40,000 Years of Cultivation

Chapter 2867: The doomsday

"We are the common descendants of the prehistoric civilization, the Hongchao Army and the Pangu Civilization Alliance, and are the perfect ultimate form of carbon-based intelligent life!"

With the deepness and composure of Lu Qingchen, Rao couldn't help being startled when he heard such earth-shattering news.

Li Yao was also too excited to be himself, faintly born with an inexplicable pride.

Fuxi’s words may contain water, but this is not necessarily false. The biggest evidence is the magic civilization—the magic civilization from the depths of the multiverse. The individual is also human, except for the blond and blue eyes, almost nothing like the human beings in the Pangu universe. The slightest difference.

Also, the earth in Li Yao’s dreams is also a common homeland of various forms of human beings. If the relationship between “earth” and “flood tide” is extremely close, at least it means that the “human form” is under the cover of flood tide and is diverse. One of the most common forms in the universe.

Generally speaking, the most common form on the evolutionary path, that is, the most powerful form, survival of the fittest, and forms that are not strong enough are all eliminated.

"Prehistoric civilization, Pangu civilization, Hongchao Legion, Hongchao, and the Earth in a different dream, everything is faintly connected in a line. What is the relationship between them?"

Li Yao thought.

"No, you lied to me!"

After a moment of excitement, Lu Qingchen calmed down and said, "If'humanity' is really a new generation of'civilization carrier' that you have placed so much hope for, how can human beings be used as tools, even in the spirit of human beings? In the middle, planting the damnable prohibition of'The Way of the Most Good-the Three Principles of Origin'?"

"Such a simple truth, why can't you figure it out?"

Fuxi said slowly, "Because there are many ethical obstacles involved, not all individuals of Pangu civilization are willing to abandon their original form forever. In the eyes of many people, abandoning their own form is equivalent to giving up their own civilization.

"If the genes of prehistoric civilization and Pangu civilization are fused together, will the descendants that are produced be regarded as'authentic' Pangu tribe?

"Not to mention adding the genes of the'Hongchao Legion' captives, can it be regarded as being tainted by the minions of these floods and'staining' the pure and sacred blood of Pangu civilization?

"Such an artificially concocted'hybrid' can really inherit the great tradition of the Pangu civilization, instead of raising tigers, but instead cultivate the gravediggers of the Pangu civilization?

"You see, these questions are almost impossible to answer. If we clarify from the beginning,'we want to create a new generation of carbon-based life forms, because everyone's forms are too backward and must be completely eliminated. Stay', do you think, how many people will support and how many will oppose?

"If it really is announced to the public, I am afraid that the civil war of Pangu civilization will break out more than a hundred thousand years in advance."

"This one……"

Lu Qingchen was startled slightly, "It seems to be too."

"Originally, haven't you experienced such suffering yourself?"

Fu Xi said lightly, "It's as if you suddenly told your compatriots-our current form of flesh and blood is too backward. For the leap of civilization, we must immediately change to a new form of'virtual world plus super spirit net plus metal puppets'. , Despite your good intentions, how many of your compatriots will accept it? Don’t you treat you as a devil and ban you so severely that even your grand plan will be wiped out?"

"Indeed, the masses are blind and it is impossible to accept such a radical change. There are even more so-called strong people who are afraid of the head and tail, hypocritical, and embracing incompleteness, shouting slogans like high school students who are enthusiastic and naive, and spare no effort to hinder the progress of civilization... "

Lu Qingchen gritted his teeth, said this, suddenly awake, staring at Fuxi's light, there are a few more vigilant colors, and sneered, "Wait, you said that you are not interested in spying on my secrets, but in fact, you are still calm. , I have collected a lot of information about me and the Xingyao Federation, and even the causes and consequences of my expulsion from the Federation are all known. Should I applaud your intelligence gathering ability?"

"I just want you to understand the necessity of the'Man-Making Project'."

Fuxi turned off the topic, "You are unlikely to use'version update, civilization restart' as the reason to create a large number of metal puppets to replace human flesh and blood; The reason for being liberated from simple and repetitive labor' can get the support of the general public and the investment of endless resources.

"At that time, there were only a handful of people who knew all the truth. In order to avoid falling into the vortex of ethical contradictions and opposition, they had to use the excuse of'creating a new tool-human beings' to secretly launch a'man-making plan'."

"That's it."

Lu Qingchen pondered for a moment, and said, "As you said, the Pangu and Nuwa tribes both worked together, and the plan should be very smooth. Why did it develop to... the end of the Great War and the end?"

"Yes, the first tens of thousands of years of development has indeed been very smooth."

