40,000 Years of Cultivation

Chapter 2670: Born to conquer!


Li Yao finally understood, "The Blood God Child was lost in this way, and he fell into a'doomsday war madness'!"

"No, it's not lost, but his nature is like this, the setting he was'made' is like this."

Wu Yingqi 3.0 said, “You should be clear that the Blood God Child is not a naturally born human being. He is most likely a replica created by the emperor using some kind of artificial incubation technology handed down from the past, using 100% of his own genes. , The emperor has infused the part of his personality that is inclined to explore, conquer, kill, and destroy in the brain of this replica.

"The blood **** son began to fall to the ground and was born for war. War is his destiny. He is the commander-in-chief, the general, the company platoon-level officer, and the best soldier. He is destined to fight, fight, or fight, regardless of victory. Defeat, regardless of life or death, fight all the way to the end!

"But at that time, the Xinghai Empire had already been established. Type I humans regained control of Xinghai, and Type II humans-Yaozu retreats steadily and collapsed. Seeing complete destruction is in sight, nothing can stop a complete victory. The son of God had to face a cruel problem.

"If all enemies are eliminated, the entire universe is discovered and conquered, and all mankind will usher in eternal peace, at least ten thousand years of peace, then what is the meaning of his existence, and why should he live?

"For a soldier who is obsessed with war and who is best at war. Apart from war, there is nothing else in his life. Peace is such an unbearable thing. At that moment, before he discovered the secrets of the Nuwa clan, Before the demon began to whisper to his ears, he even prepared to die on the battlefield. In the last war, he was killed by the last bullet. This is his best destination.

"However, that door opened, and the road to the endless universe beyond the black wall gleamed outside the door, and at the end of the road, among the distant mountains surrounded by clouds, there are even more infinite treasures calling out to him. For a war madman like the blood **** child, is there any possibility not to step on it?"

Li Yao let out a long sigh of relief: "Then the Blood God Child betrayed the emperor."

"No, not yet, not yet."

Wu Yingqi said 3.0, "Since the emperor dared to create twenty clones and appoint the strongest one as the commander of the expeditionary army, of course there is some way to control these clones and ensure the absolute loyalty of the clones to him, at least to At that time, the blood **** son’s ambition had not completely eroded his loyalty. He reported all his discoveries to the emperor, and pleaded with the emperor. After the elimination of the remnants of the monster race, please Don't give up the footsteps of the expedition, continue to explore the outer domain.

"Civilization originated from war, and human civilization cannot do without war. Permanent peace will only lead to permanent degradation. Only by continuous exploration and conquering can we bring positive courage and will to a civilization, inject fresh blood, and make civilization last forever. Youth will last forever!

"This is how the blood **** child pleaded with the emperor. He asked the emperor to lead the expedition army to continue to rush out after the remnants of the monster clan were completely wiped out. If the Xinghai Empire's financial resources are not enough to support the expeditionary army's exploration, then give Half of him, only half of the fleet is enough; if even half of the expeditionary force is not enough, then one-tenth of the scale, as long as one-tenth of the starships explore the outer land with him; if even one-tenth If the fleet of one cannot be satisfied, then give him a starship, no matter what starship is, he will personally control a solitary boat, cross the endless black wall, rush to the splendid universe, and find a way out for human civilization !"

Even though it was the notorious Black Star Emperor Wu Yingqi who told the matter, and the character he was telling was the more fierce Doomsday mad blood **** son, Li Yao was deeply shocked by these words.

A lone boat, breaking through the black wall, blaze a trail for human civilization!

Even if the end is the end, you must fight to the end without hesitation until you are killed by the last bullet on the final battlefield!

"The emperor... did not meet the requirements of the Blood God Child?"

Li Yao asked nonsense in a trembling voice.

This is of course, as early as the "Pangu Universe High-end Abnormal People Summit" of the "Arson Alliance", he discussed this issue with Boss Bai, Long Yangjun and others.

If there is a horrible flood that swallows countless civilizations beyond the black wall, then as long as a starship goes out, it may be swallowed up by the flood tide all the information in the Pangu universe, and then it will bring annihilation to all the creatures in the Pangu universe. Disaster.

In order to eliminate this possibility, the Pangu tribe in the past destroyed their super-advanced crystal brain and spirit net technology, and obliterated the emotions, desires and curiosity of all tribesmen!

How could the emperor act rashly, letting go of the blood god's recklessness?

"Of course not, the requirements of the Blood God Child cannot be satisfied, because you have to figure out exactly what state the emperor was in at that time."

