40,000 Years of Cultivation

Chapter 2513: It's so eccentric!

"Hey, would it be too dangerous for you to trick Li Jialing to go to the Seven Seas Market with you like this?"

Seeing the young lion rushing away excitedly, Boss Bai frowned slightly and said to Li Yao, "You know that he is the'body' that Black Star Emperor Wu Yingqi is determined to win, and you also took him deep into Longtan Tiger's Den. Isn't this... not good? "

"What is the Seven Seas Big Market?"

Li Yao smiled slightly, and said, "Didn't we have a very happy communication with Zuo Tianying, the deacon of the Ten Thousand Circles Business Alliance, and we have a deep understanding of the operation mode of the Ten Thousand Circles Business Alliance, do we really have a lot of room for complementarity, and don't forget , I also had a lot of friendship with Di Feiwen, an early important figure of the Ten Thousand Realms Business League who left the empire more than a hundred years ago.

"So, this trip to the Seven Seas Market, if you are lucky, you don't need to move a knife or a gun at all, you don't even need to move a little finger, you can win Jin Yuyan and the entire business alliance."

Boss Bai said coldly: "It's a pity, your luck has never been so good."

Li Yao blinked and said, "Speaking of danger, you are all perilous in the starry sky battlefield. If the battle of the blue sky market is to swallow the elephant with a snake, then the battle of the seven seas is to face dozens of elephants at the same time. , Hippos and rhinos will be trampled to death if they are not careful.

"Even if the'Arsonist United Fleet' has just completed the reorganization and upgrade, and Zuo Tianying and Li Wuji provide intelligence on both sides of the war, it is still thrilling and dangerous. It can be called a life of nine deaths.

"The Black Star Emperor really wants to find Li Jialing. There is always a way to find him. He stays in my line of sight. I can take action in time if there is a situation. This is more assured-I really want to be foolproof and absolutely safe, unless he escapes. Going to the deserted star field to hide for three or five years, but how is it possible? Li Jialing has to save Her Royal Highness. If he wants to save Li Linghai, he must face Wu Yingqi. This is because he can’t escape, and doesn’t want to escape. Responsibility."

Boss Bai was silent for a moment and sighed: "It's also said that being a parent, being a child, it's always like this. If something happens to Bai Xinxing, don't say you have to face Wu Yingqi, even if you have to face the emperor and the blood **** son. , I'm afraid I can only...I will not hesitate to turn back!"


Li Yaocan smiled and showed white teeth, "Don't be so distrustful of me. Although teaming up with me may encounter some...small dangers, which one is not going to turn a good luck in the end? It's okay, it's okay. , Rest assured!"

Boss Bai curled his lips and changed the subject: "As soon as I saw Li Jialing, I suddenly thought of Hante. By the way, Hante, this kid seems to have changed **** in the past two months, and is no longer like the previous months. So sharp, arrogant and domineering, but became very low-key and honest, and devoted himself to practicing all day long, neither went out to provoke trouble, and did not stir flowers and grass outside.

"Looking at it now, this kid really has some talent for naval gun control. He is the most potential fire control officer I have ever seen. In the past, he was too confident, so confident that he was a little impetuous. These days, he can settle down and cultivate. The breakthrough is extremely fast, I believe it won’t take long before you can be alone."


Li Yao still likes Han Te and Liuli, the two little guys who met on the evil soil very much, but he is usually busy with his work and is often entangled by various dangers. There is really no time to get along with the two little guys and teach. .

Li Yao has also heard a little about Hante’s recent situation. However, although he himself is a staunch supporter of the single-spouse system, he also knows that the sea of ​​stars is vast, the universe is endless, and the environment and ecology of each habitable planet are different. Different social and marriage systems will evolve, including different views on love.

In a precarious environment like Nietu, where you will die every minute, driven by the instinct of survival and reproduction, everyone wants to live as best as they can, and must seize every precious opportunity to sow seeds and reproduce offspring.

In this way, even if you can't see the sun tomorrow, your genes can still be passed on.

A stable monogamous system can only exist by relying on a stable social structure. In the chaos of war and the hell-like soil on the earth, those who don’t take the opportunity to breed offspring and think about love, their genes are destined to have no chance. Passed down.

Hante is a typical evil native with "today and no tomorrow". He just acts in accordance with the "morality" and "social law" of the evil native. Li Yao has understood that there is no coercion or deceit in this. Naturally, he won't be full and use his moral stick to take care of Hante's lower body nosy.

However, Li Yao doesn't care about Hante's love for men and women, but young people are overly addicted to this kind of thing, and waste study and practice. That's not good!

Therefore, Li Yao also wondered how to have a good talk with Han Te before leaving the Blue Sky Market-although this is a good thing, it is still necessary to be restrained. Don't rely on your own young age to sing songs every night and eat Hesai. I broke my stomach.

