40,000 Years of Cultivation

Chapter 2573: Coerce, dare to die!

But after only three seconds, the commanders of these starships realized that something was wrong-the data transmitted by Boss was not harmless battlefield data, and a large amount of battlefield data was mixed with a deadly crystal brain virus.

These unprecedented crystal brain viruses eroded their fragile defense systems instantly like ghosts, and made small "modifications" to their starships, locking their starships to "force not to attack friendly forces." "Absolutely safe mode".

In the "absolute security mode", the identification friend or foe system of the master crystal brain will automatically scan all friendly forces within the firepower range and lock all firepower directed at friendly forces.

This mode is mainly applied to the situation where the enemy and our fangs are intertwined, and the fire coverage is very easy to accidentally injure the friendly forces.

But now, regardless of whether they are or the "Loyalty Salvation Army", there is no trace of half an enemy ship within a radius of hundreds of thousands of kilometers. Why did Boss Bai do this to lock down their attack capabilities?

Of course, a large starship will never be at the mercy of external forces. It will be unlocked by the trinity of the captain, deputy captain, and fire control officer. They can still use the "manual unlocking" method to change the state of the starship. .

However, it will take at least one and a half minutes for the starship to exit the "absolute safety mode" with "manual unlocking".

And just as these captains realized that something was wrong, their bridges made a long sound like a death knell—the sound of scanning ripples hitting their psychic shields, they had been The "Loyalty and Salvation Army" was firmly locked.

They are in the "absolute safety mode" and temporarily lost their ability to attack the "friends", but the "loyal and righteous salvation army" as a friendly army shows no signs of softness. Under the blast of all guns, let alone a minute and a half, Even in just half a minute, they can smash their halberds and sink into the sand, turning them into fragmented iron coffins drifting in the dark sea of ​​stars!

"Boss White!"

"Commander White!"

"White Star Sword!"

Many captains were shocked, cold sweat slipped from the eyebrows to the bridge of the nose, and asked tremblingly, "What do you mean!"

"It's not interesting, it's just that Xueshuai specially ordered me to do...safety measures."

Boss Bai smiled faintly in the communication channel, his eyes seemed to be two deep wells surging with poisonous mist, faintly looking at the many fearful captains, prolonged the tone, and said every word, "Xue Shuai told me that the empire will rise and fall. In this battle, the success or failure of this battle depends most on the bravery of the princes, but many of the princes have ghosts. Many people plan to'turn on the battlefield' and trap their comrades in unrighteousness, and use the heads of the four great families of immortal cultivators in exchange for their own splendor and wealth...Is there!"

The three words "Is there any", mixed with tiger and leopard thunder, were bombarded with the beard and staring expression, making the shape of Boss thief and mouse eyes become domineering and cool to the extreme.

Many captains were struck by lightning, even though they were behind the light curtain, they all stepped back subconsciously, shook their heads and said, "No, I don't!"


Boss Bai with his hands on his hips, "haha" laughed, "I really think that the four big families are either deaf or blind. Do you really think Xueshuai is a fool who allows you to deceive and play tricks? Huh, tell you the truth, what have you done in the past few days? What, Xue Shuai knows exactly!

"Many of you have shares in the Ten Thousand World Business Alliance or the major companies, warehouses, and transportation fleets under the Business Alliance, don't you?

"Each of you has seventeen or eight dark web accounts. There are a lot of Free Star Coins in your accounts. Once the Ten Thousand Worlds Business Alliance is destroyed, these Free Star Coins will all be wiped out, right?

"Many of you have sent confidantes to act as spokespersons, and stay in the Seven Seas Market at the moment to maintain the closest contact with the top management of the Wanjie Business League, right?

"Many of you have done the business of betraying the interests of the empire, and even deliberately let the new warship encounter some kind of'star sea storm', completely scrapped, but in fact smuggled it to the Ten Thousand Realms Business Alliance, right now, it is opposite, used to deal with us, yes No!"

With the four questions like a gun, all the captains were stunned, and the three souls and seven souls were trembling with each other.

"You guys, you guys!"

Boss Bai akimbo his hips and poking the camera with the other hand, almost going through the light curtain to directly blast the noses of these captains. He hates iron for not making steel, and flaunts his might for a long time. Then he took a deep breath, recovered his calmness, and said gloomily," Naturally, you all have difficulties and reasons. Looking at the entire empire, there are simply too many people like you. It is too unfair to blame you blindly."

"Yes, that's right."

These captains who fell into the trap seemed to have seen the straw, and nodded in a hurry, and said aggrieved, "It is indeed unfair. We, we are also forced to be helpless!"

"So, Xue Shuai is willing to give you a chance, as long as you obediently obey me and complete the tasks Xue Shuai assigned, not only will everything in the past be written off, it will also be of great benefit to you."

Boss Bai grinned and said, "Of course, some of you are very hot-headed and do something stupid to jump over the wall. This commander has set up some small ‘defensive measures’, isn’t it too much?"

