40,000 Years of Cultivation

Chapter 2630: love without border!

Wu Yingqi's thoughts really turned into bright stars in the sky, and these stars were eroded into black by his ambition in an instant, and they poured into the depths of Li Yao's soul.

Li Yaoru was electrocuted, like drowning in the abyss, making the last resistance with great difficulty: "However, your plan will kill a lot of people. In the extreme heavens alone, at least 30 to 50 billion people will die. What are they? ?"

"They are regarded as the wounds opened during the operation, the pain of gestating new life, the fuel for the triumphant advancement of human civilization, and the price we have to pay."

Wu Yingqi’s eyes became deep and ancient, as if he could see through the changes of hundreds of millions of years, he said in a tone that is completely different from human beings, “In the long run, each of us is going to die, not only us, Even the Pangu Civilization Alliance, the strongest among the thirteen carbon-based life races, no, not only Pangu, but also the powerful civilizations that existed in this universe for tens of billions of years before Pangu, all of which were swallowed by time. Submerged by the universe, the ashes disappeared, and there was no piece of armor.

"In the past tens of billions of years, hundreds of extremely powerful ancient civilizations have all been annihilated, and human civilization is about to repeat their mistakes. Under such a grand background, the life and death of a few individuals is really so important. ?

"It can be seen that Li Yao also tends to not be able to sit still and have to rush out to find a way out. Have you ever thought about how dangerous the outer universe is? Have you ever thought that even if we can find the final destination, it is horrible Civilization achieves some kind of...'brilliant eternal life'. This process is also a march of misery. Perhaps 99% of people will die on the way, and only 1% will live to enjoy victory and become the ancestor of the new humanity?

"There is no way, even if we know that we have to sacrifice so many people, we still have to go forward without hesitation, because this is the meaning of life.

"Thinking about hundreds of millions of years ago, the first fish awkwardly climbed onto the land. I believe it was not unique either. It was accompanied by countless companions, but 99% of the fish dried up and died in the deadly air.

"Similarly, when the ancient apes trembling from the forest to the plains, they must also be under the claws of the beasts of the plains, making countless sacrifices.

"If the fish and the ancient ape have wisdom, if you are the commander of the fish and the ancient ape, and you can't bear to make such a small sacrifice, you waver and flinch, you tell your companions-front It's too dangerous, go back, go back, let's go back to the warm and safe lair! Yes, the life of your companions may be temporarily preserved, but the future of civilization will be completely ruined by your benevolence of women! "

"Please believe that if possible, I also want to minimize casualties, but this is a war. It is not only a war between the reformers against the nobles, nor is it just a war between the empire and the Holy League, and of course it is not a war between the cultivator and the cultivator. War, but-the war between the new mankind and the old man is a war of revolutionizing the old and changing the world and changing the world! This kind of conflict between the old and the new cannot be as gentle and harmless as you think. It is gradual and easy. It is destined to set off the most. The fierce conflict will crush countless old interest groups that are crippled and deficient, and will kill many people.

"The virtue of a general is not to preserve the life of every soldier under his hand, but to make all soldiers die as valuable as possible, and to be able to use their lives in exchange for the greatest victories and ultimate victory. In many cases, he knows to be the first to fight. Or the troops that fight the block will be annihilated, and the general will have to send his beloved and the most elite troops to the fire pit that will undoubtedly die. Is the general a heinous murderer? No, this is the vocation of a commander-in-chief. !"

Li Yao couldn't help it, and roared: "The soldiers have been prepared for sacrifice long ago, but you are not about to kill the soldiers, but the civilians!"

"Wrong! The so-called division of'soldiers' and'civilians' only applies to civil wars in human civilization. In the great cosmic war we are about to face, in the endless **** battles of countless civilizations, everyone is a soldier and must serve the entire civilization. Dedicated to your duties and dedicated everything!"

Wu Yingqi's voice also rose sharply, "Think about it, if one day we really rush out of the universe and face a full-scale invasion of a certain kind of'swarm civilization', will it distinguish between'soldiers' and'civilians' among humans? Different? Or when we face a single civilization, a planet is a strong existence, and it crushes our world. When we use tidal force to tear up our planets one by one, it will distinguish between'soldiers' 'Different from the'civilian'? Even, there is a mysterious power that is higher than the three-dimensional space, and it wants to upgrade or reduce the dimension of our world, turning us into a weird state that cannot be described with pen and ink. What will it care about? 'Military' and'civilian'?

"Don't be silly. From the moment we discovered the existence of the universe, the old moral concepts disappeared. The entire civilization naturally entered a new era of'all people are soldiers'. In order to struggle for survival in the dark universe, everyone has It can be sacrificed, and everyone must sacrifice too! Without such a cold and clear understanding, it is not worthy to serve as the commander of human civilization!"

