40,000 Years of Cultivation

Chapter 2624: Two encounters, a fight to the death!

Sacrifice the lives of hundreds of billions of creatures in exchange for a loyal and strongest fleet!

And judging by Wu Yingqi's crazy degree, if the plan in the extreme heaven is successful, it does not rule out that he will do the same in other star regions!

One world cleanses the past, and in the end, the empire becomes the second holy league, a bigger holy league that occupies more abundant resources, but all the puppets of this "large holy league" are not worship. The Pangu tribe, but worship him alone!

Black Star Great Emperor Wu Yingqi, just want to use this method to solve the four big families, or even solve the Holy League?

Yes, if everyone is brainwashed and is equally loyal to the leader, they are fearless and extremely fanatical, and the coefficient of social friction has almost dropped to zero, but the empire is larger and richer in resources, of course the Holy League is not an empire. Opponents, this thousand-year-old star-sea war, will definitely end in the victory of the empire.

But, is such a "victory" really a victory for human civilization, or a noble man with free will, the real end?

"He must be stopped!"

Li Yao gritted his teeth and said, "How long will it take you to find the core component of the Jinjing Tower, at least roughly lock the direction of the core component, so that I can gather the strongest "Super Galaxy Destructive Cannon" and explode it in one shot!"

"Don't be anxious, I have accepted all of Professor Mo Xuan's inheritance of the crystal brain and the wisdom of the spirit net, I am definitely not a vain name."

The Scarlet Heart Demon said with confidence, "Even if Wu Yingqi adopts the most advanced super crystal brain in the entire empire, and sets up seven or seventy-nine defenses to protect his secrets, how about giving me twenty-four hours, I will definitely Able to peel off the cocoon and dig out all his secrets!"

Li Yao stared: "Twenty-four hours, what a joke, we didn't even have twenty-four minutes!"

"no way."

The Scarlet Heart Demon said helplessly, "Tomorrow's plan has already been launched, and it is not a big secret in itself, so I can easily find it, but the secret related to how to stop the operation of the golden crystal tower is of course locked in the deepest part of the crystal brain by Wu Yingqi, and The most advanced encryption measures have been set up. Xiao Ming, Wen Wen, and boxing champions such as Ling Wang and Jing Brain are not around. How optimistic I am, I will definitely want it for several hours!"

Li Yao was anxiously sweating and wanted to speak, but heavy footsteps came from behind him.

The sound of footsteps seemed to be coming from far behind him, at the end of the mist, but also from a place close at hand, three to five meters behind him, and even trampled directly on his heart, almost Stomped his heart!

Rao is the strength of Li Yao's spirit and body, and he couldn't help but snorted, blood surged in his throat, a large cluster of gold stars appeared in front of him, and the world around him became trance.

An extremely strange scene happened!

At his feet, on the ground of the giant palace, among the mysterious and complicated rune ravines, black streams flowed from all directions. The viscous liquid that made up the stream was not like water, but rather like some kind of life-bearing oil or gel.

When all the rune ravines are filled with these black oils or gels, the runes that cover the ground become black.

"Buzz, buzz, buzz!"

A vast and profound voice echoed in the palace, like the whisper of the universe, which made people involuntarily perceive the vastness of the star sea and the insignificance of human beings, and even more faintly gave birth to such a thought... and the vast star sea, billions of years Compared with the changes over time, what is the difference between human beings and bacteria as individuals? How insignificant their lives are!


In the whisper of the universe, there was another long sound of water droplets, like cold water droplets directly dripping into Li Yao's mind.

But no drops of water dripped, but from the black viscous liquid, black beads the size of a fingernail were differentiated, ignoring the influence of gravity, and slowly rising into the air.

In a short while, there were hundreds of black water droplets floating high and low in the empty palace around Li Yao.

Between the water droplets, attracting each other, stretched out bunches of tentacles that looked like spider silk, connected to each other.

From this perspective, these are not water droplets, but some kind of strange life cells and nerves, which are growing nerve bundles, condensing into clusters of bright nerves.

Li Yao was stunned by this nightmare scene, and for a while, he didn't know what to do, and he didn't dare to touch these black water droplets with nerve bundles.

He was trapped by thousands of black water droplets and their nerves!

"Fake, fake, they are all hallucinations, you are already immersed in Wu Yingqi's mental attack!"

The voice of the Scarlet Heart Demon came from the deepest part of Li Yao's brain, unspeakably anxious, "He is here, Wu Yingqi is here, we don’t have twenty-four hours or twenty-four minutes, Black Star Emperor Wu Ying Qi is behind us!

