40,000 Years of Cultivation

Chapter 2518: The dilemma of Nan Lingxing

No matter if compared with those fierce mercenaries or the indifferent black panther next to him, this passenger with tousled hair looks like an ordinary person everywhere, neither age nor beauty. In the crowd, he will definitely not be able to highlight his appearance, and he will be forgotten in a blink of an eye.

But he had a pair of eyes that always contained a smile, and his eyes were as gentle and warm as the sun in winter. Not only did they not smell the slightest evil, but they gave Huo Dongling a touch of comfort to the heart that had just been frightened.

The little girl looked back again. The mercenaries all curled up to the other corner of the cabin, buried their heads in the lunch box, and did not dare to look up here.

When I looked back, the passenger with nice eyes raised his hands, put on a very funny appearance, and smiled: "It's okay, sit down, my surname is Li, you just call me'Mr. Li' Up."

"Mr. Lee..."

Perhaps the other party's eyes were too gentle and harmless, or perhaps such a small cabin, the other party really had any malice, and Huo Dongling had nowhere to escape. The little girl lost her mind and sat down obediently.

After thinking for a while, he moved his **** to the cold black panther-after all, knowing people and knowing the face, most of the bad guys these days are grinning, somehow this black panther saved her just now!

The Panther glanced at her, did not speak, curled his lips, and took his own meal.

"Your name is Dongling, right? I heard the crew call your name this morning. You are the owner's daughter."

The messy-haired passenger smiled, and suddenly remembered something, he took out a simple sterling silver bracelet from his arms and handed it over, "Dong Ling, give you something, even if it's...consultation fee!"

"this is--"

Huo Dongling became more and more frightened, and thought in confusion, isn't this uncle a cultivator? She had never seen a cultivator so kind to ordinary people, and even gave ordinary people things.

In the past, the limit of seeing immortal cultivators was at most like the black panther next to him, who turned a blind eye to ordinary people.

Thinking about this, Huo Dongling waved his hand desperately, not daring to accept the other party's things.

"Take it, this bracelet can be regarded as a small magic weapon."

The passenger with messy hair said, "The hyenas just said they were right. The Xinghai is so messy now. It's really not easy for a little girl like you to roam outside. You will encounter all kinds of dangers.

"Seeing that the spiral rune array on the inside of the bracelet is not there, come, pierce your right thumb to make sure that the blood soaks the fingerprints, and then print the fingerprints on the spiral rune array to confirm, you can activate the bracelet, and some bad guys will want to invade you in the future. The bracelet will automatically detect the bad guy's body temperature, heartbeat and adrenaline secretion level. If it exceeds the warning range, it will automatically emit a strong electric arc, and it will also release a unique soul brand, which can be released ten times in total.

"As long as the bad guys are immortal cultivators, they will definitely be able to identify the master of this soul imprint, what exactly is the cultivation base?

"Here, when the time comes, you will tell the bad guys that this bracelet is your father, no, it's a good friend of your grandpa's. It was a gift you gave you when you were born, and it’s for your safety. Don’t say too much. , I think, 99% of bad guys will retreat.

"However, if you want to get along with your lover, remember to take off the bracelet, hahahaha, otherwise it won't be good to get your lover on the phone!"

Huo Dongling lowered her head shyly. What kind of love is she? This Mr. Li is quite funny.

"Is this the food you cooked by yourself?"

The messy-haired passenger picked up the food box, took a deep breath, and praised, "It smells so good, Dong Ling, your craftsmanship is really good!"

Huo Dongling froze for a moment, and said in embarrassment: "No, Mr. Li, this is a very ordinary self-heating fast food, the kind produced in large quantities, now, it is printed on the packaging box."

Passenger with messy hair: "...Let's go straight to the subject, where does your ship leave from?"

Huo Dongling said honestly: "We came from the South Spirit Star in the Crimson Star Territory. Mr. Li should have never heard of it. It is an asteroid that has just been developed for more than 100 years and has not yet formed a stable atmosphere. , There are only four small and medium settlements, and I was born in one of them."

"I have never heard of the Southern Spirit Star, but I know that the Scarlet Star Territory is not close to our destination, the Seven Seas Market. For a civilian merchant ship like you, it may take dozens of star sea jumps and several long journeys. It will take a few months to arrive, and it’s so dangerous along the way."

The passenger with messy hair said, "Outside there is turmoil and wars are going on everywhere. I heard that the authorities have declared that the Ten Thousand Realms Business League is a rebel organization and will soon besiege the Seven Seas Market. Why do you risk going there to do business? If you want money or life, at least you shouldn’t have brought you there, right?"

"We can't help it."

