40,000 Years of Cultivation

Chapter 2516: Hyenas

As a result, in the nights haunted by nightmares and the bleak days, Huo Dongling gradually, like her father and all the crew on the Little Bear, began to hate the endless universe outside, and hate that the ship would squeak at every turn. "There are magic units with various colors of innocence coming out of chaos, and I hate the disgusting feeling of headaches and disgusting after short jumps.

Of course, what she hates most is the passengers, especially those mercenaries with fierce eyes, arrogant, stubborn hands.

The Little Bear is a cargo ship. The passengers did not bring them from their hometowns, but from the ports where fuel and supplies were supplied along the way, and they came up one after another.

As long as passengers can give enough money to jump in the stars, cargo ships will generally not refuse to take them for a ride. What's more, most passengers carry swords, fierce spirits, and small people like Huo Dongling, who claim to be the uncle of qi refining or foundation building. I dare not refuse them anyway.

In such a time of chaos and wars, passengers who dared to take a ride to the Seven Seas Market, the headquarters of the Ten Thousand Realms Commercial League, thought about it and knew that there would be no good men and women.

Otherwise it is a fugitive who committed a capital crime, or it is a desperate bankrupt, or a killer, assassin, mercenary, or even a star thief who has lost his organization, or even a spy loyal to the four major electoral families, three religions, nine ranks, and jackals. Tiger Leopard, all-encompassing.

Among them, those mercenaries who lick their blood and exchange their lives for money are the most annoying.

He didn't even have his own battleship, and he was so downhearted that he had to travel on a civilian merchant ship like the Little Bear. It was obvious that these mercenaries did not mix well.

But this does not prevent them from laughing gruffly, talking about things in the world, and showing up the chain saw sword and the concussion sword at every turn, clinking between each other's waists, and even when staring at Huo Dongling. Does not hide the ugliness that is hot in the depths of the eyes.

These lowest-level mercenaries are like gorillas with unshaved hair—or the kind that are in the courtship period.

As long as Huo Dongling smelled the stinky smell on them, he wanted to vomit.

But she had to endure the nausea and brought meals to these passengers with a partner from home.

The Little Bear is a cargo ship, and naturally there is no dedicated attendant. Even the daughter of the ship’s owner and captain does not have the slightest privilege and can be left alone.

Sure enough, when he pushed open the hatch and rammed into the misty cabin, he heard the seemingly heroic laughter of the orangutans.

The Bear has no special cabin, but it has cleared a lot of space in the cargo compartment to accommodate passengers. Other passengers huddled in the corner and kept silent, thinking about their own affairs. Only these mercenaries occupied the center of the cargo compartment. Danced with swords and guns, boasted of military exploits, chatted happily, and had great interest.

"...With such a thick neck, like a small tree, it was cut into two pieces with a slash. His head fell to the ground, and he could talk. He blinked his eyes and said-so it was you, Thunderbolt!"

A mercenary with two front teeth missing in his mouth, carrying a broad-edged sword like a battle axe, slapped his thigh and laughed wildly, "Isn't it Lao Tzu? How could it be so fast if it wasn't for Lao Tzu's Lightning Knife? Haha, hahahaha! "

"It's the same with Lao Tzu. When I met someone who didn't have long eyes, I had to fight for a wife. As a result, Lao Tzu's "Cross Soul Pursuing Sword" was just pulled out, and I ran away!"

Another tall, thin, white-skinned mercenary smiled strangely, "Run? The "Cross Soulchaser" has been out of its sheath. What's the use of running? Isn't it a ten or twenty meters away and I was killed by me? I cut off my feet! But I didn't take his life. It's not worth it for being a girl! The price of my murder is at least 3,000 star coins, and I don't charge Imperial Coins, and I won't charge them!"

"Recently, there is a very popular mercenary group in Feihe Star Territory called the'Blood Rain League.' The team, all the goods were taken away by the Blood Rain League. It's **** rich and home, and the nails are going to leak oil!"

The first mercenary, the "Thunderbolt Lightning Knife" that lacked front teeth curled his mouth and said, "Their deputy commander is my old acquaintance. It’s getting better now, and maybe I will receive the medals of the four big families in a few days, hehe, good luck, really good luck!"

"Yes, the four major families have recently increased their prices, recruiting soldiers everywhere, and those who used to be poorly mixed are now making a fortune. Speaking of which, this is really the most glorious years of our mercenaries. I really should thank you very much. This great age!"

The mercenary with pale skin, the "Cross Soul Chaser" sighed for a while, then looked at everyone up and down, and laughed, "Now many brothers are running to the four major families, why is your man running to the Seven Seas Market? , So optimistic that the Ten Thousand Realms Business Alliance can win?"

"I am optimistic about his grandma as a bear!"

Thunderbolt Lightning Knife sipped yellow and thick saliva, and said disapprovingly, "I care who wins and who loses, it depends on who gives more money! The solicitation price of the four major families has increased a lot, but ten thousand On the Jie Business League, the price for soliciting a refining gas is twice that of last month, and the price for building a foundation is three times. As for the formation of pill, then you can ask for it!

