40,000 Years of Cultivation

Chapter 2648: Righteousness and strictness!

"Absurd, absolutely ridiculous!"

Wu Yingqi also gradually recovered from the initial astonishment and shock, able to adapt to Li Yao's continuous mental attacks, and sneered that would never repent, "The laws you said are well-known as'moral' things. Wasn't it invented by human beings for survival? Only by doing everything possible to live first, and when they are relieved, can they talk about other things. If human civilization is destroyed, what is the meaning of the old morals and laws?

"In any case, everything I do is to defend human civilization!"

"This is the biggest difference between you and me-we all think that we are fighting for human civilization, but our definition of'human civilization' is really different."

Li Yao’s figure stood in the center of the red star, and the star became his armor and the giant soldier of his soul. He opened his hands and once again aroused the huge flame giant hundreds of thousands of kilometers high. Lang, and Black Star Emperor Wu Yingqi tit-for-tat, "What is a human being, its appearance, language, genes or spirits? Maybe it used to be so, as long as you have the appearance and genes of human beings, you can speak human language and embrace human beings. Culture is human.

"But in the future of continuous technological development, genes can be freely modulated, activated, and dormant. Humans will change into various forms according to the environment, and activate various dominant genes derived from 13 carbon-based lives in the prehistoric era. Become a brand-new face like gods and demons, and even go one step further, completely abandon the physical body, upload the spirits to the Lingwang and Jingmin, and the so-called spirits are also extremely vulnerable to various data modifications and be transformed beyond recognition!

"If such an era comes, no, it has already come. Regardless of the highly genetically modulated monster races and the ghosts who abandon the flesh, they are not humans in the traditional sense and in the narrow sense, but we still recognize that they are a part of civilization. Members are our kind.

"So, if human beings are not determined by genes or spirits, what should be the decision? What can prove that they are humans, not monsters, monsters, monsters?

"Apart from what I just said, which is above life and death, above instinct, above everything else, what else is enough to serve as the essence of mankind?

"In my opinion, if people like you can kill tens of billions of people without even blinking for your benefit today, drive tens of billions of people crazy, and bring tens of billions of people to death without hesitation. Become a puppet who can't think and only knows to obey, you and your minions are no longer humans, but beasts, demons, and bugs who are dressed in human skin, spit out human words, and pretend to be humans!

"A civilization composed of thousands of animals, demons, and insects like you is not worthy of being called a'human civilization', but a'beast civilization', a'demon civilization', and a'zerg civilization'!

"The real human civilization, when the Celestial Star was destroyed by you, also sounded its own death knell. When a demon like you has occupied three thousand worlds, the real human civilization will be completely dead. Occupy the magpie's nest!

"Even if hundreds of millions of years later, the descendants of demons like you really occupy the entire universe under the banner of human civilization, it is definitely not the continuation and victory of mankind, but the continuation and victory of demons, unlike today’s human civilization. It doesn’t matter! This kind of billions of minds oscillates with the same kind of thinking, a race that can easily sacrifice tens of billions of people in order to achieve their goals, never want to become a real human, let alone a real civilization!"

"Boom boom boom boom boom boom!"

Li Yao's thoughts converged into countless flying meteors, attacking the black sun.

But this time, they were blocked one by one by the tentacles of the black sun dancing wildly, and even swallowed and absorbed them directly.

"Hehehehe, you're not ashamed, after talking for a long time, you will only stand on the commanding heights of morality, and say some nonsense that is not painful, not itchy, and useless!"

Wu Yingqi let out a deep laugh, "At least, for the future of human civilization, I have worked hard to think about the'plan for tomorrow', and you, except for you, like a naive high school student, you use such nasty means to destroy it. , What else can you do? You are a hypocrite who seeks to make a name for himself, and he is a typical example of inadequate success and more than failure. Can you think of a more reasonable solution than the'plan of tomorrow' to guide the future of human civilization? There is no new solution. , How can we save mankind if we just negate our plan!"

"I don't think I'm the smartest guy among hundreds of millions of human beings, and I've never been interested in being the commander in command of the future."

Li Yao said indifferently, "However, if it's just a crazy and stupid thing like'Plan Tomorrow', a child's playhouse, I will pat my **** and think about it. I can think about it in half a minute. !

"Don't believe it? Then I will reluctantly spend three to five seconds to come up with a plan, let you see what is the incredible computing power and incredible deduction ability!

