40,000 Years of Cultivation

Chapter 2572: The rise of the white boss!

For a time, the dark universe was illuminated by the flash of annihilation of life, and countless debris swirled and floated in the flashing ocean like sunspots, and hundreds of millions of creatures evaporated in an instant. After struggling for a while in the violent whirlpool formed by the confluence of all guns, the souls and souls will be destroyed, and they will never be superb.

Compared with the vast sea of ​​stars, human life is so small, and humans themselves seem to be deeply aware of this smallness, so they don’t take their life seriously, and use this most **** and cruel way to squander it. , Enjoying the cruel joy.

The defender has done everything he can, from strategy to tactical details, the performance is perfect.

Most of the cosmic mines they deployed hit the target. They didn’t take much effort to encircle and persuade the attacker to land a single starship, and even luck. The main fleet found two King Kong-class super arsenals on the periphery of the star field in time. The ship, taking advantage of the enemy's unsteady foothold, launched an offensive. The two sides fell into a fierce battle. The two King Kong-class super arsenal ships were in a dilemma, and both suffered heavy losses.

This is a textbook-like defensive operation.

But, the same sentence-there are too many starships on the offensive side. Even if the "Million Starship" is 30% off, there are at least three to five million warships, which are scattered throughout the vast sea of ​​stars. It is impossible for all starships to be locked by the defending party in time.

As a result, in places where the defensive side’s vision and firepower are not as good, more and more offensive starships are included in the "Flying Lightning Magic Super Tactical Chain", finding their own friendly forces and temporary flagships, forming one battle unit after another. , The combat unit has been condensed into a squadron, and many squadrons have received calls from the King Kong-class super arsenal ships, and the "King Kong Fleet" that the defenders fear the most is about to take shape.

After the fierce battle for a long time, the battle situation is still confusing, the balance of victory is like the heartbeat curve of the offensive and defensive sides, still trembling, swaying, unable to tell which direction it will tilt.

At this moment, at a certain point outside the Seven Seas Star Territory.

It is extremely far away from the planets and meteorite belts, and there are no resources available around it, so it is relatively barren and secluded.

But there is a door to the starry sky that has been sealed for decades, blooming like a crab claw chrysanthemum, flashing one after another, blooming with the rhythm of the magnificent light.

Under the guidance of this star gate, the three-dimensional space was torn open an oval-shaped wormhole with clear edges and a complete form. A tightly formed fleet, with a degree of advance and retreat, and a magnificent fleet, slowly passed through.

Because of the guidance of the stargate, the fleet traveled very smoothly and safely, until all the starships got rid of the ripples of space surrounding them, and there was no unexpected collision or explosion.

Compared with those "friends" who "forcibly attacked beachheads covered with rocks in the stormy waves and squally rains", the fleet's crossing is like riding a yacht and drinking ice. Juice, the journey around the sea in the sun bath is so relaxing.

This is the "Arsonist United Fleet", or its name in the four-family combined fleet sequence, "Loyalty Salvation Army".

It's just that the number and level of this fleet far surpassed what it reported to above.

Thousands of super warships that have been highly modified and strengthened, and have been tempered, slowly spread out in the star sea, forming a round and soft battle formation. At first glance, it looks like a nearly transparent, huge jellyfish in the star sea. It sinks and floats, and the flames gushing out from each starship are like the gleaming nerve clusters of jellyfish.

Any commander of a slightly qualified fleet will instinctively feel a stabbing heart palpitations when he sees the fleet's constantly changing formations, the mercury rushes into the ground, and the natural rhythm.

Too smooth, too perfect, too terrible!

Thousands of steel and iron bones, cold giants are gathered together, but they are as soft and agile as living creatures with life. Every power unit on every starship seems to be an extension of the commander’s body and even the soul. With the commander's thoughts, it changed.

——Only Boss Bai, a fleet commander with two generations, well-versed and experienced, and super-intelligent beings like Xiaoming and Wenwen can create such a "miracle"!

Bo Zhu Zhuo stood on the bridge of the flagship "Alloy Virus", admiring the bleeding galaxy with a sneer on his face. The holographic projection system projected the phantoms of Long Yangjun, Xiaoming, Wenwen and the champion of boxing onto him. Of course, all the combat parameters and information on the battlefield on the battlefield are flooding like a flood that bursts a bank.

Standing in the shadow not far away, Li Wuji looked at Boss Bai expectantly--for obvious reasons, the biggest traitor of the four major families would not dare to return to the Li family fleet now. The boss is the safest here.

At this moment, he only expects one thing, that is, the more nobles that Bai Boss can defeat, the better. It is best to hang those third-class, second-class, first-class, and even electors to the septic tank. They also taste what they have tasted before!

"Destroy this star gate, and no one can find that we are guided through the star gate before crossing over."

Boss Bai gave the first order, followed by the second, "Boxing champion, let Xiaoming and Wenwen help your fleet enter a state of full invisibility and silence. Don't let anyone detect your presence!"

This is the masterpiece of the boxing champion. In the blue sky star field, it was relying on a long period of concealment and silence to ambush the fierce fleet. At this moment, with the assistance of Xiaoming and Wenwen, he is naturally more familiar with it.

Soon, most of the flames in the arsonist united fleet were dimmed and annihilated, and even the psionic fluctuations they had once existed gradually dissipated. These starships melted into the water like ice, and there was no trace of it.

