40,000 Years of Cultivation

Chapter 2667: Dragon Slayer (fourth!)

"I, I won't!"

Li Yao desperately tried to rub the volcanic ash that fell on him, but they were on the top of the volcano. The ashes were like snow, smoke, catkins, and they couldn’t rub it no matter what you said. I won't do this, there must be a better choice and a more perfect solution!"

"Where can there be so many perfect solutions in the world, I have spent my entire life searching for it, but there is no, there really is no."

Wu Yingqi 3.0 had a trace of pity in his eyes, and sighed, "Even if you really want to destroy the Jinjing Tower, how should you do it? The'arsonist' has been severely damaged in the fight against the'heart of the black hole'. With out of ammunition and food, it is impossible to carry out an attack that destroys the sky and the earth. The same is true for Long Yangjun's'Tianjing', which is on the verge of collapse and is in urgent need of overhaul.

"This golden crystal tower is the last card of the Houyi tribe in the past. It was designed with even the possibility of Pangu tribe’s surprise attack and destruction, so it was built to be particularly strong, even if the starship’s main guns approached it, it might not be able to completely destroy it. We have been fighting for a long time with the three giant soldiers, can you feel any impact on the Golden Tower? No, right.

"So, even the fierce fighting of the three giant soldiers can't destroy it. You all lose the blessing of the giant soldiers. How can you completely destroy it with your flesh and blood? At most, you can barely destroy some core components, or It is tampered from the data level, but it is something that is easy to fix.

"If you are timid and unwilling to take on your own responsibilities, the Golden Tower will fall into the hands of others - most likely Lei Chenghu.

"After all, this is the imperial capital, where thousands of immortal cultivators gather. The few cultivators in your area are only guest soldiers. They are not destined to occupy this place for too long. In the end, you will have to rely on Lei Chenghu to clean up the mess. Will also choose to be loyal to him, right?

"So, guess what, with Lei Chenghu's character and style of the'Empire's Last Immortal Cultivator', will he completely destroy the Jin Jing Pagoda, or will he be moved to become another'Jin Jing Pagoda Master'?

"Even if it is not Lei Chenghu, but Li Linghai, Jin Yuyan or other immortal cultivators, it is the same. No immortal cultivator can withstand such a big temptation, especially after witnessing it destroying the four royal fleets in one fell swoop. After gaining power, all immortal cultivators will desperately desire to become its master, and even set off endless **** storms to fight for its control!

"Tell me, Li Yao, do you want Lei Chenghu to become the master of the Golden Crystal Pagoda, or Li Linghai, or another immortal cultivator who you don’t know or know the other’s character and methods? Anyone other than yourself?

"Very well, your eyes have already told me the answer. Then, if you don't want the Jinjing Tower to fall into the hands of any immortal cultivator, there is only one way-before Lei Chenghu's army has not occupied the surface of the Celestial Star, This place is still in chaos, seize this once-in-a-lifetime opportunity, absorb my inheritance, get the fragments of the "Book of Gods", and inject your genetic information and the imprint of the soul into the golden crystal tower, and you will become a new generation.' Master of Jinjing Tower!

"Only in this way can we dispel the ambitions of all immortal cultivators, prevent the Jinjing Tower from falling into the hands of the unpredictable generation, avoid the tragedy of the destruction of the extreme heaven to the greatest extent, and bring... long-lasting peace."

Li Yao went back three steps in a row, his face pale and shaky.

"It's okay, even if you show your vacillation and hesitation, it really doesn't matter. I'm not laughing at you, let alone taking revenge on you. I just want to chat with you, as a'senior dragon slayer', and A "new generation of dragon slayers" chats about the past, the past, and the pain of becoming an evil dragon."

Wu Yingqi 3.0 floated forward again, held on to Li Yao's shoulder, and gave him a tolerant and understanding look, "Slaying a dragon is never the end of an adventure, but just the beginning of a long journey. This truth often has to wait. The scales, claws and fangs will grow unforgettable.

"Do you know, Li Yao, I was just like you a thousand years ago. I am a confident dragon slayer. I have killed countless evil dragons and monsters-they are all the same as Wu Yingqi 2.0. Human nature, heinous guy.

"I have killed countless corrupt congressmen and evil generals of the Xinghai Republic, those who acted in the skin of a cultivator, believe me, when the Xinghai Republic was destroyed, in order to save their lives and property, the beasts did what they did. As a result, it is definitely not much better than Wu Yingqi 2.0.

"I also led an army to fight back to my hometown of Wuying Realm, and through the Wuying Realm to attack the neighboring Sand Barbarian Realm. Of course, revenge is one aspect, but more importantly, it is to destroy the extremely evil'Chi You Dao'. Chi You Dao is dying. At that time, the spirits of countless believers and priests condensed and summoned a monster called Chi You. I chased this monster in the stars for half a year, and finally killed all its 72 clones!