"However, he didn't launch an attack. It was strange, what he wanted to do, let me think about it, I thought of it!

"Listen, we still have a chance. Although Wu Yingqi arrived in time, he is now a rat-avoider. First of all, a big fight here is very likely to destroy all super crystal brains, although I guess these crystal brains are not the real core. , But the loss of them will also cause some interference to Wu Yingqi's plan, such as delaying the launch of the Golden Crystal Pagoda, and missing the best opportunity for the four royal family fleets to gather and assemble.

"Secondly, after Xiaoming and Wenwen's treatment, our strength has increased by at least several times compared to the last time we played against him. It is evidence that we can defeat the three gods including Yue Wushuang in one breath, including the last time we played at Seven Seas. The long-range competition in the market can also lead Wu Yingqi to clearly recognize our new strength. Even if we are not his opponents, if he fights to the death, if he wants to kill us, he will have to pay a terrible price!

"Since he is going to fire his brain waves madly in his plans for tomorrow, he must consume a lot of psionic energy and even the soul, so he is not a last resort. He does not want to be seriously injured at this time!

"Understood, now we are both scared and worried about each other, so he doesn't want to violently destroy us as a last resort, but uses mental attacks to brainwash us, and destroy us without bloodshed. This threat can also add a powerful eagle dog to himself.

"This is an opportunity, our only chance to defeat him, we have only... in this way, this way and this way, can we kill this thousand-year old demon, but first you have to delay time.

"I won't tell you anymore, I can feel his spiritual power has poured in like a tide. He still doesn't know my existence. I must cut off the connection with you so as not to be discovered by him. In short, Try to delay as much as possible to create an opportunity for me to crack the core secrets of Jin Jing Pagoda!"

Before Li Yao was completely surrounded by thousands of black water droplets and nerve threads, the voice of the Scarlet Heart Demon stopped abruptly.

Li Yao looked around again, whether the crystal brain, blood pool, or the stumps and broken arms all over the floor, all turned into crystal clear translucent bodies, but the black water droplets and nerve bundles became more and more conspicuous and more and more conspicuous. real.

He didn't know whether he was at the border of reality and illusion, or simply in the realm created by Black Star Emperor Wu Yingqi with his huge mental power, and even the soul had been absorbed into Black Star Emperor's mind.

When I looked back, Li Linghai, the empire queen with long hair and black and white eyes, was standing in the depths of the mist, with a mysterious expression on his face, staring at him intently.

The nerve bundles extended by countless black water droplets were all connected to her long hair, no, they simply became part of her long hair!

Li Linghai's long hair danced like waterweeds, and walked towards him in a hurry.

With every step taken, the black water droplets suspended in the air are stimulated, expand one round, and grow more nerve bundles.

On Li Linghai's pale skin, there were also criss-crossing black cracks, and the skin was chapped, like a broken vase, and the fragments splashed. In the black flames, earth-shaking and reborn changes occurred.

When she stepped out just 20 to 30 meters, the shell of "Li Linghai" was completely shattered, revealing the image of a tall, burly, and dominating man.

This man with black hair dancing frantically, manipulating all the black water droplets around him, has a deeply sunken face like a crescent shovel, as if the entire face is a mouthful of blood, capable of concentrating the entire star sea and all creatures. All swallowed.

The feeling of an ordinary person standing in front of him is like standing under a cliff leaning toward him. The cliff will collapse at any time, smashing people to pieces.

Li Yao has seen this unique and intriguing face on countless occasions-for example, the colossal statue in the imperial tomb in the imperial capital.

Black Star Emperor Wu Yingqi!

This also made Li Yao confirm that he was indeed unconsciously attacked by Wu Yingqi's spirit and entered a certain phantom realm controlled by him.

Because in the real world, Wu Yingqi's spirit is still imprisoned in Li Linghai's body, it is impossible to reveal its true colors.

However, when the cultivation base reaches the level of Li Yao, when he is threatened with life, from the cell to the soul will produce instinctive reactions, which will produce extremely strong stimulation and help him escape the illusion.

This is one of the reasons Wu Yingqi dare not to kill him in the real world.

The second reason is that Wu Yingqi has strong confidence in his brainwashing ability. Since I have the opportunity to have a face-to-face spiritual exchange with Li Yao, I believe he will be able to completely transform Li Yao into his subordinates, so I am unwilling to waste Li Yao’s actions." Talent" right?

"Don't come here!"

Li Yao remembered the words of the Scarlet Heart Demon, his eyebrows were erected, his eye sockets almost burst, the muscles on his face bulged like a python, and the spiritual flames all over his body soared to the limit. Calling someone!"

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