40,000 Years of Cultivation

Chapter 2611: See and hear underground

"Wu Yingqi is crazy!"

Li Yao also murmured, "This is different from the past. Ten thousand years ago, the crust of Celestial Star has already changed drastically. It is in a state of artificial instability. If he gets worse, it is very likely to be a whole piece. The continent sank into the sea, but the large seabed was lifted several hundred meters and turned into a new land.

"The surface of a planet has undergone such earth-shaking changes. It is unclear whether the residents living in the surface cities will survive. At least the tens of billions of residents who originally lived underground, including those in the original big iron factory, must be I'm going to die, Wu Yingqi can really do such a thing?"

"Of course he can do it."

Li Jialing gritted his teeth and said, "The coldness and cruelty of Lei Chenghu as an immortal cultivator, if it is the casualties of three to five billion people, must be regarded as an'acceptable price' or even a'sacrifice that must be paid', no big deal. But Wu Yingqi dare not tell Lei Chenghu the truth. It can be seen that in his plan, the number of people destined to die will far exceed the number of three to five billion, even more than 10 billion!"

Such a shocking number silenced the three of them at the same time.

And the regular vibrations that occur from time to time in the crevices in the ground make them feel extremely fearful that the rock layers are about to close together and will bury them in them at any time.

Fortunately, whenever a strong vibration occurs, there is no need to worry that Wu Yingqi’s warning magic weapon will detect their movements. Li Yao can safely take out the black light drill and move forward. The speed is much faster, and it takes only a few hours to go all the way. I got into the spacious and flat tunnel I visited last time.

There is a tunnel ahead. Listening to the sound, there are very heavy crawler trucks "rumbling" passing by from time to time. Li Yao and the three are hovering in the corner of a crack in the rock, but they let out a few flies-sized crystal eyes and drilled out to explore.

A few crystal eyes flew out of the gap silently, just in time to see a mighty convoy, extending from one end of the tunnel to the other, without being able to see the head and tail on both sides.

Most of the vehicles that make up the fleet are super-heavy tracked vehicles with a load capacity of more than 100 tons, just like moving hills.

The vehicle body was covered with oil cloth. Judging from the traces of the tracks deeply embedded in the ground, it was all driven with full load, and it lasted for an extremely long time, leaving clear indentations on the ground.

Li Yao held his breath, released strands of spiritual thoughts, carefully manipulated a few crystal eyes, and got into the gap of the tarpaulin.

"Is it a spar, so many high-purity top spars?"

Li Yao was slightly startled, and the picture sent back by the crystal eye was dazzled.

Under the seemingly unremarkable tarpaulin, there are carts of colorful high-purity spars, all of which have been repeatedly refined and directly absorbed by the cultivator without any problem.

Li Yao even discovered several crystal marrows, all of which are priceless and rare treasures!

Regardless of whether the spar or the crystal marrow, it can be seen that the sources are varied, and the cleaning is very hasty. Many spars are not placed in the standard storage box, and they are scattered randomly in the open air.

Doing so will not only affect the quality of the spar, easily cause combustion or even explosion, but also may release a large amount of radiation and harm the body of the carrier.

Moreover, Li Yao felt that the polishing method of several spars was very strange - they were all polished into a shuttle-like octagonal diamond shape, with hundreds of offensive runes engraved on the surface.

Li Yao thought for a long time, what kind of purpose would he polish the spar into this way, and engrave so many offensive amulets inside and out?

After three minutes, I finally thought-these high-purity spar should be used to drive large air defense positions, and they are the ammunition of the blasting crystal magnetic cannon or the Xuanguang cannon!

Since Tianjixing is an imperial capital, it naturally has an extremely complete defense network and air defense facilities. The entire planet is densely covered with air defense guns that pierce the sea of ​​stars, which is simply a super giant steel hedgehog.

Naturally, the quantity of various types of spar and ammunition stored in the Imperial Capital is also astronomical, countless.

But now, Wu Yingqi unloaded a large number of spars and even the crystal marrow that had driven the air defense positions, and carried them to the depths of the earth.

Li Yao manipulated Crystal Eyes, and randomly selected several crawler trucks, and got into the car body to look at them. The result was the same. A large number of air defense positions and even the spar used on starships were all taken down and transported to the ground.

"What does it mean?"

Li Yao swiftly blinked, "The ace fleets of the four major families are approaching the city and will launch a general attack on the Celestial Pole Star soon. Such a critical moment is supposedly the time when air defense positions are most needed to show off, but Wu Yingqi destroyed the Great Wall. , Transporting a large amount of spar used for air defense to the ground, does he not intend to have an atmospheric line of defense?"

Li Yao shared the images and questions he saw with Long Yangjun and Li Jialing. The three discussed for a while and came to two conclusions.

