40,000 Years of Cultivation

Chapter 2720: A true fanatic!

Perhaps it was Li Yao's illusion that when Colonel Song Guanghe said this, he really saw a group of burning, holy and pure flames all over Colonel Song.

Colonel Song's ethereal and clear eyes were not the turbidity and bleakness common to those who were brainwashed and insane, but they were as clear as those of a fully enlightened cultivator.

Li Yao was silent for a long time, and continued to ask: "I'm curious, what do you think of your wife and children, if they appear in front of you now, will you help them find... eternal peace?"

"Because of my business, they are now very troubled, very painful, and very confused. They are completely eroded by the demon in the depths of their brains."

Colonel Song Guanghe said, "My wife is surrounded by many powerful people, Israel is waiting for her, hoping to wash away her stigma of being a'traitor's wife', and my child will be full of depression and anger. The weaker vented and turned into heinous murderers-in my opinion, they have been engulfed. If I have the opportunity, of course I will help them exorcise the demon. It is impossible to get rid of the demon in their hearts, and I can only apply it to them.' Purified'."


Li Yao said, "Let me confirm again. What you mean is that you will kill your wife and children without hesitation. This will not touch you at all? To you, they are like the nurse and Like a researcher, a pure stranger?"

"No, it's not a stranger, but like... brothers and sisters."

Colonel Song Guanghe said, “We are all God’s creations, God’s slaves, God’s tools and lambs. Even my own flesh and blood are born through the body of God and my wife. Therefore, he should It is a child of God, not mine.

"We are more like brothers and sisters. All human beings are equal and loving brothers and sisters. My wife, my child, and this VIP who does not know the name, you are all the same in my eyes, and we are all the same. Intimacy and equality, if there is a chance, I will treat you equally, at any cost, to save you, awaken you, and purify you."

Li Yao sighed and said with a heavy tone: "Colonel Song, I don't know if you still retain a bit of logical thinking, and whether there are any traps in your logical thinking, but I still hope you can be calm and sober. Think about it, does this idea really come from your own will? Do you still have your own will now?"

"Of course I have my own will."

Colonel Song Guanghe still smiled faintly, "God's will is my will. There is nothing outside of the heavens except God. My soul is filled with God's will, so peaceful and satisfying."

"In other words, you are just a cell of God, a ray of thought?"

Li Yaodao, "Have you ever thought about what meaning does life have if you live like this?"

"What about you, distinguished guest, and there are thousands of immortal cultivators?"

Colonel Song Guanghe said, "I have fallen into the melting pot of desire since I was born, I have been confused by the seven emotions and six desires, and parasitized by the devil in your mind without knowing it. For the whole life, I have struggled in the red dust of the sea of ​​desire. Fighting fiercely, bullying the weak, either stunned and died early due to internal fighting, or the fly camp dog lived to a few hundred years old, still can't fully understand it, but consumes astronomical resources to prolong his evil life. In the end, he will inevitably hold the loess and pile of dry bone , The ashes are gone-what is the meaning of your lives?

"You are still good, what do ordinary people who are oppressed by you say? They live in the depths of the earth like beasts. They may not have seen the sun in their entire life. Not only are they not as good as ants, but they are like a tuo. For the moving mushrooms, they have been sentenced to death since they were born. Just to keep their'corpse' from decay, they must do their best to suffer every second and torment every minute. Struggling day by day, in the end, this "corpse" will eventually return to darkness, leaving no trace. What is the meaning of their lives?

"Perhaps, you, us, them, life is such a meaningless thing. Whether it is extravagant joy or piercing pain, it will be annihilated in the passage of time, just like water droplets dissolving in a river. , And this river eventually dries up, evaporates, and disappears. I don’t know what all this means, only God knows."

"So, your purpose is to awaken the so-called'gods', that is, the Pangu tribe?"

Li Yao took a deep breath, calmed his mind, and raised the key question.

"Yes, our duty was originally to protect the universe when the gods were asleep, and to keep everything as they were when the gods were asleep."

Colonel Song Guangyao said without concealment, "Unfortunately, when the gods fell asleep, the vast majority of humans were also eroded by the gods, forgetting their sacred mission, unscrupulously releasing evil and chaos, and consuming the few precious resources left. .

"Now that we are awakened, we naturally have to clean up the mess, end the war forever, restore peace and order, and quietly wait for the gods to wake up.

"Trust me, I can feel that all the best masters have already felt that the gate of the gods is about to open, and the gods are waking up from hundreds of thousands of years of sleep, and they will soon rebuild their magnificent civilization. , It also brings us higher wisdom and deeper guidance."


Li Yao sneered, "You will pin yourself and the future of human civilization on the illusory feeling and the mercy of the so-called gods? How can you guarantee that the "gods" in your mouth will bring guidance instead of killing when they wake up. , Will bring hope instead of destruction? You-these "tools" of ours have been out of control. It is more reasonable to think of destroying all the out-of-control tools and re-developing a batch of more reliable tools, isn't it?"

