40,000 Years of Cultivation

Chapter 2629: Take off from the shoulders of giants!

The long black hair that spread from the back of Wu Yingqi's head--or the nerve bundle that grew directly from the depths of his soul, suddenly swelled several times.

Dark power was continuously injected into Li Yao's soul, making him covered with black lines and spots.

The dark area continued to expand, like some kind of shiny gelatinous substance, enveloping Li Yao's whole person and dragging him into the endless swamp.

Li Yao struggled and resisted desperately, wisps of divine and soul fire jumped out of the dark gap, severely burning the black nerve that connected between him and Wu Yingqi.

"Although... your words are very beautiful, and your slogans are also very loud, including the dilemma you throw out, which I can't give an answer now."

Li Yao gritted his teeth and said every word, "But no matter how much you talk about it, you can’t change the fact that with what you call “the most advanced information interaction technology”, a civilization can instantly “initiate” the Pangu civilization. , Eventually perished!

"Hehe, I don’t believe that the Pangu people really have the kind of "love peace and kind heart" you said, and they are willing to help other civilizations continue for no reason. Perhaps it is through brainwashing that the Pangu people are in other carbon-based ways. The idea of ​​“Pangu is supreme and our leader” was implanted in the minds of life races, and finally the “Pangu Civilization Alliance” with them as the core was established, and this kind of semi-compulsive and semi-fraudulent nation always has Hidden dangers, as time goes by, hidden dangers are getting bigger and bigger. Both the Nuwa and Houyi people have realized part of the truth. Perhaps this is the reason why the Pangu Civilization Alliance finally split and triggered the great war!

"Since the Pangu Civilization Alliance did not use brainwashing methods to go out, why do you think we can, won't we repeat their mistakes?"

"You are very smart, but you are too suspicious. Even if the Pangu people’s motives are not pure, it has nothing to do with the quality of the'Taigu Empowerment Technique'—the technology itself is not good or bad, just like the knife itself does not kill. Whether it is good or bad, good or evil, it depends on how humans use them."

Wu Yingqi seemed to have thought about this issue a long time ago. He was not shaken by Li Yao at all, but he said calmly, "When new technologies are just born, they will more or less go astray. How can they give up food because of choking, because of some immature ones. Where is the value of a new technology completely denied?

"As for the collapse of the Pangu Civilization Alliance, we have to look at this issue dialectically. We must learn from the Pangu tribe's experience and lessons, select the essence and discard the dross, in order to create greater success in their failure.

"The past is not forgotten, and the future is a guide. Although today's human civilization is far weaker than the old Pangu civilization, we have one of the biggest advantages, that is, we stand on the shoulders of giants and do not have to walk those who have been verified by them. It's a dead end.

"What is a'dead road'? The simplest example is that the Pangu people have invented the technique of'Taigu empowerment' for a long time, but it is likely that there are also a large number of self-proclaimed people like you who are afraid of this new technology. Power did not develop this technology to the extreme. In the early stage, it was only used for simple communication and exchanges between various carbon-based life races. In the later stage, it was used to wash away the emotions, desires and will of the people, and to make the people all It became an empty white paper, but nothing new was injected.

"The reason they did this was because they were frightened by the universe outside the universe, and completely lost the heart of evolution and the spirit to move forward, and they didn't know what to inject into their minds.

"A person has no bones and is destined to be a puddle of mud. A civilization has lost its spirit and is destined to be destroyed! The brain is a thing, and your Pangu tribe will not occupy it. Those monsters, ghosts, monsters, and demons, for example, will occupy it. How can it stay blank forever?

"Understand, the'Taigu empowerment technique' itself is not wrong. The mistake is that the Pangu people only implemented half of it, and only'cleansed' away the people's wrong, complex, and chaotic thoughts and desires, but did not inject new and healthy ones. , Positive thoughts and desires-the carbon-based life that created the splendid and glorious civilization in the past has become a walking dead, how can it not perish?

"The same is true for the Shengmeng people. They have clearly unearthed the most precious treasure in the stars and have the technology that can change the universe, but they are completely bound by the'way of perfection', and they have only injected the Pangu civilization into their minds. The worship of and the fear beyond the vast sea of ​​stars, they are just some replicas of the small Pangu tribe, destined to have only one way to perish!

"However, my'Daigo Enlightenment' will never be abandoned halfway in this way. I will not only cleanse the selfishness, desires, short-sightedness, timidity, cowardice and other unhealthy and even evil thoughts in the minds of those traitors, but more importantly inject them The upright, pure and flawless thoughts help them temper their shining Dao Xin, so that they can become real people, great warriors, and pure immortal cultivators!"

