40,000 Years of Cultivation

Chapter 2666: Demon in the Golden Tower

"No, I'm not'brainwashing' this time, just to help you see the facts clearly."

The corners of Wu Yingqi 3.0’s mouth twitched, his face and white robe were covered with volcanic ash, making him look a little black and white, "Oh, maybe this so-called'help' is unnecessary, because with your wisdom and Your profound insight into the darkness of human nature, you should have known for a long time, your next destiny, right?

"You can use such despicable means, then you should have the most sober awareness of the despicability of the human heart. You knew you had no choice but to become the'Golden Tower Master', but you still want to delay time by deceiving yourself, no Willing to face this sad fact, am I right, Li Yao?"

Li Yao's figure was visibly trembling, blurry like the reflection of a stone thrown into it.

"I, I don't know what you are talking about!"

Li Yao gritted his teeth, "I won't, I won't be the'Golden Crystal Tower Master', I want to destroy it, I want to... destroy it."

"No, you will not destroy it, you will seize it, study it, upgrade it, make it a part of your body and will, and become the last line of defense between the empire and the Federation, the cultivator and the cultivator, use it Come to protect your motherland and defend your avenue."

Wu Yingqi 3.0’s smile is getting brighter and brighter, and the volcanic ash dances around him, like thousands of gray butterflies. “This is the only choice. It’s you and Lei Chenghu and his like'real cultivators' next. The only capital of the game, you know, you always know.

"No way, you and Lei Chenghu, and Li Linghai, and Jin Yuyan, are always different from the thousands of immortal cultivators who are ruling the center of the star sea at this moment. Becoming the extremely evil great devil like'Black Star Emperor Wu Yingqi' When it exists, you may be able to reluctantly let go of your grudges and pinch your noses to cooperate, but this is only a stopgap measure. Everyone knows that it will never last long. At the moment when the great demon of'Black Star Emperor Wu Yingqi' fell, The alliance between the cultivator and the cultivator is broken, and the war between you is destined to reignite!

"No one hurts the tiger, and the tiger has a cannibalistic heart. Even if you never thought of being disadvantageous to Lei Chenghu, Li Linghai, and Jin Yuyan, even these cultivators who have fought with you and received your favor are all I'm very loyal, I won't turn my face with you, but what about other cultivators? How about thousands of cultivators?

"Now, it’s no secret that you are a cultivator and the cultivator of the Sea of ​​Stars. The existence of the Kingdom of Stars and Lights Federation is no secret. No matter how you conceal it, it won’t take long. There will always be more and more immortal cultivators knowing that when the time comes, you How to ensure that these cultivators will not give birth to a heart of embezzlement?

"Even if Lei Chenghu, Li Linghai, and Jin Yuyan are both rational and loyal enough, can they never change? Can they completely control the empire? Can they rule the empire forever? If they change, they get old, they After death, how will the new generation of immortal cultivators think of the Star Federation, a country of cultivators? Will they feel like a scorpion in their throat, giving birth to the idea of'Can others snore by the couch'?

"Hehe, you know very well that in the next three to five hundred years, your motherland will not be able to suddenly develop the ability to face the real human empire. After all, the resources of Xinghai Beach are extremely limited, and I think you will soon reach the stage. The bottleneck of China is not always in the golden period of rapid development, right?

"So, in the face of such an unpredictable behemoth like the real human empire, there is nothing other than the dagger that pierced the heart of the empire, which is enough to serve as the first and last step of the Star Federation. What about the line of defense?

"Only by threatening the empire with the Golden Crystal Tower and achieving a certain'horror balance', can we achieve a fragile peace between the Empire and the Federation. If the Golden Crystal Tower is destroyed, how do you'convince' the cruel and ruthless immortal cultivators? Use your sincerity, use your kindness, or use your singing like killing a pig?"

Li Yao was speechless, lost in thought.

"Also, this is not only about the survival of the Star Federation, but also about the cultivation path that is vital to you."

Wu Yingqi 3.0 stretched out his hand, gently held a handful of volcanic ash, and injected the last life information into it. The volcanic ash really trembled like a butterfly. He took a breath and blew the gray butterfly towards Li Yao, smiling." You are a true cultivator, a pure and determined warrior. Therefore, for the sole purpose of destroying'Black Star Great Emperor Wu Yingqi', you will not be able to cooperate with the immortal cultivators such as Lei Chenghu and Li Linghai. Right? Because that was just replacing one demon with another.

