40,000 Years of Cultivation

Chapter 2928: The three monks have no water to drink

In terms of overall strength, in the previous battle, the Huitian fleet did not suffer much loss, the formation was not disorganized, the psychic shield was also quite strong, and the fuel and ammunition were sufficient.

Regarding the strong, the Huitian fleet is not without its own Nascent Infant, God of Transformation, and Giant Soldiers, and even in terms of top combat power, it is faintly superior to the "barbarians" on the opposite side.

But in terms of fighting will, or the mysterious and mysterious "Dao Xin", compared with the enemy's 120% crazy outburst, they are simply "0" or even a negative number.

As the last hope of the orthodox government of the true human empire, every nobleman regards his life as precious, and he is unwilling to repeat the mistakes of Yun Xuefeng, Song Yushi, and the royal fleet commander.

They took advantage of the opportunity of the reformists and the holy allies to fight against the snipes, and took advantage of the fire to rob, and the fishermen profited. They never wanted to die with a bunch of crazy barbarians!

Looking at the enemy's aggressive and aggressive posture, even if they barely win in the offensive, they must have killed a thousand enemies and harmed themselves by a tragic victory of 800. Then, how to maintain the glory of the court and the family, and how to reform The rebels fight for the front, so what...retake the entire empire and live a comfortable life in the past?

They must not die, they must not die in such inexplicable encounters!

When such a thought appeared, it was like a thorn that grew wildly, entwining their shaky heart, and torn them to pieces.

At this time, the evil consequences of the four major families each carrying ghosts and the extreme lack of unity are fully revealed.

If there is only one fleet, perhaps in a desperate situation, it is still possible to meet the brave on a narrow road to win, and to die.

But now there are four fleets, if one of them resists in front, perhaps he still has the hope of fleeing in a hurry and returning to the Yellow Dragon Realm to make plans.

This can be regarded as another version of "The three monks have no water to drink", right?

In the earlier charge against the remnant of Lei Chenghu, the Yun Family Squadron responded the fastest, rushing to the forefront, and was the first to penetrate the enemy’s formation. At this moment, it was also the first to face the screaming Ding Lingdang and Many federal practitioners.

The remaining three squadrons were originally sliding towards the end of the “gravitational slingshot” track at the highest speed. At this moment, most of the starships spewed out countless reversed flames around them, braked urgently, and the speed became slower and slower. But it completely exposed the Yunjia Squadron to the attack of the Arsonist United Fleet and the Federal Expeditionary Force.

Between the four major families, there is neither effective firepower coordination nor any plan to step forward to cover the fragile flanks of the Yun family.

It seemed that they didn't care at all, whether Bai Xingjian's bloodthirsty scimitar would give the Yun Family Squadron a simple and neat "decapitate", and whether the dashing Ding Lingdang would wave her flaming iron fist, Let the Yun Family Squadron blast through it from beginning to end!

"What do you mean, what do you mean, your loyalty to the court, and your martial cultivators, why are your fleets stagnant? What do you want and do!"

At the Supreme Joint Operations Conference of the Huitian Fleet’s flagship, the military leaders from the Yun family were going mad, and they wished to jump onto the conference table and curse those respectful colleagues bloodly, "We have this. There are so many main battleships and so many giant soldiers that have not been dispatched at all. Don't you think so soon that we will undoubtedly lose? As for the giant soldiers, why don't your giant soldiers be dispatched, why!"

In all fairness, this violent Yun family boss is a bit wrong to blame others.

The decision to halt because of retreating before the battle was not an order issued by the military leaders who are in the general flagship, but the independent judgment of the respective squadron commanders, similar to a kind of...instinctive tacit understanding.

The so-called avenue of cultivating immortals is "all-to-all-person war". Every cultivator knows the importance of watching the fire from the other side and retaining strength. Those fools who are not proficient in this way have been eliminated hundreds of years ago.

After all, the vast majority of immortal cultivators, at least high-level immortal cultivators, will only obey their own inner commands and will only consider issues from their own interests. These family lords treat the commanders of the squadrons below, and even each The captain of a starship is also very weak.

Not to mention, those strong men who are qualified to control the giant soldiers have worked hard for one or two hundred years before they have cultivated to the realm of the Nascent Soul and the God of Transformation. They are all overwhelming, the overlord who dominates the roost, even if... Some people have longs and two shorts. Some people have a wealth of wealth, and some are ways out. Why go to fight with so many savages and giant soldiers for a fragmented fleet of Huitian?

After a hundred years of cultivation, countless intrigues and open and secret fights have only been exchanged for today's state, a little bump, can you afford it?

If there are a lot of battle exploits and resources to be harvested, these Nascent Souls and God-Transforming powerhouses will of course scramble to attack, but now, people are really fighting for their lives. If they can't fight it, they have to say two things, even if they lose it. After the Federal Speaker, he was completely overwhelmed by the stormy fire of barbarians-what is the picture?

