40,000 Years of Cultivation

Chapter 2610: The planet is torn!

Not far from the Celestial Star, in the chaotic asteroid belt, a mobile secret communication base rushes from left to right like a awkward sea turtle, trying to avoid the hunters behind it with the help of fast-rotating meteorites.

But the hunters from the royal fleets of the four major families were obviously several times faster and more agile than this secret communication base. They quickly bit its tail, gnawing at it like a piranha. The psychic shield quickly eats away the psychic shield.

The high-explosive bombs carrying a large number of crystals rained down on the secret communication base, exploding the entire base to splatter, and the people turned their backs on their backs. They were wrapped in fiery fireballs and gradually split apart.

"Your Majesty, Your Majesty--"

In Celestial Star, the secret command center deep in the imperial city, Lei Chenghu’s light and shadow seemed to have something to say to Wu Yingqi, but with the collapse of the star-to-air communication base, the illusory realm that communicated the two great worlds was also Turning into bunches of extremely unstable streamers and flying, he stretched out his hand towards Wu Yingqi, but it turned into a solidified statue. In a moment, the statue became a fine sand composed of countless figures, scattered on the ground, and the smoke disappeared.

Wu Yingqi gently held his forehead, faced the empty darkness, and pondered for a long time.

Afterwards, his hands danced lightly like a demon spirit, drew hundreds of black silk threads, and extracted a lot of data from the master crystal brain.

There is one thing that Lei Chenghu should not know.

Wu Yingqi's intelligence channel in the Seven Seas Star Region is not limited to Lei Chenghu.

No matter the Seven Seas Star Territory, the Thundering Fleet, or even Lei Chenghu's flagship "Tie Liu", Wu Yingqi had a lot of eyes and ears installed.

Although the battle situation in recent days has become increasingly fierce, both the imperial capital and the spiritual webs of the Seven Seas Star Region have been very strongly interfered with, and almost all information exchanges have been blocked.

But a few days ago, Lingwang's interference was not so strong. When he was still in control of several remote communication bases, he bypassed Lei Chenghu and obtained a large amount of intelligence and original tactical chain data from the Seven Seas Stars.

Including him before Lei Chenghu, he had a hand-to-hand contest with Li Yao in the inner area of ​​the Seven Seas Big Market. His knowledge of Li Yao was a hundred times more profound than that of Lei Chenghu.

Wu Yingqi glanced at the waterfall-like data blankly, relying on the original data a few days ago to proofread the battlefield information Lei Chenghu sent him today.

After checking carefully for a long time, Wu Yingqi came to the conclusion that Lei Chenghu should have not lied to him, these data are all true.

Unless Lei Chenghu has a super crystal brain above the imperial capital, he will never have such a huge computing power to forge the complex data that encompasses the entire "War of the Seven Seas".

What's more, with the strength of the Thunder Fleet and the **** fleet of the Ten Thousand Realms Business Alliance, the fleet that can kill Yunxuefeng simply and neatly is the limit. It is absolutely impossible to solve Song Yushi's old fox fleet so quickly.

Compared with Yun Xuefeng, an arrogant and arrogant soldier, Song Yushi, an experienced battlefield veteran, may not be extremely powerful, but the ability to preserve strength has long gone deep into his bones and turned into instinct.

Therefore, Lei Chenghu was still confronting Song Yushi, and there was no entanglement between these two veterans for ten and a half months or even longer.

And Lei Chenghu’s intelligence about Li Yao shouldn’t be too much of a problem—if he weren’t really loyal to him, Lei Chenghu didn’t need to tell him about it, let alone remind him, Li Yaoji. It may have already sneaked into the imperial capital, or even sneaked into the ground long ago.

Lei Chenghu did not betray him. There was only one problem, Li Yao, the comprehensionist.

"Li Yao, Li Yao, Li Yao!"

Wu Yingqi closed all the data, closed her eyes, rubbed the bridge of her nose with care, "You cockroach, you can't die if you die. I detonated the brain of a super meditator, but I couldn't. Did it cause you the slightest damage? What kind of human are you!"

He landed on the ground, paced back and forth two steps, and suddenly gave a light high-five.

In the darkness, two officers in the most primitive uniforms of the Imperial Army emerged immediately. The temples and eyebrows of both of them were raised high, as if they had three horns, and their eyes were as dark as ink, and they could hardly see the whites of their eyes. I don't see too many human emotions. The only emotion that is revealed is their extremely fanatical reverence and even worship for Wu Yingqi.

"The defense against the Jinjing Tower is doubled again, the blood swallow battle group and the abyss wolf battle are drawn over, and every inch of space around the Jinjing Tower is closely monitored. There is one last day, the empire, no, the future of human civilization, A new page will be opened, and I will never cause a mess at this time!"

Wu Yingqi said coldly, "Especially those pesky flies and cockroaches, they must not be drilled into the Jinjing Tower!"

"Yes, Your Majesty!"

The two officers responded stiffly, turning around like a machine.

