40,000 Years of Cultivation

Chapter 2515: Strange Xinghai

That evening, Li Yao and his friends had a small feast of various cans at the Lantian Market-not only for Li Yao, but for each other.

Because the situation on the front line has changed, the command of the coalition of the four major electors’ families has issued the latest order requesting the "loyalty salvation army" to be launched in advance to block an important channel of the Ten Thousand Realms Business Alliance.

Therefore, the fleets of Li Yao and Boss Bai will set off together tomorrow to go to their respective battlefields.

Although it was a variety of cans, they had a great time eating each other, and halfway through the dinner, the boxing champion also came-with a thermos bucket full of tomato poached egg noodles.

In the end, against his extinct, ruthless, steel-like gaze, this bucket of noodles was grabbed by Li Yao and Boss Bai to eat.

The boxing champion was so angry that he was going to freeze again.

This little episode did not affect the atmosphere of the farewell. Everyone stayed up all night, talking about the upcoming battle and the earth-shaking changes that will take place in the center of Xinghai in the near future.

Until the east of the man-made sky dome was filled with a bright red color, Li Yao finally enjoyed himself. With Li Jialing, he boarded the super-small starship commonly known as the "shuttle" and slowly sailed away from the starport.

When they left, the "Arsonist United Fleet" dressed in the "Loyalty Salvation Army" was also ready to go. Super starships that had been strengthened by Li Yao, Bai Boss, Boxing King, Xiao Ming, and Wen Wen soared into the sky and spewed out. The colorful tail flames converge into a colorful torrent.

Right now, the name of this fleet is only known to a handful of people in the Blue Sky Market, oh, maybe there is also the Star Beach, a handful of people in the Star Federation.

But I believe that in the near future, it will rise extremely powerfully in the center of the star sea, burning that bright flame throughout the entire Pangu universe.

And Li Yao will also make a magnificent debut on another battlefield with another world-shocking identity!

"good luck."

The shuttle was about to split into the air, and the communication channel came with a blessing from Boss Bai, "Li Yao, you don't lack anything, and occasionally you lack a little good luck. I hope this time, everything will be smooth sailing."

"Of course."

Li Yao grinned and replied, "We are going to break out of the Pangu universe and stir up hundreds of millions of stars. The empire is such a small scene, what the **** is it!"


Half a month later, in a barren star field not far from the "Seven Seas Market" of the Wanjie Commercial League headquarters, countless starship wrecks formed a mighty torrent of rubbish, like a cosmic highway composed of gravel stars. .

This is the Xinghai Channel visible to the naked eye-the shortest distance from one best jumping point to the next best jumping point.

Although in theory, the ultra-long-range star-sea jump can teleport a starship from any point in the star-sea to another.

However, this kind of jump not only has extremely high accuracy requirements for the star sea jumping unit carried by the starship, but also has extremely high intensity requirements for the passenger's body and even the strength of the soul, and the fuel consumption is also astronomical.

Sometimes, it is not even a question of how much fuel, but a large amount of ultra-high-purity, extremely precious special mixed fuel must be injected into the Xinghai Jump magic weapon to start the ultra-long-range Xinghai Jump that spans hundreds of thousands of worlds.

And such special fuels, as well as the raw materials that are made into special fuels-those extremely rare crystals and treasures, are often monopolized by nobles and the military, and only elite warships are eligible to use them.

For ordinary merchant ships and transport ships, they can not consume such expensive fuel, and the weak bodies of passengers are often unable to adapt to the damage caused by prolonged decomposition into a four-dimensional state.

Therefore, they can only jump from one big world to the neighboring big one, and use this "leapfrog" method to slowly reach their destination.

Moreover, in order to save fuel when launching a short jump, it is necessary to find the place where the three-dimensional structure of the world is the most unstable, the most likely to tear the wormhole or even the natural wormhole, that is the jumping point marked on the star map.

From one jumping point to the next jumping point, the straight line may not be the shortest.

Utilizing the gravitational force of planets and even stars is like being thrown out by a cosmic slingshot again and again, which can greatly increase the speed.

Among the many jumping points, there are terrifying areas with frequent star-sea storms and meteorite fragments, including the garbage wreckage caused by human war activities, which may cause fatal blows to merchant ships.

In order to make use of the gravity of stars and planets and avoid these dangerous zones, the navigation path between jumping points becomes a complex curve. Only experienced old captains can walk closely to the navigation path with complete accuracy. A perfect compromise was reached in terms of safety and fuel consumption.

The battle between the Four Great Families and the Ten Thousand Realms Business Alliance often revolved around the interception, opening up, **** and ambush of the channel.

