40,000 Years of Cultivation

Chapter 2646: Bastard like you!

"Li Yao, you dare to betray me!"

A flame tentacles of the black sun really resembles a thunder that has rolled up millions of kilometers, lashing fiercely on the surface of the red star, making waves tens of thousands of kilometers high-this is a collection of Wu Yingqi's furious thoughts, "Use Such a despicable way!"

"I've said, this is what you forced, who told you to be bad and stupid!"

The great turmoil set off by the red star also turned into countless tentacles, deeply piercing the black sun, trying to use Li Yao's will to further interfere with Wu Yingqi's Taoism, "A gentleman like me, originally never wanted to use such a shameless trick. ——In this way, even if you defeat you, my reputation and my fame will be ruined!

"However, for the sake of human civilization, what is personal reputation and integrity?

"I bet on the glorious image that I have worked hard to build for a hundred years to have such an awareness. How can you easily brainwash it? Lose me, Wu Yingqi!"

"Boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom!"

Accompanied by Li Yao's roar, a series of red fireballs exploded on the surface of the black sun, blasting the black sun into pits and pits, fragmented, like a huge deformed tumor!


Wu Yingqi’s spirit was greatly shocked, almost unable to withstand Li Yao’s indiscriminate bombardment, like an octopus entangled by electric eels, frantically waving the tentacle of will, sending stronger spiritual power to Li Yao, vainly attempting to take Li Yao again. Yao brainwashed, "If it is really for human civilization, you have no reason to betray me. I am the only savior. Only my'plan for tomorrow' can save the empire and save everyone!"

"Don't come to this set, the facts are in front of you, you are completely finished, and you still want to use this kind of ridiculous argument to confuse sentient beings? Dream you!"

Li Yao sneered, the red stars bloomed with extremely dazzling light, and every ray of light contained his indestructible will, "As I said just now, your'plan for tomorrow' wants to be convincing, but it is based on two points. , One is your inexhaustible strategy and invincible; the other is the maturity and stability of the'large-scale brainwashing technology' and the minimization of the cost.

"But now it seems that neither of these points is true!

"First of all, you haven't reached the level of complete control and absolute control. At least you have not calculated that I will be so despicable... No, have you not calculated that I will be so ingenious and witty!"

"Secondly, there are various loopholes in the'large-scale brainwashing technology'. Not only is the Golden Tower easily susceptible to intrusion and hijacking by foreign viruses, but also two completely different concepts cannot be instilled in a short period of time. Otherwise, , The brainwashed person is prone to mental breakdown, and even yourself as the operator is severely backlashed, and the spirit is about to break down!

"Tut tut, so immature technology, you can use as a straw out, there is no mistake ah, Your Majesty!

"So, do you understand the logic circuit inside? The fact that I betray you is the reason why I should or even have to betray you! As long as I give birth to the idea of ​​betraying you, this idea will be strengthened by some kind of self-excited reaction Continuous growth, continuous expansion, continuous determination, until the end, it becomes an indestructible armor that resists all your brainwashing!

"If everything you say is true, then I shouldn't betray you at all now.

"But I have betrayed you, and my spirit is jumping up and down, dancing and dancing in front of your spirit. This shows that you are lying and your words are all nonsense.

"If you firmly believe that your ideas and methods are 100% correct, and there is no mistake at all, if this is where your Dao Mind lies, then the appearance of my'error' should cause your Dao Mind to burst instantly.

"However, you can barely maintain the Dao Heart. Don't you know that your ideas and methods are not 100% correct and reliable? In other words, you are the same as the "fake cultivators" of the four major families. Is it a duplicity, saying one thing and doing another thing?"

The black sun was flogged by a series of flame tentacles from the red stars, and it was shaken, almost falling from this spiritual battlefield.

The souls of the two are still connected in the spiritual network spreading across the entire universe. The ripples caused by the confrontation of ideas have penetrated into the minds of thousands of people, triggering a series of chain reactions and freezing their logical thinking ability. Thaw slowly.

In the deep black eyes of many people, a series of faint sparks appeared again.

Wu Yingqi was annoyed and anxious, trying to control the situation again, but was stunned by Li Yao, and could not start for a while.

Li Yao chased after victory and bombarded him with thousands of shiny thoughts.