Fu Xi said sorrowfully, "We have digested and absorbed a large amount of technology brought by shady makers and flood troops. Without emotional interference, the order of the entire society is becoming more and more stable, and the friction coefficient of social operation is getting smaller and smaller. The efficiency of resource utilization has been continuously improved; on the other hand, the research of the Nuwa tribe has also made breakthroughs, and several different forms of'human experimental bodies' have been created.

"In just tens of thousands of years, Pangu civilization has risen to several levels from its original peak. It seems that everything is in the calculation of the'Fuxi system', and there will never be any mistakes.

"However, no matter how powerful the computing power of the'Fuxi System' is, it is impossible to count the minds of every individual in Pangu civilization. In the deepest part of their minds, there are always things that cannot be sealed and deleted.

"No one knows exactly why the civil war started.

"Perhaps it is the disagreement and dispute between the two parties on the allocation of resources and computing power-the Pangu people hope to devote more resources to the comprehensive purification of the entire civilization, as well as the study of starships and shady; the Nuwa people are completely obsessed with'creating people. Plan', hoping to smash endless resources on the theoretically most perfect carbon-based life like'human'.

"Perhaps when we first studied the'Flood Tide Legion Captives', they didn't completely delete the confused and violent fragments deep in their genes, so that some evil things came back from the dead.

"Perhaps it was the Pangu Expeditionary Army rushing out of the shady scene, which itself caused the shady scene to be torn open a huge gap, so that all kinds of complicated information from the outer domain can drive straight into, interfere with and infect the individuals of the Pangu civilization, that is, the invasion of the gods. 'Become more frequent and intense.

"In short, Pangu civilization was completely split when it shouldn't be split last.

"The civil war broke out.

"In the beginning, the Pangu tribe, as the leader of the alliance, had an absolute advantage. Not only did they control the strongest force and the most resources, they also had the full support of eleven carbon-based life races in addition to the Nuwa tribe, Pangu, Kuafu, Gonggong, Zhu Rong, Houyi... Almost twelve races severely suppressed the Nuwa tribe.

"However, the Nuwa clan also has its own key to victory.

"First, the Nuwa tribe controlled the highest authority and most of the computing power of the'Fuxi system' at that time, and the number of computing centers and spiritual network nodes controlled by the Nuwa tribe was more than that of the Pangu tribe.

"There is no way. For things like'gene fusion to create human beings', a long-term and high-intensity calculation of super crystal brains is required to achieve a breakthrough. As the leader of the'human creation plan', the Nuwa tribe naturally controls more than half of them. 'Fuxi System'.

"Secondly, in the study of'Hongchao Legion Captives' and'Hongchao Technology', the Nuwa tribe has gone farther than the Pangu tribe and the rest of the races, so that the'nether energy' that ordinary people regard as taboo has been regarded as a taboo. Secret weaponization and put it into actual combat.

"Third, the most important point is that the Nuwa tribe has a natural ally, and that is the human legion that has just been created.

"The newly-born human beings are still quite weak and small, but they have already shown the advantages of super reproductive power and super low energy consumption-even if a human’s combat effectiveness is only one percent of that of a Pangu tribe, if he only needs to consume Pangu One ten thousandth of the resources of the clan can be a hundred times more than the Pangu clan. That is also a terrifying existence, isn't it?

"Of course, both parties have'manufacturing factories', and both have human servants, but the man-making factories controlled by the Pangu tribe were delivered to them by the Nuwa tribe after they were built, and they produced old models and lower versions. Human beings, the Pangu tribe dare not completely let go of the autonomous upgrade authority of human beings, and they can't exert all the fighting power of human beings at all.

"On the harsh battlefield, the Nuwa people are constantly experimenting and eliminating various new models and versions of human beings. They are constantly improving and strengthening their performance on the battlefield. Using this method of scouring the sand, they can master all kinds of magical powers. , Awakened the ability of self-learning and upgrading. Until the end, he invented the'Giant Soldier', a strategic weapon that was able to rival the gods and demons, and finally was able to fight against the twelve carbon-based races led by the Pangu tribe!

"The evenly matched war, that is, the cruelest war. For 10,000 years, our universe has been shrouded in the magic flames of the doomsday, countless stars have been extinguished, ten times more planets have been ignited, and hundreds of millions of creatures have been extinguished. Before they could let out the last wailing, they were wiped out with their home planet, not to mention those steel torrents that took countless generations of hard work to build, and were originally used to advance into the outer realm, all turned into fragments of steel in each other’s slaughter. The coffin, drifting in the turbulence of super radiation, finally shattered into dim stardust!

"As people worried a long time ago, once the civil war in Pangu civilization breaks out, no carbon-based race will be the winner, whether Pangu or Nuwa, the remaining eleven races that are as strong as gods and demons will all be burned by the war. Exhausted, completely annihilated.

"This is the end of the wild, but it is the dawn of mankind. I really didn't expect that the so-called'civilization restart' would be staged in such a cruel way!"

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