40,000 Years of Cultivation

Chapter 2929: God of War and Champion!

In a vacuum where there is no friction to use, 100,000 starships that have already used planetary gravity to push their speed to the limit. How difficult is it to turn around one hundred and eighty degrees, and how much confusion will it cause?

For this question, just imagine how one hundred thousand wild boars running in the same direction can turn their heads and escape after hearing the roar of a tyrannosaurus.

In the Huitian fleet, not all starship captains approve of this timid and stupid tactic.

But the so-called "involuntary body" is like this. Everyone is running away. No one cares about whose flanks. Whoever hesitates for half a second will turn into the last human shield and face Ding Lingdang. Hundred tons of anger attacked by the humanoid tyrannosaurus.

Therefore, even the captains who originally wanted to fight, saw that the friendly forces around them were so sluggish or even deliberate, they did not hesitate at the first time, they chose the emergency system that ignored the solid structure of the starship and the crazy consumption of fuel. Moving, ultra-small range maneuvering, big and fatal turns.

This is an avalanche chain reaction, a vicious circle.

Run, run, run, all the captains have the same mind. They don't have to run faster than the enemy-the bloodthirsty scimitar of the white star sword, as long as they run faster than the friendly army around them!

Break through Lei Chenghu’s remnant formation and retreat to the synchronous orbit of Yuding Star. Anyway, there are still a large number of land-based heavy firepower units on the surface of Yuding Star, which can output strong support. At that time, whether it is to regroup, and then After a battle, or continue to escape back to the Yellow Dragon Realm, the choice is much greater.

The abacus is very good, but it is a pity that these captains, directors, ministers, and committee chairmen have overlooked one thing.

There are two kinds of immortal cultivators in this world. They are one kind, while Lei Chenghu is another. They are the kind of immortal cultivators who are completely different from them, they have long forgotten, and even secretly laughed at them as unattainable immortal cultivators.

Just as the Huitian fleet changed its course unwillingly, and turned around 180 degrees, Lei Chenghu's seemingly fragmented formation also experienced an astonishing change.

The originally dim psychic shields shine a hundred times their brilliance in an instant, like blazing supernovae; the past few days have been silent, as if the power unit that has been blown out, sprays out thousands of powerful spirits. The flames caused the starships to ram, like fierce cannonballs; this "chaotic remnant of slumped morale and even loss of effective control" came back to life, with the dispatch of clouds and water, while maintaining ultra-high-speed advancement. , The patchwork, the stitches, formed the most perfect cone-shaped attack battle array!

The dumbfounded nobles, just at this time, they realized two things as if they had just woke up from a dream.

First, Lei Chenghu’s fleet has indeed suffered heavy losses in the past few days, and even voluntarily discarded a large number of slow-moving starships, but all the starships that were destroyed and discarded were mainly maintenance ships and integrated supply ships-these were loaded with a large number of starships. Although the super-heavy starship of materials is the essential core force for protracted combat, it may not be so important in a short assault.

Even after abandoning maintenance ships, comprehensive supply ships and various awkward auxiliary battleships, the front arrow composed of the all-faced Aegis ships and arsenal ships has become lighter, sharper, and more deadly!

Second, the power that Lei Chenghu still controls, including the flagship, was not as severely damaged as it was shown earlier. He actually concealed half of his firepower and defense power during the intense fierce battles throughout the day and night. Deliberately show weakness.

Until this moment, the fattest prey completely fell into the trap, and he stimulated 100% combat power, revealing the sharpest fangs of the "God of War"!


All the nobles in the Huitian fleet will be drowned in their own cold sweat in an instant.

The words "intentionally show weakness" are simple to say, but it is really difficult to achieve perfect performance in actual combat.

That means the commander’s absolute control over the fleet, as well as the commander’s own willpower and ruthless nerves. When necessary, he should watch the starship under his command, which does not have enough psychic shields, be attacked by the enemy. If you blow it up, you can't help in time.

To be cruel to yourself can be more cruel to the enemy.

The immortal cultivators of the four major families can do the second half perfectly, but they have forgotten that the first half represents the essence of the avenue of immortality.

Even so, even if Lei Chenghu could be so cruel that he sacrificed his own people in vain and pretended to be vulnerable to lure the Huitian fleet to the bait, his fleet just fell apart and chaotic, but it is a fact that everyone has seen with their own eyes. The nobles couldn't figure it out. Even in the name of "God of War", there is no reason to complete the perfect assembly of mercury in the short instant they turned around!

Yes, it is not enough to rely on a "God of War".

But "God of War" plus "Boxing King" is almost the same.