Li Yao's voice trembled: "Do you think I would believe it?"

"Why not? Imagine such a beautiful future—"

Wu Yingqi squinted her eyes, waved her hands, and countless lifelike holographic images appeared again in all directions. In each of these images, there were countless sunny, cheerful, enthusiastic, tall and handsome immortals, or those who focused on studying and studying. Working, or fighting fiercely in the starry sky battlefield-but their enemies are not humans, but ugly aliens that Li Yao has never seen. It seems that the picture means that they have left the small Pangu universe quagmire. In the larger universe, it is seizing a larger living space for human civilization.

"I neither do nor need to deprive everyone of their thoughts and your so-called "free will". Really, I will not change 95% of your minds. I just want to deal with the other 5% of the evil. A small, painless'thinking operation' that removes the dark, selfish, and evil parts, and replaces it with just, selfless, and noble thoughts, and in the form of a brand, it is deeply engraved on Above the cerebral cortex and even the soul, people will never forget it."

Wu Yingqi talked eloquently, "After such a small thought operation, the cultivator can still maintain the original memory and self, but it is no longer as selfish, short-sighted, cowardly and gloomy as the past, but it can swell up to 120,000 points. Courage and loyalty, able to serve the entire civilization with enthusiasm and selflessness, and always abide by the rules of “just, fair, and open” that I set for the empire. Any dark thoughts in their minds can immediately destroy themselves, even if they face When the fear outside the universe cannot be described with pen and ink, you can also fight to the end with courage!

"And how much you change depends on the degree of this person's depravity. The deeper the depravity, the more naturally you will be changed. Like you and General Lei Chenghu, you were originally people with strong Taoism and lofty ambitions. You even Will not feel any change!

"Don’t believe what I said? It’s okay. Just listen to it. I am not a feudal emperor. If I don’t make a word, I can even set up a'Taigu Enlightenment Committee' in the later stage to gather people of insight from all walks of life to jointly agree on what to indoctrinate the people in the current year The'leading thought' is equivalent to the current education committee and textbook compilation group. At that time, you can be one of the leaders of this committee and personally supervise the thoughts we want to instill into the people's minds.

"Of course, now the soldiers are approaching the city, and there are tens of thousands of people in a hurry. In extraordinary times, we have to take extraordinary measures. It is impossible for mothers-in-laws to engage in democratic supervision. This must be understandable, Li Yao, the cultivator?"

"Taigo Enlightenment Committee?"

Li Yao almost didn't bite off his tongue, "What a joke!"

"You have no jokes, do you think I have a lot of time to joke with you? You really underestimate my heart, Li Yao, after understanding the vastness and danger of the universe, the battle between the cultivators and the cultivators, In my eyes, it has already become a trifling thing, but it's just a contradiction that occurs when a child plays the house."

Wu Yingqi sighed, "Villiages are common, but ministers are rare. Thousands of years ago, I was surrounded by treacherous villains. I was touted by them for a while. I failed to carry out the reform to the end, and finally made big mistakes. The villains have also expanded into gluttonous behemoths like the four major electors’ families. Thousands of years later, I have come back, determined not to make such mistakes again, these treacherous villains, I don’t want any of them, I only want you to be a minister. , Li Yao, you can completely retain the Taoism of your cultivator, stay by my side, and act as a mirror to help me better understand myself.

"Even in your country of cultivators, why should I have to eliminate you? The deepest contradiction between us, the dispute between cultivation and immortality, how to deal with ordinary people’s problems, in the final analysis, it’s not. Is it caused by scarcity of resources and population explosion?

"As long as the problem of scarcity of resources and population explosion cannot be resolved, the contradiction will always exist, and there will always be cultivators and immortals. Neither you nor I can change.

"But if our plan is successful, we really jump out and find resources in the universe that are ten times or a hundred times greater than the present. By then, the material and spirit will be extremely rich, and the contradiction between superman and ordinary man will not be. Wings fly away, the ordinary people you want to live in can live like gods, and even give them a planet so that they can be kings and hegemonies. What is the need for the cultivator to squeeze ordinary people? So what contradictions do we still have? No, no, no at all!

"So, if you are a true cultivator, you are really thinking about the happiness and future of all mankind. You shouldn’t cause trouble and trouble for me at such a critical moment. As a result, we lose both, but let those The treacherous villains and the brainless puppet fishermen benefit! You should stand firmly on our side, and we will join hands-smash the stars and stir the universe!"

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