Boss Bai ordered the remaining starships to release a large number of spirit gathering towers in a hurry, and activated the remote communication unit on the starship, opening up many interfaces of the "Flying Lightning Magic Super Tactical Chain", searching for nearby Friendly forces.

Under Li Yao's instruction, the defender deliberately indulged the defense of this star field, and many attackers' starships were scattered in the vicinity of millions of kilometers.

They immediately heard the call of Boss Bai, and moved closer to the "Loyalty Salvation Army".

The name of the person and the shadow of the tree. Boss Bai was originally a fierce and famous bandit in the outer world of the empire. All forces know that he recently gathered a large number of vicious star thief to form the "Loyalty Salvation Army." The performance in China is quite outstanding and the combat effectiveness is very strong.

Naturally, most of the starships on the order are willing to accept the command of Boss Bai, so the probability of survival is slightly higher.

"Ship 11985, reported to Commander White that our ship has been connected to the tactical system of the Alloy Virus and will obey all orders of Commander White!"

"Ship 56237,'Chasing the Sun', report to Commander White!"

"35223 Ship..."

The ignorant and ignorant Aegis ships, arsenal ships, psychic jammers, and integrated supply ships have moved closer to the "Loyalty Salvation Army" hiding in the dark.


Boss Bai sneered and issued orders to these starships, "Please fully open your ship’s Lingwang port so that our ship can remotely synchronize the latest battlefield data and secret commands. Our ship has the highest command from Commander Yun Xuefeng, which needs to be timely. Communicate and execute!"

With that said, Boss Bai possessed the secret instruction endorsed by the imprint of Yunxuefeng Divine Soul and sent it to these starships.

Although the instructions are vague and unclear, at least one thing is explained. Boss Bai is a trusted confidant of Yun Xuefeng, and what he is performing at this moment is directly from Yun Xuefeng, the most confidential task.

"Hurry up and fully open up your Lingwang and master crystal brains to complete data synchronization. I will tell you the specific commands of Xueshuai!"

Boss Bai said coldly, "You guys, you are really lucky to be able to take on such an important task, ha ha, the future is limitless!"

Most of the starships that came close to the "Loyalty Salvation Army" are from warlords in the outer world of the empire. Their combat effectiveness is not very strong, and there is not much backing. How dare you to disobey the recent popularity in front of Yun Xuefeng? The loyal and righteous national salvation army that has become purple and has a very strong fighting force?

Some people even secretly cheered, thinking that they really had something good on them, and good luck was taking the lead!

At the moment, the commanders of many starships are not at all suspicious. They have opened up all the rights of their Battle.net to the "Alloy Virus", allowing them to infuse a large amount of data into their own master control crystals.


Today I saw two questions raised by book friends in the discussion area, which is of great value for discussion.

First, the tactics of the Star Sea War. Why does the attacking team have to jump to the defending team's side? It's simply slapped on the forehead. Can't it jump to a slightly farther place, and then slowly crush it in the usual way of sailing? Is it?

This, I think that the vastness of the sea of ​​stars that everyone may overlook, and the speed of regular navigation, the so-called "a little farther away", how far is it?

Taking this battle as an example, suppose it is to jump to a place one light-year away from the Seven Seas Stars, and then the entire fleet will maintain 5% of the speed of light. Then it will take...20 years to complete this distance.

Yes, in the previous article, the starship’s regular sailing speed can reach up to 10% of the speed of light or even higher, but don’t forget that it’s a charging state, which is bound to be impossible to maintain for a long time. Millions of starships act together.

Can the marching speed of a soldier and the marching speed of a squad be the same as the marching speed of a million troops?

For two decades, the consumption of the resources of the starship and the maintenance of the morale of the soldiers, including how to deal with the continuous harassment of the defenders, are all huge problems.

What's more, this is not just a military issue, it is also a political issue-is it possible for the warlords, local snakes, and soldiers from the outskirts of the empire to spend 20 years fighting the four major families?

The expedition of the labor division is a big taboo for soldiers. Let alone twenty years, even if a battle lasts for two years, it is almost impossible. If the winner is not determined within a few months, it will collapse.

Therefore, knowing that the loss of jumping directly to the past is great, but when it is time to "snap the beach and land", I have to bite the bullet, in order to make a quick decision, so as not to have long nights and dreams.

Second, another friend asked, why didn’t the Black Wind Fleet adopt the same tactics, and had to work hard to build its own star gate?

The reason is very simple, because here, the combined fleet of the four major families occupies an absolute advantage in terms of numbers, so it can naturally play the "human sea tactics" and crush the defenders by number.

However, the Black Wind Fleet back then was a standard solitary expedition. Their advantage is quality rather than quantity. One ship will be destroyed and one ship will be lost. Considering that after winning the battle, they will have to fight and intrigue the empire, so they chose it. A strategy with higher technical difficulty but less loss.

As for the destruction of the star gates and the destruction of most of the starships, this is because Li Yao led the appearance of the ancient sage. This is something that no commander can predict in advance. It is a "crime of non-war", and it is really impossible. Say what's wrong with Hei Yeming's tactical choice.

Of course, what kind of space war is like, none of us have seen, and the old cow can only speculate according to common sense as much as possible. A person’s wisdom is limited. If you are interested, you can also say what you want in the starting book review area. Brand new tactics and strategies collide with more exciting sparks!

By the way-Lao Niu accidentally took a look today and discovered that the book has eight million words unknowingly. It really feels like the beginning of the book has been written, and the general view of the entire universe has been clearly explained. How can this be done? Hahahaha!

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