40,000 Years of Cultivation

Chapter 2625: Healing and purification

Wu Yingqi smiled.

The smile of the ancestor of the immortal cultivator was like a narrow gap in the sky, but what appeared in the gap was not starlight, but deeper darkness.

"Obviously death is approaching, with such a sense of humor, I really don't know whether I should hate you or admire you, Vulture Li Yao!"

Wu Yingqi really stopped moving—even in the realm of illusion and real illusion, it didn’t make any difference not to stop, but it was at least a kindly release. He opened his arms to Li Yao, seemingly sincerely sighed. Said, "From a personal perspective, you are like a cockroach that can't be beaten or trampled on. You block in front of me time and time again, almost ruining my overall plan. I really hate you to death.

"But I am not only the supreme monarch of the true human empire, but also the leader of human civilization for thousands of years. From the perspective of empire and human civilization, you are a rare talent, and you also know some... The mystery of the universe can greatly help human civilization's grand plan to enter the endless universe.

"So, I am 10,000 people who are reluctant to kill you again, Li Yao!

"Since our meeting in the Seven Seas Big Market that day, I have been thinking about how our relationship has come to this point today. When we cooperated with you in the name of Li Linghai, didn’t we have a very harmonious relationship? Why? Is it going to be so incompatible?

"Compared to the short-sighted, selfish, corrupt and corrupt'fake immortals' of the four major electoral families, I and you obviously have more in common-we don't care about personal gains and losses and petty gains. We are all eager to contribute all our wisdom and courage to our motherland and even human civilization. We even more or less understand the vastness of the universe and the smallness of the world in which we live. We are all eager to go out at all costs and by any means. Going out is like the first fish heading to land, and the first ape walking out of the forest. Go out and escape from this dark prison and dead grave!

"Why, we, who have so much in common, can't join hands to do a big cause to defeat our common enemy-the selfish'fake immortals' of the four major electors' families; those of the Holy League are self-willed. Depraved, puppets worshiping false gods; including this vast universe, as well as the strange and endless alien civilizations dormant in the depths of the universe!

"Our enemy should be them, not each other. The'Black Star Emperor Wu Yingqi' you know is highly distorted and vilified by the propaganda department controlled by the four major electors’ families. You don’t know what I really is. What kind of things are my ambitions and hopes, do you have to rashly gamble on everything, ruin my efforts, ruin the hope of the empire, and ruin the future of all mankind, including your cultivators?"

As Wu Yingqi spoke, more and more black water droplets were floating around, and more and more spider-like nerve bundles spawned from the water droplets, criss-crossing each other, forming an ingenious network, even tentatively Launched an attack on Li Yao, trying to get into Li Yao's pores.

"Come on this!"

Li Yao sneered, and the flames all over his body burned wildly, condensed into a solid wall of fire, blocking the attack of the black nerve bundle, "I really don't know what the real Wu Yingqi looks like, or even if you are a'pure' Wu Yingqi. , It was still contaminated with something else in the thousand years of dormancy, and it became a more evil and terrifying existence than the original Wu Yingqi. I don’t care what you say and what you think, I just see what you want to do—you want Implement ultra-large-scale brainwashing of the entire extreme heavens, turning everyone including the royal fleets of the four major families into your puppets! What is the difference between you and the holy alliance when you do this?

"The so-called free will is not the reason why mankind has become the most precious thing of mankind, is it not the bottom line that all cultivators and cultivators are fighting for, and even your cultivators are weak and powerful, and willfully squeeze ordinary people's'pics'? The only immortal cultivators I have respected are those warriors who dared to swing a sword at the resurrected Pangu tribe for free will, but as the leader of immortal cultivators, you even have to wipe out the free will of human beings. You are not worthy to be an immortal cultivator. , You are more'fake' than the four major electors, what qualifications do you have to talk about the future of human civilization!"

"Unexpectedly, you know so much, and even the entire'Plan for Tomorrow' is clear. I underestimated you once again. In other words, your appearance, words and behavior are too misleading and easy to underestimate. Up."

Wu Yingqi had a sullen face and was silent for a moment, and said, "However, you still misunderstood the true meaning of'Tomorrow's Plan', and the word'brainwashing' originally had an extremely strong demonization color. I am not trying to brainwash someone. , Just to'awaken' the people, awaken those who have forgotten their own glory and responsibilities, decayed, depraved, and insensitive, and let them re-understand the principle of loyalty, patriotism and selfless dedication, from the rusty fire stick to the most human civilization. Sharp war knife!"