"and many more--"

Just when they were about to step out of the secret command center, Wu Yingqi called them restlessly, "I'll go in person, I really look forward to it. When that cockroach saw me, what was it on my face? expression!"


"Hey, you said, what kind of expression would that old ghost Wu Yingqi look on when he saw us suddenly appear?"

At the same time, Li Yao really looked like a mixture of cockroaches and groundhogs in the rugged crevices of the Celestial Star's underground, near the hollows of the ground. While struggling to dig the way forward, he grinned and asked the two behind him, "Believe that The expression must be more exciting than eating shit, right?"

Behind Li Yao, Li Jialing was silent, only gritted his teeth to use his bone shrinking skills to the limit, almost squeezing himself into a thin piece of paper, and squeezed it through the gap.

Long Yangjun stared wide-eyed and said: "Yes, the expression on his face will indeed be very wonderful. After the wonderful, he will be angry and kill us all with one punch! What is wrong with your brain, will you want to rely on the three of us? Personal power broke into Wu Yingqi’s most important secret weapon base, and I had something wrong with my brain before I agreed to take this risk with you!"

"Don't say that, although Wu Yingqi is powerful, he is still constrained by the royal fleet of the four big families. When we sneaked over, didn't we also see the overwhelming military forces of the four big families? Wow, those fleets' luxurious lineups. , I’m drooling when I think about it, even I can’t help but feel the urge to surrender.”

Li Yao swallowed his mouth, "Looking at the signs of the four major families' royal fleets, they should launch a general attack on the Celestial Star within a few days. We took advantage of the vacancy when Wu Yingqi was most distressed. How can you run into him head-on if you are so unlucky? Maybe this mission will be very easy. He will expose his big conspiracy with a mantis to catch a cicada, and the oriole will be behind?"

"When teaming up with an unlucky ghost like you, when did'three under five divide two'?"

Long Yangjun murmured, but her swollen chest was squeezed enough by the sharp rocks. She angrily said, "Why did you take the road, such a narrow tunnel, only earthworms and cockroaches can get through. What kind of shortcut is this? !"

"You can't blame me, the bottom of the Celestial Star is your territory. It's obviously the map you surveyed and mapped last time!"

Li Yao said innocently, "This tunnel was the route we retreated after detecting the underground cavity last time. At that time, it was very spacious and could accommodate at least two people to advance side by side. Who knows that it will be like this in a few months? This place is very close to the underground cavity. I am afraid that Wu Yingqi will set up a warning magic weapon that senses weak vibrations, and dare not crush the rock with a black light drill, so I have to slowly squeeze forward."

"really weird."

Long Yangjun said, "It stands to reason that such drastic geological changes should not have occurred in a few months. What is going on?"

Before the words fell, there was a sudden violent shock around them, and the rock formations above and below the feet squeezed them further, as if the rock walls on both sides were about to close together, squeezing them alive.

Li Yao, Long Yangjun, and Li Jialing were all shocked, desperate to summon the crystal armor and the black light drill bit to drill a way out, but the movement of the rock formation stopped abruptly.

The three looked at each other, and they all saw the surprise in each other's eyes.

"It seems that someone has planted a large number of spar bombs on faults in the earth's crust and detonated them very regularly."

As a bomb expert, Li Yao thought for a moment, patted his head full of gray, and said, "They want to change the structure of the crust, or even tear a piece of earth, creating a huge artificial rift."

"Wu Yingqi must have done it, but what exactly does he want to do?"

Long Yangjun groaned, "Wait, use spar bombs to change the structure of the earth's crust, release the huge energy from the ground, tear a piece of earth, and create a huge artificial rift-it sounds like the emperor and the emperor ten thousand years ago. The Blood God Child does almost the same thing, is there any ulterior motive?"

"This one……"

Li Yao desperately scratched his chin and couldn't figure it out for a while.

"I have an idea."

Li Jialing suddenly said, "Both Brother Yao and Sister Long said that Wu Yingqi possesses some powerful secret weapon in the depths of the imperial capital, but the enemy he wants to deal with is the royal fleet of the four major families in the starry sky.

"I think, no matter how powerful the secret weapon is located deep underground, it can't directly destroy a large number of enemies in the starry sky, right?

"So, the first thing Wu Yingqi did was also the first thing the emperor or blood **** son did 10,000 years ago. It was to find a way to tear the earth and make this secret weapon rise to the ground again. "


Li Yao patted his forehead, "It should be like this, Jialing, I didn't expect you to grow so fast. In just one year, your wisdom will be close to half of mine!"

"Change the structure of the earth's crust, tear the earth apart, and make the secret weapon rise to the ground?"

Long Yangjun shuddered coldly, "The emperor and the blood **** son did this ten thousand years ago, triggering a permanent change in the surface environment of Tianji Star. I don’t know how many people died. Today, ten thousand years later, Tianji Star The population of China has expanded more than ten times. If the structure of the earth's crust is changed again, causing a global earthquake and even the division and collision of plates, we don't know what kind of **** the Celestial Star will become!"

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