40,000 Years of Cultivation

Chapter 2631: Wu Yingqi's greatest secret!

"Interstellar civilization, don't need a capital?"

This statement once again shattered the inherent concepts in Li Yao's mind and opened a brand new door for him.

"Yes, in the ancient repair era, the means of communication and transportation were relatively backward, and the territory was not too large. Only when the rulers gathered most of the high-level and powerful people in one place, they became the'imperial court' and the'capital'. The focus of politics, economy, and military was a very reasonable approach at the time."

Wu Yingqi talked eloquently, "But today, a unified country of human civilization has hundreds of worlds at every turn, and its territory spans millions of light-years. It has to rely on past political experience in an attempt to rule the entire film with a single planet. Xinghai, isn't it ridiculous to carve a boat for a sword?

"Look at the Celestial Stars today-in order to dominate the entire star sea, an unknown number of government agencies have been placed on top of each other here, causing a population explosion, bloated institutions, environmental pollution, and various departments and various forces interact with each other. He was restrained and completely lost its functions as a'brain' and a'heart'.

"And when the aristocracy and tycoons were born in the remote borders of the empire, the imperial capital was beyond reach, unable to mobilize the force in time to restrain and suppress it, so that the four major electors and various warlords swarmed to make the empire. Go to the end of the disintegration.

"What's the use of such an imperial capital?

"In fact, as early as the first step in the journey of the Star Sea, mankind should completely abandon the old governance methods, and should not establish a fixed capital at all. It is a pity that from the monster race to the empire thousands of years ago, this point was not clearly seen. , So that it has caused tragedies again and again.

"Let’s say that the greatest tragedy thousands of years ago was the collapse of the Xinghai Empire. At that time, the wise emperor also took the Celestial Star as his capital, but let his generals, the Blood Godzi, command the strongest expedition army and go to the depths of the Xinghai to crusade. The remnants of the demon race, as a result, the political power and military power of the Xinghai Empire are completely separated, and the Celestial Star cannot effectively command an expeditionary force millions of light-years away. The expedition lasts for decades, and there are too many variables. Even if the Blood God Child is a clone of the emperor, the rebellion is an inevitable result!

"If the emperor can see this clearly in time and refuse to use Celestial Pole Star as the capital, but relocate the entire set of government agencies of the Xinghai Empire to the Expeditionary Force, and use the Expeditionary Fleet as the'moving capital', if he is personally conquered, How can the Blood God Child have a chance to rebel, how can the Xinghai Empire collapse?"

Li Yao listened attentively, but felt that Wu Yingqi's words made sense, and he couldn't refute it at all.

"In fact, countless people of insight throughout the ages have vaguely realized this problem and made a certain degree of effort intentionally or unintentionally."

Wu Yingqi continued, "From the Yaozu dynasty to our true human empire, many people in power will spend huge sums of money to build some super giant starry sky fortresses, and even hollow out an entire planet to transform it into a military fortress. The star of destruction, the star of doom, the star of darkness', things like that.

"In fact, from a purely military point of view, this kind of super starry sky battle castle, which puts all the eggs in a basket, is large and improper. Its combat effectiveness is very low, and its mobility is close to zero, let alone. Once the enemy invades the interior, It's easy to be reimbursed at once. It's better to use their large amount of resources to build fleets or strengthen the planet's surface weapons!

"But even if the former'Death Star' did not perform well on the battlefield and was destroyed in an instant, the New Dynasty will still build new'Death Stars' again and again. What do you do? Are there so many military experts and technologies? Experts are idiots, can't see the fatal flaws of these super giant Star Wars Castle?

"No, the focus is not military, but politics. The purpose of spending huge sums of money to build these super Star Wars Castles is not to allow them to play a powerful role on the battlefield, but to continuously absorb a large number of places during the construction process. The resources of the country weaken the power of the local tycoons and make the local tycoons unable to resist the imperial orders. Only in this way can the long-term stability of the unified empire be guaranteed.

"Of course, the local tycoons knew the imperial court’s calculations well, so they used various channels to slander the role of the super-giant Star Wars, and even portrayed super-dead stars in various literary works. The scene of'destroyed', ridiculed this kind of'useless and vain' weapon, in fact, just didn't want to be sucked blood by the imperial court as an excuse for'building the Death Star'.

"In the past, the strong local counterattacks have worked. No empire can implement the strategy of weakening the place to the end; besides, the Celestial Star is a ready-made capital, too prosperous and convenient. No emperor is willing to leave this colorful world. Zero start.

"Thousands of years ago, I couldn’t see through it and I couldn’t bear it. But today, I have clearly realized the ridiculousness of fixing the capital. I have long decided to move the capital and move the imperial capital from the Celestial Pole Star to a large and powerful fleet. , Turning the empire into a "starship civilization" in a sense.

"It's just that the matter is big, and there are too many interest groups entrenched in the Celestial Star, and they are too stubborn. Not only are the four major electoral families have a lot of interest here, but the reformists, including the Wuying clan, are also deeply rooted here. The motion to move out of the capital will definitely be opposed by countless people-no way, Tianji Star has been the capital of human civilization for four to five thousand years. Those short-sighted and handicapped people have long been accustomed to this, and they can't think of it. problem.

