40,000 Years of Cultivation

Chapter 2903: Ultimate vote

The next seven days, for the entire Starlight Federation, would be as long as seventy years.

After fainting at the first game conference, Bingbing quickly recovered, and actively participated in the game conferences of the touring federal worlds—in fact, it was a propaganda meeting requesting federal assistance for the suffering and oppressed hundreds of millions of people in Xinghai Central. in.

And there is more than one "game spokesperson" from the empire like her. In addition to the "underground primitives" of the extreme heavens and the celestial stars, the "evil soil criminals" from the "evil soil paradise" of the Wuying world are crying bitterly. Telling their stories also aroused deep sympathy and incomparable indignation from the Federation.

Of course, the **** debts have been shirked on the remnants of the four major electors’ families, and the reformist immortal cultivators are portrayed as having a ray of conscience, trying to change all of this, and those who are “unwanted” are those who can be saved. And the object of the alliance.

The production team of "Dark Invasion" also took the opportunity to release a large number of promotional materials to show the public the authenticity of the data they collected—it also opened up more of the tragedies in Xinghai Central, and showed the federal public a clear picture and aroused it. The shock and anger of the people.

It turns out that ordinary people in the center of Xinghai are suffering such pain!

If they are still indifferent, the same pain will soon be played out by their side in the Federation!

Their descendants, even if they are not annihilated in the flames of war, will become lizards, mice and cockroaches like "swamp freaks"!

Facing the impact of surging public opinion, the highest federal authority naturally had to make a statement and had to decipher a large amount of top-secret information from Xinghai Central to let the public know more about the military strength and situation comparison of the empire and the Holy League.

When experts and scholars interpret this information for ordinary people, they will point out intentionally or unintentionally-both the empire and the Holy League have the ability to jump across the stars and seas on a large scale, and with sufficient resources, they will be separated by 10,000 light years. Whether it is 100,000 light-years or 1 million light-years, the difference is not very big.

In other words, the "ultra-long-distance line of defense" that can bring psychological comfort to the Federation does not actually exist. The Federation is definitely not an isolated island that can be left out. Once the war in the center of the Xinghai intensifies, it may burn to the Federation of the Xinghai Sea at any time.

"As long as the center of Xinghai maintains a stable situation, a powerful and evil dictator can control all resources. There is no technical difficulty in deploying troops to the Xinghai Beach. At that time, whether the Federation will be destroyed depends only on the will of the other party.

"Unfortunately, as the number one hero of our Federation,'Vulture Li Yao', shines in the center of Xinghai, the Xingyao Federation is already a well-known existence. No matter which side of the evil dictator controls the center of Xinghai, One goal is bound to be the Federation!

"At that time, we will not face one, two, or three Black Wind fleets. It is very likely that there will be five, ten or even 20 Black Wind fleets. Apart from the dust, how can there be a second end?

"Since there must be a battle sooner or later, fighting late is not as good as fighting early. When the center of Xinghai is in chaos and the situation is not yet clear, I will do my best to march into the center of Xinghai to fend off the enemy outside the country!

"It’s better to fight to the death in the center of the Xinghai Sea than to fight to the death in the Federation. Just a Black Wind Fleet almost turns the Federation inland into a scorched earth. If three or five Black Wind Fleet-sized enemy troops suppress the border, they will barely win. It must be a messy victory!

"The peak duel between the Moon Demon Team and the Blood Shadow Team was not wrong, but the initial conditions were wrong-the expeditionary force in the deduction only occupies one-third to one-quarter of the forces of the Union Army. Big bogey, or not fight. If you want to fight, you must fight it as a battle for the survival of the Federation. You can't have a half-hearted chance. The whole army must be put on the table and all bets!"

After several days of thinking, deduction, and argument, the positions of experts and scholars gradually unified and resonated with the sentimental voices of the people, and almost the entire Federation was burning.

The fermenting of folk emotions is undoubtedly revealed in a widely circulated post:

"In the cold and dark universe, no one is an island, and all human beings are an inseparable part of the entire civilization.

"The suffering of the compatriots in the center of the Xinghai is our suffering; the people in the center of the Xinghai are ravaged and oppressed, that is, our wives and children are ravaged and oppressed; the people in the center of the Xinghai are expelled from their homes, and they are always under the ground and become deformed beasts A true portrayal of our future!

"We are in the Star Sea, the last line of defense of human civilization. If today we watch as our compatriots in the center of the Star Sea are bullied, ravaged and oppressed, even deprived of their emotions and will, but sit back and ignore, then tomorrow, When the enemy has digested and absorbed all the resources in the center of the Xinghai Sea, and killed us aggressively, who else can help us?

"So, muster up our courage, burn our blood, condense our wisdom, go out, save, fight!

"This is not a'other people's war', and we are not only fighting for the glory of the Federation. This is our war, the war to liberate all mankind, and the war to defend the greatest spirit of human civilization!

"Our heads can be broken, blood can flow, and our bodies can die. Even the Federation Army and the Star Federation can be completely destroyed, but we will never give the enemy a chance to trample on our bones and point to our heads. Say—look, these cowardly slaves!"