"The jingle star coin can be changed into a white spar after changing hands. If you don't take the white, why not? It's really the wind direction is wrong, isn't it still possible to'battlefield uprising'? Jin Yuyan, the leader of the Ten Thousand Realms Business League, might ascend to the sky in one step and climb onto the heads of those fools who take refuge in the four major families!"

"My brother and I, it's really the same as what a hero sees!"

The Cross Soul Chaser smiled sharply and thinly, like a meandering viper, "Anyway, if the Ten Thousand Realms Business League wins a lot, we will honestly take their money and help them fight; if Ten Thousand Realms Seeing that the business alliance is about to end, we will'battlefield uprising' and cooperate with the four big families to make trouble in the Seven Seas Market; if it is not possible, we simply take advantage of the fire to rob, take advantage of the chaos of the Seven Seas Market, grab a starship, and go away. , Who can do to us?"

"Wonderful, wonderful, wonderful!"

Many mercenaries high-five and laugh together, showing their ugliness.

"However, the'battlefield uprising' is not that simple."

The Cross Soul Chaser lowered his voice again, pretending to be mysterious, "At least there must be a backer in the four major families, so that it is easy to dredge the relationship, and it will not be slaughtered by someone, as it is a battle achievement!"

"This, naturally there is."

Thunderbolt Lightning Knife looked arrogantly, "There is a staff officer in the Seventh Squadron of the Yun Family's Flowing Cloud Fleet. He is a direct descendant of the Yun Family, or a magnificent imperial baron, named Yun Ao. It is my elder brother. We have never broken contact. , You can find him if you have anything to do, and you can sell him any information from the Ten Thousand Realms Business Alliance!"

"Empire Baron?"

The Cross Soul Chasing Sword laughed blankly, "This kind of identity, buying and selling information, selling stolen goods, maybe it can be used as a backer, hehe, hey..."


The Thunderbolt Lightning Knife first showed an unpleasant color, his eyes rolled, and a smile appeared, "So, your brother has a bigger backing?"


The Cross Soul Chaser pretended to behave for a while, and was determined to subdue these mercenaries who had just met recently, so he didn't sell them too much, and smiled, "Do you know that in recent months, besides the traditional elite fleets, the four major families? Who is the strongest in the limelight, the most arrogant, and the strongest in the fleet under his command?"

"who is it?"

Many mercenaries pricked their ears.

The Cross Soul Chaser and the others brought their heads together, and then they shouted unexpectedly, "It's the Yongchun Hou Li Wushu!"

"A Hou Ye!"

The many mercenaries were really taken aback.

A marquise is naturally taller than a baron.

"Yes, it's his old man in Yongchunhou."

Cross Soul Chaser said triumphantly, "Didn’t you have heard that Lord Li Hou first recruited thirty famous Star Thieves Group and adapted it into the'Loyalty Salvation Army', based on the leader of the Great White Star Thieves Group, Bai Boss. Commander."

"The Great White Star Pirate Group?"

In the food chain of Xinghai desperadoes, these low-level mercenaries are at best hyenas gnawing on carrion. Hearing the name of the fierce beast like Boss Bai, naturally all calf cramps.

"Well, even Boss Bai was subdued by Yongchunhou, and he played a good show and swallowed the blue sky market!"

Cross Soul Swordsman, "Almost all of the four major families' strategies on the peripheral markets of the Ten Thousand Worlds Business League encountered various interceptions and deterrents, and progress was extremely unsatisfactory. The strategies of several markets suffered heavy losses and were unable to attack for a long time.

"There is only the Blue Sky Market. It is said that there was a **** battle, but it finally fell into the hands of Yongchunhou and the Zhongyi National Salvation Army. Isn't it a great contribution?

"That's not even counted. I heard that Yongchunhou and the Zhongyi Salvation Army captured the Blue Sky Market not long ago. It was just when the people were running out of horses and ammunition and food was exhausted. The Feihong Fleet near several worlds actually wanted to take advantage of them. Fighting for battle exploits-guess what, the huge flying rainbow fleet was all made dumplings by Yongchunhou's fleet and the Loyalty Salvation Army, and it was eaten in one bite!

"No one thought that the fighting power of Hou Yongchun was so tyrannical. His old man got cheap and sold well. He returned to the four-family coalition headquarters and furious. He steadily reported the Feihong Fleet to the Song family, the backing of the Feihong Fleet. The'Bohuhou' told that the nose is not a nose, and the eyes are not eyes. Even in front of the'Bohuhou' and other senior officials of the four major families, the Feihong Fleet was killed after a battle with the Loyalty Salvation Army. The fight was smashed, and he fled in a hurry, but he fled to the Star Sea Storm and the whole army was wiped out! He also asked "Bo Huhou" what he wanted to do-of course Bo Huhou can't do anything to Yongchunhou. After all, the winner is not punished. Of it!

"After this lawsuit came down, Yong Chunhou was so popular in the command of the coalition forces of the four major families. Everyone knew that he was an extremely nasty mad... tiger, and no one dared to enter the Blue Sky Market easily."

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