40,000 Years of Cultivation

Chapter 2723: The life of Houyi

He does not know whether he is still Li Yao, or even whether he is "he" or "it". He seems to have lost the logical thinking ability that he should have as a smart life, but there are more words that cannot be used. To portray things.

He seems to be a worm egg, and it also seems to be a condensate of thousands of worm eggs. He can feel the temperature and humidity of the soil near countless worm eggs and the vibration of the worm eggs themselves at the same time. He can even pass some kind of Similar to telepathy or pheromone exchange, get in touch with the adults on the ground, share the vision of the adults, and see everything.

He saw that this is a vast and hot planet full of uninterrupted eruption of volcanoes and lead clouds of lightning and thunder. The star seems to be very close to the planet, and the sun shines down like magma. Similarly, the destruction brought is far greater than the vitality.

Few lives can adapt to such a harsh environment, let alone evolve into a civilized intelligent life.

But his ethnic group is an extremely rare exception.

He "sees" that countless black meteorites or starships that are several kilometers long are burning, dragging off-white tail flames, tearing lead clouds, driving the sunlight, and diving into the planet's atmosphere.

However, instead of slowing down and landing, they made a huge roar in mid-air, breaking into countless spiral fragments.

These fragments uttered harsh screams, and as soon as they fell on the ground, they rotated at high speed and drilled toward the ground.

A word appeared in Li Yao's primitive chaotic consciousness, "Blast".

He instantly understood the meaning of this picture, just like the blind man saw the light for the first time, saw the colorful world, and received endless information.

These black meteorite-like warships are not cold vehicles, but the Houyi clan itself.

Hundreds of Houyi worms, like hundreds of millions of cells, condense together to form a huge starship life that is large enough to cross the stars and come here with the mission of exploring the starry sky and finding new habitats. A newborn, primitive planet.

The dark and cold universe is eroding the black beetles that make up the starship all the time, causing these beetles to gradually come to the end of their lives.

The high temperature caused by the super-high-speed friction with the atmosphere has wiped out the last ray of life for these "living starships".

Therefore, after successfully bringing a large amount of seeds storing genetic information into the atmosphere of this new habitable planet, the "starships" completed their mission, exhausted the last trace of strength, and exploded themselves one after another.

Hundreds of millions of old beetles died instantly, but hundreds of millions of seeds were also sown on every land of the entire planet, inspired by the shock wave.

Li Yaojing quietly admired the fireworks representing destruction and rebirth blooming brightly above the lead cloud, and there was no sadness or joy in the depths of the sea of ​​knowledge.

All beetles are one body, countless beetles collectively form a creature called "Hou Yi". The sacrifice of millions of biochemical starships creates hope for new life to hatch. This is a very ordinary metabolic process, and there is nothing tragic. It's not worthy of joy or touch-besides, their situation is still precarious, and they shouldn't waste any energy on joy or touch.

He, it, they, just faithfully carry out the mission that has long been engraved deep in the gene chain, trying their best to absorb the heat of the sun and the nutrients in the soil, and continue to nurture and grow.

Not all seeds are lucky.

Many insect eggs were sown into shallow soil too close to the ground, and were scorched like magma by the scorching sun. Even the black carapace of the Houyi clan couldn't resist such heat and all turned into ashes.

There are also many insect eggs that have drilled too deep, all the way to the depths of the dark and cold stratum, without sufficient heat and nutrients, and they will die there forever.

Not to mention the indigenous people on this planet-although there are no large and advanced creatures here, there are also fungi that feed on sunlight in the soil. These fungi have caused little trouble for Li Yao's "people" , The pheromone rushing like lightning brought news of the distant "people". It is said that in a certain place, the fungus turned into a huge net and blanket, swallowing countless eggs of the Houyi tribe, and they had to do it in time. Adjusting their genes and evolving the ability to resist this fungal infection has greatly delayed the time for them to break through the ground and occupy the entire planet.

Fortunately, the location where Li Yao was buried was neither deep nor shallow, not too high nor too low, not too humid nor particularly dry. The sunlight was enough to provide him with plenty of energy without burning his immature shell, and there was no nasty fungus to bother him. His growth, volcanoes and earthquakes are still thousands of miles away. He can unlock the secrets deep in the gene chain with all his heart, and extract the same brand-new weapons from the "arms arsenal" to arm himself.

He has gone through seven shellings in total. After each shelling, his body will expand for a round, and the newly grown crustaceans are imprinted with brand-new patterns in response to the radiation, wavelength and psionic ripples contained in the stars.