"Let me think about it... Yes, what you call the biggest dilemma of human civilization is nothing more than lack of resources and unbalanced hearts. Both of these can be solved through ‘human virtualization’.

"The explosive development of modern crystal brain and spiritual web technology has already made people’s minds in-depth scans, and the complete digitalization of the soul has become possible. I believe that with conscious guidance and cultivation, it will not take long for the human soul to completely get rid of the brain. The limitations of the device live entirely in a specially designed bionic chip.

"At that time, the consciousness of tens of thousands of people will exist between square inches, and the body will only use the most important genes to continue the organs, even a few cells, and they will be stored, bred, and uploaded to the Lingnet. This way In this case, mankind's demand for resources and environmental requirements have been greatly reduced, even in the rock formations deep underground, they can "live" freely.

"What's even better is that in the virtual world, humans are almost immortal. All kinds of resources are just a few lines of data. There is almost no problem of selfishness-those who are the most selfish and unwilling to cooperate with their peers. , You can open up a space yourself, dominate the king, and enjoy yourself, while others can put aside most of the material stimulation and focus on the development of civilization and explore the mysteries of the universe.

"I call this virtual world the "spiritual world", and the brand-new humans are called the "spiritual race". When these new humans want to change the physical world, they can choose a variety of similar psychic prostheses. The shell of the ship—the shell can be divided into two types: a tactical shell and a strategic shell. A tactical shell as small as three to five meters in height, or a strategic shell composed of a starship or even a Star Wars Castle can be used. A spirit race controls, and even if the body is damaged, as long as the network is unblocked, the spirit race can escape back to the'spiritual world'.

"Such new humans have strong survivability and consume less resources. It is difficult for them to conflict with each other due to lack of resources. They can easily enter a dormant state during long voyages in the stars, and they can easily enter a dormant state in different virtual worlds. Repeatedly deduced the optimal strategy for the evolution of civilization, tried thousands of times and tens of thousands of times, and then implemented it in the material world after finding the correct answer. It is simply not too perfect!

"Here, this is the'solution for the future of mankind' that I came up with within three to five seconds. I named it the'Void Spirit Project'. How about it? Isn't it worse than your'Plan for Tomorrow'?"

Wu Yingqi was stunned.


He couldn't believe it, "You really figured it out in a moment?"

"Nonsense, with this kind of pediatrics plan, do you still have to think about ten or eight years? As soon as the upper lip touches the lower lip, it will be done!"

Li Yao said, "So, don't think that it's great to be able to blow a few words of cowhide, let alone think that human civilization must be led by you, a lunatic. When I get crazy and brag, it will be a hundred times more terrifying than you! Come here, you touch Daoxin and tell me whether the solution I just mentioned is flawed. Why is your'Plan for Tomorrow' the only correct way? My'Void Spirit Plan' won't work?"

Wu Yingqi was lost in thought.

Of course he can be crushed directly by his tyrannical mental power, but this kind of violent solution is really impossible to convince everyone in the spiritual network. However, in a hurry, Li Yao said it was such a wild flower, where could he be caught? Live the flaws?

"Nothing to say, right?"

Li Yao sneered, "Actually, whether you have worked hard for decades to figure out the'Plan for Tomorrow', or I rely on my excellent imagination, calculation and deduction ability to come up with it in ten seconds. The'Void Spirit Plan' is all the same nonsense. The reason why you can't find the flaw is because they have reached the point where there are flaws all over the body, but there are no flaws.

"Perhaps on the millennium scale, in the long run, these two plans have certain merits, but when they are actually implemented, they will face countless technical difficulties, ethical influences, moral risks, and the amount of cost to be paid. And the remedial plan once it fails.

"Only by tirelessly exploring, exploring, trial and error, and small-scale experiments can one step by step turn the illusory plan into reality, and gradually let tomorrow come. This is not done overnight and done by oneself, but by gathering thousands of people. The consensus of people, the wisdom and hard work of tens of thousands of people! On the contrary, we brag irresponsibly, and when we touch our lips, the'plan for tomorrow' or the'virtual spirit plan' will be released, but you can go to the technical problems. Tackling key problems, have you thought about all kinds of unexpected problems, in case of failure, can you bear the responsibility?

"In short, you are a typical person who is lofty, ambitious and talented, talking on paper, so arrogant that you don’t know your name and name, a few kilograms, and you think you can be the savior if you have one or two **** solutions. I can think of a dozen or twenty low-level plans every minute, am I crazy, can I be the savior, am I as shameless as you, ah? Speak!"

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