On Lei Chenghu’s flagship, the dignified empire "God of War" with his hands on his back, stands tall under the shimmering and shining light, and beside him stands a silver-colored steel giant with the back of the giant’s head to the spine, Hundreds of crystal cables are connected, extending all the way to the main control crystal brain of the flagship. At first glance, it has merged with the main control crystal brain of the flagship, and even the crystal brains of all the starships of the Lei Chenghu fleet. Together, they form a set of lightning-fast, strengthened tactical chains, and a set of super battle nets covering the heavens and stars.

This is the "Boxing King", which is different from Xiaoming, Wenwen, and even Fuxi. It is an information life that was born purely for fighting, for war and destruction, and is constantly cultivating, upgrading, and evolving toward the goal of "the strongest in the universe."

The experience, willpower and dominance of the God of War, coupled with the calculation power of the boxing king and the increase in Battle.net, can turn corruption into magic and complete incredible assemblies and surprise attacks.

"The Federal Expeditionary Force has already rushed up, and all the starships have entered a sub-light speed state. They have not left half a way back for themselves. It's really firm!"

The crystal cable behind the boxing champion quivered slightly, as if the data rushing in had quality, turning into a mass of hot magma, burning its crystal eyes hot, it quickly analyzed the data of the opposing friendly army, tightly Then, he let out a surprised exclaim, "The one who rushed to the front turned out to be their Speaker Ding Lingdang. What does this mean? Is it the unique fighting habit of the human civilization on the Xinghai Beach? It's... incredible!"

After a pause, it found a plausible explanation after calculations by lightning and stone fire-"However, for the unthinkable thing, just think that she is the wife of'Vulture Li Yao', everything makes sense."

Lei Chenghu looked at the rapidly changing information and cascading data on the light screen, and Ding Lingdang's roar that was enough to break the galaxy echoed in his ears.

"Star Federation Speaker Ding Lingdang is here, who will fight me to death!"

Lei Chenghu twitched the corner of his mouth, and the cold-blooded war god's face was cast in copper and iron, and there was also a trace of daze and surprise.

"Another monster."

Lei Chenghu smiled bitterly and murmured to himself, "Li Yao, Long Yangjun, Bai Xingjian, Your Majesty, and your mysterious and potentially infinite information life. Now there is another one who, as a military leader, likes to lead the charge. Ding Lingdang, there are more and more monsters in the middle of the Star Sea today, and it is getting more and more lively."

"Hu handsome, what are you talking about?"

The boxing king asked.

"It's nothing, I just feel that I am old, my head is completely stiff, it is difficult to understand monsters like you, and this... turbulent, infinitely exciting new era."

Lei Chenghu sighed, "My old age is gradually dying, and I can no longer keep up with you monsters. It seems that I should find a decent exit and completely give up the stage to you newcomers.


The Imperial God of War took a deep breath, and even though he said so, his eyes were stubborn, aggressive and bloodthirsty. He stared at the Huitian fleet that was gradually disintegrating on the light curtain, and the real gaze almost made the light. Every beam of mysterious light on the curtain was torn to pieces.

"I can walk off this stage that has been fighting for two hundred years by myself, but as long as I stay on this stage for a second, I am a dignified God of War. No one can force me to go down, and no one can be on this stage. Conquer me in the blood-stained sea of ​​stars, the empire, thunder into a tiger!"

Lei Chenghu squeezed the communicator into a "creak" and uttered a final roar at the whole army that had been suppressed for a long time, "See, the soldiers of the new empire, the guest army from the seaside of the stars, Just stepping into the unfamiliar battlefield of life, they were able to stir up such bravery and madness, and the enemies opposite them, those who claim to be'immortal cultivators', are how timid, selfish, and panic-stricken. There are so many ugly attitudes, we have lost all the faces of the immortal cultivators!

"We never admit that these greedy creatures are cultivators who are greedy and fearful of death. They are just maggots and cockroaches! They continue to live for a day, which is the most serious insult to Xiuxian Avenue! Let us end the despicable lives of these maggots, by the way Tell the guest army from afar, what a real immortal cultivator is like!"

Before the roar rang through every starship under his command, Lei Chenghu had ordered the flagship to speed up, speed up, speed up again, and directly smashed into the route of the Huitian fleet's rout.

Below the flagship, all starships have reduced the output power of the psionic shield to a minimum. The arc-shaped defense is mainly concentrated on the bow, giving up the defense against the flanks and rear. In this way, all the psionic energy is concentrated. On the billions of turrets, the strongest firepower was unleashed.

This extremely pungent tactic requires strong control over the starship, ensuring that its flanks will never be exposed to enemy fire.

In other words, the attacker has 120% confidence in his own firepower, and believes that as long as one charge and one round of volley, the enemy can be torn apart and defeated!

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