Huo Dongling said with a sad expression, "How can the high-ranking masters of immortality understand the life of those of us ascendants? We Nanlingxing has only been developed for a hundred years, and there is no strong backing behind it, and nothing too rare in itself. Specialties, all the necessities of life cannot be self-sufficient until now. Without food shipped from outside, we would starve to death; without the water purification cycle chip shipped from outside, we would die of thirst; without a stable atmosphere system shipped from outside And compressed oxygen, we are going to be suffocated alive!

"In the past, the trade routes of the Ten Thousand Worlds Commercial Alliance were spread in all directions, and free markets were dotted. The caravans would regularly pass through our planet every month, purchasing local minerals, and transporting us food, water and air. It was really not good. We can still go to the nearest. The free market purchase in China requires only two short jumps, up and down for a week.

"But as soon as there was a war outside, we were caught, so what... The four big families declared that the Ten Thousand Realms Merchant League was a rebel organization, cut off trade routes, destroyed the free market, and recruited various stars to steal out and looting. Cut off the way for our people to survive.

"There has been no caravan passing by our Nanling Star for three months. Our stored food, water and air are almost exhausted, and the mountain of raw ore piled up in the port is no one to buy. Everyone can only stare at it. More and more ore worries.

"I originally wanted to trade in the nearby free market, but after I went there was a mess-that free market was under siege by the four major family fleets and was completely destroyed, even our small merchant ship , They were almost sunk as "rebellious" chaotic people.

"Later, we met several merchant ships from nearby Star Territories that came to trade, only to know that the fleets of the four major families had wiped out the free markets of several nearby large worlds, and there were countless star thiefs and servants incorporated by the four major families. Soldiers, cruising on various waterways like wolves, would never let the merchant fleet of the Ten Thousand Realms Merchant Alliance pass by.

"Even if there are one or two secret markets that have not been wiped out, the prices there are still terrifyingly high. The ordinary ores produced by our Nanling Star can't be sold at all, and we can't buy many materials necessary for survival.

"We want to eat, drink water, and maintain a thin atmosphere. We have to venture to a place that the four major families have not yet explored-the Seven Seas Market to trade. After all, the goods here are the most complete and the prices are lower. , And protected by the **** fleet of the Ten Thousand Realms Business Alliance, it’s a little safer.

"Hey, why don't we know that this is very risky, but the battle is not known how long it will take. If we don't come out for a deal, we will be trapped alive on Nan Ling Xing! My father is the most experienced captain of Nan Ling Xing. For the survival of his hometown, how could he be a turtle?

"As for me, I voluntarily asked to come out with my father. Anyway, if the'Little Bear' does not bring the necessary supplies back, Nan Lingxing will definitely not be able to sustain it within a year or a half, and the ending will not be much better. what!"

Perhaps because of the other's gentle gaze, Huo Dongling vented all his grievances in one breath. As he spoke, he shed tears in silence and murmured: "You immortal masters, why do you want to fight? Well, why not leave a way for our little people to survive? We want to trade, we want to eat, we want to live!"

The messy-haired passenger was silent for a moment, then sighed softly, and said, "How is the situation like your South Spirit Star in the outer world of the empire?"

"Many, why not?"

Huo Dongling gritted his teeth and said, "In the Crimson Star Region alone, like Nanling Star, it cannot be self-sufficient. There are seven or eight asteroids that require caravan'blood transfusion' to survive. Since a hundred years ago, the Ten Thousand Realms Business Alliance Just under the banner of developing asteroids, after the initial remediation of these planets, they can be sold to ordinary people at a very low price, and they can also be paid in installments, with almost zero down payment and zero interest, which is almost half sold and half free.

"At that time, many ordinary people didn't know what it was, they all took the coffin out, bought a lot of asteroids from the Ten Thousand Realms Business League and migrated to them, and they tasted the feeling of being free and turning themselves in charge.

"As everyone knows, it is not that simple to develop an asteroid and settle down for a long time. That's right, the Ten Thousand Realms Business Alliance sets the price of asteroids very low. Counting the cost of the initial development, it is simply a big sale at a loss, but the follow-up Food, water purification systems, and atmospheric stabilization magic units. Many consumables must be replenished once a month or every quarter. It is not enough if they are not replenished.

"Wanjie Commercial Alliance took our pain point and continuously increased the price of consumable parts. They also controlled the largest merchant fleet, completely monopolized our export channels, and kept our production prices very low. Once there, our asteroid residents have worked hard for a hundred years, and they have all been working for the Ten Thousand Realms Business League.

"Using this method, the Ten Thousand Realms Business Alliance controlled countless resource planets and asteroid settlements in the periphery of the empire, and dragged us all onto their thief ship-if you say you work, you will work, and the ship will be thief. , The life is barely able to survive, but now the four big families are fighting the Ten Thousand Realms Business Alliance, but they have all interrupted our way of life. Thousands of settlements like Nanlingxing are all in danger, do not venture out to trade. I'm going to die alive!"

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