Now Hante is still young and ignorant, relying on his own strength and fierceness, he just keeps on doing it stubbornly, thinking that he can beat the sky and the ground. When he reaches Li Yao's age, he will meet those who are like wolves and tigers, who are hard to fill. Woman, it's too late if you want to regret it!

It's just that it's a little difficult to say this after all, and Li Yao pondered it for a long time and didn't think of an excuse.

Unexpectedly, Hante would wake up himself, knowing the truth of keeping a low profile and keeping the essence introverted. Young man, there is a future, and he can survive this thing. What big things can't be achieved?

Li Yao happily thanked Bai Lao Dadao, but Bai Lao Dao repeatedly waved his hand and said that it was not his credit-how can he, a star thief who has been accustomed to behave, know how to teach young people? All are the instructions of the boxing champion.

"I didn't expect the boxing champion to have this hand!"

Li Yao was surprised, "I really don't know how he instigated Hante, so that such a prodigal son can turn his head back? I am patient, and I really can educate young people!"

The two were talking and laughing, and another small and exquisite figure appeared in their sight, but it was Liuli.

"Old Yao, I heard that you are leaving tomorrow?"

The little girl's eyes were red, she was very reluctant to separate from Li Yao, rushed forward and took Li Yao's hand and said, "I'll do it for you!"

"Fine trip..."

Li Yao was very moved, but still said, "No need, if everything goes well, we will see you again soon."

"I want it, I want it."

The little girl nodded solemnly, and asked with some guilty conscience, "Well, if we have dinner together tonight, we will treat it as a good old man Yao."

"It's okay to eat, but I don't have much to eat here."

Li Yao smiled and said.

He, like all the powerful people who have cultivated to the Nasal Infant and Transcendent Level, has an extremely harsh body management mechanism. He usually only pays attention to comprehensive nutrition when eating, and he does not care much about taste. Most of them are fortified medicine in bottles and cans. And synthetic nutrients, even some natural treasures with powerful energy, the taste is not necessarily good, many of them taste like chewing wax, or they have to be swallowed abruptly.

I really want to change my taste and make a tooth sacrifice. At best, it is a variety of cans. It is not a delicacy.

"It's okay, you can eat anything."

The little girl nodded repeatedly, as if to cry with joy. After thinking about it, she shook her head quickly, "Oh, noodles are not good, I don't want noodles, anything but noodles will do!"

"what's the situation?"

Li Yao scratched his head, "Why do you pale and sweat when you mention noodles?"


Liuli is not a person who can hide things. She collapsed instantly, her face completely collapsed, and she said aggrieved, "I have eaten noodles for almost half a month! Master Boxing said that for my perfect working condition, He had to manage my three meals a day, and he made me eat noodles every day! It was noodles in the morning, noodles at noon, noodles at night, working till midnight, and when he was so tired to die and his stomach was groaning. , Supper is still noodles! And they are all tomato poached egg noodles, not even half a piece of greens, half a piece of meat, never!

"Counting down, I have eaten a full 40 or 50 meals of tomato and egg noodles, Yao Lao, you know I am really not a squeamish girl, I can eat any bitterness, but this is too exaggerated! I Now I feel sick when I smell the smell of tomatoes. No, I feel sick when I mention the word noodles!

"So, please, let me change the taste with you tonight. Steamed buns, biscuits, canned food, fried rice, whatever you want, as long as it's not noodles, no tomatoes or eggs!"

As the little girl was talking, she couldn't help but shed tears of grievance.

"This happened!"

Li Yao was taken aback, looked up and down Liuli a few times, and found that the little girl was a little swollen, and he couldn't help but frown deeply, "I just said that the boxing champion will educate young people. Why is he so patient with Han Te? Hante's prodigal son turned his head, but he was so mean to you—feeding you such a cute little girl noodles for 40 or 50 consecutive meals, he did such a cruel thing? He was too partial!"

"Yes, I wonder if I have offended Master Boxer. He deliberately used this method to remind me? At first, Master Boxer cooked noodles for me. I was very happy and moved. He followed the cooking textbook. It tastes very good when I ate it. At the end of my meal, I found that he had a poached egg lying under the noodles. It reminded me of my mother's taste. I really cried!"

Liuli twitched and said, "But, no matter how delicious it is, I can't eat it like this every day, and Master Boxing says he wants to give me new surprises every day-his surprise is that he is lying more and more under the noodles. Many poached eggs!

"The first day was one poached egg, the second day was two, and the third day was three. In the end, he secretly hid ten poached eggs under the noodles, ten!

"Ten poached eggs, can't hide it at all, okay? The noodles on the top are almost sharp, okay? A bowl of noodles is bigger than my head! As a result, his old man is still mysterious, and if nothing happens, he will serve the noodles. Come here, stand next to me, looking at me expectantly, waiting for me to'discover' the'surprise' of ten poached eggs under the noodles. I, what am I surprised by, it's completely'scare', OK?"

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