This post, which is similar to thousands of thousands, is rough, but expresses the true feelings, so it appears to be particularly moving and powerful. It sounded the clarion call of civil fighting, and all federal citizens were thoroughly boiled, students, workers, and journalists. With disabled veterans...Strongly supporting the expedition, demonstrations and rallies were carried out vigorously in the streets and alleys of every large and small city in the Federation. There was even a commotion within the Federation Army. Countless young and vigorous grass-roots officers and soldiers wrote blood books and actively asked for battle.

Although the EFF General Staff was very cautious about the proposal for the expedition to Xinghai Central, it does not mean that the EFF absolutely does not support the war.

In fact, in any era and country, the army will not truly be anti-war, but the group that benefits the most from war.

It's just that the army is more concerned not about whether to fight or not, but how to win and how much benefits can be gained after winning.

Since the public opinion is surging and the military will be available, the high-level military will naturally not bite the bullet and have to "go against the trend."

As a result, less than half a month after the defeated strategic deduction, the public opinion and the hearts of the entire Federation had undergone a 180-degree turn, and the fighting spirit had risen unprecedentedly.

At this time, the scorching atmosphere of the civilians and the Federal Army has been less frivolous and arrogant, and more is the tragic feeling of death. It is clear that the enemy's power is far beyond one's imagination, but for the future and pride of human civilization. , I still have to gamble on the national fortune, try my best, rather stand to die, never kneel to live-this kind of awareness is a bit of a "weeping soldier will win".

Therefore, the time for voting in the Supreme Council is finally ripe.

The power of the Federation Speaker is far less than that of the imperial emperor and the Supreme Master of the Holy League. Ding Lingdang cannot decide to dispatch troops to the center of the Xinghai without authorization, but she can at least choose a suitable day within her capacity, the most critical and the most sacred. Vote.

In the same way, she also has the power to force an emergency vote on a special motion by the parliament beyond ordinary members.

This may be the largest and most enthusiastic vote since the establishment of the "New Federation", and it has also attracted the most attention of all the people of the Federation.

Not only 3,422 members of Congress gathered in Tianyuanxing, but also more than 10,000 representatives from the private sector attended the meeting. Although these representatives did not have the right to vote in the Supreme Council, they brought extremely strong public opinion. Support to ensure that once the Federation launches general mobilization and dispatch of troops, the war machine can instantly "rumble" at maximum speed.

The noise of tens of thousands of parliamentarians and representatives almost overturned the dome engraved with the nine-star rising dragon battle flag in the parliament hall.

However, when a Ding Lingdang in a uniform appeared, the parliament became silent again in an instant, and all eyes were concentrated on the Federal Speaker and Commander-in-Chief of the Armed Forces.

There is no need for more explanation. All members and representatives understand the urgency and seriousness of the situation.

There is no need for enthusiastic slogans to inspire people. People who should be inspired have long been burning, and legislators and deputies will obviously not be moved by a few simple words.

Therefore, Ding Lingdang just walked to the podium with no expression on his face, took a deep breath and paused every word, decisively:

"Next, we will vote on the Federal Proposal 11354 proposed by Congressman Peng Hai.

"The specific content of the proposal is about whether the Federation will mobilize for war, whether it will form an alliance with the imperial reformists, whether it will declare war on the Covenant League... You already know it, so I won't repeat it here.

"However, based on the current changes in the situation and the analysis results of the latest intelligence we have obtained, this speaker has added some additional clauses to the proposal in accordance with the powers granted by the constitution.

"In the original proposal, we had to decide whether to send a small expeditionary force, including at most one-third of the Federal Army's forces, to go to the center of the Xinghai.

"But now it seems that this is meaningless, and even suicidal behavior will only make the most elite warriors of the Federation, white blood stained the stars, and annihilate the entire army.

"Acknowledge, what we are facing now is not an expedition to the center of Xinghai, but a new and more severe federal defense war, a war to protect human civilization under the fangs of the most powerful enemy!

"This may be the last battle of the Federation, the most sacred and ultimate war. In the face of such a war, one-third of the force is not enough anyway, and even the efforts of the entire Federal Army are not enough. We need everyone. , All federal citizens unite, unite, and burn!

"Therefore, if you are unwilling to veto the war proposal, please support firmly. The whole Federation will immediately enter the highest level of war mobilization, gather the blood, courage and wisdom of each of us, and mobilize all the forces that can be mobilized to march. In the center of Xinghai, to win this battle, you must either survive proudly or perish honorably!

"right now…

"For the survival of the Xingyao Federation, for the glory of the cultivators, and for the future of human civilization, make your choice."


Flag can’t stand up randomly...

A few days ago, I said that the book has entered 9 million words, and the last mile of the marathon, so I must hold on to it.

Then the ears became more and more inflamed, and my tinnitus was a whole week, and I couldn’t sleep well. It was also accompanied by dizziness and neurasthenia. It didn’t work to see a doctor. Now it’s like ten flies in my ears, it’s a headache. !

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