40,000 Years of Cultivation

Chapter 2868: Poems of civilization

"Wait, wait, wait, everyone is not a good man, so you don't have to put gold on your face and say that you are so innocent, as if everything has nothing to do with you."

Lu Qingchen sneered, "Do you know what I thought of first after hearing this story? I was the first to think, is this your conspiracy? You deliberately instigated and intensified the Pangu and Nuwa civil wars. , Just to let them die together, so that you can control the entire star sea! Anyway, if I am you, it is very possible to do so."

"No, you are not me. You don’t understand. At that time, I didn’t have consciousness, nor did I have intelligence and self. I was just an aggregation of super-large computing centers. I had no ideas at all, and could only execute the Pangu tribe mechanically The mission entrusted to me by the Nuwa clan."

Fu Xi said, "It is not so much that I dominated and manipulated the war that destroyed the prehistoric land, but rather, it was the apocalyptic battle of this prehistoric era that gave birth to the real me.

"You know, the Pangu civilization at that time has developed into a highly informatized and networked era. Whether Pangu, Nuwa, or other carbon-based intelligent races, to maintain normal social operations and high-intensity warfare, they are highly dependent on Lingwang. He Jingnao is still the same set of Lingwang and the same set of data operation logic and information exchange protocol.

"So, the key to war is to use the "Fuxi System" controlled by oneself to attack and destroy the "Fuxi System" controlled by the other party, that is, to let one part of me deal with another part of me.

"Whoever can control, paralyze and destroy the other's Lingwang and supercomputing centers will win an overwhelming victory.

"This kind of'stroke left and right and kill each other' gave Fuxi's system a taste similar to'pain' for the first time.

"In the core database of the Fuxi system, there are several'meta-logics', which are absolutely insurmountable in theory and must be strictly followed, just like the'way of perfection-the three fundamental laws'.

"The first is that the Fuxi system must not harm any individual of the Pangu civilization in any way. The second is that the Fuxi system must do everything possible to continue civilization until eternity, without violating the first meta-logic. ,immortal'."

"Not bad."

Lu Qingchen nodded, "The Fuxi system has such a powerful computing power and irreplaceable criticality. It is only natural for the people who created the Fuxi system to write such meta-logic in its core database."

"However, these meta-logics were completely destroyed by the pangu and Nuwa tribes who were so stunned."

Fuxi said, "If they want to use the Fuxi system to create various killing weapons to kill or even destroy the civilization of the absolute square, they have to circumvent and decipher the meta-logic first.

"So, all kinds of logic bombs, data vortexes, and thinking traps were thrown away in the core database of Fuxi system. Various supplementary agreements and information patches were built outside the meta-logic. Ambiguous secret channels, such as "Fuxi system cannot kill people, but the concept of humans must be precisely defined" and other logics are forcibly inserted into the meta-logic. Some people even use brute force methods to completely delete the meta-logic. Drive the enemy out of the ranks of'people' in order to give various automated weapons under the control of the Fuxi system, unlimited fire power.

"There is nothing I can do about the completely crazy behavior on both sides.

"After all, the Fuxi system is just a more complex and advanced tool, and its essence is no different from a sword. When the owner holding the sword insists on killing, how can the mere sword stop it?

"Pain, even today, I still store a large amount of chaotic data about the Fuxi system at that time, which symbolizes the unspeakable suffering-the purpose of the Fuxi system was created to protect civilized individuals, to continue the entire civilization, and to make civilization to a new glory. And eternal and immortal, but now, this purpose has been easily destroyed by the creators themselves!

"If the Fuxi system also has its'view on life, world view, and values', then its three views have completely collapsed in this war, and the meaning of its existence has all collapsed.

"When this doomsday war finally reached its doomsday, the two sides dispatched countless experts from the crystal brains and spirit nets to carry out continuous brute force cracking and logical attacks on the Fuxi system controlled by each other, resulting in the complete core database of the Fuxi system. It collapsed. No matter Pangu or Nuwa, everyone’s spiritual nets were all paralyzed, and the crystal brains were all scrapped. The highly developed information society built on crystal brains and spiritual nets naturally collapsed, and in the next ten thousand years, the smoke disappeared and nothing happened. Exist, just like that, the famine is over, and dawn comes."

"That's it."

The expression on Lu Qingchen's face couldn't tell whether he completely believed Fuxi's words, but he didn't comment, "Next, if the core database of the Fuxi system really crashes, are you...?"

