40,000 Years of Cultivation

Chapter 2560: A strong rebound, the Black King's Palace!

In all fairness, if any immortal cultivator truly believes in Li Yao's nonsense, "You may rush forward, I will provide cover behind", it is pure brain drain and will not survive today.

However, in the world of cultivating immortals, the strong are respected. Compared with the small fleet in their hands, the Black Wind Fleet is definitely a prehistoric and fierce beast, and it is not something they can resist.

What's more, these immortal cultivators thought about it and thought that Li Yao's words were right. One mountain could not tolerate two tigers, let alone four tigers plus a fifth vicious tiger? An ambitious border warlord like the "King of the Black Wind" can never coexist peacefully with the four major electoral families.

There is bound to be a battle between the Black Wind King and the four major electors. Isn't it the best time right now?

Therefore, although the Black Wind King will not take chestnuts for them, if they really do their best to expose the four major families' combined fleet, the Black Wind Fleet will definitely appear, with a sword to seal the throat, and the final word.

Thinking of this, and recalling what Li Yao said earlier, many immortal cultivators' eyes became eager.

Li Yao didn't give them a chance to think deeply. He raised his right arm high, clenched his fist, and slammed it into his heart, then swiftly swung it out, like a sword, like a hammer, and like a punch. Battleship to the heart of the universe.

"Long live the empire!"

He took a deep breath and whispered in a surging voice, "Our business must be successful, and a brand-new empire will finally come. Long live the empire, long live the cultivators, and long live human civilization!"

It has been a long time since many immortal cultivators have heard such a sincere and heartfelt battle cry.

This voice is so sincere, pure and even extreme, as if it caused the figure of "Black Wind King Li Yao" to swell and grow bigger and bigger, but it squeezed out the selfishness and insignificance of their souls-yes, and such a Compared to the Black Wind King who "I am the biggest in the world, my fate is my fate", what kind of immortal cultivator are they!

"Long live the empire!"

"Long live the cultivator!"

"Long live human civilization!"

Whether it was true or false, fanatical or perfunctory, all the cultivators followed Li Yao's battle cry and screamed.

The voice of "Long live the empire" is like a billowing torrent condensed by thunder, rushing out from the headquarters of the Ten Thousand Realms Business League, instantly filling the entire inner area, and overflowing from the inner area to the outer area and even the entire Seven Seas Stars. .

Not long after, all the merchants, killers, mercenaries, and even spies stranded in the Seven Seas Big Market learned of this amazing news-a powerful warlord who is comparable to Hou Lei Chenghu in Liaohai, but a hundred times more ambitious than Lei Chenghu, Hei The King of Wind is back, and he stands firmly on the side of the Reformers and the Ten Thousand Realms Business Alliance, vowing to resist the four big families to the death!

With this earth-shattering news, he did not hesitate to take a quick-acting heart booster on the panic-stricken Seven Seas Market.

The Ten Thousand Worlds Commercial Alliance has capital, but capital still needs to be combined with violence before it can react mysteriously, and each will provoke a hundred times more power.

Prior to this, although Hou Lei Chenghu in Liaohai had been on the side of the reformists, the “renovators” and the “Ten Thousand Realms Business Alliance” were not the same thing, and Lei Chenghu’s thundering fleet and the most elite fleets of the four major families contained each other. Always support the battlefield of the imperial capital, it is impossible to easily jump to the outer world of the imperial.

Relying on the **** fleet of the Ten Thousand Realms Business Alliance, together with the temporarily recruited mercenary group and killer organization, plus some patchwork rabble at most, can it withstand the strong crush of the four major family united fleets ——This is something that no one knows.

In addition, before the decisive battle, even the chief deacon Jin Yuyan was assassinated, which made confidence and morale fall to the bottom.

Unexpectedly, not only did Jin Yuyan not die, but also neatly dismantled a series of conspiracies of the four major families, and invited powerful figures like the Black Wind King to help!

The soldiers are expensive and not too expensive. The black wind fleet's eye-catching attention can definitely bring great pressure to the combined fleet of the four major families and add some confusing variables to the "War of the Seven Seas".

The confidence and morale that had just fallen to the bottom of the valley rebounded instantly—the most obvious performance was the futures index of the "commodity trading market".

Originally, after the news of Jin Yuyan’s assassination came out, the entire market lost confidence in Freedom Star Coins. Everyone rushed to exchange the Freedom Star Coins for various goods, and flee before the arrival of the four major family united fleets. Get out.

All of a sudden, prices soared and Freedom Star depreciated substantially, and business order would soon be lost.

When Jin Yuyan was not dead, the news of the strong arrival of Black Wind King Li Yao came out, and the market immediately calmed down, and the steeply rising futures curve showed a cliff-like decline. The exchange ratio of Free Star Coin and Empire Crystal Coin soon stabilized, even Higher than before Jin Yuyan was assassinated.

This means that Free Star Coins are more valuable than a day ago!

Free Star Coin is confidence, that is, the immortal cultivators in the outer world of the empire, and even the immortal cultivators within the four major families, have confidence in the reformists of the Ten Thousand Realms Business Alliance.

