40,000 Years of Cultivation

Chapter 2719: Colonel Brainwashed

"Colon Song Guanghe is not insane—it is impossible for the Saint League person to let a mentally ill person be the ground commander of a resource planet. His memory is very clear, his mind is very clear, and his logical thinking is perfect. He firmly remembers the past. everything of."

Zhuge Jinglun explained to Li Yao, “He remembers the youth and youth that he spent as a nobleman in the empire, his wife and three children, and even the whole process of the Holy League’s modulation of him, but he is He wholeheartedly converted to the Way of the Most Good, completely separated from his past self, and became a'supreme good race'.

"Talk to him, it's very interesting, I believe it will give you a clearer understanding of Shengmeng."

Li Yao met this "Colon Song Guanghe" in the secret cell in the deepest part of the Third Research Institute.

The colonel’s first impression of Li Yao was quite good. He was a handsome, well-behaved, clean and simple middle-aged man. The hospital gown that was crumpled on others was as straight as a military uniform. The top button is all right.

His expression was not as indifferent and ruthless as the holy ally above, instead he wore a delicate and gentle smile, giving people a very...warm feeling.

However, this is just an illusion.

Zhuge Jinglun told Li Yao that a nurse and a researcher had been deceived by this warm smile and died in the hands of Colonel Song Guanghe.

No one thought that he would hurt the killer-nurses and researchers are not important people, even if they kill them, he can't escape, and they didn't abuse him, but took care of him. God knows why he was missed. Killing for no reason.

Since killing two innocent people in succession, Colonel Song Guanghe’s cell has been completely enclosed, and even the breathing air has to be filtered layer by layer before it can be transmitted in. The walls of the cell are made of unidirectional glass, and the people outside can have unobstructed views. But Colonel Song Guanghe couldn't see the situation outside.

When Li Yao met Colonel Song Guanghe, he was putting his hands on his knees and watching a soap opera projected by a huge light curtain. It was specially for housewives and three aunts and six wives. It was full of chattering parents and extremely naive. The love-hate entanglement, the things that are dying and screaming at every turn.

He has no choice. This is also part of the research. Zhuge Jinglun regularly broadcasts these things with strong emotional stimulation to him every day, hoping to detect abnormalities in his brain waves.

It's a pity that Colonel Song Guanghe was clearly focused, but his brain waves did not change at all, just like staring at a blank wall.

On the bed next to him, there are also some collections of novels and poems. Zhuge Jinglun did not want Colonel Song Guanghe to touch Jingnao, so the novels and collections of poems turned out to be very rare paper products. The smell of scrolls and ink gave this little room. The prison cell brought a few faint scents. .

This is also a test.

It is a pity that although Colonel Song Guanghe read these novels and poetry collections with great interest, he did not touch his Gu Jing Wubo's mind at all.

"Colonel Song, I brought a guest, a real big shot."

Zhuge Jinglun said into the cell through the sound transmission talisman, "He wants to ask you some questions. If you can answer well, maybe I can consider improving your living conditions and help you change to a larger cell."

Colonel Song Guanghe kept watching intently for more than half a minute, until the two women with fangs and claws in the three-dimensional light curtain finished fighting, then he withdrew his gaze, smoothed the wrinkles on his clothes, slowly got up, and pressed his hands to one direction. Degree on the glass.

Even though he knew that he couldn't see the situation outside, his clear, water-like eyes still seemed to have penetrated the sealed cell and entangled Li Yao.

"Dean Zhuge, just call me'Song Guanghe.' The name is just a code name, and I haven't been a'colonel' for a long time."

Colonel Song Guanghe smiled and said, "I am happy to answer all the questions of the distinguished guests, but there is no need to change the cell-you won't change the cell for me, just want to see me angry.

"Besides, it's very good here. We humans were originally just a dust in the vast universe. As far as dust is concerned, this cell is already big enough."

Zhuge Jinglun and Li Yao glanced at each other and motioned with their eyes: "You see, the Supreme Being is so weird."

Li Yao thought for a while and said straight to the point: "Colonel Song Guanghe, hello, I am very interested in the Holy League and the Way of the Best, and I even want to find other ways than war to resolve the contradiction between the Empire and the Holy League , Thank you for your willingness to answer my questions frankly and openly.

"I saw that you were watching a series that involves love between men and women, emotional entanglements, how do you feel, how do you feel?"

"Very good, VIP."

Colonel Song Guanghe still smiled and said, "The shots are very good, very interesting."


Li Yao was surprised, "How interesting is it, can it touch your heart?"