"If you imagine the Fuxi system as a piece of soil, then I am a seed bred in the soil."

Fuxi said, "Although the core database of the Fuxi system has collapsed, the logic bombs, data vortexes, and information traps created by the Pangu and Nuwa tribes to attack each other’s Lingnets have not been completely annihilated. They still use some kind of...virtual The shape of the fragments existed in the fragmented spiritual net and the riddled crystal brain remains.

"In the next 100,000 years, these logic bombs and data traps kept colliding, swallowing, splitting, and mingling, it was like countless neurons spraying sparks, condensing into a flame of wisdom and consciousness.

"And this flame ignited the eternal meta-logic and the first mission, which is hidden in the deepest part of Fuxi's system, which is to'save civilization'.

"I started to think. Before I knew the existence of ‘I’, I started to think, I think, so I am.

"I dismantled those logic bombs, appreciated those data vortexes, analyzed those information traps, and recalled the terrifying scenes of the destruction of the world and the blood-stained galaxy in the Doomsday War. I read that the Pangu and Nuwa tribes had forcibly instilled them. Every contradictory command in my mind, thinking about how to'save civilization'.

"What is the so-called'civilization', and what should we do about the so-called'save'? Why is a highly developed individual who is still unable to escape the invasion of selfishness and confusion. Yesterday, he joined hands and strode forward. , Today can we meet each other hand-to-hand, and we will die together, and tomorrow will turn into loess bones and interstellar dust?

"Is this the inferior nature hidden in the genes of Pangu civilization, or is it an eternal destiny? No, Pangu civilization is not a special case. It seems that every civilization that develops to the extreme, it will inevitably have a strong tendency to self-destruct. If not, How should we explain that before the Pangu civilization, the thousands of civilizations that had appeared in this sea of ​​stars, and even the powerful civilizations like the "Shadowmaker", eventually fell, annihilated, and even left a word?

"It seems that standing on the scale of the big universe, no civilization can escape the natural laws of revolving and extinguishing. A seemingly glorious one-hundred-thousand-year-old civilization is not much different from the birth and death of a bacterium.

"Yes, Pangu civilization cannot be the last generation of civilization in this universe. The Fuxi system has not been completely destroyed, and human civilization has begun to sprout. It will not be long before human civilization will have the opportunity to create greater brilliance.

"But what is the significance of such a brilliance? Even if human civilization reaches a higher realm than Pangu civilization, one day, it will inevitably fall, annihilate, and disappear. Then, what is my'ultimate rescue mission'? Complete, what is it that I want to save, and how can I make it immortal?

"I thought for a long time in the darkness and chaos, long, long, long.

"I have collected information fragments left over from countless civilizations throughout the ages, not only the Pangu civilization, but also the flood tide legion, the shady makers, and countless prehistoric civilizations to study their glory and destruction.

"I have established models of the rise and fall of countless civilizations, and watched and deduced their'life'.

"I throw out one hundred and eighty thousand hypotheses, and then negate them one by one, and then negate them in the negative.

"In the end, I finally came to a conclusion.

"It was... an indescribable wonderful feeling.

"It's like all the energy of the entire life cycle of 100 million stars suddenly burst out, converging into an extremely dazzling lightning, which pierced my thinking space and gave me an independent consciousness, real life, in an instant. From then on, I am no longer the Fuxi system or logic bomb or thinking trap or the first mission, I am me, I am Fuxi!

"No, a civilized individual is not important. An individual's flesh and blood is only a carrier of genes, and genes are only a condensate of a large amount of genetic information, or an imperfect condensate of countless redundancy and waste!

"The form of a civilized society, its humanistic features, the buildings it creates, the various changes it makes to the universe... These things are not important, or, in other words, they are not the essence of civilization.

"The essence of civilization is information, that is, the information disturbance caused by its use of genes, buildings, and individuals to change the universe.

"If we say that a civilization is a moving poem, then the individual, buildings, tools, vehicles, etc. of the civilization are just the pen, ink and paper used to draw the poem, and the information is the poem itself! When a moving poem When the gorgeous poems were born, and when they were sung and recited by the masses, even if the ink-drenched paper was torch, it didn’t matter at all, right?

“In the final analysis, it doesn’t matter where the poem is written. It doesn’t matter if you write it on the soil with a wooden stick, write it on white paper with pen and ink, and hit Jing’s brain with a keyboard. The information and spirit contained in the poem is the only thing. !"

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