40,000 Years of Cultivation

Chapter 2559: I am the biggest!

When Li Yao stepped into the large conference room of the Wanjie Business League headquarters building again, everyone looked at him with completely different eyes.

In the intricate gaze, there is not only the fear of the Black Wind King, but also the greed for the Star Beach, and the curiosity of the Black Wind Fleet. You know, Li Yao represents not only him, but also a brutal force. The extremely fleet, I don't know where it is hiding!

Although they are the rulers of the outer world of the empire, the "King of Black Wind" is completely different from ordinary warlords and land snakes. He belongs to the battle-tested arrogant and powerful generals, and also sits on five great worlds. power.

At such a delicate and critical moment, wherever the heavy cast iron chess piece of the Black Wind Fleet is placed, the balance of victory will lean to which side.

Therefore, everyone was silent, waiting for Li Yao to speak.

Li Yao looked around again and extracted a few jade slips from the Qiankun Ring, saying: "The Deacon Jin is right. The riots that occurred in the Seven Seas Market today are nothing but a joint effort between this king and him. It was not just Qi Yuanbao, Wu Yingqinxin and Hong Niangzi who were seduced by this game, but also many of you.

"As the saying goes,'Pull out the radish and bring out the mud.' How many of you in this room are the two ends of the first mouse, and the four major electoral families secretly pass the song, everyone knows in their hearts, and all the evidence lies in these few jade pieces. Within Jane."

When this remark came out, everyone was in an uproar.

Many people's complexion changed drastically, like sitting on pins and needles.

Others twisted, looking around.

Even more people showed a fierce look and clenched their fists.

Li Yao smiled faintly, taking a panoramic view of all sentient beings, and suddenly made an action that made everyone unexpected-he unexpectedly released psychic energy, and with a "click", he smashed several jade slips. It was completely burned with spiritual flames, and all the data was gone.

"This king hates people who eat inside and out and betray allies. He originally wanted to find out what he had done, and pulled out all these guys who had secretly colluded with the four major families. They were smashed through thousands of swords and souls, and they died miserably!"

Li Yaoyin said grimly, gently patted the ashes of the jade slip in his palm, and said, "However, the deacon Jin persuaded me to ignore the previous suspicions and let me forget the past. He said that the four major electors’ families are overwhelmingly powerful and ostensibly occupied. Overwhelming advantage. Under the situation of'dark clouds overwhelming the city and wanting to destroy the city', it is normal that some people can't resist the pressure and want a way to survive.

"Many people here have been doing business with the four big families more than a hundred years ago, and many of them are even standing behind them. They are members of the four big families. Everyone has broken bones and connected tendons, and they have long been confused. , I really want to be investigated to the end. Isn’t all of them guilty? Even he Jinyuyan did business with the four major families and made friends, haha, hahahaha!"

Li Yao grinned again, the harsh laughter was like a crow hovering over the carrion.

"Why, is this king wrong?"

Li Yao's laughter stopped abruptly, staring at everyone, "Why don't you all laugh, huh?"


Many deacons, shareholders, and investors were sweating, watching the murderous armor masters and fighting puppets around them, and they laughed nervously.

"Laughter, that's right, laughter is better than crying, it's better than being cramped by the king, dragging a **** body, and screaming alive and kickingly."

Li Yao continued, "In short, Deacon Kim persuaded this king that no matter what the relationship between you and the four major electoral families before today, whether you were involved in any conspiracy and trickery, they will all be wiped out, and no one will ever again. mention!

"It's just that the Battle of the Seven Seas is about to start, and the great cause of innovation is at stake. You should also make a clear decision on your position.

"There is a good business at both ends, and the business will not last long. This king knows that behind you, there are the world masters, warlords and powerful people standing in the outer world of the empire, and even the grassroots and backbone of the four major electoral families. Their spokesperson is now sitting in the large conference room of the Ten Thousand Realms Business Alliance and discussing how to fight against the combined fleet of the four major families, but your master is driving a fierce starship, rushing toward this place, to destroy it completely. ——Is there anything more absurd than this in the universe?

"It's time to make up your mind, you guys, you only have two choices.

"Or, stand on the side of the four major electoral families and completely destroy the Seven Seas Market, destroy the hegemony of the Ten Thousand Realms Business Alliance and the reformists, and by the way, also destroy the Free Star Coins and various resources that you have worked so hard to accumulate for a hundred years. Destroy your hope of turning over and climbing the highest peak!

"Yes, your wealth and life may be preserved for a while, but you will always lose the opportunity to compete with the Four Electors. You and your children and grandchildren are destined to be running dogs of the Four Electors for the rest of your life. You only deserve to eat them. The leftovers came down cold and were trampled by the lackeys under their feet.