In the past two or three months, the squadrons of the two sides have broken out thousands of short but cruel conflicts on various waterways. Countless starships smashed into the sand, and countless ordinary people and cultivators were buried together in the cold starry sea, countless precious. All of the cargo has become **** and scattered on the channel, becoming a bleak beacon—just like the wreckage floating on the channel in front of me.

After three months of fierce fighting, the waterway surrounding the Seven Seas Market was almost cut off by 50%.

But for the remaining half of the waterway, the caravans that came and went had increased several times, showing abnormal prosperity.

No way, no matter how fierce the war is, life will continue. As the headquarters of the Wanjie Business League, the "Seven Seas Stars" where the Seven Seas Market is located was originally the most stable wormhole in the outer world of the empire, the richest jumping points, and the most accessible business. And the logistics center, to a certain extent, possesses the characteristics similar to the “Earth Heaven Realm and Celestial Star” of the imperial capital.

The goods of countless large worlds and resource planets must be transferred in the "Seven Sea Stars" before they can be sent to the large worlds that desperately need them.

These goods are either fertilizers that are urgently needed for farming, or the core filter unit of a water purification system or air purification system, or a special medicine to kill a certain plague-in short, they are necessary for all the worlds, resource planets and Xinghai towns. Something less.

Without these goods, the entire town, the entire planet, and the entire world would face crises, so no matter how fierce the war is, people will have to take risks, cross the war zone and go to the Seven Seas Big Market to do business.

At this moment, there is such a fleet of dozens of tattered semi-armed merchant ships, cautiously sailing on the wrecked channel.

Many wrecks still have extremely high temperatures, and even some magic weapon units deep in the wreckage are still reacting violently. From time to time, colorful **** of light are exploded, staring at this little one like a deformed skull. fleet.

These wrecks are the product of a fierce battle not long ago.

This shows that this channel is very likely to be a dangerous front, the fleet of the four major families, the fleet of the Ten Thousand Realms Business Alliance, or the most vicious star thief... all kinds of wolves, tigers and leopards are dormant in the dark sea of ​​stars, ready to Waiting for the opportunity to come out and take a bite.

Even now, there are a lot of deep eyes staring at this small caravan, just because they are too inconspicuous and look too shabby, they don't bother to waste fuel and ammunition to rob them.

This recognition makes the caravan's sailing more cautious and cautious.

At the end of the caravan, a rusty, fat and stupid merchant ship that looked hundreds of years old was painted with a stupid black bear painted on the bow, and the merchant ship’s name-the Little Bear underneath.

This is not a long-distance voyage starship, just suitable for ferrying and connecting back and forth in the neighboring world.

In order to adapt to the "leapfrog navigation" of multiple star sea jumps, the owner of the Little Bear reluctantly modified it for it, stacking a lot of patches on the upper layer of the shell, making it look more bloated and awkward-and the previous ten Several merchant ships are the same.

Although it looks like an evacuation, these dozen or so merchant ships have never known each other before. They come from different worlds and belong to some lonely small businessmen. They only met by chance at the last supply starport. Only when they walked together, they were courageous with each other.

Although more than a dozen merchant ships were gathered together, and they were killed together when they were looted by battleships, at least it can bring some psychological...illusory comfort.

Huo Dongling didn't like this strange sea of ​​stars outside at all, not at all.

Although her father was the owner and captain of the Little Bear, she grew up playing on the Little Bear since she was a child, and often sailed with her father, so that she thought she was a real "child of the stars".

But in the past, they were cruising near their hometowns, traveling between the calm sea, not too dangerous, and every star is very familiar with the stars. Every time they go to the supply port, there are father’s old friends and old brothers to pick up the wind. Give her all kinds of weird fruits and toys, and she will be able to go home in less than ten and a half days—that's the voyage that Huo Dongling is accustomed to.

But this time is different, this time it is so different.

Huo Dongling and Little Bear have never sailed so far, passing through an unfamiliar star field, seeing piles of twisted wreckage, and even hearing harsh alarms several times, they had to do their best and consume like crazy. Fleeing fuelly, the Little Bear has never been so weak and windy, and Dad's face has never been so gloomy.

Huo Dongling even heard her father's panic-stricken dreams several times between half asleep and half awake-this is her father who is as strong as a tower and is not afraid of the star sea storm!

The familiar Xinghai became so unfamiliar, so gloomy, so cold, and so perilous, making Huo Dongling feel in a trance—whether they were sailing in the star sea, or unknowingly, got into the blood of a giant beast The big mouth of the basin will be completely eroded by the boundless darkness?

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