40,000 Years of Cultivation

Chapter 2561: Decisive battle, within forty-eight hours!

For a moment, Jin Yuyan's heart was lifted up high, and in a daze, he really regarded Li Yao as an out-and-out cultivator-or the most ferocious and cunning kind.

He looked intently and discovered that Li Yao's black robe, which seemed to be woven from infinite grievances, had broken bones, broken arms, stumps, and intestinal piercing patterns, all creeping, like thousands of thousands. Living bugs.

This pattern is alive!

The horrible corpse and the tortured living person were intertwined into a vortex of fear, and the spirit of Jin Yuyan was deeply inhaled. The deacon of the Ten Thousand Realms Commercial League seemed to hear countless people screaming in his ears. : "It's miserable, miserable, miserable..."

This is... too abnormal!

Jin Yuyan couldn't help but shudder.

Although he is a cultivator, in general, he is more willing to be a gentleman and a businessman who kills people without seeing blood. He is not the kind of murderous monster who enjoys killing and abuse, and he deeply regards the cultivators of these immortals. Shame on rat shit.

Jin Yuyan reacted instinctively, took a half step backward, and said with full vigilance: "You..."

"Deacon Kim--"

Li Yao continued to hold his throat, misty, and horribly said. It was only halfway through that he realized that his voice was wrong. He coughed hard and returned to his normal tone. Then he waved his hand to the black mist and monster around him. The messy sound and light effects are all turned off, revealing the original face of the window in the reception room. Then he took off the weird black robe, put on a loose vest and pants, and said, "I'm sorry, I'm just now. Practice, I'm a little fascinated. Didn't you scare you?"

Jin Yuyan stared blankly at Li Yao's face change in an instant, from the gloomy Dark Demon to an ordinary young man with a sunny face, he froze for a long time before saying: "What are you practicing?"

"Practice how to play the role of'Black Wind King' well!"

Li Yao said naturally, "Next, I will enter the upper class of the empire as the'King of the Black Wind.'

"So, according to my own understanding, I interpret the character of'Black Wind King' from twelve different angles. I think based on his experience and the way to rise, the character of this character should be ambition. Vigorous, unscrupulous, vulgar and rude, a little treacherous, but faintly inferior.

"Especially this inferiority complex is the core of the character. After all, he came from a humble background. It was a coincidence that he rose up miraculously. He has no foundation, and he is eager to make his name in the empire, so he will act recklessly and even risk wildly-- Including this super abnormal black robe, it is a symbol of his eagerness to reveal his brutality, tyranny, and tyranny, but too much is too late. On the contrary, he appears a little impetuous and easy to be used by others.

"How about it, Lao Jin, do you think the character I created is reasonable? Can you fool around? Oh, I haven't cultivated immortals very much. They are all beginners, whether they are good or not, you can criticize and give advice. ."

"You are still a beginner..."

Jin Yuyan looked at Li Yao's extremely sincere and humble face, and once again gave birth to an unpredictable sense of powerlessness, and smiled bitterly, "I really don't understand who you are now, Vulture Li Yao, what are you? A cultivator or a cultivator, the king of the black wind or the special envoy of the exile government of the Xinghai Republic, is it to reform the empire or destroy it?

"Perhaps, Qi Yuanbao was right. The Black Wind Fleet did not destroy the Firefly, but was swallowed by the Firefly—though I can’t think of what kind of accident could lead to the Black Wind Fleet’s annihilation, but this Is the only reasonable explanation!"

"Perhaps, but who swallows and who is different?"

Li Yao spread his hands, lay down on the soft collapse, spread his legs, and said with a smile, "The cultivator, the cultivator, the king of the black wind, the special envoy of the Xinghai Republic, what's the difference? Could you buy it at your store? Things can be discounted by cultivators, but should cultivators charge double the price?

"In short, I have proved that I have a strong strength. If I really swallow the Black Wind Fleet, the power I control will only be stronger than the Black Wind Fleet, and there is also the huge market and business opportunities in the Star Beach. None of these things can deceive people, right?

"In this case, your cooperation with me will only bring greater profits, and more security guarantees, it is profitable for both parties, why bother to scrutinize the minutiae?"

Jin Yuyan sighed and said: "I think so too, so I came to talk to you alone, otherwise, I would have sent soldiers to surround this place long ago."

"That will be the stupidest decision you have ever made in your life."

Li Yao said calmly, "Do you really think that only three or five transcendent gods, plus thousands of mobs, can stop this king? Haha, when this king really wants to go, the emperor can't stop it, the Seven Seas Market It can't be stopped either, Black Star Great Emperor Wu Yingqi can't stop it, and you profit-seeking traffickers and pawns, naturally you can't stop it!"

