40,000 Years of Cultivation

Chapter 2722: Shock the practice of distraction!

After parting with Long Yangjun, Li Yao didn't delay another second, and went straight back to the Golden Crystal Pagoda deep underground.

If it is said that before yesterday’s enthronement ceremony, he still had doubts about whether to launch the "Heizi Project" and feared that the side effects would be too great. The understanding of human beings and the supremely kind race is enough to make him lay down all burdens, strengthen his strongest belief, and must awaken those "spots" who have been sleeping for thousands of years!

If you want to defeat the Holy League, you must find the most critical Supreme Master.

To find the Supreme Master, he must use the "Heizi Project" to project his consciousness into the holy ally like a beam of high-energy particles.

If you want to project your own consciousness into the holy ally through the Jinjing Tower, you must completely control the Jinjing Tower, and take a solid first step on the road from "Transforming God" to "Distraction"!

The deepest part of the Jinjing Tower.

This is a mysterious area that no one can reach except for Li Yao and Wu Yingqi.

It is also the information that Wu Yingqi 3.0 remains in the depths of Li Yao's brain that shows the hub of the Jinjing Tower and the best practice place to hit the realm of distraction.

Only by completely controlling the hub can the Jinjing Tower be 100% controlled, so that the Jinjing Tower can inspire more magical powers besides "angering the sun."

In the past six months, Li Yao has been hesitating and resisting, not only worried that Wu Yingqi 3.0 will leave any traps in it, but also worried that he could not withstand the test from "Dragon Slayer" to "Evil Dragon". Did not open here.

But now, he has no choice.

Li Yao walked through the long and dark corridor to isolate himself from the world, leaving behind a series of psionic puppets-they are all clones of Xiao Ming and Wenwen, the two information beings let Li Yao maintain peace in this way Contact with the outside world and protect Li Yao.

If Li Yao gets into trouble during his practice, and there is an accident, they will start rescue as soon as possible.

After walking through the darkness for ten minutes, a black gate appeared in front of it. The potholes in the gate were inlaid with countless black beetles. After the erosion of hundreds of thousands of years ago, the beetles had already dried out, like withered eyes.

Countless black eyes stared at Li Yao unblinkingly, as if releasing a cautious light, scanning Li Yao's soul.


Suddenly, the door made a soft sound from the depths, split into six pieces, and slowly retracted into the surrounding rock walls.

Li Yao took the avatars of Xiaoming and Wenwen and stepped into the bottom hub of the Jinjing Tower.

This place was shrouded in the deepest black, even Li Yaohua's eyesight could not see anything, until something in the surrounding corners sensed his breathing and brain wave activity, it automatically ignited the faint phosphorous fire.

The phosphorous fire bloomed with orange-red light, flowing everywhere like a liquid, allowing Li Yao to see everything around him clearly in the shadows—a large number of black beetles the size of thumbs, hugging and entangled with each other, forming a strange image , Like a beast that can only be seen in a nightmare.

Of course they have been dead for hundreds of thousands of years, but the mysterious and complicated runes still remain on the fragmented carapace, exactly the same as the runes engraved on the outer wall of the Golden Crystal Tower.

These black beetles are the builders of the Jinjing Tower, one of the thirteen most powerful carbon-based intelligent races in the prehistoric era, the Houyi tribe.

Li Yao came here, hoping to get the enlightenment of the Houyi clan, and deeply imprint the runes on their carapace into his soul, so that he could become the master of the Golden Crystal Pagoda.

At the same time, according to Wu Yingqi 3.0, the realm of distraction is completely different from the realm of transformation. The realm of distraction is to split one's soul into dozens, hundreds or even thousands, and change oneself from an "individual". As a "collection of countless individuals", a "large group".

As individual human beings, it is difficult to realize the feeling of "a person is a race". Even if the simple power or wisdom is increased by several times, they can only patrol outside the Lingshan, but cannot find the way to enter the Lingshan.

At this time, if you can get the enlightenment of group consciousness and bee civilization, it is an excellent opportunity. Maybe you will have a great understanding in an instant and realize the new meaning of life.

Unfortunately, the vast majority of carbon-based intelligent life are individual civilizations, and very few bee colonies, insect colonies and ant colonies can evolve to the point where civilization can be produced.

In the Pangu Alliance, it seems that there are only the Houyi and Gonggong tribes, with the characteristics of bee colony civilization at the beginning of their birth.

The Houyi tribe is composed of countless beetles that can absorb solar energy, but the Gonggong tribe was born in rivers, lakes and seas. It resembles a jellyfish life form. Countless jellyfish are entangled together, and can even connect all the waters of the entire planet together. Share all the information in the waters.

Because of the limited characteristics of the bee colony civilization, they rarely leave a clear heritage and complete remains.