Sure enough, Wu Yingqi said 3.0, "Of course, the emperor is a hero who stands up to the ground, even if we cultivators admit that he is the pioneer of modern cultivation civilization, but in the age of his life, the cruel rule of the demons over the human race reached the extreme, in order to To overthrow the Yaozu, the emperor inevitably used a lot of cruel, tyrannical and even extreme methods.

"The emperor's intricate personality really hides too many dark ravines and even abysses. On his way to power, it constantly erodes his Dao heart, causing him to sway between the holy emperor and the tyrant.

"In order to prevent himself from being completely swallowed up by the darkness, he used his peerless magical powers to split up twenty different personalities. He injected the too extreme and emotional personalities into the clones, and the remaining master was absolute. Calm, full of reason, knows how to fully consider all factors and the overall situation, almost perfect leader.

"Therefore, the emperor has poured all his desires for conquest, exploration, and killing into the blood **** child's body. The emperor is naturally not easy to be lured by the gods and persuaded by the blood **** child.

"The matter is very big. Even if the multiverse really exists, it should not be rushed out to explore overnight. At least it will take hundreds or even thousands of years to prepare. This is necessary to be conservative.

"The emperor did not agree to the request of the Blood God Child. This incident made the emperor realize that he had made a great mistake-he really underestimated himself as a clone condensed by the desire to conquer and kill. This clone is in the dark. The battles in the universe have become too powerful, and they are gradually out of his control. In the end, it is very possible to forget his orders and lead a fleet to advance to the outer domain without authorization.

"The emperor will never tolerate this situation. He decided to recall the Blood God Child from the front line, make new preparations for the Blood God Child, and even swallow the Blood God Child, and reintegrate with this strongest clone."


Li Yao couldn't believe it, "Swallow the Blood God Child and reintegrate together? This is all right!"

"Since personality can be split, it can naturally merge, why not?"

Wu Yingqi said 3.0, "If one day, if you can cultivate to the realm of distraction, you will be able to initially gain a glimpse of the mystery of this supernatural power, and then realize the infinite splendor of life.

"However, the emperor wants to fuse the blood **** child, but the blood **** child may not think so.

"Perhaps in the eyes of the emperor, it is a natural thing for the two personalities to reintegrate together, to make each other's lives complete again, but in the secrets of Nuwa and the whispers of the gods, the blood **** son who has further strengthened Dao Xin has long been Seeing himself as a unique, true, complete life, he lives, he exists, he has never been so real, he is no longer a clone and shadow of anyone, he is him, the **** of doomsday mad blood, a true People!

"So, after receiving the emperor's order to return him to the imperial capital, the blood **** son inherited Nuwa's inheritance, listened to the call of the demon, accepted the surrender of the demon clan's remnants, and used the expedition originally used to defeat the demon clan's remnants. The army, adapted as the'Human Expeditionary Army', counter-attack and declare war on the emperor!

"Even when I met him ten thousand years later, he didn't think it was a betrayal, and he didn't show the slightest coveting for the highest power. For the Blood God Child, the three thousand worlds we live in are too depressing. There is no point in competing with the dark cage for the'supreme' dominance of this cage, and it is even ridiculous. From beginning to end, he just wanted to rush out to find...new hope!"

Li Yao was really upset when he heard this.

In all fairness, neither the emperor nor the blood **** child can be wrong. The blood **** child's idea of ​​exploring the outer domain is of course very right, but the emperor's cautious approach is also natural!

If the Blood God Child is not so extreme, and the emperor is not eager to swallow this clone again, but can communicate well, perhaps the pattern in the next ten thousand years will be completely different.

Thinking of this, Li Yao laughed blankly again, laughing at his naivety.

Yes, communicate well. There are so many things in this world that should sit down calmly and communicate well.

If the Pangu tribe and the Nuwa tribe can sit down and communicate well, if the emperor and the blood **** child can sit down and communicate well, if the cultivator and the cultivator can sit down and communicate well, if the human race and the demon race can sit down and communicate well...

What a pity, what a pity!

"The process of the war, of course, needless to say, there are many books on the market like "The History of the Rise and Fall of the Star Sea Empire", I believe you have read them.

Wu Yingqi said 3.0, "At the end of the civil war, the reason why the emperor and the blood **** son were so dark on the Celestial Star was indeed to fight for the control of the Jin Jing Tower-the blood **** son learned about Jin Jing through the secret books handed down by the Nuwa clan. The existence of the tower meant that the Heavenly Pole Star had to be conquered at all costs. The emperor didn’t know it at first, but the Celestial Pole Star was the capital city. How could it be allowed for the Blood God Son to sneak in the ground? The emperor discovered the Blood God Son’s conspiracy. That was the reason why the two fought and ended up losing both."

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