human empire even has a lot of large magic weapons, which can deal with the'celestial calamity' caused by the impact on the highest realm. Think about it, even the heavenly calamity is no longer a threat to high-level cultivators. These high-level cultivators rely solely on The accumulation of resources and environment are all flowers in the greenhouse. How can you compare with us if you haven't experienced the real big wind and waves?

"It's like, two rich men in the mall, one was born famous, studied in the best school since childhood, and inherited a lot of family business upon graduation; the other was born from a poor background, made from scratch, and had no connections, one copper plate and one copper plate. Earned billions of dollars in wealth.

"If the assets of the two of them are equal, Li Yao, who do you think is the more persevering personality of these two rich men, who has the more ambitious, lustful wolfishness, and who has the better chance of winning in the business war?"

Li Yao was startled slightly, and he nodded again and again and said: "It makes sense, and the same is true in Long Yangjun's ancient sacred world-born in the bitter cold land of the frontier, untamed barbarian soldiers, with a little training, they are iron-blooded and brutal. He Hanyong often surpasses the Central Plains Royal Master, let alone the decayed "Master of the King" at the end of the dynasty. Now, the cultivators of our Xingyao Federation are the "wild and untamed" barbarian soldiers!"

"Yes, that's it!"

Boss Bai laughed loudly, "So, I often say to my brothers that the realm is of course very important in cultivation and fighting, but it is by no means the most important. Under the same realm, everyone is a Nascent Soul or a God of Transformation. It is no exaggeration that the warriors at the seaside of Xinghai hit the flowers in the greenhouses in the center of Xinghai with one enemy two or even one enemy three!"

Li Yao recalled the battle after he came to the empire and found that it was indeed the case.

"The key is not realm, but Dao Xin."

Boss Bai stretched out his palm and inserted it into the artificial sky, trying to hold a piece of blue sky in his palm, saying, "I am fighting to break out of the Pangu universe and gallop across billions of stars; you are fighting for all the humans in the Pangu universe, at least It is fighting for the Star Federation, this is the reason we fight, and it is also the source of our strength!

"But what about people like Li Wuji? He doesn't even fight for the family, not for his relatives, not for his wife and children, but only for himself, for the lonely family.

"In our fists, there are hundreds of millions of stars and billions of compatriots. In his fists, he is only clenched to himself. Even if the strength of the two sides is equal, the victory or defeat is determined long before the punch is thrown."

Li Yao was silent for a moment, and sighed: "Boss Bai is right. It's strange. When he came to the center of Xinghai, the place is bigger, but the people he meets are smaller. The fights and fights are all conflicts of interest, but It is rare to encounter real disputes over the Great Dao!"

"Not surprisingly, this is also caused by the environment."

Bailao Avenue, "When we were at Xinghai Beach, although the place was small and the resources were poor, we had one of the most precious things-hope!

"We know that the center of Xinghai is a much better and richer paradise than Xinghaihai. We know that there is still a long way to go, so no matter how ugly and painful the reality is, we are full of hope, and this hope burns us. Forcing us to rush forward, climb up, practice frantically, and rush forward desperately!

"However, the people in the center of the Star Sea, they have occupied the most elite and richest place in the whole world. They have explored all the known universes. They have almost defeated all the enemies. There is no way ahead. Nothing can be conquered and explored, no new hope can be seen.

"So, what's the use of maintaining vigorous curiosity, hungry thirst for survival, and perseverance?

"Even if the empire lasts for another ten thousand years, it will only maintain its current state for ten thousand years. When the Holy League is wiped out, there really is nothing for them to conquer. In addition to endless internal fighting, they can still What are they doing, what else is worth their lives to sacrifice?

"Therefore, the appearance of Li Wuji's transformation of the gods is not only his own tragedy, nor is it just a tragedy of immortal cultivators, but a tragedy of all mankind-if we don't want to break through the Pangu universe and find a way for human civilization The new hope, even if the Star Federation replaces the empire and the Holy League to rule this small universe, it will still be transformed, corrupted, degraded, lost its vitality and enterprising spirit, and will become unrecognizable and insignificant. , Clinging to one acre of one-third of the field.

"The Federation cultivators at that time, no matter how high their realm is, they will become the same as they are today."

Li Yao shuddered deeply when he thought of the scene depicted by Boss Bai.

"You are right, Boss Bai, if the dragon is kept in a small pond forever, one day it will extinguish arrogance, soak the bones, grind away the minions and dragon scales, and become a giant earthworm."

Li Yaodao, "If human civilization is really a giant dragon, we must find the direction to the sea for it!"

The two smiled at each other, and Dao's heart became firmer and firmer.

Outside the training field, Li Jialing was waiting, his face as stubborn as possible was full of uncontrollable excitement.

"Are you ready to go?"

Li Yao asked him with a smile.

"In the past month and a half of special training, I haven't been lazy for a second, I am completely ready!"

Li Jialing categorically cut the railway.

"Very good. This time, the task of fighting for Jin Yuyan, the deacon of the Ten Thousand Realms Business League, is very critical, and full of variables and dangers. Only the best elites are qualified to go with me."

Li Yao said, "Originally, Boss Bai, Long Yangjun and Boxing King wanted to team up with me very much, but after careful consideration, I still ruthlessly rejected them. Why? It's very simple,'Brothers Fighting Tiger', I believe you, Jialing , You won't let me down."

"Yes, kid, you better not let us down."

Boss Bai stared at the side and said coldly, "Li Yao said badly, I reluctantly gave you such a precious opportunity, if you mess up, huh..."

"Brother Yao, don't worry, Boss Bai, don't worry!"

Li Jialing blushed, "I will never mess up. I have to return to the imperial capital to save... Your Royal Highness!"

Boss Bai looked at Li Yao with a suspicious expression on his face: "Li Yao, I ask you one last time, do you really want to take this kid with you?"

"He did it."

Li Yao firmly said, "I believe in Jialing, he will definitely do it!"

"okay then."

Boss Bai said angrily, "Then I won't fight with you juniors, here, use this to fix yourself up."

He threw two pots of medicine to Li Jialing.

Li Jialing copied it over and took a look, somewhat dumbfounded: "What is this?"

"Hair removal cream and hair dye."

Bailao Avenue, "You don't want to go to the Blue Sky Market with such an eye-catching look, right? You will probably be recognized the first moment you enter the port."

Li Jialing's appearance is indeed a bit dazzling.

It stands to reason that he has cultivated to a very strong level a long time ago, and with the assistance of Li Yao, Boss Bai, and boxing champions, it shouldn't be a problem to help him restore his original appearance.

But I don't know what unique technique Li Linghai used to change Li Jialing's appearance from the cell. No matter how Li Yao and others tried, it would not change back. At most, he moved a few steps toward the appearance of a "normal human".

Li Jialing seemed to be accustomed to the "golden lion" shape, staring at the depilatory cream and black hair dye in his hand, and was stunned.

However, when he looked up again and saw Li Yao's eyes as clear as water, full of trust and expectation, he finally made up his mind.

He gritted his teeth, nodded, and said, "I understand, I'll go and clean up!"

The golden lion rushed out without hesitation.

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