40,000 Years of Cultivation

Chapter 2522: Kind-hearted **** of death

Thousands of meteorites burst into powder at the same time, like a special kind of fuel, which instantly increased the brightness of the arc surging by a hundredfold. Thousands of arcs turned into a surging plasma torrent, easily tearing the first "star shark". ""'S psychic shield and superalloy armor, tore a shocking gap near the bridge.

Li Yao stepped on lightning, accompanied by thunder, dual wielding swords, straight into the heart of the "star shark".

In "Star Shark", the noble children who scanned the super psychic response were all frightened and completely confused. Apart from putting on the battle uniform and crystal armor in time, they didn't know how to fight back.

And in front of Li Yao's strong power above Hua Shen, no matter how many layers of crystal armor these shrimp soldiers and crabs will wear, it doesn't make any sense.

Li Yao's life magnetic field was in full bloom, manipulating the meteorite powder entrapped by plasma, like a thousand angry dragons, first swept the bridge, then down the corridor straight to the cabin, and finally exploded fiercely between the ammunition depot and the power cabin. Open, so that the second half of this "star shark" was completely swallowed by the crimson light ball!

When the two "star sharks" were struggling to death under Li Yao's attack, the scarlet heart demon on the other side also sprinted to the limit, dragging dozens of kilometers of red tail flames into merchant ships one after another.

Once inside the merchant ship, where the oxygen was sufficient and the pressure was stable, the rapid surging sound of the Xiaolong became more and more like a whistle blown by the gods of death.

While blowing a whistle, it locked the vigorous life magnetic field of the immortal cultivator, and got in through the most fragile gap of the magnetic field, reaping the life of the immortal cultivator as much as possible.

The immortal cultivators who invaded merchant ships often lost all consciousness before realizing the death of the gods, and died in the most terrifying illusions.

Even if they perceive the arrival of a powerful enemy, or block or hold their heads, they will still be penetrated, penetrated, and penetrated from the position of the eyebrows, heart mouth and abdomen dantian by Xiaolong again and again!

Those crew members who knelt on the ground and shivered, often saw a dazzling red line flashing past their eyes. The cultivator who was fierce, arrogant, and roaring just now stiffened, but his body was seven more. Eight transparent holes fell to the ground.

It took only a few seconds to solve the intruder of a merchant ship, but it was a waste of time to shuttle between the two merchant ships, looking for a gap that was enough to invade.

However, I found that my battleship exploded inexplicably, and I even received screams from my comrades in the communication channel, saying that there were "evil spirits" in other merchant ships. , Hurriedly escaped from the merchant ship, trying to escape back to another "star shark" to escape.

This saves the Scarlet Heart Demon a lot of effort.

Even in a vacuum where sound waves cannot be transmitted, relying on blood and the remnants of the immortal cultivator can also play quite beautiful...music in the blood.

The whistle of the Scarlet Heart Demon blew even more briskly.


"Evil spirit!"



"Ah ah ah ah ah!"

On the Little Bear, the flames of gunfire and swords have been completely extinguished, but the dark cabin is not silent. The helmets of the dead cultivators broke, and the voices in the communication channel leaked out, all panicked shouts, heart-piercing. His screams, aimless shots and painful groans.

The chaotic and terrifying sound made Huo Dongling's heart almost frozen. If it weren't for a person in black who had always held her wrist and sent a cold stream of warmth, she would have fainted.

"This, this is..."

The girl asked weakly.

In fact, she really wanted to ask the man in black, where did "Mr. Li" hide, but she didn't dare to ask.

"It's okay."

The voice of the man in black was still calm, as if he had ignored everything that happened on other merchant ships. He took out a small ball from his arms and threw it into the middle of the cabin. With a "chat", it bloomed like a lotus, suddenly A soft light was released, re-illuminating the entire cabin.


Huo Dongling was taken aback again-dozens of combat puppets brought by the invaders still stood stiffly in the center of the cabin, quietly motionless, under the light of the lights, like a group of cold skeletons.

However, in the next second, these battle puppets followed the smooth, mirror-like incisions, breaking and disintegrating one after another, turning them into a pile of scrap copper and rotten iron.

The girl patted her chest in shock, her eyes swept around the wreckage of the battle puppet, she swept a pool of thick blood and...

She felt a little vomiting and didn't dare to look anymore, her gaze jumped over the terrible corpse, and followed the virtual porthole towards the star sea.

The scene being staged in Xinghai made her stunned. She couldn't believe her eyes. She even forgot to be afraid. She rushed over, almost pressing her nose into the virtual porthole.

She, she was right, the two "Star Shark"-class hunting ships were really suppressed and destroyed by some...invisible force, and they were irreversibly destroyed!

The first "star shark" has been completely surrounded by large and small fireballs. Whenever a fireball is annihilated, there will be a huge pit on the shell of the battleship, and a large amount of material will disappear, as if by some This mysterious virus gnawed away.

