40,000 Years of Cultivation

Chapter 2669: The transformation of the Blood God Child!

"The Great Controversy?"

Li Yao's heart moved and said, "The war between the emperor and the blood **** son is really not for the highest power?"

"Of course it's not just for power."

Wu Yingqi 3.0 smiled, and said, "If only the coveting of the highest power, it will definitely not support the blood **** son to produce strong ambition and power, and even the emperor can't completely suppress it. He will raise the flag of rebellion at the moment, It was easily crushed by the emperor.

"No, it's not power, at least it's not the world--the insignificant power in this small universe that is so repressed that it is unbearable, but the broader, unknown outer realm."

Following Wu Yingqi 3.0’s explanation, the blood clots that rose and jumped like a demon fire in the blood pool suddenly swelled, enveloped the entire world, and split into thousands of blood drops, each of which was transformed. Into the appearance of a star sea battleship.

This is a condensed blood, a mighty, unprecedented fleet, the expeditionary army of the Blood God Child!

"When the Xinghai Empire was just established, the standard'Type One Humans' regained the entire universe and were sweeping down the'Type Two Humans', which is the remnant defeated generals of the Demon Race, on the shores of the Xinghai Sea. , Had a little covetous heart, and never thought of betraying his body, the emperor."

Wu Yingqi said, "At that time, the remnants of the Monster Race who were beaten up and down did contact him repeatedly, trying to provoke his relationship with the Emperor, inciting the civil war in the Xinghai Empire, and the Monster Race tempted him, as long as he could rebel against the Emperor. , All monster races will obey his orders and become his most loyal minions.

"But he was unmoved-he was originally a clone of the emperor's strongest desire to kill and conquer. As long as he can continue to explore new worlds, conquer new worlds, and kill all enemies, his mind will be maximized. He enjoys the process of killing and conquering, but he has no interest in rule and power. He really does not need to play any tricks of betrayal.

"In this way, the Blood God Child searches through a large world, one planet after another, the destruction of one planet, like the most perfect killing machine, it will find out all the type 2 human beings hiding in the crevices of the universe-the monster race. Killed one by one, even the embryos just conceived were not let go, and in this **** killing, they obtained great satisfaction, and their hearts became stronger and stronger.

"With the escape of the Yaozu, the expeditionary army is getting farther and farther away from the emperor's glory, and gradually entering the darkest worlds of the Xinghai Sea, the supply line is getting longer and longer, and the communication between the various sub-compartments is from time to time. It was interrupted by the Xinghai Storm, and the battle gradually did not go smoothly.

"This kind of trouble did not cause any trouble to the Blood God Child, but what was seized from the upper level of the Yaozu opened him...a brand new door, which made him think deeply about the meaning of life, the meaning of war, and civilization. Meaning."

In the picture behind Wu Yingqi 3.0, a human figure formed by condensing blood appeared, sitting huddled in countless jade slips, lost in thought.

Li Yao listened intently and couldn't help asking: "What is that?"

"It's about the origin of the Yaozu and the mission of the Yaozu."

Wu Yingqi said 3.0, "Who am I, where I come from, and where I am going-these questions, even the Type 2 humans named as the "Demon Race" want to clarify, 30,000 years of darkness In the era, the Yaozu ruled the entire sea of ​​stars, and naturally developed a strong interest in their origin. Almost every generation of the Yaozu dynasty monarchs tirelessly searched for their origins, the origin of the original creation of the Yaozu's "Chaotic Holy Water" ,do you know?"

"A little bit of knowledge."

Li Yao remembered some of the research results of the Federation in the Kunlun Secret Realm, and said in deep thought, “The monster race 40,000 years ago was born in the hands of an ancient monk named'Bayanzhi' in Taiyi. It was the first one that Bayanzhi found. It is a mysterious black liquid that can activate the controllable mutation genes in the human body and turn humans into monsters.

"But Bayanzhi is only the'discoverer' of the holy water of chaos, not the'inventor'. Its origin should be traced back to hundreds of thousands of years ago during the Great War. It was the Nuwa tribe who created the first batch of demon tribes, and Incorporate them into a special force called'Lei Zhenzi'."

"Yes, your profound knowledge is really beyond my expectation. It seems that you are really destined to become the'Master of the Golden Tower'."

Wu Yingqi 3.0 smiled and said, "In the prehistoric era hundreds of thousands of years ago, 13 carbon-based beings were used for various purposes, or to concoct a perfect tool, or to unify each other's form, and further To consolidate the alliance, or to store their own civilization fire, prepare to pass a long period of resource scarcity. In short, they have condensed their own genetic essence and created a brand-new species of'humanity'.

