40,000 Years of Cultivation

Chapter 2902: Our history, your future!


Meng Lichuan was stunned.

It is not the first time she has seen an imperial person.

As early as several decades ago, the imperial immortal cultivator "Su Changfa" was active in the Federation, and he also gave public lectures and taught the avenue of immortality.

After the Black Wind Fleet surrendered, more imperial prisoners and immigrants entered the Federation, mainly concentrated on the Skeleton Star, which is now the farthest star, but a part of it moved to the inland of the Federation, which is widely known.

But after all, the Federation Army had just fought a fierce battle with the Black Wind Fleet, and the Federation's sympathy would not overflow to the extent that it would pity any empire.

"Underground people" is a completely different concept.

After all, human beings are creatures that live on the ground and in the light. Even if they live in a starship for a lifetime, the furnishings and arrangements inside the starship should imitate the environment of blue sky and white clouds as much as possible to give people plenty of sunlight.

It is difficult for Meng Lichuan to imagine what a tragic experience for a human tribe to live tens of thousands of meters underground, about to penetrate the earth's crust and close to the extremely harsh environment of the mantle.

Among other things, the high temperature and pressure brought by hundreds of millions of tons of rocks alone are enough to crush human flesh and blood and free will into powder, and then crush it from powder into nothingness.

Just the "Dark Invasion" expansion pack and a few days of gaming experience are enough to make many people in the Federation feel mentally broken, not to mention, truly live in the dark for a lifetime!

"This, is this true?"

Meng Lichuan muttered to herself.

But preconceived, looking at Bingbing's slightly horrified pretty face, she already believed three points.

What she saw on this face was not only the confusion in the face of an unfamiliar environment, but also the infinite greed and longing for the light, and the extreme fear of returning to the dark—human beings could have endured the dark until one day , They saw the light.

In the video, with Jin Xinyue's encouragement, Bingbing finally plucked up the courage to speak to hundreds of millions of federal people.

She stammered, turned upside down, and sometimes forgot what she was going to say. In the long silence, she just couldn't make a sound, and she could see that she had not received good training.

But it was just such a sincere and simple speech that seemed to be burning cannonballs that hit the heart of every federal member.

"I, my name is Bingbing, I come from the bottom of the extreme heavens, the celestial star, and the underground is nearly 20,000 meters.

"I can prove that most of the environmental parameters and initial data of the main storyline of the game'Dark Invasion', including many virtual creatures and underground emergencies, are based on our lives and are 100% real.

"You may think that this is just a weird, evil or even perverted game. It is alarmist and pretending to be shocking, but, unfortunately, it is not. It is our history, and it may become...you s future!

"Ten thousand years ago, my ancestors had to flee to a refuge deep underground in order to escape the flames of war, and in the following ten thousand years, they fell again and again, and fell into the darkness where even cockroaches and lizards could not survive. .

"In our world, there will never be sunshine. Only magma and ground fire will release terrifying light from time to time. The fire snake driven by high pressure is the most terrifying beast, and it will take the lives of all creatures in a geological fault at any time.

"In our world, the temperature can be as high as hundreds of degrees at any time. Without the magic weapon for cooling, we can hardly move. Every crack in the rock is filled with shriveled corpses.

"In our world, the thin and rancid air has become a priceless commodity. In order to slap a can of compressed air, people in both shelters can fight until the incendiary bomb destroys everyone in one of the shelters. Burn to death, suffocation, and the ruler on the ground does not use force to suppress and destroy us. As long as we control the pipeline of fresh air, it will choke our throat. We don’t want to kill each other, so we have to obey obediently. .

"In our world, no matter how hard people struggle, large towns built with the efforts and lives of several generations may be completely annihilated by a small earthquake, and everything about the dead will be buried by hundreds of millions of tons of rocks. , Forever, forever, until the day when the planet explodes, no one will know their names.

"This is our world, and this is the ‘dark invasion’ that happens all the time around us.

"And we are not the most miserable group of people in the dark world, at least we still retain human consciousness, human memory, human wisdom and human appearance, even though our eyesight gradually diminishes in the bleak years, It is impossible to distinguish the splendor of the bright world, but at least we still retain the ability to see the beauty of the world, unlike them—"

When Bingbing said this, her voice trembled.

She suddenly turned around, walked to the two cubes behind the curtain, and lifted the curtain with force.


All the audience attending the conference suddenly screamed in disbelief.

Those two cubes were originally two medical cabins made of transparent plastic steel materials.

There were two people squatting in the medical cabin, neither people nor ghosts, all covered with carapace, their eyes had been degraded, and the eye sockets and skulls merged into one, like a monster of Yasha.

Many viewers have discovered that this kind of monster also appears in the main plot of "Dark Invasion". It is the most numerous and most common type of enemy. It will cause great trouble to players. Players call it "Swamp Freak". ".

These monsters are indeed slimy and annoying things like a swamp.