"Therefore, I simply took a salary from the bottom of the pot and destroyed the extreme heaven realm and the celestial star. In this way, all those Lorry flies would shut up, and it would be impossible if they didn't want to move!

"Although a small price will be paid in the short-term, in the long-term, it will be of great benefit to ensuring the sustainable development of human civilization.

"Sacrificing an extremely celestial realm, you can get a super fleet that is extremely powerful, and everyone is loyal, upright and honest. Then I relocated the entire court to this new fleet, which can be named 'Imperial Fleet'.

"From now on, the imperial capital fleet will regularly patrol the entire star sea. Whenever it visits a large world, especially those controlled by powerful vassals, it will use local resources to continuously strengthen the fleet and deal with local malpractices and corruption. , Selecting local talents, bringing the best talents to the fleet, strengthening the imperial court while weakening the place, so that the entire empire can be cruised every two to thirty years, even in twenty to thirty years. The local tycoons are reluctant to submit, and it is too late to develop a new rebel force. Even if the grassroots corruption occurs, it will not spread too much and can be removed and treated immediately.

"In this way, let alone thousands of years, even after thousands of years, the empire is still stable, and the river is clear and the sea is clean, honest and fair, and never decayed!

"The size and combat effectiveness of the Imperial Capital fleet, including generations of powerful men living in the Imperial Capital fleet, will become stronger and stronger. They will continue to climb the peak of evolution. When the time is ripe, the Imperial Capital has reserved sufficient resources, technology and combat power. The fleet can be transformed into a'cosmic expeditionary force' and rush out directly!

"Li Aiqing, what do you think of the future picture I have depicted, don't you think it is the only feasible solution?"

Li Yao licked and licked his tongue, still feeling dry.

He felt more and more that Wu Yingqi's words made sense-at least partly.

"It's the same sentence, do you think I have any omissions or errors in the details, just say what you want."

Wu Yingqi said generously, "As long as Aiqing has something to say, I promise to follow the advice."

"Yes, there is one omission!"

Li Yao's brain was in a mess, digging into the details, and said, "Your Majesty's'Plan for Tomorrow' will not kill tens of billions of people instantly, but will completely disrupt the brains of these people and make them full of desire to kill. The wild beast creates an infinite horror on the Celestial Pole Star, but in doing so, isn't it easy to cause a super large-scale'Devil's Coming'?

"When the snipe and the clam fight, the fisherman benefits. Your Majesty thinks that he counts the factors of the reformists, the Ten Thousand Realms Business League, Lei Chenghu, the four major families, the Holy League and even the cultivators, and every link is considered to the extreme. But have you considered the issue of the extraterritorial demon? What if the extraterritorial demon suddenly kills out and turns countless civilians on the Celestial Pole star into apocalyptic horror into'devil men'!"

As soon as this remark came out, Wu Yingqi couldn't help showing a triumphant smile on her face.

"Li Aiqing is really thoughtful, and can even think of the problem of the extraterritorial demon, but..."

Wu Yingqi smiled and said, "Don't worry about the demon, I have already taken this variable into account, and have my own solution, and even control all the demon so that they can serve the empire obediently."

"Your Majesty can control hundreds of millions of demons?"

Li Yao was shocked again. He narrowed his eyes and looked at Wu Yingqi's confident expression. There were countless nerve bundles jumping around in his mind, and he thought of something.

No, no, there is a problem, there is a big problem, he has always overlooked a very important thing.

What is it, think about it, that is the key, the key is the key, and it is Wu Yingqi's greatest secret.

Yes, there is no reason, it doesn't make sense!

"Speaking of which, how does your Majesty know the secret of the'Golden Crystal Tower', not only the precise coordinates, but also the method of manipulation, and even the method of transforming the Gold Crystal Tower into a'super-giant brainwave amplifier'?"

Li Yao seemed to be talking to himself, muttering in the weakest voice, "Although your Majesty has been in the emperor’s tomb for hundreds of years, you can’t know from the emperor—because you opened the emperor’s tomb. The half of the key at the core was never found by His Majesty, and finally fell into my hand.

"Since your Majesty has never really opened the core of the ancient tomb, of course it is impossible to obtain all the inheritance of the emperor. Moreover, I believe that the emperor is not the kind of person who will transform the golden tower and prepare to brainwash all human beings on a large scale. Besides, the emperor It's the biggest enemy of the alien demon, and there is no reason to control the billions of demon.

"Judging from the Celestial Star Wars ten thousand years ago, only two people know the secret of Jinjing Tower. Except for the emperor, it is the'doomsday war mad blood **** son', and the blood **** son was corroded by the outer gods, and then he became a demon repairer , The rebel army commanded by the blood **** child who betrayed the emperor is the coalition of the'human race, monster race and demons'!

"Could it be—

"Your Majesty can become the Black Star Emperor of the real human empire and the legendary strongest Demon Cultivator'Doomsday Fighting Crazy Blood God' in just a few hundred years from an incomplete and surviving exile from the Martial Arts world. "Is there any relationship between them?"

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