These patterns make him even more powerful, and the efficiency of solar energy absorption and utilization has increased to a new level. There are countless mottled, floating light and shadows flashing through his sea of ​​knowledge, making him seem to see thousands of Houyi ships. The “biochemical starship” of the clan travels through the sea of ​​stars and sees the highly developed Houyi clan’s home planet. The tall buildings lined up in the sky are composed of small beetles, and there are even hundreds of millions of beetles condensed together. Something like "biochemical super brain".

Li Yao gained unprecedented understanding, and he understood the mission of this expedition.

They want to thrive on this brand new planet and breed millions of times the same race. Only when the number of beetles reaches the limit and exceeds the threshold, can they construct complex structural maps such as battleships, tall buildings, and biochemical ultrabrains. Qualifications are called "civilization" before they can send a message back to the home planet announcing the "victory" of this expedition.

Li Yao broke out of the ground, with thousands of people.

He even couldn't tell whether he was this little beetle or the condensate of pheromone exchange among countless beetles nearby.

The poisonous air and the intense sunlight did not make him feel uncomfortable at all. During the long underground growth process, his genes had already been adjusted to suit the environment of this planet-the Houyi tribe conquered many similar ones. This planet is not the worst in the environment. Some of their gene pools are weapons to deal with difficult situations.

Even so, there are still countless tribesmen who died in the instant they broke ground.

To die from poisoning, to die from sun exposure, to die from low temperature, to die from hunger, to die from all kinds of weird or ordinary reasons-death does not require a cause, but survival is necessary.

Li Yao didn't hesitate at all. At this time, his instinct was still far above the ability to think. He wriggled his chubby body, awkwardly waving immature tentacles, and devouring the bodies of these dead companions.

This is a very critical moment. The entire wilderness is submerged by the black tide. The black tide makes a "click, click, click" sound. Countless beetles are devouring the dead body, enhancing their own nutrients, and resisting the scorching sun and the wind. And the heavy rain, struggling to fight for the slim line of life.

In the wind and sun, Li Yao went through several times of shelling, and his body became larger and more beautiful.

He has grown a pair of sharp and tough big claws, enough to finish the rocks on this planet; his carapace has become more oily and shiny, covered with colorful patterns, which can reflect light of different wavelengths. It became mysterious and complicated information; there were several pairs of feet growing out of his abdomen, and there were two rows of parallel holes on his chest-these organs also had their own mysteries, but he didn't know it yet.

Suddenly, like a flash of lightning flashing across his hazy sea of ​​consciousness, he and the tens of thousands of people around him all awakened-the season of aggregation has arrived!

Li Yao's carapace released a colorful light, and sent the patterns imprinted on him to all directions, looking for a tribe who was suitable for him.

And all his people did this one after another, as if they were looking for him thousands of times.

Soon, the two shining patterns condensed in mid-air, and Li Yao struggled to climb towards a tribe member, who also tried his best to respond to his call.

Li Yao tightly fixed the ring groove around the opponent's waist with his abdomen, and the other party also inserted the tentacles of the head into the hole in Li Yao's chest, perfectly fitting and seamless.

In an instant, Li Yao felt the tremor from the depths of genes. He felt that he had become more "complete". He shared the knowledge of the sea with the other party, and all the gene banks that could not be opened were opened. More information was like a surging tide. Like pouring out.

Not satisfied, they—he was still not satisfied, and still used the pattern on the carapace to attract more beetles to join this... "small group", and then twelve beetles accepted his invitation and became a part of him, some Beetles act as crawling parts, some beetles act as fighting and finishing parts, and some beetles act as digestion and energy storage parts. He instantly completes the leap from a low-level animal to a high-level animal, turning into a tyrannical creature like a cancer.

And he is not the biggest winner in this gathering season. Many beetles have successfully gathered hundreds and thousands of companions to form a "big group", and they have shaped themselves into various shapes and bizarre images, free from any rules. The limit is just to try what kind of form is most suitable for survival on this planet.

The survival test process is cruel.

Countless successful forms in the past have proved to be unsuitable for the environment of this planet. Those seemingly fierce and fierce “hordes” collapsed one after another, most of the beetles died, and the remaining beetles joined with the lessons of failure. "Small groups" such as Li Yao.

However, there are also a small number of condensed forms that have proven to be quite successful, and the "large groups" that make up these forms will also split in an orderly manner, bringing new successful forms to more "small groups".

Even Li Yao died twice.

He is also not sure whether he should use "death" to describe his collapse. In short, the form he finally condensed proved to be unsuitable for the survival of this planet and the finishing operations of the rock formations. 90% of the beetles that make up his body All died, but the remaining 10% of the beetles joined the new team with the most critical genetic information and blended in perfectly.

Perhaps, death is really a meaningless concept for individuals of bee colony civilization. If civilization is not destroyed, they can gain eternal life.

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