"Don't use your evil heart eroded by the demon to guess the thoughts of the gods."

Colonel Song Guangyao said, "How do you know that the gods do not bring guidance and hope, but kill and destroy? Why do you firmly believe that without the guidance of the gods, human beings are eroded by the gods, evil and chaotic, A life that is particularly self-righteous can really continue to survive in this dark and cold universe to endure... a greater test? Perhaps, without the guidance of God, we will not have time to take a half step out of this small universe, just Self-destructive.

"You don't know, I don't know, we all only believe in what we are willing to believe. This is ‘faith’.

"If God really decides to exterminate all human beings and replace them with more reliable tools, then we deserve our sins. It is a fate that we cannot escape and should not escape. Face God's judgment calmly. Survival should never be the highest pursuit of intelligent life. , Faith is. Compared with the will of God, what is your humble and sinful life?"

Colonel Song Guanghe should not be able to recognize Li Yao's location.

But when he said this, perhaps it was a coincidence that his gaze was unbiased, and it happened to hit Li Yao's gaze.

The tone of his speech has always been very calm. There is neither the obsession of a fanatic, nor the superiority of a devout person, nor the slightest taste of mockery. He is just very serious, saying every word.

This almost "ignorant" calm angered Li Yao completely.

"do you know?"

Li Yao gritted his teeth and said coldly, "I once killed a Pangu tribe, a living, **** in your mouth. Believe it or not, I cut off his head with a single knife. Later, many people scanned and studied it. His corpse, as well as countless Pangu, Nuwa, Zhurong, Gonggong... the corpses of the "gods" you worship.

"Honestly speaking, these so-called gods are just ordinary carbon-based beings. They are just larger cockroaches, lizards and orangutans. They are not essentially different from us, and they are nothing remarkable!

"Do you believe me? Do you think I'm lying? Do you think that'God' is invincible? Did you know that many archaeological studies have shown that primitive civilization is not the oldest civilization in our universe. Before civilization, there are thousands of ancient civilizations?

"Yes, the Pangu Alliance is our creator, but they also have their creator, and their creator also has an older creator. There is no god, and there has never been a god. We are just... in the long river of life evolution, ordinary It's just one link!"

"Don't be excited, distinguished guest, I believe everything you said, you cut off the head of a Pangu tribe and completely killed him."

Colonel Song Guanghe remained unmoved, his smile became more peaceful and serene, "This is the will of God, it is the power of God attached to you, it is God who sacrificed an individual to enlighten you, or in addition to enlighten you. There are deeper intentions. Who knows, as the saying goes, "The secrets of heaven cannot be revealed." When the time comes, you will naturally realize God's good intentions.

"As for the Primordial Civilization before Pangu Civilization, I certainly know that it is the ancient trace left by God!

"God is eternal, infinite, all-time and omnipresent. Pangu civilization is only a few years old, at best a few million years, don't you think that there was no **** a few million years ago?

"No, both the Primordial Civilization and the Pangu Civilization are just an'incarnation' of gods, one of the thousands of rays of light of gods. The power of gods is too large and profound to be directly affected by the small ones in our three-dimensional universe. The little bacterium perceives it, so it enlightens our wisdom, guides our path, and entrusts us with a sacred mission through the'refracting' of the Pangu tribe.

"You killed a Pangu tribe. You just lifted a leaf and slightly blocked one of the sun's billions of brilliance. You shouldn't be naive enough to think that you can destroy the sun and'kill the gods'. Right?"

Li Yao took a deep breath, his fists creaked.

"So irritating!"

Long Yangjun grinned behind him, "Well, do you really want to rush in and beat this guy? The first time I chatted with him, I almost didn't explode my belly, or we would just go in and beat him. Forget it for a while, there is no reason to talk to this kind of person."

"...Forget it, even if it does nothing to kill him, he is just one of the thousands of ‘supreme good people’."

Li Yao naturally heard that Long Yangjun was just joking, and he took a long breath and said, "Colonel Song, thank you for your cooperation, let's stop here today, maybe I will come to see you someday."

"Okay, goodbye, this distinguished guest, no, this brother."

Colonel Song Guanghe raised his right hand, hooked his **** and ring finger, lightly touched his forehead with the remaining three fingers, touched his lips, touched his chest, and bowed deeply to Li Yao.

This is the holiest etiquette in the rituals of the Holy Alliance.

"May all beings be peaceful and the world peaceful."

Colonel Song Guanghe was pious and meticulously saluting, "I also wish you an early conversion to the main road and the forgiveness and mercy of the gods, my poor brother."

After he finished speaking, he smoothed the folds of the hospital gown one by one, and without looking at Li Yao half an eye, sat back on his little bed properly, picked up a book of poems upright, and read it carefully. stand up.

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