40,000 Years of Cultivation

Chapter 2930: Defeated like a mountain!

Although the sea of ​​stars is big, in front of the rushing war, the distance of millions of kilometers is only a blink of an eye.

It's too late, it's almost time, the nobles' screams like pigs slaughter are not rushing out of the throat, Ding Lingdang, White Star Sword and Lei Chenghu's three fleets, like three torrents of steel, from different directions Convergence, impacting the disintegrated battlefield of the nobles.

For a time, countless battle bridges condensed by dead lights were built between the starship and the starship. The chaotic magnetic field created by the fierce collision of the ultra-high-speed particle stream and the psionic shield is like a colorful pile The fog of rainbow spreads out, and the fog of death is extremely corrosive. In the blink of an eye, thousands of starships will be eroded to be riddled with holes, pits, and even shocking holes. A large number of crew, materials and fuel are all following. Holes gushing out, just like countless flame tentacles struggling and twitching feebly.

The three fleets on the offensive side have completely different fighting styles.

The arsonist united fleet of the White Star Sword is like a ghost sword that is as thin as a cicada's wings or even invisible. It cuts lightly into the weakest connection part of the four squadrons of the Huitian fleet, and will return to The Sky Fleet was divided and separated layer by layer, so that the large maintenance ships and integrated supply ships were completely exposed to the fierce firepower of the follow-up fleet, and the faster arsenal ships and destroyers were disoriented and interfered by strong magnetism. In, I can’t distinguish the location of the star and Yuding star, and I don’t know where to escape.

Ding Lingdang and the hundreds of giant soldiers who followed them unreasonably plunged into the densest area of ​​the Huitian Fleet starships, using the huge size of the starships to cover themselves, they are like hot iron. Chopsticks plunged into the tofu and stirred vigorously, reaching the bridge, arsenal, and power cabin. In just half a minute, a starship could completely lose its combat function and turn into a dark and cold iron coffin that drifted with the tide. Then he broke out of the shell and screamed and rushed to the next starship.

A group of hundreds of giant soldiers charge, this is a rare gorgeous scene in the epic battle in the center of Xinghai.

The Yuan Ying and Hua Shen of the Huitian fleet were stunned by Ding Lingdang's bravery and madness, and their hearts were broken.

Even though they can assemble the largest number of giant soldiers, but who is willing to throw these ultimate weapons that cannot be mass-produced into this crazy fire for nothing? What's more, hundreds of giant soldiers are engaged in street stalking battles inside their own starships, regardless of the victory or defeat, their own fleet is still at a loss!

Therefore, when no one took the lead, none of the Nascent Souls, Huashen and their giant soldiers of the Huitian Fleet were willing to confront Ding Lingdang and other Federation giant soldiers, but they tried their best to escape. Then, he ran into an iron plate made of steel and dead light cast by Lei Chenghu.

Unlike the sharpness of the White Star Sword and the madness of Ding Lingdang, Lei Chenghu presented the most formal and rigorous dignified formation. With the textbook-like starship dispatch and firepower coordination, the nobles gave an impressive lesson. Lesson——What is the Battle of Xinghai, what is the invincible imperial army, what is the real immortal cultivator!

The sprint speed is not inferior to that of the White Star Sword, and the firepower is so powerful that it almost obscures the entire star sea, but every salvo of the Lei Chenghu fleet is targeted, the hit rate is terrifying, and the execution of the superior order is very resolute. Keep the formation in order. Even if the nobles’ starships are found on the way forward, they have no intention of evading them. They just slammed straight into them, even if they were all knocked into a bright ball of fire. Do not hesitate.

The overwhelming blast of spar and high-energy particles fell like a torrential rain in the battlefield of the Huitian fleet, like countless golden swords severely cutting the fluffy snow, and the starship continued to explode. The weird distortions produced are like colored diamonds refracting criss-crossing light. In just one round of crisscrossing, the Huitian fleet is on the verge of a total collapse.

Many starships have completely lost the courage to fight, and their turrets are all pulled down, but all the fuel is sent to the psionic shield and power unit, trying to seize the way, and even collide with each other in order to compete for the best escape route. Together.

More crystal armors and space war shuttles originally wanted to entangle the enemy for a while, but they were stunned to discover that the mothership completely ignored their lives and flees without looking back.

Losing the mothership is equal to losing the hope of survival. In addition to yelling, the nobles who want to cry but surrender obediently—close most of their magic weapon units and minimize their spiritual reaction, and A signal of "surrender" was sent on the public channel, waiting for the verdict of fate.

There are also a few giant soldiers belonging to the four major families that have already been put on the battlefield, but they look at the unstoppable White Star Sword and the combined fleet of arsonists ahead, like the crazy Ding Lingdang and the Federal Expeditionary Force, and then look at it. Behind the buttocks, the imposing Lei Chenghu fleet, and the allied forces that were crippled and fleeing, groaned for a moment, then retracted one by one, using precious fuel on the mothership that was chasing him.