"I even completely destroyed the remaining law body of the mad blood **** son of the Doomsday War, so that the soul of this great demon ten thousand years ago was scattered, and there was no way to wreak havoc on the world.

"Every time, every time I kill these big monsters to prevent their conspiracy to destroy the world, I think that is the end of the game, I have ushered in the final victory, especially me and the Doomsday Blood God Child After the decisive battle, it was confirmed that his remaining dharmakaya really disappeared. The ecstasy in my heart could not be described with pen and ink. I ushered in an eternal victory. There is no longer any maddening terror monster that can destroy my world and my civilization. .

"The result, haha, the result...

"That's why I said,'You are not the first.' This is not shameful, really, muster the courage to meet my fate, calmly face my looming scales and minions, and quietly wait for the next dragon slayer. Coming, drain your blood and pass on your destiny, this is not ashamed."

Wu Yingqi 3.0 said this, and was silent for a long time, looking at the young version of himself still frozen in the center of the volcano, falling into lava, in a daze.

Li Yao looked at his hands and arms.

Those ashes, those butterflies transformed from volcanic ash, flickered and fell on his palm. On his arm, they quickly merged into it. In a trance, it really seemed that he had grown a faint, almost invisible gray. Scales.

"Now, young dragon slayer, are you ready to listen to the life story of this evil dragon?"

Wu Yingqi 3.0 finally spoke and asked lightly.

He didn't mean to force Li Yao to listen. It seemed that as long as Li Yao didn't speak, he would really bring everything into nothingness, including the secrets of the Jin Jing Pagoda.

Of course, whether the method of manipulation of the Jinjing Tower will be hidden by him, and there is a "backup" somewhere, it is not known.


Li Yao said hard.

He felt that not only his skin, but also his internal organs, and even the Dao Heart, were growing layers of fine scales.

Wu Yingqi 3.0 smiled, and did not pursue Li Yao's vacillation, as if he really didn't care about Li Yao's change, just remembering the past before he died.

"Where should I start? Needless to say the ridiculous things in the Wuying world in the early years, right?"

Wu Yingqi 3.0 said, "I believe you must have learned from many sources. Although those propaganda texts are exaggerated and distorted, they are not too inverted. Ordinary people in the Wuying world are really ignorant and ignorant. A shameless and more ruthless existence."

"That's because your cultivation path is wrong from the root!"

Li Yao couldn't help refuting, "From the very beginning, you treat ordinary people by spoiling your children. You never pay attention to the education of ordinary people. You just raise ordinary people as ignorant children. After all, you don't think of ordinary people at all. What contribution people can make to civilization, you simply look down on ordinary people!

"After hundreds of years of such'doting', of course, ordinary people in the Wuying world have been spoiled and become lawless, nonchalant existences, and eventually backlash the entire civilization. Isn't it natural?

"In our Xingyao Federation, the new generation of cultivation avenue that has undergone countless improvements and is still constantly reflecting and adjusting will never be like this, and will never repeat the mistakes of the Wuying world!"

"that's great!"

Wu Yingqi 3.0 smiled and said, "Then you should become the'Golden Crystal Tower Master', and spread the upgraded version of the cultivation road of your Star Federation to the entire universe as soon as possible, and awaken more people-if it spreads earlier, it will be a bit more. Strength, less killing, maybe it can save tens of thousands more people, isn’t it?"

Li Yao was speechless, and decided not to engage in unnecessary verbal disputes with this guy for the time being. He is dying, let him first!

"Then start from the moment I was dropped into the crater."

Wu Yingqi 3.0 once again gave up the pursuit of victory, Gu Zi continued.

As he talked, the originally solidified memory palace slowly flowed again. The youth in mid-air fell into the magma, wrapped in a thin layer of psychic shield, sinking and floating in the magma, struggling desperately. , The psychic shield quickly melted, and the magma made a "chichi" sound, ruthlessly eroding his body, turning him into a piece of orange-red human-shaped coke.

"There is one detail, I have never told anyone."

Wu Yingqi 3.0 recalled the scene of her struggling in the magma, and the corners of her eyes twitched like needles. "I did find a secret base deep in the volcano, and then I found a small shuttle ship and escaped from the Wuying world, but then It was not a coincidence that discovered the inheritance of the mad blood **** son of the Doomsday War, all of which were designed.

"In fact, the secret base hidden deep in the Wuyingjie volcanic crater originally belonged to the blood **** son rebel army thousands of years ago, and is part of the blood **** son's huge plan."


The fourth one is sent, I hope my brothers and sisters like it, and support me a lot ^_^!

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