Perceiving Li Yao's powerful killing intent and domineering spurt out of his body, Jin Yuyan lost consciousness again.

Unexpectedly, after Li Yao finished speaking, he laughed "hehe", wiped his face and said: "How about, Lao Jin, my acting skills are okay, not bragging with you, I'm out to walk the rivers and lakes, smash the stars It's this face!"

Jin Yuyan was silent for a long time, and took a deep breath: "Enough, I don't care who you are. In short, we all have a common enemy at the moment. No matter what intrigue or intrigue, we will wait to win the Seven Seas. Say it again, do you agree?"

"Very much agree!"

Li Yao said, "Close to the subject, how did you talk with those warlords and the vacillating guys within the four major families, do you know the date when the four major families combined fleet launched a leap?"

"There is good news and bad news. The good news is that I have a pretty good talk with these people. Almost everyone has signed a new secret agreement with us and concluded a very strong agreement."

Jin Yuyan paused, and further explained, "Although everyone had some secret agreements in the past, most of them did not leave the imprint of the soul, the details are not clear, and the attitude is quite ambiguous, and you can turn your face at any time.

"But this time, I pointed out that the distribution of benefits after victory, including the development rights of the Great Thousand World of Xinghai Beach and the market share of the Wild World, depends on the performance of this battle.

"In addition, the arrival of the Black Wind Fleet has also strengthened many people's confidence in our army. There are always people who want to use their small gains and bet all the chips on our side.

"This kind of thing is a chain reaction like a snowball. As long as someone takes the lead, more and more people will follow. When more than half of the people stand firmly on our side, the remaining half will not be able to follow us. Up.

"In short, most of the warlords, ground snakes, and even the middle level within the four major families have left the imprints of souls and a lot of military secrets, which can be regarded as'vouchers'. If these things are discovered by the senior leaders of the four major families, the consequences will be very serious. Therefore, they It was determined to follow us.

"But based on everyone's intelligence, bad news followed-the four-family joint fleet with unprecedented strength has been assembled, and it is expected to launch a general offensive within 48 hours. It is known as the'Million Starship Alliance'. Millions of starships will jump to the Seven Seas Star Region at the same time. No matter how tight our defense system is, it will be instantly overwhelmed!"

"Million Starship?"

Li Yao sneered, "Nonsense!"

Li Yao can also be regarded as a battle-tested veteran, and he naturally knows what the arrogant bragging of Star Wars is about-in fact, it is no different from the ancient wars tens of thousands of years ago.

In ancient wars, the imperial court, which was still in the feudal society, launched the "Army of One Million" expeditions at every turn. How could it be possible with the technical level and organizational capabilities of the time?

In fact, it is said that it is a "millions of troops", at least 50% of the water, and the remaining half of the 50% are civilians and households, the real soldiers can have more than one hundred and two hundred thousand, even if it is enough, even if the soldiers In the middle, it can be called an elite, can die without turning the heels, and move forward with no effort.

In other words, the so-called "army of a million", of which three to fifty thousand can really fight, are considered as commanders "good at training soldiers."

In the Xinghai era, although the technology was unprecedentedly advanced, the battlefield and the logistics supply line were also expanded and extended to the point where the four major families were in a state of separation. In such a rush, it is impossible to mobilize enough resources and troops to support a "million dollar" event. The battle of "battleship".

"Millions of battleships" and "Millions of starships" are very different from each other.

Li Yao estimated that counting all the logistics supply ships, barges and even life-saving boats, it is possible to barely make up one million starships, but the number of warships will never exceed two or three million.

And these two to three million battleships, most of them belonged to the warlords and earth snakes in the outer world of the empire-that is, the group of people who are now flirting with the Ten Thousand Realms Business Alliance.

According to the current situation, if this group of people does not turn into battle, even if they are worthy of the four electors, it is no surprise that they will never try to attack the Seven Seas Market.

Even in the fleet of the four major families, there are probably countless captains, staff officers, and even the commanders of the sub-fleet who are hesitant, and are thinking about whether to rebel against the old man in the family.

Therefore, the situation should not be so severe on the surface, and their winning rate is still very high.

The same is true of Jin Yuyan's view.

Although the strength of the paper is compared, the Ten Thousand Realms Business Alliance does not even reach one-tenth of the coalition forces of the four major families.

However, seven out of ten of the four major family coalition forces belong to the warlords and local snakes. As long as they are given enough benefits and they can see the hope of victory, they will fulfill the secret agreement at any time and fight back.

The true support of the coalition forces of the four major families is the eight "quasi-first-class" fleets drawn from the autonomous territories of the family, known as the "Eight King Kong".

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