"The chief designer of the'human being' is the Nuwa tribe.

"The original humans, of course, were not what we are now. At that time, the gene essence of the 13 carbon-based life had just merged, and the most perfect gene chain form had not been found. Therefore, countless kinds of strange'experimental humans' were produced, including The countless monsters and weird we know today, and even the many terrifying existences that we regard as alien races in the starry sky, are such deformed'experimental humans', which are our previous failed versions.

"Until in the end, the genetic engineers and life designers of the Nuwa tribe, after tens of millions of failures, finally created two models of relatively successful human beings.

"Type One humans hide the genes of most of the prehistoric races deep in the deepest part of the gene chain. They don’t usually show too many abilities, and their combat power is almost zero, but they consume the least amount of resources, even without the slightest amount of power. In the depleted area of ​​psychic energy, as long as there is air, food and water, they can live a healthy and healthy life for nearly a hundred years, spreading their genes.

"And once the seemingly mediocre type of human is put into an environment with abundant psychic energy, it can activate the strongest potential in the body through various cultivation, reaching a level comparable to that of a predecessor.

"That seems to be some kind of... spores that can switch freely between aerobic and anaerobic environments, especially the characteristic that they can survive for a long time in the'inanimate zone'. It is the prehistoric tribe that can't survive without psionic energy. Nothing can be done, so this is a very successful basic model, which is our predecessor.

"After completing the design of the basic model, the Nuwa tribe went a step further and designed an upgraded model that can survive in a state of extreme scarcity of resources and can even display a strong combat power, that is, the second type of human being-the monster race.

"This time, the design of the Nuwa tribe is not completely successful. Type 2 humans pay too much attention to the development of flesh and blood, which inhibits their potential and makes their gene chain extremely unstable. In the process of gene delivery Malignant mutations often occur, which is obviously not suitable as a mainstream model for long-term reproduction.

"However, compared to other more bizarre failure versions, the defects of Type 2 humans are tolerable, especially on the battlefield. Type 2 humans can display powerful combat characteristics without much training, which makes them even more powerful. Become a grass-roots soldier better than Type 1 humans. When the war between Nuwa and Pangu tribes broke out, Nuwa produced a large number of Type 2 humans to serve as their own commando team. What you call a'thunder vibrator' is A very famous special force composed entirely of Type 2 human powers.

"I said so many seemingly irrelevant things, just to tell you that compared to us-the standard Type 1 humans, the Yaozu-Type 2 humans are closer to the Nuwa race, so the higher level of the Yaozu It took 30,000 years to collect countless secrets about the Nuwa clan, and finally they all fell into the hands of the Blood God Child.

"The Blood God Child read these inheritances from the Nuwa tribe, including those fragments that were once called the "Book of Conferred Gods", and finally knew the truth, the truth of the universe, or in your words,'Multiverse 'The truth."

Li Yao took a deep breath and cautiously said: "The Blood God Child finally knows that there is a universe beyond the universe. Beyond the three thousand worlds is an almost endless black wall, but as long as you climb over this black wall, you will be unknown, brilliant, brilliant. The endless sea of ​​stars, is our civilization...the way forward?"

"Yes it is."

Wu Yingqi said 3.0, "And this is also the reason why the Nuwa clan fought with the Pangu clan in the past. The Nuwa clan wants to rush out, and the Pangu clan wants to stay here, at least waiting for tens of millions of years-the destruction of this war. After the ancient civilization, it did not destroy the Nuwa Clan’s ambition to try to rush out. This ambition went round and round, drifting with the flow, and finally it was deeply embedded in the chest of the Blood God Son.

"It's more than that. While receiving the Nuwa clan's inheritance and revealing the truth of the universe, the Blood God Child also heard the call of an extraterritorial god.

"We just said that the so-called'extraterritorial demon' is the last words of countless destroyed civilizations outside the black wall, either containing their most precious technology, or containing their greatest ambition, or their boundless anger and revenge. The crystallization of the will, these things all got into the mind of the blood god, and shouted to him all the time,'Come out, this is the home of all civilizations','Go forward, go to the universe','All our treasures All are here, come take it, come and conquer, as long as you have the courage to climb over the black wall, these treasures are all yours, the treasures of countless civilizations are all of your human civilization'!

"The average cultivator has too weak spirits and low realm to understand the information hidden in the depths of the heavenly demons outside the territory. They either go crazy or simply treat them as'devil heads' and beheaded.

"But with the heritage of the Nuwa clan, the blood **** child can understand the last words of some extraterritorial celestial demons, and further understand the vastness, richness and splendor of the universe, which gives birth to an extremely strong sense of exploration and conquest!"

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