"A duplicity, blatant **** like you, I've seen a lot before!"

Li Yao roared, "You **** are all the same-first erect a goal that looks so magnificent, huge, and sacred, and use the size of this goal to contrast the insignificance of the individual; then describe some of these individuals who are so small that they have no place The glamorous and perfect vision of the future further deceives people; then he disguise himself as a commander, god, savior, and other messy things, like his mother. Human civilization is not the same as yours; in the end, you can use this great goal to conceal your ambitions, and you can sacrifice everyone except you to create an ideal that belongs only to you. country!

"Maybe your ideas are not wrong, the future you describe is not wrong, even **** sacrifices are not wrong, but the fault is that you are too eager for quick success and quick gain, and too selfish. First, regardless of the actual conditions, you infinitely raise your goals. In a vain attempt to complete the evolution in just a few decades that should have been completed in hundreds of years, thousands of years, and tens of thousands of years; then subconsciously expanded the meaning of'sacrifice'-ten soldiers died in order to protect a hundred people, this It's called sacrifice. Ten soldiers slaughtered a hundred people in order to survive, and even ate the bodies of these people. It was called "preservation of vitality". You have a **** face called "sacrifice"? Finally, No matter how splendid and brilliant you say it, you never dare to accept opposition, or even dare to bring your ideas to the public to discuss, absorb the wisdom of thousands of people to modify, optimize, and continue. Groping and experimenting, you will only sneak, sneaky small actions, and even use the method of'brainwashing' to forcefully instill your own ideas!

"Assholes like you, I have seen more than three or five, and killed more than three or five. I tell you, of all the assholes, you are the most asshole, so go to hell, die. Go die, die!"

Li Yao hit the rise, regardless of the loss of his own soul, but burned his life to the limit, released billions of spiritual blades, pierced deeply into the black sun, and twisted the depths of Wu Yingqi's soul. It's a mess and mess.

"How can it be?"

Wu Yingqi's spirit rippled with incredible waves.

It’s not because Li Yao caused heavy damage to his soul, but because he really couldn’t believe that little "cockroaches", "rats", "earthworms" and even "dust" like Li Yao have such powers. Will, such courage, can attack him, the only commander, true god, and savior of human civilization!

"I am the country, I am the sun, you unexpectedly—"

"Come on, you are a scumbag. You want to hypnotize someone else's **** after self-hypnosis!"

Li Yao simply interrupted Wu Yingqi’s indoctrination, "Wake up and see yourself clearly. You are neither a sun nor a god, and no one is qualified to be the sun and **** of the entire human civilization. You Like me, we are like tens of thousands of people, we are all humans, ordinary humans!

"Even though we can cultivate psychic energy and even suffocate psychic energy, even if we can open mountains, split rocks and even fly into the sky, our strength and wisdom have limits!

"Perhaps in front of ordinary people, we can deceive ourselves and call ourselves a kind of "transition of God" or "distraction", but in the face of the society, country and even the entire civilization where thousands of ordinary people have gathered, we are proud of the "transition of God," The calculation power of the distraction series is still as small as the tip of a needle. We cannot always be correct. It is impossible to predict the development direction of civilization in 10,000 years. It is impossible to replace the hundreds of millions of people in the entire civilization to think, let alone deprive it. Their ability to think and free will, to become the damned "only true god"!

"Do you think that your plan failed accidentally, because you were unlucky, and my strange thing suddenly got out? Then you are wrong, a terrible mistake!

"Your failure is inevitable, because no matter how many glorious and correct flags you put on yourself, how well-sounding you dress yourself, in the final analysis, you are just a mere mortal, your power is limited, your wisdom is limited, and your imagination is limited. , You can’t count all the constantly changing information of the entire civilization. You can’t control everyone’s thoughts. There will always be unexpected factors. There will always be some whimsical lunatics who will come out. It’s not me, there will be others. Don’t use this Kind of... The way the whole world is invited to watch action movies, there will be other ways that you and I can’t think of, and your plans seem to be linked together, but in fact the fault tolerance rate is too low. As long as a certain point goes wrong, It will inevitably lead to a complete collapse!

"You still keep saying that I am obsessed with not understanding, and you are the one who is really obsessed with understanding, Wu Yingqi, since you took the first wrong step, the ending is doomed, and you are doomed to lose!"

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