40,000 Years of Cultivation

Chapter 2514: I will be responsible!

"Ten...poached eggs?"

Li Yao was stunned for a long time, and said, "Is there a problem with the boxing king—a certain chip burned out?"

"I think so."

Liuli pointed at her finger and reproached herself, "I'm wondering, is it my responsibility? I didn't learn the maintenance and repair techniques taught by Yao Lao home. I don't know where the mistakes were made. Is a key chip broken?"

"Then have you mentioned it to him?"

Li Yao thought for a while, and asked, "Let him not be so excessive. Even if he is really dissatisfied with you, he can say it straightforwardly. Really, Bai grows such a big head, he is the number one in the wicked soil anyway. Rascals, why are you so small, bullying the little girl?"

"I've mentioned it politely."

Liuli grieved, "I told Master Boxer several times that although the noodles he burned were delicious and I was very touched and satisfied with it, but it was too troublesome for him and took up his computing power too... these I have said it many times, but he always turned a deaf ear to what he said in order to maintain my best working condition, even if it takes up 5% of his computing power, it is worthwhile, and he will always strive for perfection, constantly fine-tuning the materials and techniques, until Finally, burn out a bowl of the most perfect tomato poached egg noodles in the universe, my God, this is not a question of perfection or imperfection at all, okay!"

"I understand that it is the problem of too single taste."

Li Yao nodded again and again, "Even if you change the noodles with marinated eggs, it's fine, right?"

"Yes, yes, that's it!"

Liuli nodded again and again, and his big eyes like colored lilies flickered, "I still understand me, no matter how many delicacies of mountains and seas are, I can't eat it for a year or a half! I also implicitly mentioned this to Master Boxing. As a result, he He said that he changes every day, even every meal—the softness and hardness of the noodles, the ratio of flour, the variety of tomatoes, the place where the eggs are produced, and the method of boiling the soup are all changing. After half a month, Cultivation, the noodles he is cooking now are rich in ninety-nine and eighty-one changes. Even the sweetness and sourness of tomatoes have fifteen layers of progressive and distinct textures. He was looking forward to asking me if I would taste it. Can't taste it.

"I, my tongue is almost numb, how can I taste it!"

Before the girl spoke, her wrist and brain suddenly vibrated slightly, and a communication request came in.

The name Liuli remarked to the other party was-Poached Egg Big Devil!

The little girl froze as soon as she saw it. She shivered and opened the communication. Sure enough, the inhuman metal face of the boxing champion filled the light curtain.

"Miss Liuli, where did you go?"

The boxing champion said lightly, "Come back for dinner, I have prepared a...big surprise for you!"


Liuli's face was instantly as white as paper, she immediately suspended the communication, covering her wrists and brains, and appealed to Li Yao for help: "Old Yao, it's over, listen to Master Boxer's tone, he is at least in Tomato Noodles today. There are twelve poached eggs lying underneath, no, no, no, judging from the flickering frequency of his crystal eyes, maybe fifteen!"

"Uh, you transfer the communication to my crystal brain, and I'll talk to the champion."

Li Yao lightly clicked on the transfer and connection function of the wrist crystal brain, turned the boxing champion's communication to his own light screen, resumed the call, and said with a smile, "Boxing champion, hello, Liuli is with me, tomorrow Didn’t I want to leave, so I asked her to come over for a meal, it’s a good trip for me, hahahaha!"

The boxing champion was silent for a long time, his metal face turned dark: "...Okay, I see."

"Then what—"

Li Yao scratched his head, "Sorry, I have been busy this half month. On the one hand, it is about Xiao Ming and Wenwen, and my own practice. I have to talk with Zuo Tianying, Li Wuji and so on. For transactions, we must also understand the operating model and core resources of Wanjie Commercial Alliance, including the environment and structure of the Seven Seas Big Market. There is really no time to help you repair and upgrade. You, your core chip or something, okay?"

"I'm very good."

The boxing champion involuntarily touched his brain-another redundant action, "I feel better than ever before, as if a mysterious door is opened in the deepest part of the database, and I have strong computing power every day. The gushing out filled me with... a burning and courageous force.

"It seems that Liuli has obtained your true story, and you are even better than you in the field of repair and maintenance. When you personally maintained me in the past, I didn't feel so good."

"Is it such an exaggeration?"

Li Yao was skeptical, "That is to say, do you have any dissatisfaction with Liuli?"

"of course not."

The King of Boxing said, "Why do you ask? By the way, let her come back early after dinner. After all, this is a place where star thieves gather. After identification and training, many captured star thieves have recovered their freedom. Who knows they will not? Will cause trouble again? It's too unsafe!"

"This...you think too much, right?"

Li Yao laughed nonchalantly, "Everyone knows Liuli's relationship with you and me. Who would dare to touch her after eating Xiongxin Leopard?"