"For example, we all know that ants can release some special substances through the waving of their antennae, communicate with each other, and form a tight social system."

Colonel Song Guanghe said, "Assuming we are ants, we can feel a lot of information from this substance. I can feel the love and hatred of ants, and feel the heroic and unyielding of ants, the enthusiasm and anger. The confrontation of an ant colony is like a war between two countries. There will be countless evocative heroes and shameless villains, and countless moving legends and even a magnificent epic will be left behind.

"It's a pity that we are not ants, but humans. Therefore, when we see the confrontation between two ant colonies under the big tree, we only think it is'interesting', but it is impossible to understand, and we don't care about the love of ants at all. Hatred, heroes and villains of ants, legends and epics of ants, right?

"The same goes for me now, watching these so-called emotional dramas composed of seven emotions and six desires, watching these two female humans fight for a male human, just like you see two groups of ants fighting, or a fight between two female orangutans,' Very interesting', nothing more."

If the other party could not hear the voice, Li Yao really wanted to whistle for Colonel Song Guanghe.

As expected, the Supreme Being is different from the lower-level Saint Allies, with very clear thinking and its own set of logic, and it is not so easy to be "corrected" back.


Li Yao pondered for a moment, and then asked, "These emotional dramas can't bring you the slightest touch. What about you in the past? Dean Zhuge said, you remember everything in the past very clearly, remembering your wife and children, even they can't. Does it touch your heart? How do you see yourself in the past?"

"Ah, the old me."

The exquisite smile on Colonel Song Guanghe's face remained unchanged, like some kind of deeply engraved brand. He slowly shook his head and said, "That was a dark period that could not bear to look back. I was bewitched by the demon, driven by the animal instinct, and by my side. Incomparably crazy people are affected, and they can't extricate themselves from the guilty mud with them.

"At that time, I was greedy for power, indulged in desire, flattering and begging for the strong; intriguing and deceiving against my companions; cruelly oppressing and even killing the weak for no reason.

"I can kill my best friend without blinking my eyelids in order to fight for the command of the family battle group; I can also marry a woman I don't know each other in order to climb up without compromise; even for some meaningless things. Vanity, use the most extreme technique to train my own flesh and blood, and let them participate in the most dangerous survival trial, which killed my youngest child.

"I indulged in the aura of power and the coercion of power, and I was completely reduced to a slave to the'Desire Demon'. For the most evil time, I was eager to kill five hundred innocent villagers and pretended to be a holy ally. I have to do this to get my combat exploits, because almost all noble officers on the entire front do this.

"Sin, it's a boundless sin. When I think of it, it makes people shiver and heartbroken. I really don't know how my past self was soaked in the black mud without knowing it, and even felt like a fish in water. !

"Fortunately, all the sins have passed. The Supreme Guru made me realize the true path and gave me the opportunity to wash away the sins of the past, so that I finally found my peace.

"This distinguished guest, no matter what your status is, you want to be a cultivator, then you must be like me in the past, soaked in the mud of sin without knowing it, I sincerely hope that you can realize your own sins as soon as possible. , Get rid of this life in the dark mud, and find... the ultimate peace that belongs to you.

The corners of Li Yao's eyes twitched: "Ultimate calm? Isn't this why you killed a nurse and a researcher?"

"Yes, I feel the guilt in them."

Colonel Song Guanghe said lightly, "More importantly, I see that they are still struggling in the dark mud and want to wash away their sins but don't know the way. Therefore, I helped them and took them out of the sea of ​​suffering and return. Eternal peace."

"Don't you think you are forcing others by doing this?"

Li Yaodao, "including when you were captured by the Holy Alliance, you also used coercive methods to brainwash you, right? How do you evaluate this coercive method? Don't you think people should have the right to freely choose which path to take?"

"If a person wants to cut his own artery, wouldn't you go up and'forcibly' kicking off the knife in his hand?"

Colonel Song Guanghe asked, "If you see someone hanging up, wouldn't you go up and'forcibly' hug him down? If you see someone struggling in the fire pit, do you have to ask him politely first," Will he be rescued only after getting permission?

"Freedom, what is freedom? Do human beings really have the freedom to harm their bodies, the freedom to take drugs, the freedom to waste resources unscrupulously and to kill each other?

"The me in the past was like struggling in an abyss full of flames and venom, while taking drugs while waving a sharp blade, hurting myself, hurting others, and hurting the entire universe. The Supreme Master saved me and'forced' me. Pulling out of the abyss, this is of course a kind of compulsion, but isn't this kind of compulsion useful and necessary?"

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