Anyway, as Yuan Ying and Hua Shen, there are giant soldiers next to them. They have the greatest chance of survival on the battlefield. The situation is so uncertain, or...slowly, discuss it again!

In this way, the big guys of the Yun family jumped up and down for a long time, and no one was willing to pay attention to him. The other big guys all looked at their noses, noses, mouths, mouths, and fell into awkward silence.

After a long time, Song Bugui poked his head in from the door again, and reluctantly gave an explanation: "Minister Yun, stay safe and restless. The enemy's combat effectiveness may not be as weak as they appear. The so-called loose formation and dim flames. , It is very likely to be an illusion of deliberately showing weakness, to lure our army to rush into the battle-otherwise, how could the dignified Federation Speaker stand alone and rush to the forefront?

"She is nothing more than a decoy, just like Lei Chenghu's flagship. Therefore, the more arrogant and maddening the enemy is, the more calm and cautious we must be. It is better to ask the Yun Family Squadron to try it first. If it can penetrate the enemy's Masks, we are like waves of stormy waves of fire support, and we will be able to catch up in no time!"

Song Bugui's remarks, like a spring breeze, blew the frozen faces of the big guys alive.

"Yes, right, right, Song Cishuai is right, the enemy must have traps, must have conspiracies-how can there be a dignified military leader who raises his fist and rushes to the forefront if he makes a difference?"

"She is the bait. Like Lei Chenghu, we have just been fooled. We must not repeat the same mistakes!"

"The Yun family is like a cloud, and a hero is like rain. He has always been the strongest among the four. The younger brother is also admired. It is a matter of course for the Yun family to win the first prize. No one dares to compete with your brother!"

"Song Cishuai thinks, the situation is so bad now, the Huitian fleet needs to be cautious, cautious, cautious!"

"Kill, kill, kill, don’t the Yun family have several Yuan Ying and Huashen equipped with giant soldiers, then please dispatch immediately and kill this crazy barbarian before the two armies, which will greatly increase the morale of our army. , Completely shred the majesty of these barbarians! As for our giant soldiers, who are undergoing emergency repairs and equipped with ammunition, they can attack immediately, giving the friendly forces the cover of overwhelming mountains!"

The big bosses slapped their **** and flattery.

The big man of the Yun family was pale, he sat down and almost collapsed his chair.

He gritted his teeth and was about to issue a new order to the Yunjia Squadron. In the battle light curtain, rushing to the forefront, the dense light spots representing the Yunjia Squadron had already deviated from the intended trajectory, and forcibly drawn a weirdness. The arc, from the edge of the Arsonist United Fleet and the Federal Expeditionary Force, went around!

This is... escaped!

To be honest, the Yun Family Squadron has already rushed to the end of the "Gravitational Slingshot", its speed has soared to its limit, it is almost about to collide head-on with Bai Xingjian and Ding Lingdang.

In this case, they risked the starship to be completely torn apart by inertial acceleration and forced a 180-degree turn, even completely exposing their fragile flanks to the enemy’s artillery fire. , Must resolutely run away, it is considered, it is quite adventurous.

Sure enough, the commander of the Yunjia Squadron calculated the distance between each other exquisitely, just right, when he completely completed the turn, accelerated again in the direction perpendicular to the battlefield plane, and ran away in a hurry, from the effective attack of Bai Xingjian and Ding Lingdang. The distance is about seven to eighty thousand kilometers.

It seems that if the enemy does not pursue him, his squadron has the opportunity to leave the battlefield intact.

Of course, this kind of emergency braking and super turning is by no means free.

Not only does it consume a lot of fuel, the shell and internal structure of the starship are also torn apart by the gravity of Planet 4 and its own inertia, and its defense is greatly reduced.

The originally fairly tight formation was also torn apart, and all the starships could no longer take care of their position, dragged into a long snake, fleeing desperately.

As for the blow to morale... well, it can't be blown to what is not there in any way.

As a result, the remaining three squadrons will have a head-on collision with Bai Xingjian and Ding Lingdang in just a few minutes, about 1.5 million kilometers.

There was no sound in the Supreme Joint Operations Conference, and the nobles of the other several families did not even have time to reprimand the Yun family's shamelessness, and issued the most resolute order to the subordinate squadron at the fastest speed-retreat, one hundred and eighty degrees to retreat!

In front of them was an astonishing number of menacing barbarians.

Behind them, it was the remnant of Lei Chenghu who had just been destroyed by them and was still in a state of chaos.

All fools know which one is easier to deal with.

"Quickly, attack in the direction of Yudingxing. We, we return to the synchronous orbit of Yudingxing, and after meeting with Yudingxing's defenders, we will rely on Yudingxing's defense system to fight the enemy to the death!"

On the flagship of the Huitian Fleet, there was such a high-sounding, howling scream.

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