The reason is very simple. A Pangu tribe or a Nuwa tribe has cultivated to the extreme. Various rare elements penetrate their bones and strengthen their cells. They can keep their bodies for hundreds of thousands of years. Even if they become fossils, there are extremely high research value.

The strong men of the Houyi clan are made up of thousands of beetles. After the strong men died, the beetles collapsed one after another. It is impossible to see that it was once a high-level being with great wisdom.

Not to mention the Gonggong tribe, when they die, their bodies dissolve in the sea and restore to the most basic elements to nourish all things. How can there be any inheritance?

Therefore, the powerful of modern humans rarely get the enlightenment of the bee colony civilization, and they rarely appreciate the mysterious and mysterious, the incredible "realm of distraction"!

Fortunately for Li Yao, the Jinjing Pagoda can be said to be the holy artifact of the Houyi Clan. In the depths of this vital Jinjing Pagoda, there are countless Houyi clan remains guarding it.

The nesting and cascading structure of these wrecks remain roughly intact, and they have not collapsed into the smallest beetle, which allows Li Yao to clearly see the connection between different runes distributed on different carapace, and thus think about runes and runes. The mysterious connection between the two roughly deduces the logic of the Houyi tribe’s psychic agitation.

Although these Houyi people had been dead for hundreds of thousands of years, they could not provide Li Yao with living materials.

However, human beings were originally children of ancient civilizations, and a large number of Houyi gene fragments are also embedded in the human gene chain. As long as Li Yao can read the rune information on the remains of the Houyi tribe, plus the inheritance left to him by Wu Yingqi 3.0 , His soul can infiltrate the deepest part of his own cells, accurately find the gene fragments related to the Houyi clan, unlock the genetic information that has been dusted for hundreds of thousands of years, and climb into a new realm of magic!

It took Li Yao an entire hour to remember the runes on the carapace of hundreds of Houyi clan wreckages around him, as well as the relationship between the runes.

Xiaoming and Wenwen also helped him perform deductions, using dozens of super crystal brains to assist him in his training.

Afterwards, Li Yao sat cross-legged in the center of the secret room, and extracted a large amount of high-purity spar and crystal marrow from the universe ring-for this retreat, he almost emptied all of his inventory.

Li Yaowu remembered that in the blood demon world more than a hundred years ago, he had learned the secret method of infiltrating the soul into the body, drilling into the depth of the cell, traversing the mitochondria and cell nucleus, and activating the ancient memory.

It's the same this time, but he will go further, maybe he will find the memory of the Houyi people more than a million years ago, before the birth of mankind?

"Dad, are you sure you really want to do this?"

The voices of Xiaoming and Wenwen banged back and forth in the dark secret room, appearing particularly anxious, "We believe that you will be able to activate the gene fragments and extract the ancient memories, but be careful, if your soul dives too deep, maybe Will treat the memory as real and never come back again!"

"Duke Zhuangmeng Butterfly, Duke Zhuangmeng Butterfly, rest assured, I understand."

Li Yao smiled slightly, slowly exhaling the last breath, and expelling all the distracting thoughts in his brain, expanding his life magnetic field to a little bit away from the body, pulling all the spars and crystal marrows to float in mid-air, and revolve around him. .

The runes engraved in the heart just now and the inheritance of Wu Yingqi 3.0 are like two rushing rivers, colliding and meeting in the depths of his soul, smashing a stormy sea, shattering the surrounding real world, and shattering those Spar and crystal marrow.

The spar and the crystal marrow were silently turned into powder, and the purest psychic energy contained in it turned into bunches of colorful streamers, pouring into the body along Li Yao’s seven orifices and pores, acting as “fuel” to push him The soul of the person turned into inexhaustible threads, digging into the deepest part of the cell, searching every bunch of gene chains, looking for the gene fragments of the Houyi people.

In a trance and ethereal, Li Yao’s spirit entered the micro world, and he could no longer perceive the existence of the surrounding macro world. His body became a large universe, and every cell was like a planet. There are countless tombstones on the planet. If you look carefully, the tombstones are composed of densely packed books, and each book is a gift from the ancestors. ,

In this wonderful journey through the soul of the soul, time and space have lost their meaning. Li Yao didn’t know how long he had searched among the hundreds of millions of books on the tombstones of hundreds of millions of planets. Suddenly, he sensed some of them. The book had a subtle resonance with those Houyi runes he had just memorized in his heart.


These books, these tombstones, and these planets suddenly exploded, and countless black beetles flew out like a black tide, covering the entire world, enveloping Li Yao's spirit.

For some reason, Li Yao was neither surprised nor fearful. Instead, he had the warmth of recognizing the origin and returning to his mother's body.

The memory of Li Yao as a human being quickly faded, replaced by an older feeling. He completely became a seed of the Houyi clan, and was buried deep in the heat along with thousands of insect eggs. Of the earth.

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