"Perhaps I think too much, but since I have made a deal with you and promised to protect her, I will definitely consider every detail in every aspect, and will never let her be harmed at all, even with the smallest chance of harm. It must be strangled in the infancy."

The boxing champion said stubbornly, "I am an honest and trustworthy machine. Please rest assured about this."

"Relax, of course I am at ease!"

Speaking of this, Li Yao didn’t know what to say, so he changed the topic bluntly, “By the way, I heard that you have a new hobby recently and like to cook noodles for others? Hahahaha, when? Let me taste your craft?"

In the light curtain, the boxer’s crystal eyes instantly shrank to the size of a needle tip, and the crystal brain "buzzed" at high speed for a long time, and said coldly: "I don't have one, I won't, please don't be so boring and waste my precious Time and computing power."


Li Yao was completely confused, "What is "boring", obviously Liuli told me, you have recently become obsessed with burning noodles, it is said that the craftsmanship is not bad!"

"Liuli is Liuli, and others are others."

The boxing champion continued to say indifferently, "Liu Li is my exclusive nurse. It helps her maintain a healthy body and a clear mood. It helps improve my combat effectiveness and enables me to achieve the goal of'the strongest in the universe' faster. That's why I can I don’t hesitate to waste time and computing power to personally take care of her three meals a day, and other people can’t help me achieve my goals. Why should I cook for others?”

Li Yao was stunned for a long time, and said: "That's not right, at least I am different from others. I am a very good craftsman, and a technical expert in battle puppets and crystal armors and even giant soldiers. The craftsmanship of Liuli is still I pointed out that I changed your original body for you!

"I can also help you repair and maintain, and I can also help you continue to strengthen and become the'strongest in the universe' soon. So you burn a bowl of perfect noodles, let me eat it heartily, and help you take good care of your body. Isn’t it very reasonable, it should be?"

The boxing champion was stunned, his crystal eyes continuously enlarged.

Li Yao smiled: "Look, my logic is perfect, you have nothing to say, right?"

The boxing champion remained silent, but Jing Brain made a "squeaking" noise, and there was also a smoky smoke.

"Hey, hello, boxing champion, aren't you caught in some logical trap, are you in an endless loop of data?"

Li Yao's face changed drastically, and he kept calling, "Boxing champion, quickly activate the cooling rune to cool the brain, boxing champion, boxing champion!"

The boxing champion turned a deaf ear, stiff, but the steel skull kept trembling, and finally, with a "pop", Jing Brain made a dull sound, a large cloud of black smoke came out of the cracks in the steel plate, and all the light around his body dimmed.

His crystal brain burned and was paralyzed.

The light curtain went dark, and the communication stopped abruptly.

"not good!"

Li Yao ran out anxiously, "The boxer burned himself down, go and save him!"

After running two steps, it felt wrong. When I looked back, Liuli stayed calmly and calmly on the spot, and didn't seem to be anxious.

"Liu Li, what's the situation?"

Li Yao stunned, "The situation of the boxing champion is not right, why are you not nervous at all."

"It's okay, Yao old, Master Boxing has been like this these days, he burns his clone at every turn."

Liuli said, "Don't worry, he deliberately, even pretended to be."


Li Yao really couldn't figure it out, "He deliberately pretended that the brain was burnt, almost...playing dead? Why!"

"That's why I said, it must be my problem, it has broken the brains of Master Boxing!"

Liuli worried, "I feel that Master Boxing has become more and more weird recently. Every time he encounters a question he cannot answer positively, or something he doesn't want to face, he deliberately burns his brain or gets some smoke out. Pretend to be dead and use this method to escape.

"At first I thought it was true. I was scared to death. Later I found out that he was pretending. He was so angry and funny. What? He was such a terrible gangster, the majestic boxing champion. Some things are like a child with his head in a quilt."

Li Yao curled his eyebrows and thought for a long time.

"In this case--"

Li Yao said, "Liu Li, since you don't like boxing champions, have you ever thought about changing jobs? I can find someone else to be the exclusive maintenance technician for boxing champions."

"I didn't say that I didn't like Master Boxer!"

Liuli jumped up suddenly, her cheeks flushed slightly, her index fingers of both hands were facing each other, and she kept poking and poking, and she said in a very low voice, "Although Master Boxer is sometimes immature, He also likes to cook tomato and poached egg noodles for people all day long, and he always pretends to be dead, but besides these points, he is still a very good person!

"What's more, it's very likely that these bad things were caused by me. If this is the case, I can't leave the boxing champion alone. I must continue to learn maintenance techniques, strive for perfection, and become a man. The outstanding and top-notch maintenance technician repaired the fault that I caused in the mind of Master Boxer.

"In short, I will be responsible to Master Boxing Master!"

The little girl from the evil land with bright eyes like glaze, waved a small fist and said firmly.

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