40,000 Years of Cultivation

Chapter 2521: Hold on, don't let go!

"Put down the magic weapon, take off the burqa, do you hear it!"

Just when Huo Dongling was flustered and at a loss, the sound of a black crystal armor cultivator's thunderous voice sounded behind him. After a pause, the voice rose by three points, and said sharply, "Where else has someone else gone? There are obviously three people, where is the other one hiding? Come out, come out!"

It turned out that it was not Huo Dongling's illusion, but "Mr. Li" really disappeared.

But how is it possible?

Huo Dongling turned his back to "Mr. Li", if he tiptoed away, he might not be able to find out.

But the black crystal armor cultivator and his wolf-like companions are clearly walking towards them, how could this "Mr. Li" mysteriously disappear under the eyes of many cultivators?

Huo Dongling couldn't figure it out, but now it was not the time to think, she could already feel the gazes of those immortal cultivators scraping steel knives, rubbing lightly on her.

The girl was aggrieved and frightened, and even wished to curse these immortal cultivators, but she didn't dare, and tears came from her eyes again.

Are all Mr. Li’s words true? These **** immortal cultivators weren’t going to stay alive from the beginning. Will she die? Will my father die? There are so many friends from Nan Lingxing who come out to beg for life. , Will all die?

If they die, no one can bring back the replacement unit of the water purification chip and the air purification system in time, and the settlement of Nanlingxing will also collapse. Everyone will die of thirst, starvation, and suffocation. They work hard. Nan Lingxing, who has been building for a hundred years, their barren but lovely hometown, will also be destroyed!

Why are the immortal cultivators of these four major families so cruel?

Just now, what did "Mr. Li" say just now, as long as she grabs this black panther by the corner of his clothes, nothing will happen?

Although it sounds ridiculous, Huo Dongling couldn't help but want to believe what "Mr. Li" said-she had no second choice.

Swallowing hard, the girl tremblingly stretched her hand to the corner of the mysterious man in black.

"Don't move, I tell you not to move!"

The black crystal armor cultivator has been made nervous by the disappearance of "Mr. Li", and when he noticed Huo Dongling's subtle movements, he immediately yelled.

Huo Dongling was agitated, and his nerve endings had all contracted to the limit. The delicate hands like lotus roots froze in the air, where would you dare to move half an inch?

The mysterious man in black also noticed Huo Dongling's movements, and looked back slowly at her, questioning eyes leaking from the dark black goggles, as if asking the little girl, what on earth did he want to do?

Huo Dongling's face suddenly burned, and she was ashamed to the extreme, my God, what happened to her today, she actually wanted to pray for the protection of a cultivator-is she dizzy?

It is impossible for a cultivator to protect ordinary people. They are all raccoon dogs. They are all immortals, real people, uncles, they...

Unexpectedly, just when the girl was thinking about it, while she was about to retract her hand, the mysterious man in black took the initiative to pull up the hem of his clothes and sent it to Huo Dongling.

"Hey?" The girl widened her eyes and looked at each other at a loss.

"Grab." The mysterious man in black wiped off the rice grains from the corner of his mouth and said coldly.

"Asshole, what are you doing? Are you really afraid of death? Who are you, are you innovative spies, and where is a **** hiding? Come out, come out!" The black crystal armor cultivator yelled frantically.

Huo Dongling tremblingly stretched out his hand to grab it, but the mysterious man in black impatiently stuffed his clothes into her hand, and also squeezed her cold little hand, beckoning her to hold on tightly.

"Don't leave me within one meter of my body, you must hurry, do you understand?"

The mysterious man in black finally took off his goggles, revealing a pair of eyes brighter than gold, "I understand, and nod, and then we start."

What to start?

Huo Dongling had no idea at all, nodded subconsciously, and then—

The whole world, the situation changes suddenly!

The four corners of the cabin were originally illuminated with lights, but they suddenly went out at the same time, sinking into an ink-like darkness.

The crystal armor on the immortal cultivator has its own shiny rune array, making it the best target in the dark.

Huo Dongling felt like he was flying, as if sitting on a winged lion. The world was spinning and galloping fast, and the whole world grazed her ears.

With her weak power, she couldn't grasp the corners of the mysterious man in black, but the big cold hand of the other party always held her wrist tightly, and a gentle force came to help her buffer the wind and the electric shock. Shock.

Huo Dongling's heartbeat speeded up three times instantly, and he couldn't even make a call.

She couldn’t scream, but there were many people who could scream—the dark flames bursting out of colorful fire, it was the flames from the fire of the arrow-burst gun and the sword, but whether it was hitting a hot gun or waving it to a break His swords couldn't prevent death from coming. The arrogant cultivators screamed like a pig, and the cries were mixed with the sound of crystal armor cracking and bone crushing.

When every flame was shining, Huo Dongling could see a shocking and incredible picture.