"I, I can't do it!"

Li Yao held his head and said in pain, "I can't use so many living individuals as'fuel', can't understate the death of tens of billions of people, and can't look at the problem from the perspective of billions of years. In any case, I just can't do it!"

"Yes, 99% of people can't do it. They can't separate themselves from an individual's point of view and leap to the height of the entire civilization to look at problems. Therefore, Li Yao, a cultivator, no matter how powerful you are , Even if it is a hundred times stronger, you are destined not to be a competent leader. If human civilization is commanded by a woman like you and fearful of the head, it will perish within a few hundred years!"

Wu Yingqi smiled faintly, "However, it doesn't matter, you can't do it, but I can do it, so I am the most perfect commander of human civilization, and you only need to assist me.

"Your reason clearly knows that what I said and did was right, but your feelings were unacceptable for a while. You can't be the commander, but you want to prevent me from becoming the commander. What is the truth? Human civilization always needs one. The commander who is absolutely sensible and therefore absolutely cruel. It’s not me. Who else? Could it be a commander who is just as “kind, fragile, and compassionate” like you, crying or shouting utterly useless slogans when things happen. will be better?"

Li Yao's eyes widened and he was speechless for a while.

"Your kindness, which is limited to personal emotions and life and death in front of you, is just'little good' or even'hypocrisy.' You only see the life and death of tens of billions of people in front of you, but you have never thought about the life and death of the entire empire and hundreds of billions of people. !"

Wu Yingqi’s voice just eased a bit, and suddenly became severe again, “Don’t you understand, these tens of billions of people in the extreme heavens are doomed to die--if I don’t launch the'Project Tomorrow', the four major families’ ace fleet It will occupy the Celestial Pole Star, massacre, and people who die of massacres, famines and plagues are still indispensable!

"What's worse is that with the four big families, a bunch of scattered wine bags and rice bags, they can't resist the main fleet of the Holy League. The empire will definitely collapse under the surprise attack of the Holy League!

"At that time, not only will the dead people be an order of magnitude higher than the'tens of billions', reaching hundreds of billions or even hundreds of billions, and the survivors will inevitably be brainwashed by the Holy League-in the worst way!

"Look, your'kindness' can't change anything at all. It will only make things worse and worse. By then, if hundreds of billions of people have really died in the massacre of the four major families and the invasion of the Holy League, they will all be What you killed was all killed by your hypocrisy, all by your ridiculous sense of justice and moral cleanliness!"

Li Yao was dumbfounded, speechless.

Even if he just wanted to delay time at first, "pretending" was brainwashed by Wu Yingqi.

But now, his Dao Xin was really eroded bit by bit, and countless cold and dark things were injected.

"When things have developed to this stage, there are always countless people going to die, and countless people going to be brainwashed. Neither you nor me can stop it."

Wu Yingqi sighed and said, "I can only use the deaths of tens of billions of people to prevent the deaths of hundreds of billions of people. I can only use bright and just brainwashing to prevent the pale and evil brainwashing of the Holy League. I can only do my best. Let the sacrifices of countless individuals in exchange for the greatest value, so that they can "die well"! Even if you do this, I will be infamous for all ages, but as long as it is beneficial to the future of human civilization, I will not hesitate and I will kill a million today. Innocent women and children, but tomorrow there will be 10 billion innocent women and children who can live because of my deeds. This is great kindness, great justice, and'great love without borders'!

"Cultivator Li Yao, I really appreciate that you are an individual and you are so eloquent. Are you still obsessed with it? If you still insist on your own ideas, then come up with a solid principle that can refute me, and think of how to fight without blood. The solution to the four major families and even the covenant alliance has come out!"

Li Yao was stunned for a long time, and his voice became weaker and weaker: "However, if you do this, you will destroy the entire polar world! The heart of the empire is destroyed, how can there be power to deal with the Holy League?"

"Haha, hahahaha, it seems that you have accepted my proposition from the point of view, but the details still need to be discussed. This is a trivial matter and it is easy to solve!"

Wu Yingqi laughed and waved his hand, "In this matter, you made the same mistake again, that is to look at the new world with your old eyes—the so-called'Emperor Capital' is just a planetary civilization. The real interstellar civilization is necessary and should not be an imperial capital at all. It is not the heart of the empire, it is simply the tumor of the empire, the biggest burden of the empire!

"In other words, even if the interstellar civilization really needs a political center, it should not be fixed on a certain planet, but should be mobile, so that the power of the political center can be put in place in time."

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