"No, not too much!"

The situation is stronger than that of humans, not to mention that there is still a handle in the hands of the other party. What can these captains say besides shaking their heads?

"In that case, join the battlefield as soon as possible!"

As Boss Bai said, he sent to these dizzy skirmishers the different coordinates in the past and the route set according to the coordinates, so that they could continue to move closer to their large forces.

It was not until these starships were incorporated into the fleet system of Boss Bai’s fleet that they discovered that the starships operated by the boxing champion, Xiao Ming, and Wenwen were hidden in the vicinity, and they could not help but be stunned again-everyone was incredible by the "Loyalty Salvation Army". The scale and maneuverability are deeply shocking.

"How, how is it possible?"

"How can the Loyalty and Salvation Army maintain such a complete organization and jump to the Seven Seas Star Region in one breath? Without the guidance of the Star Gate, this, this is simply an impossible miracle!"

"Why is the scale of the Loyalty Salvation Army so large? Is this really an improvised fleet of Star Pirates?"

"The starship less than 50,000 kilometers away from us is like an icy meteorite. At first, we didn't detect it. What kind of hidden module was used by the other party, and what kind of crew members were manipulating these'stealth'. 'Starship!"

All the newly added captains have belly full of question marks.

But they dare not even throw up half of the question.

Because they found that they were subtly separated by the "Loyalty Salvation Army". Almost every starship was surrounded by four or five starships of the white boss, and these starships did not hesitate to show them the taint. The **** fangs seemed to be able to tear them to pieces within ten seconds.

They are like the death squads or cannon fodder in the ancient siege battles, being forced by the top helmets, armored, and fully armed elites to stand at the forefront of the battlefield.

Back half a step, the sharpest blade will cut off their heads without hesitation.

On such a large-scale battlefield with such a chaotic environment, destroying these small starships is more insignificant than squeezing a few ants.

Regardless of whether they are willing to believe Boss Bai's nonsense, these desperate captains seem to have to go to the dark one by one.


Boss Bai’s grinning laugh came again, “It seems that you are all smart people, smart people who understand that'silence is golden', I believe that our cooperation will be very pleasant, and not only will you all survive, you can also get the handsome Commendation, even met Xue Shuai himself in an unexpected place!

"Now, let’s go, rectify more skirmishers and join our battle formation-remember, only if new starships join and let them all go to the forefront, your starships can retreat to the second line and join us. The more starships you have, the lower your position in the battle formation, and the safer you will naturally be.

"So, what should I do without me explaining?"

For the next whole day, Boss White was cruising outside the Seven Seas Star Region.

Under his command, this strange combined fleet is like an extremely sensitive and almost transparent shark, avoiding the hunting fleet of the Ten Thousand Realms Business Alliance every time it can be hundreds of thousands of kilometers in advance. Can collect more and more skirmishers.

Most of the skirmishers have no opinion on accepting his command. When he sent out his high-level authority in the "Flying Lightning Magic Super Tactical Chain", he took the initiative to let go of the Lingwang and the master crystal brain, and then obediently included it. Boss White's battlefield.

It’s like a snowball. It took the greatest effort at first, but as Boss’s fleet takes shape and continues to expand, it has become one of the most smoothly assembled and largest temporary fleets. Naturally, more and more offensive teams are involved. The starships were attracted by him, and he didn't even need to rush to find them. These starships rushed to approach him.

Of course, it's not that I haven't encountered the unruly "stab head".

Some self-reliant warlord starships, or powerful vehicles with a few giant soldiers, or starships controlled by low-level immortal cultivators in the four major electors’ families, look down on the upstart of the star thief, White Boss, and Unwilling to accept his command.

But the vast majority of the unruly and rebellious generation, after reading the secret order written by Yun Xuefeng, and after the baptism of 10,000 cannons like a demonstration by Boss Bai, they all chose to "endure the wind and the waves for a while," and obediently succumbed.

It wasn't until the fierce battle on the first day was about to end, and the number of starships under the command of White Boss had swelled three to five times before he encountered the real stubble.

The opponent is not a starship, but a temporary fleet that has also assembled.

Commanding this fleet is a strong man from one of the four major families, the Song family.

It is very coincidental that this Song family powerhouse is also a third-class prince of the dignified empire, known as the "Hushanhou"!


I'm sorry everyone, this morning I was preparing for codewords. The kindergarten teacher called and said that my son had fallen and he had a big bag on his head and he was vomiting.

I hurried to take him to see, and especially took him to save the child’s care, but he was lined up all morning. When I finally had to take a CT scan, I told us that the CT machine was broken, and this machine was the only one used to shoot the heads of the children. , It will take two days for a certain part to be shipped.

After running for a long time, both hospitals said that they couldn't see the child's head. Finally, I finished the reading at the first hospital in the city. Fortunately, it was fine.

Go back and forth, the hospital is about to finish reading the code words, hurry up when you get home, don't worry, there is a chapter later, let me take it easy, it's a day without touching the ground!

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