First, Wu Yingqi really trusts this secret weapon buried deep in the ground. He firmly believes that as long as this secret weapon exists, other defensive measures are unnecessary, and even the entire Celestial Star does not need to keep half of the air defense. Jing Magneto, as long as the secret weapon is activated, he will win.

Second, the activation of this secret weapon consumes astronomical amounts of energy, so Wuying Wizards spared no effort to collect spar and crystal marrow everywhere.

In the past few months, he estimated that all the celestial stars were drained, and the arsenal, magic treasure warehouse, and all the spars scattered among the people were cleaned up by him. Therefore, the sources of these spars will be varied, and there is no time to properly store them At the end of the transportation, he didn't even let go of the air defense position, and transported all the spars with a single brain.

Of course, so many spars will not all supply secret weapons. A small part of them should be used to blow up the most vulnerable parts of the geological structure, cause the crust to tear, and lift the secret weapons up.

"What level of magic weapon will consume an entire planet's spar?"

Li Yao couldn't imagine, "Could it be the legendary'permanent star magic weapon'?"

After seeing the materials in the car, Li Yao paid special attention to scanning the soldiers who carried out secret missions to transport these spars.

Because Li Yao always had a puzzling doubt, just who helped Wu Yingqi do these utterly conscience and appalling things.

That's right, Wu Yingqi's basic board is Yulinjun and Lei Chenghu, who are eager to restore the glory of the former empire and advocate the concept of orthodox immortal cultivators.

As long as Wu Yingqi confirms his identity as the "Black Star Emperor", most of the Yulin Army will definitely follow the ancestors with determination.

But no matter how to exterminate humanity, there must be a limit, right?

Most of the Yulin Army’s hometown is the Celestial Star. Their ancestors and ancestors have lived on the Celestial Star for dozens of generations, including now, most of their wives and children also live here. This planet is their home, and this planet is theirs. all!

If Wu Yingqi makes them fight with the four big families, Li Yao believes that most of the Yulin Army will have the courage to fight to the end.

But if Wu Yingqi let them blow up the entire celestial star, blow up their homes where they have lived for nearly a thousand years, and kill their own wives and children by the way-if their brains are flooded, it will be impossible to take orders!

Li Yao didn't believe that Wu Yingqi could deceive so many Yulin Army soldiers to work hard for him, even at the expense of his homeland and relatives.

With so many crystals transported to the depths of the ground, even the ground air defense positions were all abandoned, which is extremely unreasonable.

Most of the Yulin Army are immortal cultivators, and they have a bit of brains. Who wouldn't figure out what's going on, so stupid and rushing forward?

Therefore, Li Yao focused his attention on the Yulin Army escorting the convoy.

Especially those officers with flowers on their shoulders and a powerful aura all over their bodies.

Carefully scanning the temperament and expressions of these officers, Li Yao had a very strange feeling.

How should I put it, although being a soldier is to be serious and meticulous, these imperial forest soldiers, dressed in the imperial first-generation military uniforms, seem too lifeless.

Their eyes are firm, their expressions are firm, and their movements are neat and uniform. Except for even breathing, they are no different from machinery.

Li Yao cannot say that they have no human emotions, but 90% of their emotions are filled with some kind of fanatic and religious emotions.

"Let's take a look, what kind of variety are these?"

Li Yao shared the picture scanned by Crystal Eyes with Long Yangjun and Li Jialing.

"They seem to..."

Li Jialing watched for a long time and said, "It's very similar to the worry-free believers in the big iron factory."

"That's right, the brain magnetic field they released is very weird. It has produced a certain degree of artificial intervention. They are all adjusted to the same frequency and are in a kind of ‘resonance’."

Long Yangjun said, "You can say that they are collectively hypnotized, or you can say that they are in a state of group unconsciousness and large-scale hypothesis. Of course, it is okay to say that they have been brainwashed."

"It turns out that Wu Yingqi used this method to make a large number of Yulin Army work for him!"

Li Yao recalled that he had seen a large number of Holy League prisoners of war riots in Shenwei Prison, and the brain magnetic fields of those Holy League members were indeed somewhat similar to those of the Imperial Forest Army in front of him.

Wu Yingqi tried to brainwash him in the Seven Seas Market, but unfortunately he didn't succeed, but it also proved that this guy has a terrible brainwashing technique, which is simply a copy of the Saint Alliance!

Brainwashing Li Yao is not easy, but hypnotizing and controlling a few Yulin Army who originally trusted him so much is naturally not a problem.

"However, it is not easy to draw conclusions just by observing from a distance."

Long Yangjun said, "It's best to secretly control a few imperial forest soldiers and scan their brains in all directions to know what's wrong with them."

Li Yao was thinking about how to catch a few prisoners, but there was a riot of noise in front of the tunnel.

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