40,000 Years of Cultivation

Chapter 2647: The true meaning of civilization!

"I... will never fail!"

From the depths of the black sun, Wu Yingqi roared from anger into anger, and the roar turned into a huge wave, extinguishing a lot of the flames of the red stars, and even infected the red stars with shocking black spots. All spots are embodied in Wu Ying's vicious will, "Split and chaos are the greatest enemies of human civilization. Only by condensing the minds of all people and uniting all human beings can we go further in this dark universe. ——This is my Dao Heart. Anyone who dares to stop me is the enemy of the empire, civilization, and mankind!"

"I bother!"

Li Yao really made a group of hot lava from the red star virtual, as spit, Chao Wu Yingqi's spirit spit the past, "open all knowledge and information to ensure that everyone has the ability to independently think about themselves and the future of civilization, listen The voices of most people understand their needs, and on this basis, extract the greatest common divisor of what everyone wants, think, feel, and this is the "condensation of everyone's mind", and what you do now , Just use your own mind to replace everyone's mind, and use your own brain to replace hundreds of billions, trillions of brain functions!

"No matter how big your head is, how can it be comparable to the combined wisdom of trillions of brains? No matter how you say that you are different from those of the Holy Alliance, how could the serious trauma to the cerebral cortex not involve the ability of logical thinking? Even the distortion of seven emotions and six desires? Now, you have created a group of imperial forest soldiers willing to destroy their hometown and kill their own wives and children. How different are they from the holy ally? It is nothing more than fifty steps and a hundred steps!

"You use this method to'save' human civilization, it is more absurd than drinking poison to quench thirst, you are the real enemy of civilization!"

"Boom boom boom boom!"

The light of countless divine thoughts collided again, and the power was so strong that it seemed to tear the entire spiritual battlefield.

As the two souls collided, ripples spread to the minds of thousands of Yulin Army who were loyal to Wu Yingqi.

Many of the imprints on the cerebral cortex of the Imperial Forest Army began to loosen, making them gradually realize the fact that no matter the sweep of the solar storm or the impact of the "initiation", they will cause extremely serious damage to their wives, children, and children, and even make them. The entire celestial star has been devastated.

In the past, they even ignored this subconsciously!

Is it really "subconsciously" ignored, rather than being manipulated by some force, so that it turns a blind eye to such serious consequences?

"Me, what am I doing!"

Countless imperial soldiers clung to their heads, and the depths of their brains were like the collapse of a dyke, floods raged, and countless pictures of memories from the past spewed out. Most of the pictures were their wives, children, and their favorite people.

Even if the character is cold, the immortal cultivator who is focused on cultivation and competition will have someone he loves deeply, and there will be something worthy of their desperation.

"Your Majesty’s Hadith" was replaced by the nagging of his wife and the laughter of his children. Wu Yingqi’s invincible and brilliant image gradually turned into a family and a home for them to live together day and night, but now, the power of the solar storm continues to increase. The atmosphere of the Celestial Star is riddled with holes, and it strongly interferes with the magnetic field of the entire planet. If the Golden Tower continues to disturb the sun and increase the intensity of solar activity by an order of magnitude, there will be no power to stop the homeland. The destruction, the death of a loved one!

These pictures are different from those just now that are unsightly.

Those scenes just now were just momentary excitement. Everyone knew that they were fake and the enemy's slander.

The Yulin Army's loyalty to Wu Yingqi was enough to enable them to regroup their absolute trust and support for the "Supreme Emperor" after going through the initial chaos.

But now these pictures from the depths of memory are extremely real and vivid, with unforgettable love and pain, which gradually shakes their loyalty.

The king wants the minister to die, the minister has to die.

But if the wives and children of the kings and ministers die in the most miserable way, and even destroy the homes of the ministers, do the ministers really obey meticulously, and even act as executioners himself?

"Ah ah ah ah ah!"

Countless imperial forest troops once again issued a deeper howl-howl to torture the soul!

On the spiritual battlefield, the universe is trembling and gradually collapses.

Wu Yingqi's spirit, even after a stellar increase, gradually cannot support such a huge spiritual network connection - or in other words, can no longer control the brains of countless people who think independently.

"What did you do!"

Perceiving the gradual breakdown of the mental network, Wu Yingqi became so angry that he couldn't add it, and the flame tentacles that pierced Li Yao instantly doubled. "Most human individuals are short-sighted, selfish, and obscure things. The infinite expansion of thoughts and selfish desires will only lead to disasters for all mankind. The decay and decline of the empire today is the best proof. Don’t you agree with this point? You are not too uncomfortable with the sordid four electoral families. Scum?