The black crystal armor immortal cultivator was the first to bear the brunt. This mysterious man with golden eyes but like a black panther collapsed his chest with heavy techniques. The entire breastplate of the crystal armor was deeply sunken into his chest, almost to Close to the back.

He spurted blood violently, flew backwards and hit the bulkhead with his hands and feet deeply embedded in it. Seeing that Da Luo Jinxian came, he couldn't save it.

The other invaders are the same, as if involved in an invisible hurricane, their hands and feet covered with solid crystal armor bend unnaturally, their heads first turned 180 degrees, looking at their back, they turned another 180 degrees. Ten degrees, back to the front, loose and loose, where can it stand up?

When the third flame was lit, Huo Dongling saw the extremely distorted face of the "Thunder Lightning Knife". His crotch was thoroughly soaked, his face became the same color as the crotch, and his voice was sharper than that of a capon: "Don't," Don’t kill me, I’m loyal to the reformists, loyal to the All-World Trade Union... I hit the four major electors, long live the reformers, and the Senate Innovation Committee Wan—"

The last "year" has not yet been spoken, and the scream of "Thunder and Lightning Knife" stopped abruptly, replaced by a burst of blood spurting, like a dying crab, flowing from the corner of his mouth. A large pink bubble came out, and the whole person twitched like an electric shock.

"Close your eyes."

The mysterious man in black said coldly, "It doesn't look good."

Huo Dongling was stunned for a long time before realizing that the mysterious man in black was talking to himself, and was reminding himself that the pink face burned even harder, and even through a layer of gloves, he felt the cold big hands of the other party warm up.

After so many things, even if she is afraid, she has to persevere, Huo Dongling thought for a while and worried: "Hurry up, run away, there are still many people out there!"

She was referring to the two "Star Shark"-class hunting and killing ships that were eye-catching and ready to fire.

Even if Mr. Li's younger brother, the mysterious man in black, is so powerful, he can kill as many bad immortal cultivators, he can't escape the hunting of two "star sharks"!

"Don't be afraid."

Who knows, the mysterious man in black clenched her wrist tightly and said lightly, "There is no one outside."


In the gravel star belt, both cold and hot, both dark and constantly shining with the flames of destruction, Mr. Li, Li Yao, who has just escaped from the Little Bear, just wanders in a mustard combat suit that is as thin as a cicada's wings. Between the stardust, the meteorites whizzing past were used as steps, and they leapt forward lightly towards the two "star shark" hunting ships.

While swiftly slamming, while blew the crooked whistle, a red glow shot out from the universe ring, but it was a pocket warship the size of a short arrow-the Xiaolong that had not been used for a long time!

A flash of red light gushes from his forehead, lingering on the Xiaolong, instantly filling this pocket-sized battleship with firepower and...killing intent!


The Scarlet Demon attached to Xiaolong was very dissatisfied, "What I say is a demon, and a peerless king in the demon, why do you want to help you see injustice, draw your sword and help you, such a mother-in-law thing? ?"

"Don't think so, just test how powerful the Xiaolong is after Xiaoming, Wenwen and Boxing King's redesign, comprehensive transformation and upgrade, by the way, also use the blood of these scumbags. Give it a sacrifice!"

Li Yao smiled and said, "Hey, are you interested in a comparison?"

The blood glow of the Scarlet Heart Demon exploded instantly: "How to compare?"

"In addition to the Bear Bear, there are 13 starships here. Let me scan it... Well, on average, each starship invades about three semi-cultivators and 22.3 battle puppets."

Li Yao grabbed his finger and said, "I'll get these two'star sharks', you will be responsible for the scum and steel **** that invaded the merchant ship. See who is faster?"

"I don't want such a naive game."

The Scarlet Heart Demon sneered, "What's more, it is very troublesome to thoroughly clean out the invaders in every merchant ship. Obviously you are taking advantage of...comparison!"

As it was talking, it suddenly accelerated, driving the Xiaolong to the direction of the other merchant ships, and its speed increased by 30% compared with the past, and it dragged out a blood pattern that was several kilometers long, like it was entangled behind a flying sword. ribbon.

Li Yao smiled slightly: "I knew it!"

His gaze suddenly became sharp, but he was too lazy to summon a giant soldier. He just touched his forehead with two fingers, summoned a set of profound bone battle armor with eight pairs of superalloy wings, raised his hands, and the magnetic field of life immediately spread to counts. A hundred meters away, there were thousands of meteorites whizzing by. The magical powers of the airspace made these meteorites continue to accelerate, and they were entangled with strands of dazzling arcs. The arcs were connected into one piece, just like a mass of destruction. Thunder storm!

Standing in the middle of the thunderstorm, Li Yaozhuo slowly descended between the two "star sharks". His spirit soaked through the two battleships like a tide, and a cold smile evoked at the corner of his mouth: "The strongest ship on board is only the golden era. The juniors, with such weak strength, dare to learn from others to do evil? You are really... knowing the life and death."

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