"We all know very well that there will not be a second Ten Thousand Worlds Business Alliance, and there will not be a second such a good opportunity to turn you over. You will be huddled in the horns forever and forever, like Like a dog with a broken leg, let's wailing!

"Oh, I almost forgot. Even if you want to be stable and stable, maybe you can't ask for it? Who knows how the four major electors will treat you after stabilizing the situation and regaining the imperial capital... people who have given birth to alienated minds? Is a great cleansing a very laborious thing?

"Hehe, especially those of you from the four big families, this king wants to remind you to be careful, because people hate traitors more than enemies a hundred times.

"The king and Deacon Kim can be magnanimous and write off the past, but if the four major electors' families who must report to the rulers know what you are here, guess, will they write off all of them?"

With a word, many people's faces became more and more ugly.

"If this is not the result you hoped for, then there is only the second option left!"

Li Yao's voice suddenly increased by an octave, and once again swept the audience like a black storm and a billowing thunder. He stretched out his arms and seemed to hold the shoulders of all the cultivators tightly, "Stand firmly on the side of the Ten Thousand Realms Business League , Stand on the side of the reformers, stand on the side of the king! Fight side by side with the powerful Black Wind Fleet, smash the arrogance of the four major families, crush their evil plan to destroy the Seven Seas Market, and launch a thunderous counterattack. , To disintegrate the rule of the four major electors, divide the population, resources and market in the center of Xinghai, and share with this king, the many worlds of Xinghai!

"In the end, all of us can completely control our own destiny, become a lawless, self-respecting immortal cultivator, become the master of our own destiny, and also become the master of the entire empire and the entire universe!

"I am the biggest in the world, and I can't help it. If I don't even have such awareness and would rather be a dog, then what kind of immortal cultivator is!"

Li Yao's roar shattered the eardrums of countless cultivators and the line of defense in their brains.

Especially those investors and partners from the four major families, most of them choose holographic projection to come here, and the body is indeed, as Li Yao said, is driving their respective starships, mixed in the huge combined fleet, and murderous. Seven Seas Star Territory came.

It's time to make the final decision!

"Black Wind King——"

Jin Yuyan asked without losing the opportunity, "Nevertheless, where exactly is your Black Wind Fleet? After a hundred years of drifting, what is the overall strength?"

This question makes everyone **** their ears.

That's right, Li Yao's humorous atmosphere is not important, the existence of the Black Wind Fleet is the key!

"The Black Wind Fleet is naturally where they should be. The moment the sword is about to be unsheathed, it is the sharpest."

Li Yao smiled mysteriously, "As for the strength, you can rest assured that although the Black Wind Fleet has been wandering in the endless star sea for a hundred years, it has not encountered too tragic war, and the loss is not too great.

"On the contrary, after defeating the Firefly, we obtained a lot of secret treasures from the government in exile of the Xinghai Republic, split and reorganized the Firefly into a new squadron, and captured a large number of elite fighters on the Firefly. After probation and education, Turn them all into immortal cultivators, and their combat effectiveness has been greatly improved.

"Also, the wild world also provides us with a continuous source of troops. Those barbarians who are not afraid of death are the best light infantry. They have been gearing up for a long time and are impatient to fight.

"This king promises that today's Black Wind Fleet is more than three to five times stronger than when it started a hundred years ago. It is definitely a...a poisonous blade that seals the throat!"


Jin Yuyan said with piercing eyes, "When will the Black Wind Fleet arrive?"

"Then it depends on your performance."

Li Yao coldly snorted, "In the final analysis, this is your war first, and the king's second. If you can unite and fight to the death, there will be a large number of immortal cultivators in the combined fleet of the four major families. , If people see the hope of victory, the Black Wind Fleet will naturally come out at the most critical moment!

"However, if you all hesitate to move forward, hesitate, and still think about the good thing of taking advantage of both ends, then why should this king help you get the chestnut out of the fire?"

"It makes sense."

Jin Yuyan said loudly, "In short, as long as we fight to the death, the Black Wind Fleet will definitely appear?"

"Of course it will appear!"

Li Yao stubbornly cut the railway line, "This king and you have a cold lips, and the relationship of the community of interests. Seeing that you are wiped out by the four major families, what is the benefit of this king?

"The news that this king appeared today is destined not to be concealed for too long, and it will spread throughout the entire star sea. It can be said that this king has completely torn the skin with the four major families, and will not unite with you and eliminate the four major families. Waiting for them to defeat each of them, kill you first, and then kill this king?

"So, you can rest assured, a thousand words in one sentence-you can rest assured to boldly move forward, the Black Wind Fleet is your strongest backing and will definitely cover you!"

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