40,000 Years of Cultivation

Chapter 2519: Two evils

"The rise and fall of the people are suffering, the ancients are true to their words!"

The messy-haired passenger sighed, "No wonder there are hordes of soldiers outside, and there are fleets of star thief and banditry in various waterways. There are still so many civilian merchant ships to venture out to trade-Dongling, you know a lot."

Huo Dongling blushed, and said: "What do I know? These words are all my father complained about. We went to trade this time. Every port we visited was sold out without any refinement. No one wants the raw ore of the country. Food and fuel are consumed. I don’t know what happened after arriving at the Seven Seas Market. My father was so worried that his hair was about to fall out. He hid in the corner all day and sighed. Why don't you want to listen, and remember all his complaints!"


The passenger with messy hair groaned, "Dong Ling, if you have to choose one, do you think it is better for the Ten Thousand Realms Business League or the'authority' behind the four major electors' families? You are more willing to be in the Ten Thousand Realms. To live under the rule of the Shang League, or to live under the rule of the'government'?"

"Of course it is the Ten Thousand Worlds Business Alliance, and the Ten Thousand Worlds Business Alliance is a hundred times better than the four big families!"

Huo Dongling blurted out, "Yes, the Ten Thousand Realms Business League is a private trader, changing the way to make money from us, but they have a bit of a bottom line, talk about some business rules, and occasionally help us.

"Even though they were very cunning just now, those asteroids were managed by them in advance, and they were half sold and half given to us. Otherwise, we, as the rising people, would never dream of owning their own homes.

"After the asteroid is sold and half given to us, the Wanjie Commercial Alliance will sell us a large amount of materials for pioneering and mining on credit, and teach us the necessary technology, and even provide us with convenient micro-loans-these things , Of course, we have to pay it back, the interest is not low, but somehow it can make us survive!

"After that, although the merchant fleet of the World Trade Alliance monopolized the import and export channels on the asteroid, it often brought us strange magic weapons and new businesses in the outside world. If the young people in our asteroid settlements have If you can earn interest, you may become a staff member of the Wanjie Business League, and your family members can enjoy better loan interest rates and technical support, and life will be better!

"In short, Dad told me that to the Ten Thousand Worlds Business Alliance, the residents of our asteroid settlements are like old hens that can lay eggs. The Ten Thousand Worlds Business Alliance will first raise the old hens to be fat and strong. Gradually dig out our eggs and eat, which is called... put a long line and catch a big fish!"

The messy-haired passenger nodded and thought thoughtfully: "Fatten the hens first, and then slowly dig out the eggs. That's not bad. What about the four big families?"

"The four big families are vicious jackals. They just want to kill chickens and get their eggs. Where can we live and die?"

Huo Dongling let out a ray of hatred in his eyes, gritted his teeth and said, "No matter how cunning the Ten Thousand Realms Merchant League is, it will at least provide us with loans, technology, education, and markets. What have the four major families and the so-called'authorities' give us? No, except for taxes and fines!

"The immortal cultivators belonging to the four major families will not appear several times throughout the year, regardless of whether we have encountered famine, plague, or mine disaster, or the radiation value caused by the raging star sea storm is too high... people who have never seen the authorities come out to rescue disasters. , But every time we have a little savings on hand, the wolves of these authorities appear swaggeringly.

"Port construction tax, environmental protection tax, waterway safety tax, special defense tax, imperial restoration tax, human evolution tax, imperial tax, 10,000 taxes, 10,000 taxes, 10,000 taxes!

"These taxes are still collected by the authorities. As for the fines collected by the local cultivators privately, they are even more numerous! Do not pay? People have knives and guns in their hands, and they dare to kill people. Blood is bleeding all over the ground! Even if you don't kill it face-to-face, turn your head back and put on a star thief's skin, and then looting, how can our poor asteroid settlements resist?

"If we rob us of our money, it is good to give us a sigh of relief like the Ten Thousand Realms Business League. It is good to nourish us again, but the elders of the four major families never care about our life or death. Anyway, we are An ant is a weed, a primitive man, something that deserves to fend for itself!"

For passengers with messy hair, their eyebrows become more frowning.

As Huo Dongling was talking, his eyes reddened again, and the crystal clear tears rolled for a long time, and he continued: "The Ten Thousand Realms Commercial League has a large-scale construction plan. According to the plan, in fact, the settlement of our Nanling Star is dozens of years earlier. It’s time to break through ten in the year, completely integrated into one, and have its own stable atmosphere. If this is the case, the Ten Thousand Realms Commercial Alliance can entrust us with greater business, or sell more goods to us. Everyone It is good, in the words of Shangmeng, what is it... a win-win situation!