"I can completely cut off the selfish and dirty ideas in the minds of most people, and turn them into the best warriors dedicated to fighting for civilization. This is the evolution of all mankind. It is a leap-forward evolution. What's wrong, why do you want to stop it!"

"Yes, I really don’t like the scumbags of the four major electoral families. I also admit that the weakness of human nature exists in each of us. No matter how we practice it, it’s impossible to wipe it out 100%, but that doesn’t mean Then I will identify with what you call "evolution"."

Li Yao’s voice became louder and more determined, and gradually thunderstorms were set off, and he was almost anti-object-oriented, becoming the most dazzling existence in the spiritual battlefield. “You don’t understand the true meaning of'evolution' at all. Evolution has never changed. To be'higher, faster, stronger or smarter', but to change in all possible directions through continuous changes in gene frequency, to try, to explore, and the most important thing is that an evolution is proven to be able to Before adapting to future environmental changes, no one can claim that it is a kind of'evolution'!

"The drastic changes in the environment on a small habitable planet may wipe out the'bigger and stronger' dinosaurs, but leave behind seemingly inconspicuous weeds and ants. How many former overlords have perished. They will never think of what the new overlord will look like! Not to mention how weird and varied the universe we are about to explore, and what dangers and opportunities we will encounter-who can say it clearly?

"Under this kind of ignorance, how can you guarantee that you represent the right direction of evolution? How do you know that you will never make a mistake? If you, the commander, ruler, and true god, make a mistake, how can you? Remedy, how to be responsible?

"If we have ten thousand thoughts, even if nine thousand nine hundred and ninety-nine of them are wrong, there is still one correct one; if we try ten thousand evolutionary directions, there will always be several of them that can help us Deal with new problems in the unknown universe, but now you have to obliterate 10,000 thoughts and 10,000 evolutionary directions, and only keep the one you think is right! In case you are wrong, hundreds of billions of people will make mistakes with you, fundamentally There is no room for remedy or correction!"

"I can't be wrong."

Wu Yingqi growled, "Never!"

"is it?"

Li Yao said indifferently, "While watching you and the eighteen big men linger and listening to you say such things, it is really not convincing, Your Majesty!

"In short, I admit that there is always a fish that will lead the race to rush to the land bravely, welcome the change, and embrace a new life. The question is, how do we know that your'head fish' is leading us to land, Instead of rushing to the deepest trench? I am not targeting you, I am targeting all self-righteous dictators and saviors throughout the ages-no matter how radiant and absolutely correct their ideas, slogans and beliefs seem, but the vast majority At that time, they would bring everyone into the ditch, not to mention, when they brought everyone into the ditch, they often trampled on all the laws of the world and paid countless avoidable prices!"

"Are you struggling with the cost of the'Plan Tomorrow'?"

Wu Yingqi let out a deep laugh, "Those who make big things do not stick to the trivial, no matter how big the price is, the survival of human civilization is not great. As long as human civilization can survive, any law can be trampled on, any morality can be crushed, and any price should be Give, everyone must sacrifice!

"Remember, always remember this axiom of the universe-survival is the first and most important need of civilization!"

"Go to your mother's axioms of the universe."

Li Yao said coldly, "A long time ago, I also regarded this sentence as a guideline, and regarded survival as the first or even the only need of civilization.

"However, after experiencing countless great disputes and watching careerists use this sentence as a fig leaf for themselves, I gradually changed my view.

"Survival is the first need of cockroaches, survival is the first need of mice, survival is the first need of hyenas and jackals, but survival should never be the first need of a civilization!

"If a civilization only survives for survival, what is the difference between it and cockroaches, mice, hyenas, and jackals? Why does it brazenly call itself civilization rather than just a selfish collection of genes?

"What is the definition of civilization, brilliant buildings, powerful weapons, highly sophisticated social structures, long history... Is it a'civilization' just to have these? At least, the Pangu Civilization Alliance does not think so. They proposed With one's own definition, only by mastering the ability to destroy oneself can one be regarded as a true civilization.

"I cannot agree with the philosophy of the Pangu Civilization Alliance. I have my own point of view. In my opinion, only one civilization has established a certain law higher than the survival instinct, and will spare no effort to defend this law. At a critical moment, it can' Give up one's life for righteousness', this is the real civilization!"

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