"But you deprived them of their free will and the right to choose!"

Li Yao roared, "You are going to forcibly imprint your Dao heart, your will and your authority on their brains!"

"So what? For 99.9% of people,'free will' is something that doesn't exist."

Wu Yingqi said coldly, "Look at the selfish immortals of the four major electoral families. They are only driven by their own genes and desires. They waste a lot of resources and chase some meaningless things all day long. , Power, status, women, hatred, jealousy, vanity... and eventually died rotten in the vinegar meat forest, or died tragically in the cannibalism.

"Even if it seems to be a high-powered elder, or even the elector himself, he is nothing more than a slave to the family, a slave to his children, grandchildren and people, a slave to his own genes and desires, not to mention those mediocre, muddle-headed, ant-like slaves. Of ordinary people.

"Ordinary people have never had the right to choose. They are exhausted every day just to survive. It is their greatest joy and purpose to find a suitable mother animal to give birth to cubs and to continue their genes-they have a simple structure. The brain simply cannot carry more complex thinking and higher-level meanings. They are originally some kind, some kind of flesh-and-blood machinery that has been genetically wounded with clockwork. How can there be choices and freedom?

"Even if they think they have'free will,' it is just an illusion that was instilled when they were young and ignorant, a kind of self-deception illusion-any civilization will forcibly instill certain false truths in the next generation, and force individuals to follow. For certain social laws, this inculcation is usually achieved by decades of education, but now the situation is critical and I don’t have that much time, so I compress decades of education into a one-time so-called “brainwashing”. What’s the problem? ?

"Tell me, Li Yao, the vulture, isn't it true that in your country of cultivators, didn't you start to instill in children how superior the avenue of cultivation is superior and how evil is the avenue of cultivation from the time when children are ignorant and ignorant?

"Didn't you forcibly create a social atmosphere for children to take the cultivation path for granted?

"Could it be that in your prison, for those stubborn criminals, do not take some kind of hypnotherapy similar to brainwashing to wash away his sins?

"I know that, starting from the Xinghai Empire, for many sexual offenders with stigma, certain areas of the cerebral cortex have been removed to eliminate their criminal tendency. Facts have proved that the effect is very good, for these criminals themselves, and even for the whole The society has a great positive effect. That is, doing so deprives them of their'free will' to commit crimes. What's wrong with it?"

"That's the most sinister criminal!"

Li Yao couldn't help but exclaimed, "In our country of cultivators, unless we treat severe criminals with heinous and highly violent tendencies, no matter whether minimally invasive brain surgery or hypnotherapy, it is very cautious and rarely used!"

"Yes, what we are facing now is a bunch of extremely vicious and extremely dangerous prisoners."

Wu Yingqi said indifferently, "According to the laws of the empire and my will, all officers and soldiers of the combined fleet of the four major families dared to rebel, committing the following crimes and attempting to attack the Celestial Star. They all committed the most serious crime of treason, Li Yao. , You won't deny this, will you?

"For these madmen who committed the crime of treason, even if they were to slash, frustrate their bones, and even punish the nine races, it is all natural. However, proceeding from the overall situation of the empire and human civilization, I am willing to give these people magnanimously and magnanimously. As long as they can surrender to my will, they can stand for their sins and make merits and continue to fight for human civilization.

"Doing so can minimize the meaningless bloodshed, which is the most humanitarian approach. I don't know what you are struggling with. Do you have to watch me take them-the most elite of these human civilizations? Kill all the soldiers, or if they kill all of us and everyone on the Celestial Star, you will be happy, you will be satisfied, and you will feel that'free will' has been defended?

"Think about it, Li Yao, you and I agree that these fake immortals of the four major families have gone astray, are dying, and the Taoist heart is completely tainted and distorted. It is impossible for them to be astray by conventional methods. Want to watch them go further and further down the wrong path, and ultimately harm others and themselves? Is it true that I have a method that can heal them, as well as the empire and all mankind, but cannot save him?

"Understand, I want to heal them, awaken them, purify them, completely obliterate the selfish wrong thoughts in their minds, and implant the correct concepts of selfless devotion, purity and nobility, and life-long struggle for human civilization without complaints and regrets— -It is not good?"

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