"But the immortal cultivators of the Four Great Families come every year to smash the bones and absorb the marrow and exploit the land. From the Ten Thousand Realms Business League and our colonizing planet, they have raised a large number of star thieves to take and grab. We have worked so hard to accumulate some savings. Every time they are swept away by them, this kind of thing happens over and over again, how can our hometown be built?

"Just say that this time, the four big families declared that the Ten Thousand Worlds Business Alliance is a rebel, and it is strictly forbidden for us to do business with the Ten Thousand Worlds Business Alliance.

"We are all good people, and we have always been loyal to Lord Hou and His Majesty. Of course, we don’t want to be'attached to rebellion.' But the old gentlemen will not let us do business with the rebels. Then please bring enough food, clean water and Compressed air, come to help us tide over the difficulties!

"In the beginning, we all stayed at home honestly. No one dared to trade with the Ten Thousand Realms Commercial League. We hoped that the fleets of the four major families could send relief supplies and give directions for our future development, at least not to make us hungry. Die and suffocate, right?

"Hehe, we are looking forward to an'official army' and a damn'king master'. As a result, these high-ranking officers and kings did not bring half a grain or half a water purification chip, but ruined it. A lot of our supplies, we are the few that we depend on for survival! Then we patted our **** and left, leaving us with nothing, no hope at all!

"In this way, our South Spirit Star is still good. I heard that many asteroid settlements were slaughtered by the electorate's fleet and completely razed to the ground. It seems that their attack on the Ten Thousand Realms Business Alliance is not good, so they use our people's. The head is used for the credit. Dad said what is it called doing meritorious work, what..."

"Kill a good job," said the passenger with messy hair.

"Yes, kill good and take advantage!"

Huo Dongling trembled slightly, "We really want to be loyal to your majesty, to the emperor, and to the sacred masters, but they don't want our allegiance at all. As long as our lives, then we can't wait to die alive and rebel. , Just go against it, at least go to the Seven Seas Big Market to take a risk, maybe you can find a way to survive!"

These words were also in the little girl’s heart for a long time, and she fermented with fear and horror along the way, and almost suffocated her. Today, she finally vented out happily, just feeling that every pore on her body was relaxed and she was born. Sweat drippingly.

After talking endlessly, I realized that the beautiful-eyed passenger in front of her might also be the "Master Xiu" she had denounced. She couldn't help but an agitated spirit, shrinking his neck, and looking at the other person's expression timidly.

The passenger didn't have much expression on his face, but the nice eyes became extra deep, and a cold murderous intent appeared in the gentle light, but it scared Huo Dongling out of his body.

"Don't be afraid, Xiao Dongling."

The passenger said every word, his voice was not loud, but with a scent of stirring stars and shocking stars, "Believe me, the war will be over soon, you must have the opportunity to return to your hometown and build you Hometown...trust me!"

"Yes, Mr. Li."

For some reason, even though the other party's blatant words sounded too ridiculous, Huo Dongling still couldn't help but want to believe in him, in a better future, and a better hometown.

At this moment, the Little Bear shook slightly, and an orange-red light lit up in the cabin.

They are about to cross the last gravel star belt.

After passing through the gravel star belt, it is the planet with the largest volume and mass in this star field, and its two extremely large satellites.

This planet and its satellites form a very unique and extremely unstable three-star system, tearing, involving and exchanging matter with each other, and even the nearby three-dimensional space is extremely unstable, and there are often natural wormholes everywhere.

Launching the Star Sea Jump here can save fuel to the maximum and maintain the structural integrity of the starship, so it is the most popular jumping point for the civilian fleet.

This is the last jumping point before reaching the Seven Seas Market. Once you successfully jump, you can appear inside the Seven Seas Star Region. There, the Ten Thousand Realms Business Alliance still has a powerful **** fleet and a defense-in-depth system throughout the entire star region. It can ensure the safety of caravans traveling from north to south.

But before the jump has begun, here is still a fascinating "ghost gate". In the overwhelming and radiant gravel star belt, it is very possible that the hunting ships of the four major families are hidden, guarding the channel, and ambushing. A civilian merchant ship who wants to go to the Seven Seas Big Market.

Even the most experienced old captain, when crossing this dangerous gravel star belt, must be alive and well.

Otherwise, the wreckage of the starship rotating at a high speed in the gravel star belt may become their next second end.

The dozen or so cargo ships that formed the caravan entered the gravel star belt cautiously and tremblingly. All of them were praying to the gods and Buddhas not to encounter the vicious hunting ships.

But the willingness of these ants and weeds may not be enough to get into the ears of the gods and Buddhas. I was afraid of what would come. Just when all the cargo ships had just penetrated into the gravel star belt and could not make a U-turn to escape, they suddenly came from behind a few huge meteorites Stabbed out two long, narrow, shark-like warships, and rushed forward aggressively!

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