The value index of Free Star Coin almost determines the outcome of the "War of the Seven Seas".

Soon, even the soldiers stationed at the floating guard post on the outermost periphery of the Seven Seas Star Region were full of confidence in the decisive battle, and full of confidence in the black wind king Li Yao-this is called, the military will be available!

Jin Yuyan struck the iron while it was hot, unleashed means, and smashed his breasts, and reached agreement after agreement with many powerful warlords and high-ranking merchant secret associations on the border of the empire, and concluded one secret agreement after another.

In particular, the middle-level commanders and grass-roots young officers of the four major families are the objects he deliberately wins over, and releases all kinds of benefits. There is only one condition for a thousand temptations-hope that these people will revolt on the battlefield, turn to the battle, and rush to the light and justice. embrace.

In addition, I have to be busy sorting out the chaotic order of the Seven Seas Market, and dealing with Qi Yuanbao, Wu Yingqinxin, and Hongniangzi. No matter how much Jin Yuyan hates these "traitors", he can't at this moment. Killing intently, after all, they are not alone, and there are countless tribes and allies, such as the "Blood Skeleton Killers Group" and "Impermanent Killers Group" that they have prepared. 99% of the members are unaware of their betrayal, and they treat them even more. The plot to assassinate Jin Yuyan was unaware.

The war is imminent. These people are the mainstays in defending the Seven Seas Big Market. At this time, their leaders will be executed. What do you want these people to think? What do you think about the "Wuying Family" capital who has a close relationship with Wu Yingqin?

Therefore, Jin Yuyan could only accept Li Yao's suggestion and put Qi Yuanbao, Wu Yingqinxin, and Hongniangzi under house arrest first, and wait until the Battle of the Seven Seas has won a complete victory.

As for the elite assassination squad that the four major families have penetrated into the Seven Seas market, they are not so lucky.

Under the identification of Qi Yuanbao and Hong Niangzi, these people were picked out one by one, and all secret strongholds and intelligence networks were uprooted.

They are all members of the main line of the four major clans, core clansmen, and there is almost no possibility of surrender.

Jin Yuyan didn't blink his eyelids. Just in front of the commodity trading market, all the four big family assassins were beheaded to kill the sacrificial flag. The stench of blood flowed all over the ground, demonstrating the unending determination of the Ten Thousand Realms Business League and the four big families.

In this way, he had been busy for more than half a day before initially completing the preparations for the decisive battle. Jin Yuyan finally took a breath and came to Li Yao to discuss the next step, and...solve many mysteries of the happy end.

Li Yao did not stay in the headquarters building of the Ten Thousand Realms Commercial League, but asked Jin Yuyan to vacate him a dozen-storey, not-high, not-short building as the residence of the "Black Wind King".

He also extracted countless magical artifacts from the warehouse of the Seven Seas Big Market, and armed this mansion dedicated to the Black Wind King, and even Jin Yuyan didn't know what he was doing in it.

When Jin Yuyan stepped into this "Black Wind King's Palace", it was completely changed by Li Yao.

The entire building has set up mysterious defense formations everywhere, and all floors are submerged in the mist of invisible fingers. In the misty black mist, you can see the silhouettes of countless teeth and dancing claws, and from time to time there are sneers from demons. , Evil spirits cry, and so on, creepy sounds.

Jin Yuyan stepped into this building, like stepping into an absurd and terrifying nightmare, and could no longer perceive the sound and information outside.

"What a clever soul interferes with the big array!"

Jin Yuyan was secretly frightened, knowing that most of what he saw and heard were illusions-Li Yaobu's defensive formation could even confuse even a master of the transformation of gods like him, although there is his soul and brain here. The factors that do not match, but you can also see the strength of Li Yao, especially in addition to fighting, transforming magic weapons, setting up defense formations, and carrying out spiritual attacks.

"Where did this monster emerge from? Not only is the fighting power so amazing, but it is also proficient in so many side ways. It's really..."

Jin Yuyan was in deep thought, a gorgeous and unassuming black silhouette slowly descending from mid-air.

The height of this building is about three to five meters, but this black silhouette seems to be surrounded by thousands of crows, falling from a height of hundreds of meters, silently falling behind Jin Yuyan.

Jin Yuyan was shocked and turned his head abruptly, and saw thousands of black flames "hissing" from the silhouette, revealing Li Yao's true face.

At this moment, Li Yao's skin is pale as a zombie, and he is particularly vivid against the black fog. He only wore a loose black robe. It seemed that there was no decoration, but if you look closely, you can see that there are countless embroidered black robe. The terrible killing scene, as if a sea of ​​blood dried up and condensed, turned into the shocking black now.

Li Yao's eyes were as deep as the night sky, and stained with blood stains. In the blood stains faintly bloomed with wisps of domineering and murderous golden light. He grinned and revealed sharp teeth. The voice was far and near, and at the same time it sounded from all directions, like Numerous venomous snakes swam up from the soles of Jin Yuyan's feet, all the way behind his ears: "Deacon Jin, you are here."

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