40,000 Years of Cultivation

Chapter 2726: Huadie

Li Yao woke up.

In other words, the billions of cells that make up his body, the gene chain hidden in the depths of the billions of cells, and the endless genetic information in the gene chain, have awakened one after another.

This genetic information not only comes from primitive races such as the Pangu, Nuwa and Houyi tribes, but also from the creators of the primitive races, those ancient races that are more ancient, too old to be described with pen and ink, indescribable or even incomprehensible, None of these Primordial races were born before, just created in the big bang, the hot and chaotic primitive universe.

A large amount of information was produced at the beginning of the big bang. Through the action of various elements and force fields, the stars were condensed, giving birth to the first batch of life, and through these life genes, it has been inherited from generation to generation.

Judging from the composition of the basic elements, there is not much difference between people and stars.

Perhaps the carbon element that constitutes Li Yao's body at this moment was also a part of a certain star hundreds of millions of years ago.

Even if Li Yao dies and his body decomposes, these elements will only change their forms and return to the universe, perhaps after hundreds of millions of years, they will become another star.

And all the information that represents Li Yao's existence will always be hidden in the sparkle of this star in a special way.

Tranced and ethereal, Li Yao seemed to be standing in a waist-deep wavy river. The river slowly flowed from the ancient times before the floods. Each ripple represents the rise and fall of a civilization, the ancient civilization. , Pangu Civilization, Human Civilization, Crystal Brain Civilization...It has been flowing to a place far and far behind him, where he can't see his direction.

This is the "River of Life".

What is life?

Is it an individual that can be cut, or an uncut continuum?

If countless cells together form a "human being" like him, then countless human beings are gathered together, and even countless generations of intelligent life such as human beings are gathered together, and the indivisible continuum formed is something of a higher level? life?

How to call this kind of life-God? God? Or is it just called "the universe"?

This is the macro level, so from the micro level, if every cell that composes Li Yao is a life, to these life, is Li Yao their god, heaven and universe? The so-called "distraction", is it necessary to inject consciousness into every cell, so that these cells can be completely awakened?

If a person can control every cell in his body as he wants, and awaken every genetic chain contained in every cell, he will see what a magnificent universe, and what an incredible ability he will show!

Can such a person be called a real "person"?

Li Yao stretched out his right hand, gently squeezed a handful of water in the "River of Life", sensing the inheritance left by his ancestors, and then staring at his palm in a daze.

There was a strange throbbing from the fingertips, as if something was gestating in the fingers. Then, his right index finger bloomed like a pure and flawless lotus, and a colorful butterfly flew out.

"Transform the butterfly, transform the butterfly!"

Li Yao smiled and watched the phantom butterfly dancing around him.

He got it.

It doesn't matter whether Zhuang Gongmeng butterfly or butterfly dream Zhuang Gong. The essence of Zhuang Gong and butterfly are the same. They are no different from planets, stars, and the elements that make up everything in the universe.

Duke Zhuang is the butterfly, the butterfly is Duke Zhuang, the flower is the world, and the sand is the Buddha.

Remembering that there is a monkey king in myths and legends, plucking a vellus hair, blowing a breath of immortality, you can transform yourself into thousands of people.

Perhaps, the main body of the Monkey King is the "vellus hair", it is the countless vellus hairs condensed into a magical, omnipotent monkey king, naturally able to copy and change as desired.

More and more butterflies flew out of Li Yao's palm. His entire right arm was like a flaming torch. Each flame was a large group of dancing butterflies. These butterflies were composed of his life information. , Brings the most vivid bright colors to the "River of Life".

Such an image is really farther and farther away from normal human beings.

But what exactly is a "normal human"?

When humans are trapped on a habitable planet with harsh conditions, trapped on an earth with narrow temperature, humidity, gravity, and oxygen content, a hairless monkey is the most perfect form.

And when human beings set foot on various cruel environmental resource planets, or even wander among the stars forever to survive, naturally they have to open up the gene pool bestowed by their ancestors, and evolve strange-shaped images such as "monsters".

But even primitive races like Pangu, Nuwa, and Houyi are far from conquering the entire universe—at least they can’t develop gaseous planets on a large scale, nor can they fly freely within stars.

If one day, humans want to conquer all celestial bodies, including the sun, can they really maintain this poor, ugly, and weak "normal image" and remain fixed in the state of a hairless monkey forever?