The appearance of the second "star shark" was roughly intact, with only a few huge cracks running through the hull, but countless cultivators spewed out from the cracks—the crystal armor was broken and could not cover the nose and mouth. Eyes and ears, there is no way to wear crystal armor at all!

Huo Dongling didn't see these sprayed immortals struggling. I don't know if they were dead, but in the cold vacuum, there was another starship exploding next to it, spewing out a large number of high-speed flying debris and terrifying radiation. Sweeping towards them, even if they hadn't died just now, they wouldn't be able to hold on for long, they would only die more miserably.

The "star shark" that had lost all of its crew became a deadly iron coffin, and all the flashing runes and tail flames on the surface dimmed.

"this is--"

Huo Dongling was stunned for a long time, rubbed and rubbed his crying eyes, and bite on the back of his hand several times before he was sure that everything in front of him was not a nightmare.

Even if it is really a nightmare, it is not her nightmare, but the most terrifying nightmare in this life for the children of the nobles who do evil.

At this moment, someone patted her on the shoulder gently: "Hey, Xiao Dongling..."

Huo Dongling thought it was the person in black who was taking pictures of her, but couldn't help the question mark that came up in his mind. He turned his head back to ask for a clearer, but unexpectedly saw the big grinning face of "Mr. Li". She was so scared that her hairs stood up, and she screamed.

"Hush, hush, what are you doing!"

Li Yao quickly covered the little girl's mouth, shook the bottle in his hand, and said, "I'm just asking if you want to drink iced juice. Don't be so nervous!"

"Ice...cold juice?"

Huo Dongling felt that her heart was about to pop out of her chest, and her lips trembled for a long time before she looked at Li Yao's hand, but it was a glass bottle with smooth lines, noble materials and crystal clear glass. The bottle body was also made of the most advanced three-dimensional. The embossing technique has imprinted the battle emblem of the empire and the Yun family, proving that this is a top-grade, refined juice exclusively for the children of the Yun family.

Juice may not be valuable, but this glass bottle that can be called a work of art is worth a thousand dollars. Naturally, there is no such expensive luxury on the Bear.

In addition to fruit juice, "Mr. Li" is surrounded by several cans that seem to be refined from crystals. Inside are extremely perishable lobsters, fresh fruits and various delicacies. They are fresh as if they had just been fished out of the water. Come, pluck it from the tree.

There are also extremely delicate silver chopsticks and small golden forks on the side, which also have the emblem of the Yun family, carved dragons and phoenixes, and extremely extravagant things.

"Yes, there are lobsters and sea cucumbers."

Li Yao picked up a small and exquisite luminous cup, first poured a glass for the little girl, and then poured himself a glass of iced juice. He took a sip, and then used a small golden fork to fork a piece of sea cucumber, "I like to eat sea cucumber the most. Since there is a shortage of water on Nanling Star, there should be very few things like sea cucumbers, come on, do you want to try it, it’s pretty good!"

Huo Dongling's brain was blank. Look at Li Yao and then at Li Jialing, the black-clad mysterious man next to Li Yao who had nothing to do. It took a long time to realize the problem-the point is not whether the juice and sea cucumber are good!

The girl stunned and asked: "Mr. Li, where did you go just now?"

"I didn't go anywhere."

Li Yao blinked his eyes and said, "Didn't I always lie on my stomach in the corner? Oh, maybe it's very dangerous to see you fighting, so I went to hide behind the pile of goods."

Huo Dongling looked at the crystal cup, silver chopsticks and glass bottle with the Yun family's battle emblem in his hand, then looked at the fragmented and gradually disintegrating "star shark" outside the virtual porthole, and wrote 10,000 disbelief on his face.

"By the way, my brother has a more irritable temper and a brutal personality. He likes to fight and kill the most."

Li Yao continued to smile and said, "He just shot, didn't you scare you?"

"No, no, he didn't."

Huo Dongling couldn't help but want to say-but you have!

Just about to speak, the girl's eyes widened again, "Ah", pointed at Li Yao's ear, and said anxiously: "Mr. Li, a red light flashed by and flew into your ears! "

"is it?"

Li Yao stretched out his tail finger and pulled out his ears, "I don't feel it, you must be wrong."

Huo Dongling narrowed his eyes, pursed his mouth, with an expression of "Although I'm just an ordinary person, you can't insult my IQ like this".

"Well, it does."

Li Yao surrendered and winked at the girl, "However, this is a secret, Xiao Dongling, would you please help me keep it a secret? Come on, drink a glass of juice and be shocked, then go and tell your father, it’s all right, all The merchant ships are all fine, so that they can go to the remaining unexploded'star shark' to collect precious fuel. There are no more alive immortal cultivators in that ship—not half of them."

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