What's a joke, just one round of fighting, the victory and defeat cannot be more clearly divided, the defeat is like a mountain, the chaos in front of you, even if the Black Star Emperor Wu Yingqi is resurrected, it is impossible to clean up, they will not run away, they are still waiting for Will the Huitian fleet be buried with congenital deformities, acquired deficiencies, each with a ghost, and a dead end?

The offensive's destructive firepower even extended all the way to the core of the Huitian fleet, the total flagship of absolute safety in theory.

"Boom! Boom boom boom boom boom boom!"

Inside the flagship, there were bursts of loud noises that looked like a depth bomb exploded. Most of the officers and soldiers were holding their heads, and even some officers and soldiers were desperate to activate the jelly-like cushioning gel, hiding inside shivering like an ostrich, looking forward to it. When the starship is exploded, it can increase their survival probability-they are ready to be prisoners.

In the Supreme Joint Operations Conference, there were bursts of screams tearing the sky apart.

"What to do, the enemy's firepower is too fierce, what is going on!"

"Get out of the way, why are there so many starships blocking our retreat channel, Song Cishuai, how on earth did you command, let these people who don't know how serious they are, let them go behind, let us evacuate safely!"

"This is all the fault of your Song family. This is the territory of your Song family. Your intelligence is wrong. You are responsible. You are solely responsible for the fiasco of this war. When you return to the Yellow Dragon Realm, you will return to your Majesty’s presence. , Benhou must take part in your book, wait, you all wait for Benhou!"

"Song Cishuai, Song Cishuai, what are you doing? Are you not the commander of the Huitian fleet, the supreme commander of the Yuding Battle? Find a way and send us back to Yudingxing. No, go directly to Huanglong. Jie, otherwise, be careful of your heads falling!"

Dozens of generals, ministers, and masters of the Yun family, the Li family and the Dongfang family have all targeted the Song family and Song Bugui. In Song Bugui’s body, they vent their views on Lei Chenghu and the Federation. Fear, save a bit of face.

Even Song Lixing, the future elector of the Song family, looks like a half-dead man-eating pomfret stranded on the shore, limp in the command chair, panting quickly, grinding his teeth and staring at Song Bu with extremely bitter eyes. Return.

"...Yes, the subordinates will do their best to **** you adults back to their hometown safely."

In the face of the torrential spitting star, Song Bugui remained expressionless, bowed deeply, pouting his **** and backing out.


In the shadows deep in the tunnel, the eldest son and dozens of others in the uniforms of communications soldiers, but with sturdy backs and high temples, appeared like a killing machine.


There was a loud noise again from the tail of the main flagship, but this time it did not appear to have been shelled, it seemed to have been damaged by internal personnel, causing a violent implosion in the power cabin.

The speed of the total flagship suddenly slowed down.

Song Bugui, father and son, had been prepared for a long time, and they were firmly anchored on the deck like nails.

The noble generals in the conference room were caught off guard and exclaimed in anger.

Song Bugui held the bulkhead, and beside it was a circular virtual porthole. In the three-dimensional light curtain, the stars and the gunfire reflected each other, making him particularly gloomy and tangled.

"It's really...not reconciled!"

Song Bugui smiled bitterly, looked at the blood-stained sea of ​​stars outside the window, and muttered, "Juncai, do you believe it, if our Huitian fleet is a united and unified army, it has the true foundation of the Black Star Emperor thousands of years ago. In the human empire, the spirit of seeing death as home and being invincible, we actually have a chance in this battle.

"Our starship is not inferior to the enemy, and the number and quality of the giants are not too different. In terms of key indicators such as the strength of ammunition, fuel, and psionic shields, they even surpass the enemy. The three parts of Lei Chenghu, White Star Sword, and Federal Reinforcement Forces also have fatal problems such as coordination and inconsistency, subtle gaps between each other, and the enemy is just bluffing, using desperado madness to cover up their Weakness.

"So, if I can control 100% of the Huitian fleet, without these **** pigs and dogs getting in the way, and enable the whole army to carry out my will to the end, even if I am a mediocre person, it may not be impossible to defeat the legend. 'God of War' in China!

"It's... regretful, dominating the mighty army, posing in a dignified array, in an upright and thunderous duel, colliding with a celebrity like Lei Chenghu to produce the brightest sparks, even if he died covered by billions of artillery fires. Below, it is also the highest glory of a cultivator and professional soldier.

"I would rather die in such a glorious manner, rather than stay alive..."

"Father, why did you say this?"

The eldest son took a step forward, drew out half of the Concussion Sabre, and cut the railroad stubbornly, "Good birds choose wood and live there. It's still too late. Maybe you have to take a step forward!"

"It's too late, you don't understand, it's too late for anything. From the moment the four major electors stole the highest power of the empire hundreds of years ago, it was too late. You don't understand, you don't understand!"

Song Bugui sighed for a long time, wiped his face, and gradually gritted his teeth, and said coldly, "Well, this ugly farce has been tossing long enough, whether it’s the Empire or Xiuxian Avenue. Human civilization cannot withstand such a toss. Now, let us end the performance of these clowns with our own hands!"

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