"Dear brothers and sisters of the Star Federation, aunts and uncles, grandparents, please take a closer look at these...'things'!"

Bingbing’s voice faintly cried, and she trembled, “Perhaps you think that they are simple monsters, deformed beasts, the incarnation of darkness and evil, but you are wrong. They may be ferocious but not evil. They are also flesh and blood human beings. They are our compatriots, but their luck is worse than ours. They have fallen deeper into the earth, and they are nothing more than darkness that can't be described with pen and ink.

"Without the help of the cultivators from the Stars and Yao Federation and the help of'Vulture Li Yao', perhaps the town I live in will slowly be alienated and deformed into their appearance in the next 10,000 years.

"If you are still hesitant about the future and watch the center of the star sea being swallowed by evil, then you will repeat our mistakes. In the next ten thousand or twenty thousand years, you will slowly taste the horror game turned into reality and sink into reality. The inextricable taste in the dark will eventually become like us and even them.

"So, please, on behalf of all the people in the center of Xinghai who live underground, are oppressed and ravaged, fallen into darkness, and have been suffocated, the'underground people', please, please help us, please help us. We flee the darkness, get rid of suffering, and exempt from slavery. Please also use all your strength to save your own descendants and your own future. No, do not fall into our end!"

Bingbing bowed deeply to the audience.

Just a few minutes of speech seemed to exhaust all her energy. Her face was pale, her figure trembled, and when she bowed to the end, she suddenly fell to the side and fainted.

Those two, or the two "swamp freaks" locked in the medical cabin, are also jumping up and down, fangs and claws, hissing and screaming, deeply engraving the most tragic image of mankind in the future into every audience. In the bottom of my heart.

The game conference ended hastily in chaos.

One stone caused a thousand waves, but the aftermath of this incident was far from subdued. In the next 12 hours, it turned into a stormy sea and swept the entire Federation.

"Xiao Bingbing's speech shocked countless federal citizens-the education that our generation has received from childhood is to'save the suffering human compatriots in the center of Xinghai and liberate the entire universe.' This is blasphemous, indisputable, and at no cost. Belief, and this seems to be the first time that a'comrade in suffering in the center of the star sea' has truly appeared before our eyes."

Jiang Baitao said, "Although the Black Wind Fleet also brought a large number of civilians, these civilians originally came to colonize. Strictly speaking, they are also the reserve for the aggressors, and naturally they cannot arouse people's mercy and desire for salvation.

"But Bingbing's'underground people' are brutally oppressed, bitter and deep-rooted, and have a righteous root. They are simply the most typical'saved', politically correct to the extreme, plus the little girl is indeed pitiful. And cute, and instantly captured the hearts of countless federal people.

"What's more, the appearance of those'swamp freaks' is really scary. Who would want their children and grandchildren to fall like this?

"Therefore, the result of the poll has become what it is now, ah, in just half an hour, the number of people who support the immediate dispatch of troops has risen by 1%. It is really surging public opinion and unstoppable!"

Meng Lichuan was silent, thinking about the whole thing for a long time.

He became a first-line member of the Moon Demon Team at a young age. There is nothing wrong with his brains. Just now, he was in a coma for too long and his brain was not completely awake. Then he followed Jiang Baitao's thoughts in a daze. At this moment, he is constantly clear. Question marks popped up in my mind.

The peak duel of the disparity between the enemy and us, from the harsh comments inside the Dark Moon Foundation, the "Dark Invasion" press conference, and the imperial girl from afar, including the mysterious and unpredictable member of the Moon Demon Team standing behind the girl. The big boss Jin Xinyue... everything is connected into a winding line, like the trace left by a mysterious snake crawling through the grass.


Meng Lichuan cried thoughtfully.

"What's wrong with you, isn't such a result bad?"

Jiang Baitao asked.

"It's not bad, I just—"

Meng Lichuan looked at Jiang Baitao's nonchalant face and frowned, "I just don't like this."


Jiang Baitao smiled, "Trust me. Soldiers don't like wars either. They don't like to draw their own or enemy's intestines, wrap them around the opponent's neck, and strangle the opponent alive; they don't like the flesh and bones being crushed by the tracks. Voice; I don't like to be turned into powder in the stars with the starship, and I can't even leave a last word.

"But...but ah but..."

This old member of the Moon Demon Team, who was also the eldest sister who had worked in the intelligence analysis department of the Dark Moon Foundation for many years, stood up, walked to the window, and looked at the blue sky and white clouds and calm waves that were artificially created outside.

She was silent for a long time, and the same confusion as Meng Lichuan flashed in her eyes, but she quickly concealed it with a professional calm, and said indifferently: "However, these things that are not liked by others must be done by someone, right?"

"Boom! Click!"


Above the light curtain of Baihua City, dark clouds, lightning and thunder, a man-made storm is about to sweep the entire city and the entire Federation.

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