40,000 Years of Cultivation

Chapter 2725: Ancestors and descendants

Under the transmission of the mastermind, a large amount of new structure map information blooms like a flower in Li Yao and countless "large groups" of knowledge-these structures can release solar energy and spar energy to the extreme in an instant, they are no longer tools , And turn yourself into the sharpest weapon!

A beehive, a smelting factory, and various buildings representing "civilization" collapsed one after another, like a solidified sea thawed and turned into a black river, flowing in all directions, avoiding new meteorites from the Kuafu tribe. Strikes, on the other hand, have also become raw materials for restructuring weapons.

The civilization of the Houyi people on this planet instantly changed from a "peace period" to a "state of war", from a "civilization" to a "barbaric".

The black rivers converged in the area far away from the impact of the Kuafu meteorite and reorganized with the help of genetic engineering drawings. Now, no matter what energy consumption or how long the reorganized structure can support, they turned themselves into vehicles. Chariots, airships, and flaming bombs that emit piercing screams.

The army of the Houyi tribe gathered quickly.

As the vanguard of the scouts, they have already condensed a light and fast flying structure, flying towards the Kuafu clan’s sudden landing site, carefully observing the enemy's state.

From a certain point of view, the Houyi and Kuafu tribes, the two civilizations that also worship the sun and take the sun as the source, are two extremes.

The Houyi people gather sand into a tower, composed of countless insignificant beetles from the bottom up to form a civilization.

However, the Kuafu tribe is top-down, with countless huge plants that cover the sky and sun like mountains as the main body, and the plants breed different fruits and cysts in various shapes and forms, and each fruit can grow an individual with different functions. .

They even used their own juice to concoct other life on the parent star, and a large number of low-level life was concocted into their "servant army". During the voyage to the stars, even the seeds of these servant army were carried with them to reach the appropriate planet. After that, it was thawed and put into battle.

It can be said that a Kuafu clan is a complete ecosystem and all the lives in this ecosystem.

When the first batch of scouts arrived at the site of the meteorite fall, the Kuafu clan had grown at an alarming rate.

Hundreds of meters high trees rise up from the ground, and their roots are inserted thousands of meters deep into the earth. Its branches or vines dance like tentacles, entangled with each other, and grow new branches. Like a natural greenhouse, it shielded all the sunlight and swallowed everything within a radius of tens of miles.

Not only that, these Kuafu tribes are also growing up with bulging tree tumors, constantly spraying out fishy dust. These dusts cover the higher sky like a mist, and are more deadly toxic. For the Houyi people, it is a hundred times more infectious than fungi.

When the scouts of the Houyi clan entered the dust range, the patterns on their carapace were eroded, the colorful colors no longer shine, and the clear runes gradually blurred, and furry hyphae grew between their wings and carapace. , The originally stable structure is gradually loosening, and it won't take long for them to "crash", crash and die in the entanglement of mycelium.

The assembly of the Houyi tribe's army will take some time.

And to evolve the ability to resist highly poisonous spores, more lengthy testing and experiments are needed.

The Kuafu clan who invaded this planet took advantage of this time to develop crazily - they built one after another dark green "greenhouses", desperately absorbing the warmth of the sun and the nutrients of the earth, and of course they swallowed it mercilessly. The remaining corpses of the Houyi clan are continuously being sent into their thick and huge body.

With sufficient nutrients, the servants who had been dormant in their bodies awakened one after another. They also fine-tuned their own characteristics according to the shape of the planet, and then broke out of the tree tumors on the surface of the Kuafu clan to make up for the Kuafu clan. Slow movement defect.

Especially a kind of servant life named "Yellow Snake", they are huge lizards genetically modulated, and they are the most loyal hunting dogs of the Kuafu tribe.

The tragic battle has begun!

Countless newly assembled "chariots" and "airships" of the Houyi tribe kept rushing towards the occupied areas of the Kuafu tribe, ignoring the casualties, trying to curb the growth and development of the other side.

Quantity is the only advantage of the Houyi clan. They must use the "Zhonghai tactics" to eliminate all Kuafu tribes in one go. Otherwise, when they develop to a new stage, the enemy will release a more advanced servant army, and even the Kuafu tribe themselves. Gain powerful mobility.

In the worst case, the Kuafu clan will cover the most illuminated places on the planet, blocking all the connection between the Houyi clan and the sun.

The Kuafu clan also prepared a large number of yellow snakes and other servants to wait for work, awaiting the arrival of the Houyi clan army.

This fight lasted for a whole hundred days. The killing was so dark, the corpses were horizontal, and the Houyi tribe exhausted all their structures and all their troops. At the closest victory, they even destroyed seven Kuafu tribes in a row. Ontology-countless beetles drilled in along the tree tumors on the Kuafu tribe’s body surface, and at the expense of their lives, they released a special kind of venom. This venom eroded the Kuafu gene chain and made the Kuafu tribe’s branches and leaves Withered, the tree trunk is fragile, and can no longer withstand the sun's rays, and it burns.

When the seven huge torches illuminate the entire sky, the mastermind of the Houyi clan sends out a message of joy and leads the entire clan to express their most sincere gratitude to Mother Sun.

It is a pity that the sun is not only their god, but also the **** of the Kuafu clan.