"Li Linghai's idea of'renovating the empire', bringing everyone'openness, fairness and justice', and Lei Chenghu's belief in the glory of soldiers are the keys to moving you. You believe that under the leadership of Li Linghai and Lei Chenghu , The decadent and declining empire will be reborn in change and will develop in a brighter direction. Most ordinary people will live a better life and develop step by step toward the ideal society in your mind. And you practitioners, It can also contribute to the flames and change the nature of the empire in a subtle way.

"This is the reason why you can work with Lei Chenghu to save Li Linghai while maintaining the Taoist heart of the cultivator.

"The idea is good, but how to practice it?

"How do you guarantee that Li Linghai can really fulfill her promise, how do you guarantee that Lei Chenghu can really become a soldier who fights for civilization, how do you guarantee that their so-called'renovation' will develop in the direction of cultivation and civilization according to your will? ?

"If they go back, or the'renovation' you said and thought from the beginning is not the same thing. If they push three things and hinder four, they will not liberate the primitive people living under the Celestial Star. If they, especially Lei Chenghu, do it for some For this purpose, thousands of ordinary people must be sacrificed, what do you do, how do you supervise and interfere with them?

"Only the Golden Crystal Pagoda, right? You know very well in your heart that only when you control the Golden Crystal Pagoda and control the magic weapon of constant stars that can destroy the imperial capital, you, and the cultivators behind you, can form the highest empire above the Senate. Supervisory agencies participate in the great cause of reforming the empire.

"Of course you can destroy the Jinjing Tower on impulse, but in this way, you practitioners will lose the only weapon that restricts the cultivators. In the future, when the cultivators want to slaughter the primitive people, what can you do? God soldiers, one cultivator will kill one immortal cultivator, and one primitive person and one primitive person will save it?

"Wake up, Li Yao, don't deceive yourself, don't evade yourself, this is your responsibility, this is your mission, this is your exclusive, the most glorious authority! You must let all the cultivators know , You have the ability to destroy the entire polar heavens and the celestial stars, you can anger the sun, swallow the entire imperial capital in an instant, and your mind is as hard as iron. Once necessary, you will not hesitate to use this power.

"Only in this way can you frighten all immortal cultivators, protect your small federation from the coercion of the empire, ensure that the reform of the empire advances in your direction, and save the tens of thousands of empires that are suffering at this moment. people!"

"Do you really... treat me like a demon like you? No matter what happens, I won't destroy the heavenly realm and the heavenly stars!"

Li Yao rushed into the crown and said hoarsely, "This is not only the capital of the true human empire, but also the most prosperous world of human civilization. It is the transportation route of the three thousand worlds. It is our most precious home and wealth. I will never Will be like you, crazy to destroy the extreme heavens!"

"The anger that is too flabby and claws is the same as the voice that is too passionate, but it is only to cover up your inner weakness and panic."

Wu Yingqi 3.0 once again picked up a handful of volcanic ash, but from the ashes a gray-white flower turned out. He breathed a little, and the petals flew swayingly, seeming to shine like a stream of life, and he stared for a long time. Following the swirling trajectory of the petals, he smiled and said, "Perhaps you won't, but you must make all the cultivators believe that you will. If this can make your Dao Mind more comfortable, you might as well treat the whole thing as a Strategic fraud-and the starting point of fraud is that you must first become the owner of the Golden Crystal Tower.

"Also, one thing is very ironic, do you know what it is?

"Do you remember what I said to you just now that the Pangu Civilization Alliance's standard for absorbing new civilizations is that the other party must have the ability to destroy itself, and this is the real civilization.

"However, none of the 13 carbon-based beings that make up the alliance has the ability to destroy itself. It was invented by the'demons.' These horrible abilities to tear the crust, destroy the surface, change the magnetic field, and even manipulate the stars are all Invented by some wise men, some geniuses, and some peace-loving people, and they invented these abilities capable of destroying their own civilization. Their original intention was to protect their own civilization, to destroy evil enemies, to protect their homes and relatives, and even forever. End... the ugly war.

"Intelligent life creates the ability to destroy its own civilization in order to protect its own civilization. It sounds a bit ironic, but it's always the case, it's always the case.

"So, even if one day you really lose control and turn from the young dragon slayer into a demon in the Golden Tower, you are not the first, and you will never be the last, never."

Li Yao listened stupidly, and wiped the volcanic ash falling on his face.

The ashes were like dirty snowflakes, melting in his palm and infiltrating his body.

"Don't worry, these are just ashes, just snowflakes, just illusions, and they don't contain a trace of spiritual power."

Wu Yingqi 3.0 smiled, "For people like you, it is useless to use mental power to corrode, it will only arouse your vigilance, not to mention that I have become so weak that there is really no way to go with you. I only look forward to a contest of spirits, and I firmly believe that you will fully understand and understand your unique destiny."

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