I believe that by that day, even the body has become an unnecessary burden, and only energy is eternal.

But the so-called "energy life" is still just the concept of a three-dimensional universe.

If one day, the humans who have conquered the three-dimensional universe will go one step further, as Bai Boss said, march to a higher dimension and explore... the realm of "God" or "Heavenly Way", then humans will change again. What kind of incredible image is it?

Maybe there are no "normal humans" at all, right?

From bacteria to human beings, it only took a mere billions of years. Are hairless monkeys just a few billion years old? The fleeting fragments, they are destined not to stop the pace of evolution, and they will continue to move towards the inevitable. The realm of knowledge rushes forward, turning oneself into something that goes hand in hand with the "God" or the "Way of Heaven".

——If not, what is the meaning of the existence of life?

Li Yao will not stop.

He completely burned himself out and turned into billions of butterflies. The dancing of butterflies gathered into a storm. The storm stirred all the information in the river of life, and finally turned into a dazzling ball of light like a star.

Li Yao thought quietly in the light ball, reorganizing his soul, like a fetus in the mother's body, growing and developing, building a brand new neural network.

Only this time, his neural network is not only limited to a small brain, but spread out in all directions.

He is in a very strange new state.

On the one hand, his consciousness is undergoing a reborn upgrade and transformation in deep meditation.

But on the other hand, his "nervous" spread like an invisible beam to all sides of the golden crystal tower, turning the golden crystal tower into an extension of the body.

And this is still not the end.

His "nerve" continued to spread beyond the Jinjing Tower, spreading to every rock crack and tunnel, followed by tunnels and vertical ventilation shafts to the ground, connected with the nerves of countless people, and passed through the visual nerves of others. , Share the vision of others!

Li Yao saw from 10,000 different angles that something earth-shattering seemed to have happened on the ground. Several heavily armed crystal armor battle groups were all stationed around. There were dozens of hunting ships cruising back and forth in the sky. The wind was screaming and the atmosphere was solemn, but the soldiers' expressions were not very murderous, but they were full of fear and confusion.

This scene puzzled Li Yao. He didn't understand why Lei Chenghu would mobilize so many soldiers to the top of the Jinjing Tower, but Boss Bai did not stop him.

But he was even more confused and delighted with his brand new ability. If this is the "field" after his upgrade, then the scope of this field would be too big!

Even Black Star Great Emperor Wu Yingqi, who had already been promoted to Distraction thousands of years ago, didn't seem to have such incredible abilities.

In other words, even Wu Yingqi has not awakened Li Yao's ancient and clear prehistoric memory.

Is this again... "Earth Li Yao" relationship? Was it his unique soul that triggered some kind of mutation that Wu Yingqi could not have imagined?

Li Yao also wanted to see more clearly, the surrounding images suddenly swayed, and the tired and weak black tide hit him one by one, and suddenly overturned him, fell into the abyss, and returned to his body.

He really went too far, tried too much.

He has just set foot on the realm of the **** of transformation, and is far from ready to achieve "distraction". Now he wants to completely activate the supernatural powers of the realm of distraction, which is tantamount to a three-year-old child carrying a huge boulder. The only result is Was crushed to pieces.


Li Yao secretly cried out that he had consumed too much spirit and energy on the illusory mysteries of the universe. Although these mysterious and mysterious problems are important, the more important thing is to face the life and battle in front of you in a down-to-earth manner!

He must wake up-in the true sense, wake up in this three-dimensional universe.

It's a pity that he realized it was too late, his body was still shining with shimmering ripples, as if it would break down into colorful butterflies at any time, his consciousness wandered for millions of years, not knowing himself Whether it was a Houyi tribe, a Nuwa tribe, or a human being, for a moment, he even lost his sense of time, as if he was about to melt in his genes forever.

"Dad! Daddy!"

Until he heard the anxious shouts of the children, the shouts turned into a beam of light, and the light turned into a sharp axe, suddenly splitting the darkness that envelops him.

All the butterflies turned into a radiant flow of information, and once again went back to the deepest part of his cell, seamlessly embedded in the gene chain, Li Yao yelled, the sound was like the cry of a baby just leaving the mother's body, he Jumping up, the consciousness finally spanned millions of years and returned to the deepest part of the Pangu universe, the extreme heaven, the celestial star, and the golden tower!

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