Too many, the number of enemy servants is too much, and the growth and development speed of the enemy is faster than the thinking speed of the Houyi clan mastermind.

The Kuafu tribe quickly reacted and made a brand-new transformation against the venom of the Houyi tribe. The new generation of servant army is stronger, more agile, and more targeted.

They firmly occupied the initial landing site, and after making it solid, the individuals of the Kua father clan moved slowly, surrounded by the servant army, moved to a new area, deeply rooted, and served as the core of the new area.

In this way, nibbled step by step, and swallowed inch by inch of land, the Kuafu clan patiently took the initiative in the battlefield.

The mist of highly poisonous spores in the sky is getting denser and more toxic. No matter how the Houyi clan adjusts its structure, it will inevitably be invaded by the spores, and large swaths of it will die.

Without sunlight and adequate nutrition, it is also difficult for the new generation of Houyi people to break out of the ground, sowing 10,000 eggs, and perhaps only a few dozen can develop into larvae.

The Kuafu clan's root system extends to thousands of meters or even tens of thousands of meters underground, competing with the Houyi clan for precious mineral veins.

When the Kuafu tribe occupied most of the mineral veins, their growth rate was faster. Many Kuafu tribes developed into giants thousands of meters high and broke through the atmosphere. They blocked all sunlight outside the atmosphere. Turn sunlight into energy in their bodies, and all life on the ground that depends on sunlight to survive must obey the orders of the Kuafu clan.

In the end, even the mastermind of the Houyi clan was found and smashed by the Kuafu clan, leaving only two fragments of the mastermind, fleeing in a hurry surrounded by countless clansmen.

However, there are branches and roots of the Kua father in all directions, and they have nowhere to escape.

"We failed again, and this planet fell into the clutches of Kuafu clan."

A fragment of the main brain tells the surviving tribe.

Li Yao could clearly feel its grief, unwillingness and anger.

Tiny beetles may have no thoughts and emotions, but the Houyi tribe, a group of countless beetles, possesses the strongest emotions and desires.

They are not afraid of death, not even the concept of death.

But the Sun Mother is about to be defiled by the Kua father clan, which is more painful than death.

"No, we haven't failed yet."

Another slightly smaller fragment of the main brain suddenly said, "When the enemy tore us apart, I analyzed the swaying of a ray of sunlight-the mother of the sun gave us enlightenment.

"The sun mother of this planet is about to enter a cyclical unstable state. If we can concentrate all the remaining spars and rush towards the sun, as long as we accurately calculate the impact area, it may aggravate the unstable state and allow the sun to radiate. And the intensity of the high-energy particle stream is increased ten times!

"Now, the entire surface of the planet and even outside the atmosphere is occupied by the Kuafu tribe. Once the sun is really furious, the Kuafu tribe will bear the brunt of the boundless karma fire, and our surviving tribe will hide in the shadow of the Kuafu tribe. Under the circumstances, might we be able to escape?"

"Praise Mother Sun!"

The first mastermind fragment said, "Even if we can't escape a catastrophe, we will die with the enemy, and we must not let the **** Kua father clan defile our mother!"

The final tactics were decided like this.

Li Yao seemed to see in a trance that the larger mastermind fragment led a group of Houyi tribe, acting as bait, and launched a suicide attack on Kuafu tribe.

The smaller mastermind fragment that proposed this tactic, took all the remaining people into a huge starship, wrapped all their remaining spars, and rose into the air, breaking through the Kuafu clan’s The entanglement of branches and leaves and the poisonous fog of spores rushed to the stars and the sun!


All the spars were agitated to the limit, squeezing out the last drop of energy. Under the fullness of these energy, the shell of the last starship of the Houyi clan cracked, and hundreds of colorful wings were stretched out, like a single one. The most splendid butterfly flying in the endless sea of ​​stars rushes towards the most splendid flame.

In a few dozen seconds, the life of this butterfly will come to an end.

But it doesn't matter, because before rushing to the sun, he has released a super giant egg that carries all the genetic information.

This worm egg will drift in the star sea for a long, long time, but one day, it will be found by other Houyi tribes, so that other Houyi tribes will wake up to the way to deal with Kuafu tribe.

In a long, long time, the genetic information it contains will be implanted into the human gene chain by the Nuwa tribe. In this way, it will tell humans the story of this long, long time ago, before the flood.

It doesn't matter if human beings cannot understand it at the beginning. People who don't understand will also inherit the information that contains these stories from generation to generation, and there will always be someone who can decode and discover.

Even if all humans cannot decipher, it doesn't matter. Before the demise of humans, their offspring will always be left behind, leaving behind things such as omnic, crystal brain life, information life and the like.

These offspring will comprehensively scan the human remains, analyze and decipher the ancestor's story from the depths of the human gene chain, and know that they are also descendants of the Houyi tribe, or they are the Houyi tribe.

Civilization has never a beginning, civilization has never an end. Houyi, human beings, and crystal brain life are all one, they are all a beam of light from the sun, they are all a small unit of a large group named "universe", civilization It is a continuous and indivisible river. The Houyi people are human beings, and the human civilization is the crystal brain civilization. If the universe is immortal, they will follow the path of heaven and get eternal life...

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